"Oh, it's my fault, my friend, you should enter my God's Domain. My God's Domain has enough oceans for you to survive." Zhou Fangyu opened the God's Domain and brought the sea beasts into his own God's Domain.

"Kill!" I saw this guy waved casually.

"What's next?" Zhou Fangyu looked at Ba Che.

Even resurrection takes time, why can it be resurrected right away? How is this done?

"Although I can't kill it, I can still trap it." He trapped the dark Zhou Fangyu directly.

Where is the name, it's really just a code name.

There is no way to kill him at all, not even the master can kill him, let alone himself.

Zhou Fangyu was startled, and he quickly summoned the same oracle race to fight.

Laughing is this guy, afraid of himself, he should be relieved.

Everyone looked at Zhou Fangyu, and now only he can come up with a suitable solution.

"Ding, start scanning, beep, beep, there is a bug, there is a bug, start to clear and start to clear.

Only he himself knew how powerful he was, how easy it would be to kill him, just the endless resurrection ability could consume them here alive.

Because his fear has appeared in front of them.

It seems that it is very difficult to kill him by ordinary means.

He knew instinctively that he could fight his fears, but now he didn't have that confidence.

Zhou Fangyu exited his divine domain.

He really only has the intellectual quotient of children.

"What?" He was taken aback.

"Teleportation?" Zhou Fangyu muttered to himself.

Those who do not know the Endless Wasteland cannot know it.

"Let's go, Ba Che will take us to find the dark beacon." Zhou Fangyu looked at Ba Che and smiled.

"Your talent can get out of the endless sea, it already shows your strength, let's call you the sea god!" Zhou Fangyu laughed after saying the name.

They went through countless dangers along the way.

"By the way, my friend, you don't seem to have a name yet. If you don't mind, can I give you a name?" Zhou Fangyu looked at the rather silly sea beast.

Zhou Fangyu looked at this beautiful Protoss girl and smiled happily.

He didn't remember where it was, but he knew he could find the dark beacon.

He clutched his head with a headache.

But why should he be afraid of me?

"Okay, my lord can follow me."

Everyone was terrified, because they found that it was impossible to kill.

So is there any other way?

Trek is not worried about these places, what he is most worried about is the beast of fear in his heart.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, the other party began to panic, and then Zhao Fangyu saw the disintegration of darkness.

The clearing sound of the system sounded, followed by a silence.

There are also some surprised looking at the corpse in front of them, "It's very simple! 35

It is actually the ability of infinite resurrection, how did he do it, even the Lord can't do it.

Zhou Fangyu spreads his hands, and he has nothing to do.

In the end, the endless race of the gods appeared from behind him.

After all, the system is so powerful, if it is said to kill the opponent, it is not impossible.

Of course, if there is a problem with food, those sea clans are needed to provide support.

A group of them were waiting for him.

"Yes, it's the code name.

Although it is very mysterious, the real world is like this. The rules of this world are special. In this world, everyone has endless wasteland and lighthouses in their hearts, and only oneself can find their own lighthouses.

"You are in trouble, you guys are going to be trapped here." Zhou Fangyu cursed angrily.

That is a very powerful guy, he doesn't know if he can deal with these people, so the fear in his heart has always existed.

Because in the endless wasteland, there are countless dark lighthouses or it exists in the hearts of everyone.

Ba Che looked at him speechlessly.

Ba Che did not believe in evil and went up secretly.

He directly killed the other party's dark Zhou Fangyu.

It's the only thing he can do.

Hearing Zhou Fangyu's words, everyone looked at him in fear.

Zhou Fangyu was dumbfounded.

"Poseidon, you are right here, if there is anything you can call me. 35

"Ba Che, what's going on? Hurry up and tell me who this guy is and why he is here?" Zhou Fangyu said angrily.

They didn't understand Zhou Fangyu, so he didn't explain it to them, just looking for the dark beacon in his heart.

"Yes, you guessed it right, I can be resurrected infinitely, and it is almost impossible to be killed." Zhou Fangyu said his biggest secret.

Yes, the other party disappeared in this world as if it had been dissolved.

Suddenly he was stunned, because Zhou Fangyu in his hand had disappeared.

It was the first time he had seen such a terrifying method of death.

He took the initiative to integrate into the wasteland, so his fears also became reality.

Crossed the wild swamp, the terrifying desert, experienced the endless dark jungle, and moved towards the dark (bbdj) dark lighthouse.

Zhou Fangyu froze for a moment, is he afraid? Is he afraid of me?

"Okay, please give me a loud name." The sea beast remembered that the gods he devoured had names.

"Be careful!" Zhou Fangyu reminded.

"My lord, this is my fear, please be sure to defeat him, otherwise we may all die here.

"What's that name? Is it a code name? Your name is Zhou Fangyu, so what's my name?" Sea Beast asked suspiciously.

As for where the lighthouse is, it is in my heart.

He opened up a large sea area for the sea beasts in the realm of the gods as his territory.

Yes, a guy who looks like Zhou Fangyu appeared in front of him.

"God of the sea? I like the god of the sea! 33 He smiled cheerfully. A divine soul floated above the head of the sea beast, and that was the figure of a girl from the Protoss.

"Who is he? Why is he so like me?" Zhou Fangyu looked at the guy in front of him in horror.

Looking at the dark Zhou Fangyu struggling in front of him, he was thinking about all the countermeasures.

Everyone was stunned. Zhou Fangyu, who couldn't be killed, what should he do in such a situation that he had to be killed?

Ba Che was very careful, he looked around vigilantly, and soon, he saw a Zhou Fangyu standing behind him.

I saw a hundred miles away, a Zhou Fangyu appeared again.

Every guy in the wasteland can find a dark beacon.

Fortunately, Zhou Fangyu captured his dark body.

"Hahaha, if I could kill myself, I would have killed myself long ago. Come on, if anyone can kill me, I will definitely thank you very much." Zhou Fangyu cried!

This is the only thing Zheng Fangyu can think of, he can't kill himself, so is it possible for the system?

"My lord, you should be able to do it!" Ba Che asked nervously.

"The system scans for enemies.

"I don't know what to do either, and if it doesn't kill my biggest fear, then we're bound to be stuck here and can't get out.35

It is this guy who is crying, why is he afraid of himself.

These terrifying places are the fears in Barche's heart.

I will explain to you later. "Bachel said helplessly.

After he finished speaking, he carefully calculated the surroundings and began to rush in one direction.

Only find the lighthouse to find the way out of the endless wasteland.

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