“What kind of prop is the mother asked?”

“It is the kind of prop that can help me lose weight, but it may not be reduced at all if you rely on diet.”

Yuzi also knew that she would fail every time she lost weight, so she could only send it to Doraemon’s props.

Her requirements are not high, she can lose ten pounds and twenty pounds.

“Do mom want to lose weight? I happen to have a prop that can be used here.”

Blue Fat … No, it was Doraemon holding a paper bag to burn in a paper bag and walked in from outside the door, just to hear the mother and son’s conversation.

As a robotic cat that is not so rich, most of the props bought by Doraemon are discounted. What can I buy? Seeing God’s will, can I use it, but also depends on my mother. Now I heard my mother say I want to lose weight. He remembered that there was a prop that he could use it.

“Doraemon, do you need diet?”

Yuzi is a little worried that if she needs to die, she may have no effect at all with her willpower.

“Rest assured, mom, this prop, this prop not only does not need to die, but also allows you to eat food in the world casually. This is the 22nd century.

Doraemon introduced the props while looking for his own space bag.

He used this prop to Nobo, but it was once used once. After being taught, this prop can only lie in his pocket to eat ash. If the general item, Doraemon will be useless after the item is useless. Buried on the spot or was thrown into the four -dimensional trash can, but only this prop, because the shelf life was quite long, was not lost by him.

Eat all the machines, or food machines, a prop that looks like a bicycle, with three gears, which are near the home, domestic, and foreign, and the machine has a global food map in the machine.

As long as the pedal pedal, you can enjoy the food where you choose, the taste is 100 % simulated. This prop is the favorite of people with weight loss.

“This proper really allows me to eat food casually and lose weight?”

Yuzi touched the white bicycle props, and some couldn’t believe that there were such amazing props in the world.

“Rest assured, mom, this item is a super prop from the 22nd century, and after the wild experience, the effect is great!” Doraemon thinks that the appearance of the item was used to use this prop, and couldn’t help laughing.

“Well, since Doraemon said that, let me try it.”

Yuzi Dividedly rode on a bicycle and set the gear near the house to start his own pedal to lose weight.

People who have their own imaging function in the world can’t see it without props, so Nobita and Doraemon can only hear the words of Yuzi.

“Wow, this is the nearby noodle restaurant. I have always wanted to eat it. The soup is so delicious and delicious!”

“This sushi restaurant has expired because of the discount coupon before, there is no way to go, oh! The catfish sushi is really good!”

“This tempura … It is indeed a shop that is known as the tempura. It tastes good.”

“This Mapo tofu, hissing, so spicy!”

“Doraemon, the second gear is domestic?”

Yuzi’s eyes suddenly fell on the Doraemon who ate the gong burned.

“Ah? Yes, mother.” Doraemon stood up, instructing Yuzi to adjust the gear.

After setting the location to China, Yuzi’s food journey set off again.

When Nobita saw Yuzi busy, he turned upstairs.

This machine is good. In the future, you can use those who can’t control your mouth. You can taste the food for free, and you can lose weight. This item should be popular.

After returning to the room, Nobita made a dream director chair and watched Nobita’s dream.

In the upper reaches of the river, there is a giant tree towering into the clouds. This tree is called Yulabatai. The tree is hidden in the legendary silver armor and silver sword, but this tree is very high, and it is difficult to climb up.

After learning about this news, Wabe chose to become a servant of Bronze Swordsmis Smith, and then he was mixed and drinking. When Upriba Tai, he went to pick up his sword.

Later, in the sigh of Nomi, the master and servant went on the road and went to the upper reaches of the river to find the silver sword and silver armor.

When acting in the forest, Nobi encountered the bear that was sandwiched by a trap. He rescued the bear, so he annoyed the brass swordsman Josos (fat tiger). The journey officially started.

The composition of the three groups is natural and peaceful. The fat tiger is the position of the boss. The husband is responsible for attracting the way, and the wild is responsible for picking the burden. The waist of the bending of the wild is lower.

“This dream is good. For Nobita, it is entirely educated. Even in the dream, you can’t take it lightly. Do you design the plot you designed?” The blue fat man sat beside him holding the gongs, watching the screen, watching the screen Comment on the plot.

“No, this should be regarded as wild design. After all, these three people are usually in such a state of getting along. Let’s continue watching it to see if the wild is alive.”

Nobita is sitting in a chair, waiting for the next plot …

Chapter 5 Yuzi stomped [This chapter also has a supplementary file]

“Stop and stop!”

Nobita held the horn in his hand and stopped Nobita.

“What’s wrong, director?”

Waibi grabbed the inflatable moon that he was fishing from the river.

Josos (Fat Tiger), Schmitis (Little Fum) and Nobitia (Nobei) all want to compete for silver swords and silver armor, but the trees of Yulabata are very high, the fat tiger and the young man Both people climb the trees, and they can slowly climb the top of the tree and get the equipment, but the wild Bi Bi, who does not climb the trees, can only stare, and even become the help of the husband. , Keep climbing Yulabatai.

When Nobabi was carrying the water bag to help the younger husband irrigate, he accidentally found the moon soaked in the water. It was the car he took when he fell into the dream world. I know where to get it.

Unexpectedly, it fell into the river and was picked up by Yobi.

Nobita sat on the stool and pointed at the Moon in the Herbon’s hand: “Do you don’t consider the actual situation in the wild? Don’t talk about the moon in the dream world as the balloon, just say what the wild you want to do now, what is what you want to do now, what is what you want to do now, what is what you want to do now, what is what you want to do now, what is what you want to do now, what is what you want to do now, what is what you want to do now, what is what you want to do now? How can you inflatable the moon? What do you need to use? If you only blew your mouth, you can’t make the balloon flying. You are not a hot air balloon. Why do you get the equipment in the moon? ”

Nobita’s words were speechless. He didn’t talk about Nobita’s things. Nobita didn’t understand at all, but he heard that his thoughts could not be realized.

However, I was reluctant, obviously my own dream, and I still wanted to marry Shizuka.

Thinking of this, Nobuki said hard: “This is the dream world, and it is reasonable to fly up to the sky? This is not a reality here, and the law of reality is not applicable here.”

After hearing Nobita, Nobita was unexpectedly insisted, but instead changed his words: “You also make sense, but although it is a dream world, you must also pay attention to a reasonableness. Can those brave brave can be put on? Do you agree with this sentence? ”

After listening, Nobe nodded, “Yes, only the brave can marry the princess, and the prophecy also said that only brave people like silver swordsmen can defeat the demon king.”

Nobita: “Then do you think you can get the equipment by little cleverness, is it a brave? Only the smart, no wisdom, can you be a brave? Can such people wear the equipment representing the brave?”

Nobe Mo said nothing, thinking about Nobita’s words.

After a while, he asked, “That’s the other me, what do you say?”

Just wait for you!

Nobita grinned: “Of course this is the case!” …

“Stupid servant Nobelia, where are you going? What do I want water and food? You stupid, don’t forget, I am your master, you have to listen to your master’s words!”

Xiaofu stood on the branches, watching neither take the water nor the wildness of the food below, and he kept jumping.

Little husband, like a monkey, was ashamed of anger, causing the fat tiger who sat down and resting, laughed.

“Stupid swordsman and his idiot servant really laughed at me. This is the price you betrayed Lord Josos, hahaha!”

At first, I saw the fat tiger who was scamming with the husband was really angry, because the fox’s mouth guy had a set in the face, behind a set, saying that it was his slave of Lord Josos. thought.

It’s okay now, just like this Sneiths betrayed him, the stupid servant of Nobinia bleed the Lord, it deserves it!

“Senemis, tell you, I am not your servant, I am Nobitia, silver swordsman Noibnen!”

Nomi stood under the tree and shouted towards the husband on the tree.

“Don’t tease, there is only one silver swordsman in this world, that is, I am Senemis.”

The husband was unconvinced and thought that Nobita was not worthy of the so -called silver swordsman. His Vorlous of Snapes was the swordsman who returned by the hope.

After listening to the fat tiger, he shouted, “You two of your idiots, obviously my talent Josos is a silver swordsman.

After speaking, the fat tiger turned and continued to climb the tree. As long as he could grab the two people to reach the top of the tree, he was the real silver swordsman.

“Silver Swordsman must have the courage, strategy, and perseverance. People who are afraid of resting for a while like you are like you, and you will never be worthy to become a silver swordsman, so Snemis, Josos, I will prove it to you, I am the real silver swordsman. ”

Speaking, Waabi rose from a rope tied up with his waist, and a moon rose from behind him.

“The moon, the moon, the moon … the moon?”

Seeing the moon rising behind her, the husband couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Bye, Senemis!”

Waabi waved his hand against the husband, climbed his hands on the tree, tied the moon on his body, climbing up quickly, and soon surpassed the husband.

“Numbnia, the guy, wait for me, I am a silver swordsman.”

The husband was unwilling to fall behind, and he couldn’t care about any food and water. He just wanted to catch up with the wild, and rushed to climb the top of the tree in front of him.

When the fat tiger heard a little noise below, he looked down and found that Ye Bizheng was firm. He tied the moon behind him, climbing the trees quickly, and even caught up with himself.

“What, how is this? Why is there a moon behind him?”

The fat tiger can’t believe his eyes. If he was not afraid of falling from the tree, he must rub his eyes now.

“Damn guy, don’t want to succeed!”

Seeing that Nobita caught up with himself, the fat tiger gritted his teeth, loosen his hand straight, and wanted to snatch his moon, climbing to the top of the tree himself.

Although Nobe did not expect that Fat Tiger would choose to snatch his moon, but with his luck that the fat tiger wanted to snatch the opportunity to be a wild, it was impossible.

When I saw that Nobe climbed, my fingers suddenly pressed a wooden thorns. The tingling made him let go, his body fell quickly, and he dragged the moon behind him to fall, just to avoid the fat tiger’s flying flutter.

The falling fat tiger did not catch the wild, but smashed the quickly climbing younger husband. The two brothers fell together on the branches, watching Nobita crawl quickly, and finally got silver equipment when the night came to become the night. Silver swordsman.

But unfortunately, when Nobab wants to show off his efforts outside the screen, Nobita is not in the room because he has some things to be busy.


“Mother, what are you doing? Even if you want to taste food and lose weight, are you too hard?”

Nobita was mixed with Yuzi’s arm, holding Yuzi’s waist with one hand, grabbing Yuzi’s wrist with one hand, and holding the lame Yuzi towards the bathroom.

Just now, Yuzi let her body enter a collapsed state because she was addicted to eating all over the world. When she reacted to the body, she had some hypoglycemia. I stumbled on the machine and stomped my feet.

At this time, Yuzi was sweaty, and a pink shirt was soaked, sticking to her body, and highlighting her cotton underwear.

What Nobita has to do now is to help Yuzi in the bathroom to treat, and at the same time help Yuzi take a bath. [This is also a supplement, let’s write a little at night. This is part of the Yuzi conquest plan]

Chapter 6 Falling the World Dream World

After taking a shower for Yuzi, Nobita returned to the bedroom.

On the screen, Nobitia (Nobita), Snemis (younger husband) and Josos (Fat Tiger) three swordsman swears in the setting sun, vowing to expel monsters and save princesses.

“Ah West … I missed the picture of Nobita’s Dog Gou, it’s a big loss!”

Nobita was very unhappy to look at the wilderly wore a silver armor.

I thought this guy would climb for a while, but he didn’t expect that he was so persistent. It was uncomfortable to climb directly to the top of the tree to get the equipment.

Sure enough, is the theater version of the Wild Better different from the Pingshi Wild Better?

Is the protagonist halo of the main world used to weaken the wild ratio?

Switching the picture to the Kingdom of Yamirman, the king, my teacher, and his guards were looking for the princess.

The princess ran away!

The princess chose to escape because she didn’t want to marry the brave who didn’t know, so she went down the window with a rope.

At this time, Nobe did not know that his wife in his plan had been running, and he was even “looking for” him.

It is unlikely that the princess’s escape to other princesses is unlikely to happen, but it is reasonable to be a princess. Education wants her to be a lady.

And if Shizuka encounters something she does not like, such as not letting her practice the violin, she will become more rebellious.

Therefore, it is reasonable that the princess now escapes her castle to escape.

On the screen, in the setting sun, the three swordsmen marching towards the magic country with a firm step, and the princess of the men’s clothing, the princess of the men’s clothing, was ready to defeat the demon king by their own strength.

Everyone has a good future.


At midnight, the wild and others in the dream were sleeping, but Nobita came to Houshan.

The reason for Nobita to go out is that there is a lot of work. The blue fat man believes in this matter, and even helped Nobita arranges the imitator robot as a cover.

Doraemon also believes that the other is so wealthy that the high -end gong roast that the younger husband can’t afford to eat is thrown on the other side’s face. The props are obtained.

The night of the real world is the day of the dream world, the day before the night is the day of the dream world, and the middle of the night is the night of the dream world.

Nobita came to Houshan, just wanting to fall in the dream world with the body.

This world is a dream world for the protagonist, but Nobita is very clear. This is the real world, but it is connected by dreams in the future.

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