Jerusalem is not a trading hub like Aleppo or Antioch, it is located between the southeastern corner of the Mediterranean and the Jordan River.

It is also nearly fifty kilometers away from the nearest coastline, far away from commercial roads, standing high among cliffs, canyons and mountain debris, enduring the intrusion of hot summer and cold winter.

From the perspective of military and commercial value, Jerusalem is not a strategic location.

But religion gives it an additional sacred meaning.

Saladin tried to recapture Jerusalem and recast the laurels of the Patriarch in order to gain supreme prestige, subdue domestic resistance forces, and even unify the Zoroastrian world.

The Crusader countries fought tooth and nail to defend this place, because it was not only the place of their faith, but also the source of the legitimacy of all rule.

After enjoying the luxurious life of the Eastern nobles, they could no longer adapt to the cold and humid Western Europe.

What's more, their ancestors had already given up all claims and inheritance rights to the territories there after leaving Western Europe.

In Jaffa, Knight Kevin introduced Lothar to Baron Godfrey, who came to pick up his son.

This is a middle-aged man who is accustomed to the scorching heat of the East. He has neat short hair and wears a silk robe over a chainmail shirt.

He is indeed a good friend of Count Werner.

When he learned Lothar's identity, his attitude was even more enthusiastic than towards his own son who had reunited after a long absence.

When he heard that Lothar planned to follow his father's orders and join the royal party.

He was suddenly filled with surprise: "I knew that old guy Werner would never have the heart to let his old friend fight alone. Look, he sent his most brave and capable son in front of me!"

Baron Godfrey smiled from ear to ear and patted Lothar on the shoulder: "I guarantee that His Majesty the King will be very happy when he learns of your arrival."

Lothar showed a shy smile: "I am also honored to serve your Majesty with my father's robe."

He could feel the sincerity of Baron Godfrey, which made him wonder what kind of great achievements Werner, the country Earl, had accomplished here, and how he could win the favor of so many people.

The one who got the protagonist template should be Count Werner, right?

In the evening, they finally crossed the vast Gobi Desert and arrived at the holy city of Jerusalem.

This city looks completely different from cities in Western Europe.

It seemed extremely cramped and narrow in some places, but the huge fortress towering in the middle of the city was like the only majestic fortress that Lothar had ever seen in his life.

There are adobe buildings everywhere, with domes, spiers, Frankish and Arabic-style buildings, all distributed in the city regardless of each other.

After the initial Crusaders captured Jerusalem, they carried out a brutal massacre. Arabs, Jews, and all pagans were slaughtered.

Their wealth was looted, and the remaining buildings, including Zoroastrian temples and altars, were occupied by the Crusaders and even converted into domed churches.

In the future, even after more than a hundred years, Jerusalem still retained significant Arab characteristics.

Pilgrims from all over the world gathered here speaking different languages.

This is the holy land of three religions, covering almost all faiths from Eastern and Western Europe, plus Central Asia and North Africa.

There was an endless stream of caravans and pilgrims, Jews, Persians, Aksim, Tianzhu people, Turks... and even Song people from the far east.

The voices of various beliefs and languages ​​made Lothar feel as big as an ox.

If it were in later generations when nationalism was on the rise, this would definitely be a source of chaos and not a good place for development at all.

On the street, vendors selling spices, silks, fruits and vegetables shouted loudly, and most of the prices were high. Even if the materials were shipped here from the sea, the prices would rise sharply.

The serfs driving the cattle, sheep and livestock followed their masters with low eyebrows.

The Knights of Jerusalem wearing blue robes, the Knights Templar with a red cross on a white background, and the Knights Hospitaller with a white cross on a black background, led sergeants to patrol the city.

There are also knights from Tripoli, Antioch, Northern Germania, Anglo-Saxon, Aragon, the Two Sicilies...

Their coats of arms are diverse.

Small groups gather together to talk.

It is obvious that war is approaching.

The prosperous, inclusive and peaceful scene in front of us will soon be gone forever.

Baron Godfrey pointed to the hill in the distance, where a dome building could be vaguely seen, with a cross standing on the top: "That is the place where Jesus was crucified. I will take you and Bellian to worship later." , but now we have to go to the palace first."

"Today is the time for the Grand Council to convene. Most of the powerful nobles will be present. I will take you to identify the people first."

Lothar nodded and said, "Everything is up to you."

The group stopped at the outer city of the castle.

"Lord Godfrey, you have come at the right time. Your lords are discussing something, so you are the only one left."

The guards were dressed similarly to Baron Godfrey, and were obviously members of the Royal Knights.

This is a royal guard that belongs to the royal family. Compared with the Knights of Jerusalem, it has the addition of the word "royal family" and its nature is completely different.

"I'll take two people in."

Godfrey pointed at the two people behind him, and then strode into the palace.

Prajna frowned slightly. She was used to following Lothar, and subconsciously wanted to go in with him, but as soon as she took a step, she realized that it was inconvenient.

Lothar turned back and smiled at her.

The palace in Jerusalem is by no means a den of dragons and tigers. He is here to serve His Majesty the King, not to assassinate the King. There is no danger at all.

The walls of the palace are full of exquisite reliefs.

A bright light shines through the hollow windows.

Godfrey took the two of them to sit down at a long table, and introduced them in a low voice: The man in the red cloak is Georgelin of Edessa, an earl with only a title. His current fiefdom is in Adessa. card nearby.

The tall, thin man with disheveled red hair was Count Leonard. He was once the Duke of Antioch, but he and the father of the Count of Edessa were robbed of their territory by the Arabs.

So he is now "Count of Otre Jordan", which means "Count of the Jordan".

He is one of the most powerful men in Jerusalem. He is brave and good at fighting. He is one of the most important commanders besides His Majesty in the Battle of Mongissar. "

Godfrey lowered his voice: "This person is also a key player in the Queen Mother's Party headed by Queen Mother Agnes. She wants to bring Guy of Lusignan together to marry Princess Sibylla."

"The man in the red robe is Raymond of Chatillon, Count of Tripoli, Prince Tiberius, Regent of Jerusalem, who single-handedly arranged Princess Sibylla's first marriage."

“He formed a small alliance with many nobles.

Roger of Maureen, the Knights Hospitaller, was its most powerful supporter. Let’s call it the Jazz Party.

Gerald, the grand master of the Knights Templar, once stood firmly on our side.

But what you know is that His Majesty's condition is getting worse and worse, and Captain Gerald has recently become very close to Leonard from the Queen Mother's party.

In particular, Leonard was more radical in dealing with heretics, and he fit in well with the Templars' style. "

Lothar frowned, and Godfrey analyzed the three forces in the palace thoroughly in a few words. No one of the three parties was sure of defeating the other.

The three-legged confrontation is the most stable and the most difficult situation to make peace with.

"Lord Baron, which party are you?"

Godfrey said without hesitation: "The Ibelin family is only loyal to His Majesty."

Lothar asked: "What if His Majesty dies?"

Baron Ibelin's face showed a trace of heaviness: "Losa, I must remind you that talking about this topic is a great transgression and offense for me."

Lothar smiled and said: "But if I don't make it clear, how can I advance and retreat with you?"

Godfrey was silent for a moment, and said quickly in a very low voice: "Then support the next king. After the death of the king, the throne will definitely be inherited by Princess Sibylla's son from her previous husband."

Lothar asked: "Who is Princess Sibylla?"

"The Queen Mother's Party."

Lothar thought thoughtfully: "So we are actually on the same front as Count Leonard?"

"No, the Ibelin family never makes decisions in advance."

Godfrey paused slightly and said in a deep voice: "We are only loyal to His Majesty and never do unnecessary things."

Lothar suddenly realized.


This is true wisdom.

Different from wall grass.

If the Ibelin family were only loyal to the king, they would not suffer from party strife and could better preserve their strength.

In addition, the Ibelin family's influence in the Holy Land is deeply rooted.

Baron Ibelin, who has a prominent position and is loyal to the king, is the person that any new king must win over and trust.

As for who the new king is?

Let you fight for it.

At this time, King Baldwin's heraldry officer strode up to the main hall and shouted loudly: "His Majesty the King is still resting, and the Regent will temporarily preside over this issue."

Raymond nodded slightly to the herald officer, stood up and said, "Today's topic is whether to open the Holy Treasury of Jerusalem and repair the walls of Jerusalem!"

The hall suddenly became a mess.

Lothar was a little puzzled and asked: "Now, His Majesty the King, you even have to discuss building a city wall with your ministers?"

Godfrey explained: "The keys to the great treasury are in the hands of His Majesty the King and the two Grand Masters of the Knights Templar and Hospitaller respectively. He alone cannot use them."

"And this money does not belong to His Majesty the King. It was reserved by King Henry II of England to support the military expenses of his next Eastern expedition."

Lothar was speechless.

"Ah this."

Sure enough, the issue met with firm opposition from the outset.

"Henry II did not fulfill his obligation to support the Holy War until his death. We should use this money as it should! The purpose is still the noble mission of protecting the Holy Land!"

"Yes, Henry II is indeed dead. But his son, Richard, known as the Lion-Hearted King, is not dead yet. We still expect him to lead an army to support the Holy Land. How can we misappropriate this money?"

The nobles started making noises.

The Duke's Party, the Queen Mother's Party, and the King's Party are just rough divisions. In fact, except when fundamental interests are involved, they will advance and retreat together, and they will also express their own opinions at ordinary times.

For example, now, Gerald expressed his agreement to build the city wall, but Count Leonard expressed opposition. The money should be used to arm the pilgrims, reenact the original Battle of Montgisard in the field, and defeat Saladin.

Roger, the leader of the Knights Hospitallers, believed that the money should be retained to urge Henry II's son, Richard the Lionheart, to leave for the Holy Land as soon as possible to support him.

There are also a few small nobles who believe that this money should be used to hire mercenary groups from the Apennines and Germania regions. This money is completely enough to hire five or six large mercenary groups with thousands of people to continue fighting for a year.

Some people even proposed using the money to hire Hawthorne's assassins to assassinate Saladin.

"Enough, now show of hands!"

Raymond of Chatillon slammed the table and shouted: "Those who agree to repair the walls of Jerusalem and strengthen the city's defenses raise their hands, and everyone else puts their hands down!"

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