The brand new gray wall tiles look so out of tune with the world where everything around them has been eroded by yellow sand and turned khaki.

The flag of the black eagle flutters at the top of the Lord's Hall.

Leonard knew that this was the personal crest of his new lord.

The sleepy-eyed sergeant walked out of the barracks, stretched and asked, "Old Leonard, what happened?"

"Is it time for training? I heard that the gentleman named Model is a very strict officer. If we are late, we will definitely be whipped."

"See for yourselves!"

Leonard raised his hand and wanted to extend his fingers, but he was afraid of offending, so he immediately put it down.

In addition to this brand-new castle, which was no less inferior to that of the great lord, a huge stone military camp was also built in an open space next to the city wall.

Two flags were hung on the tower of the military camp.

One side is the familiar black hawk flag, and the other flag has a red background, with a cavalryman holding a spear and wings on his back.

"Did you hear anything last night?"

"No, this is definitely not a magnificent building that can be built overnight!"

The main building of the castle is okay. From the outside, it just looks brand new.

But this stone military camp clearly came from scratch and stood up overnight!


"This is a miracle!"

“This is the will of the Father!”

Leonard subconsciously murmured to himself: "My lord is a favored one by God!"

Lothar appeared behind Leonard at some point. He wore a silk shirt and made a sign of the cross in front of him: "Yes, this is the will of Heavenly Father."

His face was calm and unfazed: "Don't make a fuss about this. Miracles are not for people to worship, but are tools to help us protect the holy land."

When a building is built systematically, there will be no huge noise like bricks and stones flying around and stacking up layers upon layers.

Instead, it is renovated, processed or built directly out of thin air based on the actual conditions of the construction site.

This method, which is similar to the creation of the void, shocked Lothar last night.

"Yes, sir, we understand!"

Soon, the silent Yogurt Castle woke up.

There was a roar of people, and everyone looked at this miracle in shock.

Some people even simply put down everything in their hands and came to worship outside the Lord's Hall, but Leonard scolded them and drove them away.

"Such a miracle is not for you to worship. Your Excellency said, it is a tool given to us by Heavenly Father to protect the Holy Land!"

"Hans, did you select a suitable cavalry candidate last night?"

Lothar found Hans.

Hans didn't feel too shocked by the system's creation. He knew everything that happened last night, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

As a one-star retinue, he has no advantage over the wing cavalry. If he really lets these "outsiders" compare with him, he will be too embarrassed!

Moreover, the hussars are the old enemies of their Teutonic Knights.

Ping Du Zhen Lu, the Ping Du is them!

Hans secretly made up his mind: He must work harder to improve himself! Even if you can't develop skills, you should at least improve your attribute values!

"There is one. His name is Ulm. He used to herd cattle for the village chief's family. Later, he became a messenger for Jorgesburg. He often traveled between Jerusalem and Jorgesburg. His riding skills are quite good."

Lothar frowned: "Is there only one?"

Hans was also a little helpless: "There are a few others who have ridden horses, but their riding skills are obviously not as good as Ulm's. It is still too reluctant to train them as horseback sergeants."

In this era, except for nomads and knights, people who are good at riding are really rare.

Lothar also knew this, nodded, and said: "Bring this Ulm here first, I decided to promote him to the first cavalry."

In addition to paying attention to clear rewards and punishments in the army, those who are capable are given priority.

Even among the shortest generals, this one named Ulm is the most outstanding one among the more than 80 sergeants.

He planned to test the waters with this person first.

Ulm came quickly.

This is a dark-faced but handsome young man with a sparse beard on his chin and wearing a chainmail shirt with holes.

"Ulm, are you a German?"

Ulm said quickly: "Yes, sir, my father is from Bavaria. He once participated in the Second Eastern Expedition. It was at that time that we settled in Sego."


It can be regarded as a prosperous and prosperous one.

Ulm asked tentatively: "Sir, do you really want me to be a cavalryman?"

"Of course, you will be the first cavalryman under my command!"

His expression was so excited that his speech was a little choppy: "Sir... Your Majesty, I am honored... I mean, I am honored to be the first cavalry of the Father's Beloved."

The "miracle" performed by Lothar made this devout soldier regard Lothar as his new holy son.

"Take your mount and follow me."

Lothar led the soldiers to the door of the Hussars' barracks.

This tall stone building is more like a miniature fortress than a military camp.

Lothar walked into the military camp first: "From now on, this is your military camp. You will become a glorious wing cavalry and train here."

Without hesitation, Ulm took the distributed war horses and followed them in.

There is a huge racecourse here.

On both sides of the field, there are weapon racks with armor and spears.

Lothar led him to the weapons rack.

Ulm's eyes were somewhat confused as he stared at the four-meter-long slender lance. With Lothar's help, he skillfully put on the armor piece by piece.

Lothar finally took a broad sword in his hand and said: "Kneel down, cavalry, as your lord, I will teach you the sword!"

Ulm immediately knelt down on one knee, raised his hands, and took the broadsword.

He was a little confused and said: "I...I seem to have a lot more memories in my mind, as if I was born to use these weapons...Sir, is this a favor given to me by Heavenly Father?"

"Yes, this is a favor given to you by Heavenly Father under the guise of my hand. Use this power well, protect your oath, protect the Holy City, and don't live up to my favor for you."

Lothar looked at Ulm, who was wearing new armor and a lobster helmet, and he seemed to have a completely new look. He reached out and patted his shoulder.

The system prompt sounds:

Your soldier has undergone arduous training and has been successfully promoted to a hussar, and his loyalty to you will always be Max.

Although fifty Suleders were expensive, compared to a hussar whose combat effectiveness was not inferior to that of a knight, or even exceeded, it was undoubtedly a bargain.

More importantly, loyalty!

He silently increased the number of ten cavalrymen he expected to train to 20.

With 20 loyal and fearless wing cavalry, he will have an absolutely strong core force, and he will be more confident even if he goes to Jerusalem to take office.

He believed that when he next returned to Jerusalem.

He will truly attract the attention of those powerful people in Jerusalem, instead of being just a rising star valued by Baldwin IV as he is now.

"Go, Ulm, show everyone your weapons and equipment, and tell them that loyalty will be rewarded!"


Ulm got on his mount excitedly and walked outside the military camp.

"Father, where does this knight come from?"

"This Ulm!"

"Ulm, come and show everyone, yesterday you were just a messenger delivering messages, today you are a noble knight."

The sergeants were amazed.

"A cavalryman, not a knight."

Ulm emphasized.

Cavalry is a profession, and knights are a class.

The soldier's face was full of envy: "It's really good. If you sell this armor in the market, you can at least buy a small manor - I have never seen such a beautiful armor."

"Don't lie, this is the armor given to me by your lord. I have decided to dedicate everything to you, how can I resell this precious armor?"

A flash of anger came over Ulm's face.

"Just kidding."

The soldier quickly explained: "We all know that you are the favorite of Heavenly Father and a favored person destined to do great things. How could I really have such ugly thoughts that are no different from Judas?"

Someone tried to smooth things over and said: "That's right, Ulm, don't pay too much attention to this idiot's nonsense. We all know that his mouth is like a male mule's butt, and he will pull out a string at any time. Stinky shit. But I promise, it didn’t go through his brain.”

"Ulm, please take a leave of absence tonight, shall we go back to the village? Those young girls will definitely not be able to close their legs when they see what you are like."

"That's right, people who used to look down on you now have to bow and call you master. They can't tell the difference between a knight and a cavalry!"

Ulm looked resolute and shook his head: "No, as a glorious wing cavalry, it is my sacred mission to serve your lord and defend the holy city. The things you mentioned have been lost to me. significance."

He mounted his horse and ran out of the castle at full speed.

"Father in Heaven, Ulm seems to have changed into a different person... Could it be that he received enlightenment from Heavenly Father from the lord?"

"Is this still the little Ulm we are familiar with?"

"The look he looked at me just now actually made me feel scared!"

The soldiers familiar with Ulm looked at each other.

Lothar looked at this scene with some silence.

He likes loyal soldiers, but he knows very well that this method, which is close to brainwashing, is definitely not the right way.

But he does it anyway.

Ulm rode some majestic mounts and ran a circle along the wall outside the castle.

He had never felt that his riding skills were so superb. The armor that he thought should be quite heavy actually didn't weigh that much.

As he charged, he felt like a whistling wind.

The wind and sand brought up by the hooves of the war horse flew past the wings behind him, making a rustling whistle.

"This is the Hussar!"

Ulm shouted excitedly. He felt that his previous life was like a joke. He didn't get real salvation until he met the "Holy Son"!

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