Chapter 84: Death of the country and the world, the most undeserved Huaiqing Jie!!

“How come!”

“Jingshi is in turmoil, Shanhaiguan Wu Sangui surrenders and rebels!”

“This is perverse and self-destructive!”

An exclamation resounded throughout the ages, watching the development of the situation in disbelief

Only a month after Li Zicheng entered the Beijing Division, instead of appeasing the hundred officials, the gentry left him aside in the cold and pushed him aside.

Although the light curtain did not say it explicitly, countless people have realized the seriousness of the matter. The nascent Dashun regime angered the gentry bureaucrats in Gyeonggi

“Li Zicheng actually did such a stupid thing, it’s not good!”

Liu Bang’s eyes were round and stunned, and sweat was raining down.

This should not be, the weather of a new dynasty!

“Li Zicheng, they are the only ones who have not betrayed their position! Torture and help, 70 million silver taels, ridiculous. ”

“This is the Great Ming of the Doomsday!”

Zhu Yuanzhang was filled with grief and indignation, never expecting that the nobles of the former Jingshi were stupid to such an extent.

Chongzhen was also dumbfounded: “What are these?” Didn’t you say that there are no silver taels? Doesn’t it mean poor jingle!? ”

Chongzhen smiled sadly, realizing how ridiculous he was. When he tried his best to ask the minister for donations, I am afraid that many people laughed at him in secret

He did everything he could to raise 200,000, while Li Zicheng tortured 70,000 silver and 70,000.

“Yuanlai, the money is yours, the country is only mine!”


“Wu Sangui, the general soldier entrenched in Shanhaiguan, can be described as the strongest in Li Zicheng’s remnant army, right?”

“Such a person raises the flag and rebels, you can imagine! Li Zicheng shouldn’t ah, even if he wants to purge, he should slowly plan it, and escape too quickly! ”

Wang shrunk, Feng Quqian and others looked pained, only sighing pity.

Zulong clenched his fists, looked at the curtain with awe, and muttered, “Shanhaiguan, the gate to Jingshi.” This place is so important! ”

“Wouldn’t it!?”

As if thinking of something, Zulong stood up in shock, and his heart palpitated.

[Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of Ningyuan, has 60,000 Liao soldiers and occupies the important land of Shanhaiguan, and he has the confidence to touch Li Zicheng.

However, when Li Zicheng led the Shun army to the city, the battle situation actually appeared one-sided.

The elite of Liaodong that he relied on, under the onslaught of the Dashun army, almost made a judgment, and Shanhaiguan was almost broken in one day.

The Dashun army was not at all like he thought it was just a rabble, in fact, after several years of conquest, the Dashun army’s own old capital plus the absorbed Ming border army seemed to have greatly increased its combat strength.

Wu Sangui cried out bitterly, and hurriedly sent a letter to the Qing army outside the customs, hoping that they would quickly reorganize the tiger brigade and go straight into the mountains and seas.

He wants to unite with Qing Shun!

The high-level Qing army outside the customs also regretted it, the government and the public were shaken, and they were also undecided, because not long ago, Huang Taiji died of illness, and the internal situation was in a struggle for power, and in the end, no one won. As a product of compromise, six-year-old Shunzhi ascended the throne.

More importantly, how strong was the fighting power of the rebel army that occupied the Jing Division? How is it compared to the previous Ming army?

In the midst of a heated debate, the regent Dolgon paid attention. He advocated marching into the Central Plains, “If Qin loses its deer, Chu Han chases it, I must fight with the Ming Dynasty, but I also fight with the rogues!” ”

Therefore, he mobilized all the combat effectiveness of the Qing army, obtained eight banners and 100,000 yuan, and waved his division into the customs under the banner of “hanging the people for the crime of felling.”

On the night march, the Qing army rushed to Shanhaiguan and sat on the mountain to watch the tiger fight. In the end, Wu Sangui could not hold on, and personally went out to meet Dolgon, and Jing Fa was loyal.

Lianqing attack Shun completely turned into surrender to the Qing court, and Wu Sangui opened the customs.

In an instant, the power was reversed, Li Zicheng resisted the Qing army with an army of 100,000, and the Wu army with an army of 160,000, and it was difficult for Li Zicheng to win the big war.

A stone war broke out, and the Qing army, taking advantage of the exhaustion of the Shun’s army, launched an attack on the Shun’s large array and fought fiercely together.

The rebel army was outnumbered, Liu Zongmin was wounded, and Li Zicheng had to order the withdrawal of the Jing division.

On April 29, Li Zicheng held an enthronement ceremony at the Wuying Hall, angrily killing 34 members of Wu Sangui’s entire family!

On the 30th, the Dashun army withdrew from the Beijing division. On the second day of May, the Qing army entered the Beijing Division!

The Qing army continued to pursue and defeat the fleeing Shun army, and the two sides fought several battles in Beizhi and Henan, and the Shun army only won a small victory in Wangdu, and the rest were defeated.

The news spread quickly, and the Ming officials and gentry who had originally submitted to Dashun thought that when the time came, they quickly entangled their troops to rebel and raised the banner of “capturing thieves and restoring their sight”!

After Li Zicheng led his army to flee into Jindi, the Qing army stopped pursuing. And Li Zicheng did not sit in Taiyuan and quickly strengthen the defense of Jindi, but left Ma Chongxi, Zhang Tianlin, and Chen Yongfu to guard the palace!

Although the strength of the Jin region was considerable, a considerable part of it was surrendered by the Ming border army

Li Zicheng hurriedly returned to Chang’an!

The Qing army outside the pass finally broke through the pass and occupied the Jing Division! Dazed, at a loss, complicated, resentful!

“Defeated, defeated, the Shun army was defeated at Shanhaiguan, and withdrew all the way from the Jing Division!” Gain and lose! ”

“The army is defeated, not to mention that Li Zicheng has already buried hidden dangers. The old Ming gentry had no hope of defecting to the Shun army, and really turned against the water! ”

“Wu Sangui, open the mountain customs, let the northern prisoners enter the customs, sinners of the ages!”

At this moment, everyone’s hearts surged with terrifying waves!

They thought wrong, they were ridiculously wrong, and the peasants revolted at the end of the Ming Dynasty. But was it really the rebels who won the world?

The Northern Empire has already entered the pass, occupied the Jingshi Division, and looked at the Central Plains!

The Ming army was defeated, and the strongest Shun army in the north also suffered heavy setbacks, who else could stop the northern invasion?

“It’s dark.”

“Could it be that it is another chaotic mess and the lives are ruined?”

“Who else can withstand the Northern Empire?”

The corners of people’s eyes were wet, and they asked unwillingly, closing their eyes sadly.

Li Shimin muttered, “Li Zicheng still has the power of a war, and the Shun army he brought to the Beijing Division is only a part. ”

“Guanzhong, Central Plains, Northwest, Jindi are still in hand, and there is still hope of winning!”

Li Jing and Li Ji were not so optimistic, and raised their eyebrows and thought: “Li Zicheng ran too fast, the Jin Land is a place of victory, and the defense against the Northern Empire can only be defended here!” If you can’t build a defensive line, everything is for nothing. ”

Great Qin, the group of ministers is sluggish.

Zulong said angrily: “King of trespassing, king of trespassing? You can still fight, right? ”

In the past, eighteen horses nested in Shangluo Mountain, and they could make a comeback! Now there are still hundreds of thousands of soldiers under the devil, and the territory is tens of thousands of miles, can you not stop the northern invasion?

Wang Yi and Feng Quyang were also blinded, and they realized that the land of Shenzhou was once again on the verge of life and death!


“Wu Sangui, Beiyu!”

Chang’an, Li Zicheng sat up sharply and looked at this scene in disbelief

They were actually beaten out of the Jingshi by the Northern Emperor?

The sound of the light curtain gradually decreased

[There is the death of the country, and there is the death of the world. The death of the country and the death of the world ridicule? Yu: Different surnames are changed, which means the death of the country; Benevolence and righteousness are full, and as for leading beasts to eat people, people will cannibalize each other, that is

of the world!

The year of Kashen was a year of sudden changes, and no one could realize where the situation was going to fall next.

In the north, the Qing army entered Beijing under the banner of “hanging the people for the crime of felling”, and moved Chongzhen’s coffin to Siling, which greatly won the favor of the Han gentry.

Moreover, at the beginning of his entry into customs, killing and plundering was strictly prohibited, so the people in the Central Plains were all happy and sincere, even though Dolgon once ordered the people along the way to conclude their arguments and comply with Manchu customs, but under the strong resistance of the Han, Dolgon also had to restrain and temporarily give up.

Its initial measures greatly changed its image of entering the customs five times, burning, killing and looting, especially the old military attachés who were well-mannered, reinstated one by one, and even promoted several ranks.

As a result, he quickly gained a foothold in Gyeonggi!

In June, Dolgon consulted with the ministers and moved the capital to Jingshi. It is not only to unify the Central Plains but also to dominate Kyushu and establish an indomitable cause!

From August to October, Shunzhi Emperor Fulin moved from Shengjing to Jingshi and officially sat in the town

And Li Zicheng, who was defeated back to Guanzhong, licked his wounds to restore his blood qi and actively prepared for a counterattack. He ordered the Jin general Jianbi Qingye to build a defensive line against the attack of the Qing army

Subsequently, he recruited generals in Chang’an and gathered the remnants of the Shun army scattered in the northwest and the Central Plains!

Ling a rebel army, the rebel army led by Zhang Xianzhong also formally established the Daxi regime, and entered Sichuan from Huguang, captured Shu Commandery, and continued to fight with the Ming army in Shu. However, at this time, more power rises!

The Ming Dynasty forces in the south heard that Chongzhen had been martyred, and in May supported Zhu Yousong, the son of King Laofu, as emperor, and made the capital Jinling!

The year name was changed to Hongguang, and it still owned half of the southern part of Shenzhou, and in 1644, Dashun, Nanming, and Qing courts stood in the world! ] Rebel army, remnants of the army, Jurchen outside the border!

These three forces that have been fighting since the Apocalypse Year have finally presented a new situation!

Chongzhen died, and the remnant of Ming raised the flag in Jiangnan! Jurchen break into the pass and build their own foundation!

The rebel army still has a fairly strong force, ready for a big counterattack!

“Chaos, chaos!”

“Yes, although Chongzhen is dead, he is a hundred-footed worm, dead but not stiff! Not to mention the Ming Dynasty! ”

“The southern soldiers have a lot of food, and they are also rivers and seas, but they really can’t do it, they can be ruled by rowing the river!”

“Jing Fa concluded, Beiyu is really a barbarian! The body is skinned, and the parents can not give it up lightly! ”

“Death of the country and death of the world? Shun Daiming, that is the death of the country, the family has changed owners! If you want to let the Northern Emperor occupy the world, that is to lead the beast to eat people, and die in the sky! ”

People fiercely discussed the vicissitudes of the war situation, and spit was flying.

In the Wanli Dynasty, under the treatment of the imperial doctor, Zheng Guifei woke up faintly, and just saw this scene, and remembered the Fulu Banquet: “My poor Tao’er!” ”

Fortunately, Tao’er failed to ascend the throne, and his son finally ascended the throne

Wanli’s face was pale, he had been grieving since Chongzhen’s martyrdom, he thought that Daming would be so gone, but he didn’t expect it!

Daming still has loyal people, the north is gone, and it can be rebuilt in the south: the two-Beijing system set up by Emperor Taizong really saved Daming’s life!

“Relying on the heavenly graben, coupled with the vast land and abundant resources, it can also realize the rule of the river at the very least, and cannot let the northern whale swallow the world!”

Wanli breathed a sigh of relief, let the Beiyu steal the world, they really did the ancient sinners! As for whether it can be a corner of peace?

His grandson is still not as good as the complete Yan Zhi?

After finishing the beginning of the collapse of the sky, it can stabilize half of the Southern Song Dynasty; My Daming south is even richer, and the king’s ministers are virtuous, and I can’t rule by rowing the river?

Indeed, the establishment of Nanming made countless people breathe a short sigh of relief!

At least half of the country can be saved!

[From May to October, the three forces of Mingshun and Qing have been competing with each other to realize their strategic intentions! ]

The Shun army was engaged in a fierce battle with the Qing army, and the surrendered Ming army betrayed Li Zicheng again!

The general of Datong, Jiang Yi, opposed Chongzhen, and this time again opposed Li Zicheng, and he immediately presented a surrender to the Qing court, killing the Shun general Zhang Tianlin in Datong and occupying northern Jin.

Tang Tong was in Shaanxi, and the Jin border rebelled, and seeing the rest of the people rebelling against the water, he also saw the wind and made the rudder and descended.

At the beginning, Li Zicheng’s smooth sailing consequences were reflected, and the Ming generals who had descended at the beginning defected to the enemy without exception. As a result, the wind turned, rebellions abounded, and finally collapsed

Taiyuan was breached, the defender Chen Yongfu died in battle, and the Jin land fell!

And the Hongguang Court, which owns the south of the Jiangsu, is even more unbearable, and once established, it fell into the turmoil of party strife.

They put forward the strategy of “uniting with the Qing Dynasty and encircling and suppressing the Shun army”! In the Central Plains, Qilu’s Ming army was always ready to wait for Wang Shi to go north, but Southern Ming had no intention of going north.

Just thinking about a corner of peace, drunk dreams of death!

Dolgon teased the delegation sent by the Southern Ming to discuss peace, playing it in the middle of applause and concentrating on annihilating the Shun army.

Finally, October is here!

In view of the surrender of the Jin Di Ming general, Dolgon swelled to the top and began to stretch out two fists to hit people, eager to hit Shenzhou in one fell swoop.

He sent his brother Azige to lead Wu Sangui and other hundreds of thousands of troops to attack Li Zicheng in Guanzhong to eliminate this biggest obstacle.

At the same time, he also ordered his brother Doduo to lead an army of hundreds of thousands to the south to Fa Ming, wanting to take advantage of the fact that Jiangbei was not firmly established and sweep Jiangnan.

Hitting Li Zicheng with one hand and Nanming with the other can be described as extremely open! Great war, outbreak!

The Shun generals Li Guo and Gao Yigong and others guarded Yulin and Mizhi, resisting Azige’s army, and the two sides were in a stalemate for several months, fierce.

When Li Zicheng heard this, he immediately led Chang’an’s 100,000-strong army and rushed to northern Shaanxi, wanting to unite with Li and Gao to attack Azige and completely eat Azige.

At this time, something has changed!

In the western part of the Central Plains, the Dashun army launched a counteroffensive, successively conquered Jiyuan, Meng County, and the Qing Dynasty’s Huaiqing general Jin Yuhe led the army to battle, and fought a battle with the Dashun army in Baixiang Town, and the result was that Jin Yuhe and deputy general Chang Ding, and the general Chen Guocai were killed, and the Qing army was almost completely destroyed!

This was a major defeat that the Qing court had never encountered since entering customs.

Then the Shun army besieged Huaiqing, and Zu Kefa, who was holding on, hurriedly asked the Jing Division for help! Dolgon wakes up from his dream and realizes that he is still a contemptuous Shunjun.

The Shun army is the biggest obstacle to the Qing dynasty’s domination of the world.

Hongguang Nanming, who discussed peace and self-preservation, is not so important!

Dolgon immediately mobilized the Dordor army heading south to turn around and rescue Huaiqing, repelled the Dashun army, and immediately approached Zhangguan!

The 300,000-strong army of the Qing army jointly attacked Li Zicheng.

Li Zicheng no longer rescued northern Shaanxi, and hastily led troops to Zhangguan, refusing to fight Doduo

The victory of Huaiqing, which burst into the sky, although it achieved a partial victory, changed the entire situation of the battlefield!

The next attracted the main forces of the two Qing troops to their side! 】

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