129 – Bad Habits (1)

“Wouldn’t you be happy that way?”


“I don’t think there is anything wrong with Arwin-sama or Silprien-sama…”

Arwin stiffened at the saintess’ words.

It was a concern that I carefully revealed in order to gain my own strength, but it was embarrassing to come to such a simple negative conclusion.

Besides, the person who conveyed the words was the Saint of Purity.

Is it a question with a fixed answer to the extent that such a being would say that?


But when someone told me to leave, Arwin’s feelings became clearer.

It wasn’t because of Simbo the tree frog.

Every time someone talks about a specific breakup, I imagine a specific breakup, and when that happens, a specific rejection arises again.


But in the meantime, the saintess adds.

“If you love someone who can’t even promise to love you… How true will your heart be?”

Arrwyn’s feelings were strangely hurt by those words.

It’s as if he’s trying to convey the message that Berg and himself cannot be deeply in love.

The saintess continued.

“…After a divorce, if you meet someone else, you may change your mind again. You might remember that what you are worrying about right now is not a big deal.”

And as the story continued, Arwin realized.

That what the saintess said was wrong.

Her heart was telling her that.

In the end, Arwin answered.

I cover her up so she doesn’t feel ashamed.

“…It’s not like I can say I want a divorce anyway.”

“You have to try. Are you going to continue your married life with someone you don’t even love?”


Arwin felt the scent of Berg in the voice of the saintess.

I remember what he said about not wanting to live with his wife all his life.

Is it because they are of the same race? Arwin did not know.

Speak instead. He had a desire to get away from an uncomfortable topic.

“…Berg said he wouldn’t let me go.”

At those words, the saintess turned her head and asked in a whisper.

“…Berg did that?”

Arwin frowned at the saintess’ words.


No matter how much she is a saint, she doesn’t like calling someone else’s husband by her name.

Even if he was a commoner and a mercenary, he wasn’t one to be treated so badly.

But the saintess did not apologize for that.

As if he wouldn’t change her words.



Arwin finally said, swallowing a strange feeling.

“Thank you for your words. But… The story of divorce doesn’t seem like a conversation I’d like to share with the saintess here.”

Then cut the story.

I didn’t want to talk about the same topic anymore.

… Arwin already seemed to have come to a conclusion in his own heart.


The saintess was silent and turned her head away.

For a while, the two of them sat like that, passing time.

The weather was beautiful.

Bright sunshine and cool air.

Perhaps it is because they are hiding in the garden and having a conversation, the scent of flowers wafts in.

While resting together, the saintess opened her mouth again.

“…When the weather is like this, I think of that person.”


She seemed to be trying to erase her pain by recalling her own happy memories.

I could understand. The power of happy memories existed.

For Arwin recently, that was his memory with Berg.

Perhaps the day will come when Arwin will continue to think of him like a saint, based on the countless memories he and Berg have accumulated in the future.

The saintess continues.

“When the weather is like this…they put me on their lap and they always blew me on the grass flute.”

“…Was it?”

“Where did you learn it, you blew really well. It must have been for me. And then you stroke his hair… smile… and whisper I love you.”

Arwin’s heart skipped a beat when he whispered that he loved her.

I felt like I had experienced a future with Berg, at least indirectly.

“So for a while, days with nice weather like this were the hardest. I remember that person…”

After the saintess finished her words, she carefully stood up from her seat.

Arwin was also in the midst of being uncomfortable with the seat anyway, so he thought there was nothing wrong with it.

The saintess began to move her steps.

“…Arwin. Let me give you one piece of advice.”

Then she said.

Arwin stood still in his seat.

The saintess turned around and smiled.

She said and then she said.

“Don’t make a choice you will regret.”


The saintess who let out a small laugh for the last time speaks.

“A single mistake…Can change your whole life.”

Then she turned her body and left without hesitation.

Arwin pondered over the words of her saintess.

What did the choice to regret mean?

Did I mention the choice to be with Berg, or the choice to distance myself from him?

Arwin did not know.

It was just that the aftertaste of the awkwardness I felt earlier lingered in my mouth.


I went around the Jackson family estate with my brother to explain the battle that had taken place the other day.


“Uh. Because someone like the captain of the guard blocked it.”

“Yes. Good job.”

It didn’t mean much, but it was an older brother’s action to collect as much information as possible.

Even the things I wanted to pass on because it was annoying, Hyung always took care of them meticulously.

You said you didn’t know when and where you would need any information.

I heard that there is nothing wrong with knowing.

It wasn’t that I didn’t like that type of brother.

I always followed my brother’s request.

Because it was hard for me to understand his brother’s meaning with my head.

My older brother and I looked at the street after the battle review was over.

Thousands of soldiers were pouring out and cleaning the streets that looked like ruins.

The bodies were disposed of, the remains cleared, the blood washed away.

It was said to be a work to prepare for the disease.

“…I need to know this.”

My brother whispers as he watches the soldiers cleaning.


When I asked back, the older brother smiled and said.

“…I told you before, Berg.”


“Why, saying that we want to get our own land.”

I shook my head thoughtfully.

I’m sure Blackwood said that.

“You said you wanted to become a nobleman?”

“Yes. I made a promise with the king this time.”


“…They said they would give you a title and a land if you do well on the battlefield.”

I blinked at those words, then gradually smiled.


“Yes. I really feel like I’ve found a way out now.”

I fell silent at his words.

Admiration and smile come at the same time.

My complicated head clears up for a while.

I definitely felt the joy right away.


“That’s right. These days, you too are tired of being a mercenary.”


I took a deep breath at his words.

Speak after organizing your thoughts for a while.

“…They didn’t want the kids to die.”

“That’s it. How can a mercenary not die?”


I couldn’t find anything to refute, so I clicked my tongue and said.

“Anyway. That’s great.”

Hyung also smiled at me like this.

“…Berg. Hold on a little longer The end is coming.”


I get strange comfort from my brother’s words.

And I feel it at the same time.

That’s what Gale and Adam said to me.

…Maybe I’m really tired of fighting now.

It was a mercenary job that I started with Adam, but now my mind has changed a lot.

At the time, it was something I started to die for, but when that mind calmed down, another pain arose.

I hated losing precious people.

The heart of not wanting to lose my person continued to exist.

Maybe that’s why I’m trying harder to get along with my wives now.

I tried to protect them somehow, and I put the promise with them first.

In the meantime, my older brother laughs.

“Isn’t it amazing?”


“From a position where you have to make a claim, you and I are the candidates for Rin’s fighters.”


“…Sometimes I feel like I’m riding on some irresistible flow.”

I followed my brother and thought for a while, then brushed off my thoughts.

Tell him.

“You know I don’t believe that.”

The older brother smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

“Human Hero Berg!!”

At that moment, someone shouted my name on the street.

When I looked in that direction, I saw a human male cheering for me.

Looks like a resident of the Jackson estate.

Hyung also looked at it with interest.

“As expected, I think your name has spread a bit.”

Starting with that man, cheers poured out towards me from here and there.


I was just curious about them.

No matter how human it is, it was the same.

My brother burst into laughter at their voices.

The hyung who laughed for a long time says.

“You should be a nobleman, Berg. Everyone will follow you.”

I shook my head and said.

“I can’t do that because it’s annoying. And my brother is the leader, so he should do it.”

Even though I said this seriously, my brother just kept giggling.

Soon I turned around.

I wasn’t used to this kind of attention.

“Let’s go back now.”

Hyung also nodded.

In the meantime, someone else shouted.

“You are the pride of the Human race, Berg! I heard that the number of subjugations is next to that of the hero!”

“Together with the saintess, you are the hero of the human race!”

At the ensuing cheers, the two words stick together.

‘Saint’ and ‘Berg’.

People started chanting as one.


From noble mtl dot com

Unbeknownst to me, I was frozen in place.

My older brother looked at me like that and said.

The voices that were taken as a joke until the other day are now taken seriously.

“…The Jackson family might be asserting through you that the Humans aren’t just ugly, as much as they caused trouble to the warriors. Let the king listen.”


“It’s a yard that even came to the Dreygo family. The family may be destroyed and the land may be taken away. People will be more concerned.”

I nodded and moved on.

Then, very easily, Xian comes into my field of vision.

She looks at me from afar, as if she found me.

She listened to the two words chanted by the Humans and watched me again with that sorrowful expression.



Even when their names are called together, only a strange feeling is filled.

…Did we ever think that a moment like this would come?

Memories of being with her in the slums now seem far away.

Shien was watching me from afar and crying.

To her, the memory of me is still as if it were yesterday.

I looked at Shien and asked her older brother.

My fists are getting stronger.

“…When do we leave?”


Similarly, my older brother, who discovered Xian, tells me that.

“Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I need to have a meeting with the King before I leave.”

I nodded at that answer.

Then, with difficulty taking her gaze away from Shien, she moved on.


The meeting my brother talked about was held the next day.

A meeting attended by all concerned.

The Lizardmen nobles of the Pantra family, and the Dwarf nobles of the Dom family.

The hero’s party, the king, and Gale.

Prince of the Jackson family.

And my brother and I too.

Everyone sits around a large round table.

I looked at the people taking their seats, followed Adam and sat next to him.


As soon as I settled down, Shien sat down next to me.


She looked at her for a moment, but Shien didn’t even look at me, as if she didn’t want to accept my opinion.

My eyes were red because I cried a lot recently.

I looked in front of her as it got hard to keep looking at her for a long time.

In the still cluttered space, Cien suddenly whispers.

It was a sound only I could hear.

“…I know.”

I stayed silent at her words.

“…If you really hated me…You wouldn’t be so angry. You’re so angry because I still have a heart for you.”


“…You like me more than people who were married through arranged marriages…”


“Now, those women I’ve been with for only a few months are better than me, who I’ve been with for more than 6 years…? They say they’re more precious than me, who’ve been looking at each other since we had nothing…? I… don’t believe it.”

When I bring up the topic of wives, I feel a sense of backlash.

She replied coldly to her.

“…I don’t know what you mean, saintess.”

– Took.

At that nonchalant statement, Shien fell face down on her desk.

She realizes that she is shedding tears again with her trembling shoulders.

I didn’t care even though the king was in front of me.

She whispered again.

“Please… can’t I call you by my first name…?”


“…What was my name…I can’t even remember…”

I let out a heavy sigh between my teeth.

I didn’t know why she kept doing this.

Weren’t we over?

Wasn’t she going to live as a saint?

Now, I don’t know what the hell will change.

I don’t know why you’re giving me this pain.

She’s still the one she can’t even touch.

In the end I asked.

“…You keep saying that something is different.”

I don’t want my wives to doubt our relationship, so I put down the honorifics I tried to keep.

“…Why are you belatedly doing this to me…”

Looking ahead, Gale and the king are having a conversation.

Our private conversation was not paying attention to anyone.

Shien whispered then.

“……I always tried to finish the karma given to me and go back to you.”


“…She had no intention of living as a saint… Anywhere.”


“…I told you, I was just afraid of you dying…”


“…So…Please take off your anger now…Me too…With you…”

She couldn’t keep her back, but she seemed to be trying to convey her words that she wanted to draw a future with me.

My face was distorted before I knew it.

“… I promised her wives no more new wives.”

I was whispering before I knew it.

“Don’t talk about the past… to me anymore.”


If it was a promise and a promise that would break so easily, I wouldn’t have made it.

If I had such a simple mind, I would have forgotten Sien 7 years ago and embraced many new women.

I knew what to prioritize immediately.

It was Nere and Arwin who became my wife… Not Shien, who was once my everything.

At those words, Shien let out her short breath as if she burst into laughter.

“… Ha…”


As if talking to herself, she muttered.

“…What the hell have I been doing for the past 7 years…?”


At the same time, the cluttered atmosphere subsides and everyone is seated.

Silence came.

King Rex Draigo scanned the room with his sharp eyes.

His eyes turned to Shien, who was struggling.

Soon his eyes looked at me, and the meeting started as naturally as if he hadn’t seen Shien since.

As long as the party of warriors were present, the main focus was on how to lead the war.

Where is the next destination, where are the sightings of the demons, are there any rumors spreading…Etc.

Gail and Felix, the King and his aides led the main story.

Occasionally, the king would ask his brother Adam for his opinion.

Adam gave his own answer without hesitation.

As the conversation continued, Shien also carefully wiped away her tears and straightened her upper body.

Once again, whisper to me.

“……I never.”

I saw Shien.

Shien sees me too.

The eyes are right.

She feels this way again… But she has changed a lot too.

I have become more mature and stronger.

Above the red eyes, I can see the eyes that gathered strength again.

Not the crybaby Shien who leaned on me in the past, but a hero who overcame everything.


She gritted her teeth.

Then he said firmly.

“I will never give up on you.”

My breath stops for an instant.

“…Because you are mine. Because no one loves you more than me.”

She said.

I couldn’t answer that.

For a moment, I only realized how deep our relationship was.

…In a way, she was the only person who loved me this much.

Meanwhile, the king raised his voice and said,

“Okay, let’s change the subject then.”

At those words, I looked ahead.

Shiendo looks forward.

All eyes were on the king.

He knocked on the desk and said in a serious voice.

“I felt something this time…I want to hear what everyone thinks. At this point in time, people who can represent the human race have also gathered.”

The king looked at Adam’s brother.

Next is me.

Next is Xian.

And finally, Prin.

The king took a breath and asked everyone.

“Polygamy among the human race.”


His expression wriggled at those words.

But he didn’t stop.

Adjusts the atmosphere with his unique grasping power.

“…I think it’s a bad habit, what do you think?”

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