The mist is hazy.

Two swooping sirens landed on the deck, translucent saliva flowing from the corners of their mouths, and they were about to feast.

Lothar and Prajna were already in front of them, approaching them one behind the other.

Facing the menacing two men, the two sea monsters were frightened. Their bodies were very fragile. Their lower bodies were covered with fish scales and mucus, but they would easily slip off if they were struck by swords and other sharp weapons.

But the upper body is a fragile human body. They can survive in the deep sea with the power of magic rather than tough skin. How can they dare to fight with Lothar holding a sword in his hand.

Selina just took off a little slower, and the blood flowing under her feet turned into a tough strap under the control of Fringilla's blood magic.

The straps went around her slippery fish tail and buckled her tightly to the deck.

How could Lothar let go of such a good opportunity? He held his hand tightly with half a sword and strode forward to meet him. The ship's hull swayed slightly with the waves, but it could not shake his body at all.

The muscles of his arms rose and he raised his sword high.

The siren Selena flapped her wings desperately and dug her sharp nails into the straps, desperately trying to escape from the restraints, but she couldn't help her.


"Please let me go, I will bring you pearls and gems from the bottom of the sea, which will make you the richest person in the world, please!"

She spoke very fast, speaking fluent Greek with a slight Asia Minor accent.

Her voice was as clear as a lark.

Her appearance is beautiful and her beauty is heavenly.

But the man in front of her had a heart as hard as stone. It was difficult to see any mercy or kindness in his cold eyes, and the sharp sword blade fell hard.


A beautiful head rolled away on the deck.

A large amount of blood spattered from the neck cavity of the headless corpse, which happened to fall behind Lothar.

Selina's performance proved that they were not imbecile as Fringilla said, but they simply could not restrain their desire to eat human flesh.

This declared that Lothar had no possibility of cooperating with the other party.


In the sky, two sea monsters screamed in fear.

Selena's name in Siren is not Selena at all. It was the name given to her by the Jewish businessman based on the transliteration of "Siren".

Crystal tears flowed from their faces, and their mouths were opened wide. Between their small lips, a mouth full of sharp, jagged fangs was exposed.

The corners of his lips slowly tore open, leaving only a little bit of skin and flesh connected, and saliva overflowed from them.

In the blink of an eye, those alluring red lips turned into a gaping mouth that almost reached the base of the ears.

next moment.

Both sirens let out shrill screams.

The voice was filled with emotions of anger and sadness.

The mist covering the sea began to billow due to this.

The terrifying sound waves gave Lothar the illusion of facing a stormy sea.

On the deck, scars like those struck by knives and axes appeared out of thin air.

Without any hesitation, Prajna took a step forward and came to Lothar.

The ghost-faced shield is pressed in front.


A series of sounds of gold and iron striking each other sounded.

Lothar pressed against Prajna's waist, and felt the force coming from the front was astonishingly powerful. The two of them took several steps back at the same time.

"Is this sea monster so powerful?"

Lothar was a little stunned.

Although the Kraken's close combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of the Werewolf, its long-range sonic attack is comparable to a powerful bow and crossbow.


Prajna nodded and said: "And they can fly, so it is difficult for our attacks to hit them."

"Silly big guy, attract their attention!"

Fringilla shouted loudly in Chinese, and the linen robe she was wearing began to fill with the surge of magic power.

Her long white hair hangs in the air.

"We must deal with them in the air. If we let them dive into the water and cut through the bottom of the ship from the bottom, all of us will die here!"

Prajna rarely spoke very fast and spoke for a long time.

Immediately, the ghostly face relief on the black shield she held became vivid.

The terrifying aura of hell almost made her become the center of the world in an instant.

The upper and lower teeth of the two sea monsters were chattering uncontrollably, and even the screams stopped.

"That's the breath of Cerberus, the door to hell!"

"Then it's obviously at the bottom of the could it appear here?"

On the deck, two illusory figures slowly emerged from the corpse, and flew toward the open mouth of the ghostly relief like a swallow in the forest.


"We can't let Qina's soul be swallowed up!"

The sea monsters screamed and tried to rush over to stop this.

At this moment, Fringilla's nimble body stepped on the side of the ship and rose into the air.

In mid-air, she opened her hand towards the blood flowing freely on the deck. The blood immediately gathered and turned into a throwing spear that exuded a rich, sweet smell.

"Get off here!"

The blood throwing spear flew towards the two sea monsters with a harsh scream. With the blessing of blood magic, the speed of this throwing spear was extremely fast.

But although the two sea monsters were impatient, they had already taken precautions, and at this critical moment, they actually stopped in place at the same time.

The blood-throwing spear almost flew past their faces.

However, the next moment, a sharp black shield flew out like a rapidly rotating chainsaw.

Immediately after the black shield was thrown, there was a new blood throwing spear - this was condensed by Fringilla, and it appeared in the hands of Lothar who was hiding behind Prajna.


The black shield cut a sea monster in half.

As for the other one, the spear thrown by Lothar was also hit in the middle of the wings on its back. Its whole body tilted and fell like a kite with a broken string.


Fringilla clenched her hands tightly.

The sea monster whose wings were hit was still in mid-air when the blood spear exploded. The blood turned into sharp needles and immediately pierced it into a sieve.

"Very good!"

Lothar said excitedly.

In this wave, the cooperation between the three of them was perfect.

In fact, Lothar was not sure he could hit the spear the moment he threw it.

After all, when he used to practice throwing spears on horseback, he would often hit three times out of ten.

Although the ride on the deck was not as bumpy as the ride on horseback, it wasn't much better.

Prajna let out a long breath, opened her hand, and the shield that flew away flew back to her hand like a boomerang.

At this time, Fringilla stumbled and fell to the ground.


Lothar hurriedly stepped forward.

"Don't worry, it's just a mental overdraft. It's nothing serious."

Prajna said in a calm tone.

Although Fringilla is also an epic-level servant, she is only at the first level. Lothar is worried that she is lawless, and coupled with her lack of money, she has never upgraded her level.

Casting this series of powerful spells was beyond her ability.

Lothar hugged Fringilla, and felt that the girl in her hands was so light, as if she were made of paper, as if she would float away at any time.

"Let's go back to the cabin."

Lothar said hurriedly.


The scarred ship anchored in Crete early the next morning.

After losing its original owner, the ship was naturally commandeered by Lothar.

Therefore, the cost of repairing the ship also fell on his head. Fortunately, there was only minor damage to the deck and mast, and it would not be delayed for long.

In Crete they replenished and replaced fresh water.

This is an island whose main population is Greek. The forces on the island are intertwined. The Eastern Empire, Venice, Genoa and even Ayub are all projecting their power here.

They spent the morning repairing at the hotel on the island, and set sail again in the afternoon, aiming directly at the holy city of Jaffa (also translated as Kaffa).

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