145 – The end of the war (1)

Spent several more days in the capital, maintaining superficial peace.

Ner and Arwin stayed the same as before.

I joked with Ner and went for a walk.

I learned to write while talking with Arwin.

At the same time, I continued training with Gale.

Like a habit that comes out when it’s hard, I was focusing on training.

The same was the case with the head of the Red Flame Team.

Is it because he knows that the warriors and the king are trying to end the war?

Maybe it’s because he knows that the final battle is coming soon.

As in the past when there was no time to spare, the crew continued training with me.

And as I was doing that, I was able to detect a strange change in the atmosphere that, as expected, began centered around the soldiers in the capital.

I began to frequently see soldiers running around, and soldiers praying frequently.

The smithy worked non-stop, and the stables began to feed the horses.

Sensing these changes, strange sensations arise in my mind.

I wondered if the end was really approaching.

It was a war that changed my life forever.

If it had not been for this war, my life would have been very different.

Do we really see the end in an instant like this?

My saliva keeps getting dry.

As it is the final battle, an unpleasant feeling of anxiety that I will lose many of my crew continues to surround me.

At the same time, I could not quite calm my mind due to the many separation thoughts I would face after the war.

I then looked at the running soldier and asked Gale.

He seemed to know something about him.

“…Are you getting ready to go?”


Gale remained silent for a moment as if he was trying to save his words, but then nodded and answered.

“…Okay. Felix requested soldiers from all over the country. “I’m preparing the most powerful blow quickly and quietly.”


I let out a heavy sigh at those words.

I was literally preparing quietly.

It meant that behind this calm situation, a fierce war was waiting.

It was like the calm before the storm.

It is hard to believe that the end of the war is approaching.

Gail looked at me.

“…I will soon send you back to the Red Flames. “I’ve spent enough time in the capital.”


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“A fierce battle will probably come to the Red Flames. “It’s inevitable in a situation that attracts so much attention.”


I heard that Adam would be awarded a title if he made a contribution in the war.

As Gale said, we are in a situation where we can no longer withdraw from the war.

This was especially true when we thought about the peace that would come to us after the final war.

It was a clear opportunity given to those of us who were looking for a way out.

I still think.

…If Adam becomes a nobleman, will we still need Blackwood and Celebrien?


No matter what, having allies is a good thing.

I touched the sword at my waist.

I tried to focus on positive things rather than negative things.

Once this war is over, countless separations will also end.

You will no longer lose your crew suddenly, and you will no longer have to suffer from that anxiety.

Literally, I am tired of being a mercenary.

I wanted to sit in a peaceful place and spend my daily life calmly.

-Boo woo woo! Boo Woo Woo!

At that time, a horn sounded.

It was the sound of a trumpet summoning soldiers.

Gail looks at me at that sound.

I looked at Gale too.

Numerous soldiers began to gather at the sound.

I felt that the end was approaching.


The king appears at the training ground where the captains of the soldiers are endlessly gathered.

He looked like a general about to go to the battlefield, wearing armor and a sword.

The knights were with him.

I watched the King from the outskirts of the training ground.

Chief Joe, Ner, and Arwin, who had also gathered at the sound of the horn, were by my side.

The king walked out with a serious expression and opened his mouth after examining the atmosphere.

“…The hero is aiming for an end to the war.”

At that sound, all the captains started to mutter.

I knew about the rumors, but I was surprised to hear the king speak directly.

“…I think I have to see the end too. Our kingdom is gradually reaching its limits. There are already many families that have gone extinct, and there are many families that are going to extinction. There are even aristocratic families that have requested support from their families as compensation.”

At those words, Ner and Arwin flinched.

I didn’t look in that direction.

“I heard that there are people who started eating grass roots, tree bark, and monster corpses because they had nothing to eat.”

The King became tense and continued his speech even in a mood that was beginning to sink.

His voice echoed.

“We tried to kill the Demon King’s right arm and exterminate the Demons one by one, but we may not have much time left. “The hero said that the perfect moment may never come.”

The King took a deep breath and spoke in a louder voice.

“So this might be the last time. This may be your last chance to protect the family you love, the family you feel like you belong to, and your clan. The moment has come to end the war and live a time of peace. All options are in our hands. Of course I’m afraid I wonder if I might die in this final battle. “If I just get over this moment… I think peace will come.”

The king remained silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth.

“But…Think only of the living, and do not be afraid of separation.”

My eyes turned to the king.

He gave off an atmosphere I had never seen before, and his eyes were shining.

The anger unique to the Yongin tribe began to bubble out from within him.


The king drew his sword and pointed forward.

“This is also a moment of revenge. “It is also time to vent our anger towards the demons who have caused the kingdom to suffer for seven years.”

Those words make me think about the relationships I have let go of one by one.

“You all here also know. Because of these demons…! “How many separations have we experienced and how many precious people have we lost…!”

The king was not wrong.

We have experienced so many breakups.

There were many vain and painful breakups.

The king must have shaken the hearts of the soldiers, as exclamations and cries come out from all over.


‘That’s right!’

‘My parents were also attacked by monsters…!’

The king continued despite that.

“If you are afraid, get angry! This will be the last time! Don’t regret the moments when you couldn’t take revenge after the war ended! “It will suffocate the devil!”

The Yongin soldiers began spewing out short bursts of flame from their mouths.

“The hero has protected us until now! Everyone in the warrior group has supported us so far! “Now it’s our turn to be courageous!”

Seeing such a positive response, the King shouts for the last time.

“Let’s move on!”

The knight next to him shouts along with the words.

“All troops! Ready to launch!”

Everyone dispersed after those words.

Ner, who was next to me, gently hugged my arm and looked up at me.

Her eyes were full of confusion.

“…The end of the war?”


“Did you know, Berg?”

I looked down at Ner and said.

“…I only found out about it recently.”


Perhaps because I realized that the atmosphere was different from usual, fear began to appear in my eyes.

“If you do that too, maybe…”


My voice echoes in the training ground.

The king was looking at me from afar.

I uncrossed Ner’s arms and approached the king.

Gail also follows along.

He spoke to me in a different mood than usual.

“Now go back to the Red Flame Dan.”

I nodded.

“And this is an order to the Red Flames…And an opportunity for you. I’d like you to pass it on to Adam. “It’s okay if you don’t follow it, but… you have to make a good choice.”


A word that can sound like a suggestion or a warning.

I remained silent.

The thoughts were not mine. I planned to only follow Brother Adam’s orders.

…But I already knew that Adam would follow the king’s orders.

In the meantime, he was Adam, who had been running the mercenary corps while taking countless risks, and there was no case where he was given a certain amount of money as now.

The King said.

“Lead the mercenary group and go to Batra.”

At those words, I looked up at the king.

Batra was my hometown.

It was the place where I spent my childhood, the place where I met my older brother Adam, and the place where I shared memories with Sien.

The King spoke to me as I waited for an explanation.

“There is information that the devil’s right hand man was seen there. “They will probably launch an attack against Batra Village soon.”

“…Do you mean to subjugate?”

The King shook his head.

“It would be great if that were possible. But that’s unlikely. “It’s something that not even the warriors and his party have been able to catch.”


“…When the warrior group begins to attack the Demon King, the Demon King’s right arm will begin to return to save the Demon King. “I want the Red Flame Dan to block the road and take as much time as possible.”


I blinked at those words.

Even if you just listen, it was an incredibly dangerous mission.

Is this saying that our Hongyeomdan should bear the entire risk?

Is there no other military to share the burden with?

“It is safe to say that if the devil’s right arm reaches the devil, the war will be lost. It doesn’t seem like the warrior’s group will have the strength to deal with both of them at the same time. “Do you understand how important this mission is?”

I finally couldn’t hold back and asked.

“…Is there no support?”

“There will be soldiers helping from Batra City. The reality is that I can’t hope for anything else. The remaining army will all go towards the devil. “To begin with, there aren’t that many manpower left in the kingdom to fight.”

“…Other mercenary groups…”

“If you can ask for help, ask for it. We will also support you. But…”


“…Would the mercenaries want to participate in this dangerous fight?”

I couldn’t refute those words.

As a mercenary, I also knew.

It is difficult to expect support from other mercenary groups.

Mercenary groups always weigh reward and risk.

But this time, the enemy was not a leader, but an intelligent demon. Although it was my first time dealing with an enemy, I had heard countless stories about its danger.

Someone also leaked a story that says that one cannot be killed unless one has been chosen by God.

The mercenary group was so unruly, and because of that, the nobles were reluctant, and because of that, Brother Adam also began to look for a way out.

While thinking, the King speaks.

“Berg. I will go back now.”


“….I wish you good luck.”


It took time to get from Jackson’s territory to the capital, but two days were enough to get from the capital to Stockin.

I sent a letter to Brother Adam with Arwin’s help, and from then on, I focused entirely on returning to Stockin.

Gail also followed us.

There are already four fighters on the battlefield on the Demon King’s side, so the Demon King’s right hand man means that he will fight as well.

I was grateful for his companionship.

Chief Joe couldn’t find the same smile as before as he rode his horse.

Everybody seemed to have an idea of what was coming.

I also felt a different atmosphere than usual.

I am afraid that I will lose someone again soon.

It was the same even after setting up the camp.

A serious atmosphere flowed among all members, as if the peaceful daily life spent in the capital had become a dream.

In a way, I didn’t even know if I could say it was a moderate tension.

Not a hopeless atmosphere like being dragged to a slaughterhouse, but it seemed to sharpen the sharpness that must be possessed on the battlefield.

Before it was time to get a good night’s sleep, I gathered the group of bosses.

Tomorrow we would be joined by the Red Flames.

I’m sure there will be plenty of time to talk after that, but I also felt that now was the right time.

I shared a glass of wine with the crew members and then said to them.

“….It’s the last time.”

Ner and Arwin looked at me from behind.

“…Let’s all survive. Of course, it’s a story after Adam decided to follow the king’s order.”

At my words, Baran broke the glass and replied.

“…Whatever you choose, I will follow you to the end, vice-captain.”

Sean also said.

“Vice-captain, please give birth to a baby after the war.”

A burst of laughter passes by.

I laughed with a bitter smile at those words.

Jackson also answers.

“Vice-captain, if war breaks out, don’t do anything too risky.”

Burns finished.

“As always, everything will work out well. “I trust the leader and vice-captain.”

I nodded and drank.


In a tense atmosphere, night came quickly.

Berg smiled and greeted Ner and Arwin without change, as if he wanted a normal atmosphere.

Ner could not say anything to Berg.

The only thing I could do was keep up with the current confusing situation.

The final war came overnight.

Berg seemed to have already guessed it, but Ner did not know.

I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t get it out easily due to the problems that those words might cause.

I want to tell Berg not to leave.

I would like to suggest that you skip the last fight.

But Berg was not the type of person to do that.

If I had to take a risk, I took it. I wasn’t someone who would hide behind the scenes.

I didn’t know that I was even more anxious for that reason.

Even if Berg goes wrong in the war…


It was a home that made breathing difficult just by imagining it.

“…What’s wrong?”

Berg asked worriedly as he looked at Ner sitting on the bed, catching his breath.

Luckily today was the day she slept with Berg.

He made her smile for her nervousness.

But even with that smile, Ner could not easily calm her heart.


Ner shook her head and swallowed her words.

Berg looked at her like that, took off her clothes, blew out her candle, and lay down on her bed.

Ner followed him and laid down on the bed as well.

Naturally, it hangs on his arm and wraps its tail around his thigh.

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I have been resting in this position for the past several dozen days.

But today, Ner held on to him a little stronger.

I feel more strongly when he is next to me.

I couldn’t close my eyes.

You see Berg alive and strong next to you.

Berg chuckled and whispered at that action.

“…I’m glad you’re worried though.”


Ner wonders what kind of sad words that are.

He said in a blunt tone.

“…Of course I’m worried.”



Berg was the first choice she made according to her heart. She threw away her grandmother’s advice and her prophecy that had supported her, and chose Berg.

How could such a being not be anxious as he heads into a dangerous battle?

Ner thought this might be his chance, so he spoke.

“…Don’t go…”



At those words, Berg looked back at her in the darkness.

Ner’s race could see their opponents clearly no matter how dark it was.

Berg’s expression changed every moment.

I felt like I was digesting a lot of confusing emotions.

“…I’ll be back.”

He said.

Ner wanted to believe that, but he still felt uneasy.

The expression on his face was not as relaxed as before.



Berg looked at that expression and stretched out his hand as if he was struggling as well.

His hand touched his cheek like yesterday.

A long exchange of glances takes place.



Then, Berg straightened his upper body.

His hand is placed on the other side of Ner.

Before we knew it, Berg was supporting himself with his arms and looking down at Ner.


Ner’s heart began to beat as if it would burst due to his anxious heart and his trembling heart.

I kept blinking as Berg’s mood was different from usual.


For some reason, Berg continues to make a painful expression.

I don’t know if he thought it would be hidden in the dark, but he only shows expressions he didn’t normally see.

– Side.

Soon, Berg lowered his head and kissed Ner’s neck.


Even in this situation, I get goosebumps as if my body is melting.

It was a level of pleasure she couldn’t handle.

And the more you feel that happiness, the deeper your obsession with the current situation becomes.

Ner trembled and put his hand between him and him with difficulty.

“…Why are you doing this now…”

Ner swallowed his tears and whispered to Berg.

It feels like the actions of a person preparing for the end.

Berg stopped her movement at her crying.

“…Don’t go, Berg.”

She whispered, closing her eyes.

I didn’t have the strength to face him anymore.

“…You know it’s not possible.”

Berg says.

“…Don’t go.”

Ner spoke again.

“…I’ll be back.”

Berg only returned the promise.

Until now, Berg has kept his promise unconditionally.

Even if there is a limit to hide and hide.

There has never been a time when I didn’t keep my words.

So I wanted to be relieved to hear that he was coming back, but Ner didn’t want to take the slightest risk.

I just didn’t want him to go to the battlefield.


Berg’s hand brushed Ner’s waist.

The hand that was swimming under his body reached his tail.

Even though Ner was trembling, he didn’t have time to worry about him right now.


Her Anxiety as if this would be her last keeps shaking her.

She couldn’t overcome that anxiety in the end, and made a promise to Berg.

“………Do it when you get back.”


“…When we get back…Let’s do it…Huh?”

The greatest courage in life as Ner.

If you make a promise like this, you might be more careful on the battlefield.

I didn’t know if I could make a little impact.

Ner also stretched out his hands and lovingly grabbed Berg’s cheeks.

But Berg remained silent for a strangely long time.

Ner opened his eyes at the reaction that didn’t come back.

The pain on his face was still unresolved.

He whispered.

“……When I come back… you… me…”

Ner asks back at that inaudible whisper.



Berg was silent for a while, then smiled.

It was an expression that seemed to hide a lot of pain.

Soon, Berg removed his hand from Ner’s body.

I stroked her cheek dearly, then lay down softly in her place.

“…Okay. “I’ll be back.”

He said.

Then she let out a long sigh and closed her eyes.

The next day, they arrived at Stockpin.

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