Chapter 94 Half life against the Ming and half life against the Qing, two famous kings shake the world!!

The storm is coming!

Just as Sun Kewang in the light curtain said, years of farming, it is a dragon or a worm in one fell swoop!

The atmosphere of the fierce battle immediately caused the viewers to tremble nervously, and they whispered endlessly, guessing the trend of the war.

“Two ways of attack, the momentum is fierce, Wu Sangui and Kong Youde, they are both kings with different surnames of the Qing court!”

“Sun Kewang’s Great Western Army is already Nanming’s peak combat power, if they can’t stop it, then it’s really okay!”

“I see that the Great Western Army is confident, rest assured, the Yongli Imperial Court, which can only pull its hind legs if you leave the trouble, will definitely be able to do it!”

The current Ming army is no longer based on the loyal battalion of the Dashun army, but with the Great Western Army as the main body.

The first confrontation with the Qing army was a duel with its main forces, and before it began, who can predict what the final result will be?

This is the time to test the results! After the Western Army was defeated and died in the Phoenix Mountain Zhang Xianzhong, he was reborn in blood in Yundi and killed again!

[When the Battle of Huguang broke out, Sun Ke Wang’s former Sun Ke Wang, first let Feng Shuangli go first, led an army of tens of thousands, more than ten war elephants, and entered Xiang from Qian to Xiang! ]

All the way to Bayuan Prefecture, capture the Qing general Zheng Yi alive, and know the prefecture Chai Gong Gui! Feng Shuangli continued to Chenzhou and was difficult to conquer.

Then Shen Yongzhong, the main force of the Qing army in Xiangdi, led troops to fight, and Feng Shuangli could not hold it down!

In the sixth year of Yongli, Li Dingguo led an army to arrive, and finally joined forces with Feng Shuangli to launch a dimensionality reduction attack on Shen Yongzhong.

In the great victory of Jingzhou, the Qing army lost 10,000 people in battle, and almost all the army was destroyed. Then the Ming army swept through Jingzhou and Chenzhou, and the momentum was mighty!

Under Li Dingguo’s fierce attack, Shen Yongzhong was heartbroken, and after asking Kong Youde for help without success, he lost the city and fled.

In just two months, the Ming army showed its edge and recovered most of the lost territory in Xiangdi in one fell swoop!

The next target is Kong Youdebu, who is entrenched in Guidi.

Kong Youde used to be a subordinate of Mao Wenlong in Dongjiang Town, and after Mao Wenlong was killed, Kong Youde led his army to surrender to the Qing Dynasty, was named King Gongshun, and later changed to King Nan!

And because when he surrendered, he led the most elite firearms unit of the Ming army, and all thirty red-clothed cannons returned to the Qing army, so the Qing army made great progress in firearms technology.

Even relying on advanced firearms technology, the Qing army attacked countless cities in Liaodong, and Kong Youde could be said to be full of Qing army’s scientific and technological tree at once.

Therefore, Kong Youde is the head of the three shun, which is still gratifying, and Geng Zhongming cannot compare! Emperor Taiji valued him greatly, while Chongzhen hated him so much that he listed him as the “chief evil”

This head of the Sanshun king, fought all the way from the Goryeo battlefield to the southwest, made countless battle achievements, and also carried the grace of the lord, and the heavenly conscience was destroyed, killing the anti-Qing righteous warrior Qu Shijun and Zhang Tongjing. He is even more gratifying to single-handedly create the massacre of Guangzhou!

Therefore, in the face of the infamous Li Dingguo, Kong Youde showed considerable disdain, and when Shen Yongzhong sent an envoy to the rescue, he ignored it.

However, Li Dingguo finally came!

Li Dingguo went south, attacked Jeonju, and uprooted the city in just one day, killing the defenders Sun Long and Li Yangli.

At this time, Kong Youde panicked and realized the horror of this Ming army, so he personally led the army to attack and guard the strict pass.

Li Dingguo kept fighting, ordered the elephant to rush forward, destroyed the decay and broke through the strict pass, and the Qing army “floated the corpse under the river”, and suffered heavy casualties.

Kong Youde luckily saved a life, like a dog who lost his family and fled into Guilin!

Of course, Li Dingguo would not watch this big fish slip away, the fighter plane was fleeting, and Li Dingguo grabbed it and led a large army to surround Guilin.

Kong Youde fell into despair, never expecting that he would be defeated here for more than ten years.

But he was unwilling and repeatedly wanted to kill the encirclement, but he was forced to retreat by the arrows of the Ming army!

Four days later, Li Dingguo conquered Guilin, and the city of Guilin was broken!

Cornered, Kong Youde slashed a knife to kill his concubine, set himself on fire, and before dying, he told his son: “Be spared, and live as a shami.” Do not follow the example of your father as a thief for life, and the end will be today’s ear! ”

Unfortunately, his son was captured by the Ming army and killed that night!

Kong Youde ended his shameful life, and he also turned into flying ashes, and there was no place to die, and he was even more severe!

Li Dingguo was the first to kill Kong Youde, the king of Dingnan, and the Qing army of Guidi fled in a hurry, lest Li Dingguo’s soldiers come to the city, like a bird of fright! Li Dingguo is short to recover the whole province of Guidi in a short time!

This time with Li Chengdong, Jin Shenghuan is different anyway, but relying on hard power, sniping the Qing court king, defeating the Qing army soldiers, is the result of annihilating the strong enemy and winning a complete victory!

The world was shocked!

But Kong Sun can be unhappy, Li Dingguo’s achievements are too great, a little too eye-catching. It is clear that he is the boss, and Li Dingguo, the second brother, often refuses to obey him.

After Li Dingguo achieved glorious achievements, it was a good opportunity to make an aggressive move into Guangzhou.

However, Sun Kewang transferred Li Dingguo to the Xiangdi that had already been recovered, lest Li Dingguo set up another victory to restore the two Guangzhous, which would really be against the sky.

Of course, in addition to his selfish motives, there is an extremely important reason for transferring Li Dingguo to Xiangdi!

The counterattack of the Qing army came, and this time it was not the Han Eight Banners and the Green Battalion that came, but the real Eight Banner Army! 】

Guilin Dajie, the land of one province!

Li Dingguo’s sniping of Kong Youde undoubtedly caused an uproar among people of all eras!

“Forcing a prince of the Qing court to death, who has done such a great job!?”

“There is a saying in the light curtain, since the Qing army entered the customs, the highest number of Qing army deaths in battle is only unified! Li Dingguo is really against the sky, and rushed to the top of the sky! ”

“Kong Youde’s weight is heavy enough, in Wu Sangui, among the Shang Kexi Domain, Kong Youde is the strongest and most fierce!”

“If you kill a Qing court Eight Banner King, it will be even more desperate!”

The Ming army achieved a series of victories, which excited countless people.

This is the result of years of farming!

Destroyed and regained Xiangdi and Guidi, defeated countless Qing troops, and even killed a Wang Ye!

The Great Western Army, no, the current Ming Army! It works!

“Kill well, Kong Youde, fatherless and kingless, should be killed!”

Chongzhen looked at Kong Youde’s death, and his eyes were red with excitement. The first evil, the first evil, is Kong Youde.

Kong Youde led artillery to surrender the Qing, undoubtedly filling the last gap of the Qing army. Since then, neither field battles nor sieges have been undefeated.

Chongzhen hated so much that he bit his teeth off, and he dreamed of killing Kong Youde, and now Li Dingguo has helped him fulfill his dream!

“Sun Kewang, Li Dingguo is good!”

“One Lord inside, one Lord outside, a combination of heaven! An internal affairs wizard, a military wizard, given by heaven to the people of Zhongxing Shenzhou. ”

“It’s that Sun Kewang’s strength is a little narrow, and the righteous brother has made meritorious achievements, what is he afraid of?”

Daqin, Qunchen, you talk to each other every word.

“It’s coming, the time to test the real combat power.”

“The eight flags are less than 10,000, full of 10,000 invincible? Li Dingguo, can you deal with the Eight Flags? ”

Zulong said faintly.

The group of ministers below was stunned, yes! It’s too early to be happy, the female Allah Li officially appeared, a small victory, what is there to be excited about?

If you don’t defeat the Jurchens, you will never get rid of the shadows!

“Li Dingguo, come on!”

[Li Dingguo was born into a poor family in Guan, and as far as the late Ming Dynasty is concerned, Shaanxi is a personal hell! ]

The great drought and locust plague, cannibalism, and the war continued, and it never stopped.

Li Dingguo was only ten years old when he joined the ranks of the rebel army and was accepted as a righteous son by Zhang Xianzhong!

As for why he was accepted as a righteous son in a bad way, Zhang Xianzhong just replied: Extraordinary appearance!

Later, Li Dingguo followed Zhang Xianzhong to fight in the north and south, and he has been fighting with the encircled Ming army for more than ten years! Because of his superb force, he was known as the “enemy of all people” in the army, “little lieutenant late”!

He once led an army to attack Xiangyang and joined forces with the other three brothers, forcing Yang Sichang to swallow medicine and commit suicide!

He also defeated the Ming army blocking the front when Zhang Xianzhong entered Shu. Qin Liangyu called himself a famous general, but under the command of Li Dingguo, all the white rod soldiers were destroyed, and Qin Liangyu fled back to Shizhu; Li Dingguo personally killed Shuzhong general Zhang Ling!

However, in the past, the Great Western Army of Phoenix Mountain lost to the Qing army, and although Li Dingguo killed the generals Gulang’a and Bayang’a, Zhang Nanxianzhong was killed by arrows.

The Western Army was on the verge of collapse, and when life and death were alive, the four brothers united sincerely, marched rapidly, and crossed the rivers and seas!

Under the desperate situation of running out of food for more than ten days, the Western Army finally broke through the siege of the Ming army with its tenacious will, and killed the famous general Zeng Ying, so that the 100,000 Ming army collapsed in an instant.

This was Li Dingguo’s most cheerful and happy battle, and there was no suspicion between brothers, and they crossed the difficulties together and overcame strong enemies.

Then came the road dispute, Sun Kewang advocated continuing to oppose the Ming, while Li Dingguo advocated the restoration of the Ming, resisted the Qing army together, and pulled out the sword to stab himself to show his determination!

Sun Kewang reluctantly accepted the idea of “uniting the Ming to resist the Qing Dynasty” and eventually entered the Yunnan battle.

But the trust between the brothers also declined over time, the four were originally righteous brothers, and Sun Kewang did not have absolute prestige and the other subdued the three.

What’s more, when pacifying the Dian Land, the youngest Ai Nengqi was killed by an arrow, and Ai Nengqi supported his eldest brother Sun Kewang, resulting in an unbalanced relationship between the remaining three.

Sun Kewang wanted to form an absolute suppression of Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu, while Li Dingguo often rebelled against Sun Kewang, and Liu Wenxiu acted as a buffer zone for Sun and Li, and should be a peacemaker.

Li Dingguo knew that his righteous brother Kong Sun Ke was dissatisfied with him, knew that he had ambitions to swallow the sky, he wanted to learn from Cao Cao, and the Ming court was a front in his hands.

But no matter what, with the efforts of the Western Army, the anti-Qing united front was finally established in the storm.

The main task, not infighting!

But to deal with the current enemy of life and death, the Qing army!

After Li Dingguo recovered Guidi, he received Sun Kewang’s order, did not hesitate, and went straight north to Xiangdi to resist the Eight Banners from Beijing!

This is the second confrontation against the Eight Flags since the defeat of the Phoenix Mountain Western Army!

Li Dingguo is full of ambition!

And it seems that God is helping Sun Kewang and Li Dingguo.

Dolgon died a year ago and was liquidated by Shunzhi; Dodor contracted a serious illness and died violently; Azig was also repaired to death by Dolgon.

And the younger generation, Leke Dunhun, who once solved the siege of Jingzhou, also died suddenly!

There is a town guarding side, and the Qing Sect Chamber, which is rich in battle formations, is almost extinct.

This time it was Nikan who was the grandson of Nurhachi and was already the highest throne in the Qing court after Dolgon’s death.

The pro-government Shunzhi solemnly awarded him the Shang Fang Sword, urged him to serve the country, and the entire imperial court officials practiced it for him. Nikan was grateful and led tens of thousands of Eight Banner troops south!

If you want to flatten Sun in one fell swoop, Li Dingguo and other departments!

When Nikan arrived in Xiangdi, he was also full of ambition, Kong Youde was dead, and he ordered the king of Pingnan to be happy, and the king of Jingnan Geng Jimao, to pounce on the Ming army together.

Nikan entered Hengzhou, and Li Dingguo also arrived in Hengzhou!

How to deal with the Eight Flags?

Li Dingguo had already had a countermeasure, he saw that Nikan was very arrogant, and decided to win with a plan, facing the Eight Flags Front, and feigned defeat all the way.

Thinking of Shunzhi’s high hopes, Nikan ordered the whole army to pursue, and immediately fell into the ambush set by Li Dingguo.

The whole Ming army attacked, and the killing sound was heaven-shaking, and the momentum was like a tide; The Qing army was in a hurry and was quickly defeated by the Ming army, and the boss Nikan was killed on the spot!

The Ming army won a great victory, the whole army thundered, and the Qing army fled in a hurry.

Li Dingguo killed the prince again, this time the prince was already the largest king of the Qing court besides Shunzhi, and his prestige suddenly swept the sea!

Kong Youde and the death of the two kings of Nikan were killed one after another, which was a shock to both the Ming and Qing dynasties, and its impact was far greater than the battle itself.

The Ming army was imposing, the Shenzhou rebels sprang up, setting off the second anti-Qing peak, and the military and people everywhere were greatly encouraged and raised the flag in response!

The Qing court was even more terrified, the myth of the invincibility of the eight flags was shattered, and the death of Nikan made Li Dingguo’s reputation enough to stop in Jingshi Xiao’er.

The Shunzhi Emperor trembled when he heard Li Dingguo’s name, and even planned to give up the eight southern provinces to discuss peace with the Southern Ming!

At that time, the righteous man Huang Zongxi sighed greatly: the arrest of Li Dingguo Guilin, the battle of Hengyang, the two famous kings, the world shook. This Wanli noon has never been in the world since noon! 】_

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