Chapter 155

Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the Person in Charge,


Ji Chengtian felt the fragrant and mellow tea soup in his mouth, a refreshing feeling in his heart, even the wrinkles on his face were unfolded. Now everything is in place, I only owe Dongfeng!

Suddenly, Ji Chengtian’s heart screamed, as if thinking of something.

wrong! According to Lao Fu, the Four Saints Project lacks manpower and space…

Fortunately, it’s better for the staff to approve a note to the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion Devices. As far as the site is concerned…

According to the scale of the Four Saints Plan, it would cost one hundred million less…If the land is added, even if it is officially requisitioned, it will cost hundreds of millions…

Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian’s expression changed, and he suddenly got a headache. Although these hundreds of millions are only a fraction of a fraction for the Ministry of Science and Technology, he just offended the’God of Wealth’. What do you think… now it’s hard to say anything. Ah?

In Ji Chengtian’s thoughts, Li Wei opened the door and entered.

Looking at his deputy, Ji Chengtian’s heart moved slightly, and then he felt a little thoughtful in his eyes. Looking at Li Wei, who was still unsure, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, I’m sorry! Old Li!

I saw that Li Wei was walking towards Ji Chengtian with a report at this time, and then said,

“Lao Ji, next week’s Yandu Science and Technology Exhibition, is the’Tianting 18 Project’ determined to be announced?”

On the other side, Ji Chengtian looked as usual, nodded slightly after hearing the words, and said immediately.

“Of course, even if there is no project yet, it is okay to bluff them!”

The them whom Ji Chengtian said are naturally those foreign competitors.

“Okay, I get it

Li Wei nodded, and walked outside the door when he said, but at this moment, Ji Chengtian stopped him.

“I’m so… Lao Li, wait a minute, I have something to explain…”

“Oh? ”

Li Wei paused, then turned back to Ji Chengtian again, wanting to hear what he had to say.

“That’s it. Fu Zhiyuan wants to establish a joint venture with the Ministry of Science and Technology to build a super large laboratory directly under the Ministry of Science and Technology, but the venue must be in or near Longke University. I mean you go to discuss with the God of Wealth. Discuss and see how much each of our two families will spend…”

“Um… well, I get it!”

Li Weixian, of course, didn’t realize the seriousness of the matter, so he took the task and walked out.

After Li Wei left, Ji Chengtian showed a relaxed smile. In this way, the problem was solved!

As for the joint venture to build a super-large laboratory, it was naturally not negotiated long ago, and the subsequent conditions were also added by him.

However, Ji Chengtian believes that with his decades of friendship with Fu Zhiyuan, he should be able to understand what he means…

After that, Ji Chengtian greeted the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion Devices again. Now all that is needed is time…

On the other side, Longke University, Dean’s Office,

“What? The reserve fund is 500 million? Longke University and the Ministry of Science and Technology each contribute half? The right to use belongs to us, but the actual use belongs to you directly?” Fu Zhiyuan frowned when he heard Li Wei’s voice. Needless to say, this Such harsh conditions can only be imagined by Ji Chengtian


Doesn’t this mean directly prostituting several hundred million at the University of Science and Technology? As for the right to use? What is the use of the right to top? Although Fu Zhiyuan’s application for the one billion fund specially approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology to Tang Zhenli has not yet been used up, it is not such a usage!

Isn’t this pure overlord clause?

“No way, no way…This condition is too harsh…”

After thinking about it, Fu Zhiyuan suddenly became unhappy. He didn’t take him as a victim, and immediately started arguing with Li Wei.

On the other end of the phone, “God of Wealth” Wang Zhi has been chattering beside Li Wei.

“How can anyone contribute half of the capital? The entire science and technology department will be emptied by you up and down.

“With such a usage, the landlord’s house has no more food…”

“You quickly discuss with Fu Zhiyuan, the Ministry of Science and Technology will provide 30%

Hearing that, Li Wei, who was on the phone, glanced at Wang Zhi embarrassedly, only to feel a headache.

Fu Zhiyuan was also a little surprised at this time. The phone seemed a little noisy, and it seemed that someone was talking about it. It is also difficult for Li Wei to listen to Wang Zhi’s complaints while communicating with Fu Zhiyuan in such a noisy environment. It was true that he tortured him a little bit miserably…

Finally, after a good exchange, LongTech University and the Ministry of Science and Technology each contributed half of their funds to choose a place near LongTech University to build

As for the ownership of a large laboratory, Longke University has the ownership for the first 15 years.

In other words, starting from the completion of the construction of this laboratory, all the power of this laboratory in the first fifteen years belongs to Longke University. Even if Longke University had to dismantle this laboratory during the fifteen years, the Ministry of Science and Technology could not intervene.

After fifteen years, the ownership of this laboratory belongs to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

“No… I must find a way to save money…”

The construction of the laboratory is nothing more than a few hundred million, mainly the power module solution of two-way research and development, maybe it is tens of billions to tens of billions.

Seeing Li Wei’s back, Wang Zhi’s eyes flashed, and he muttered in his heart.

—I must think of a way, or else the Ministry of Science and Technology will be ruined…

the other side,

After Fu Zhiyuan hung up the phone, news of Ji Chengtian arrived. Looking at this personnel transfer order, Fu Zhiyuan showed a smile on his face.

°It now appears that the preparations for the Four Holy Plan are proceeding in an orderly manner.

As the saying goes, the upper part opened his mouth and the lower part broke his leg. After the two big bosses discussed and finalized, the various grass-roots staff below also started to get busy…

Afterwards, Fu Zhiyuan 163 took out his cell phone and dialed Tang Zhenli’s number.

“Xiao Tang… prepare to go to the selected person to study the controllable nuclear fusion device tomorrow…”

“Okay, Dean”

Tang Zhenli on the other end of the phone agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Fu Zhiyuan thought about the candidates in Longke University in the Four Saints Project, and started planning in his heart, and directly sent a message to dozens of first-level professors at Longke University.

As we all know, in some prestigious universities, professors are divided into four levels. Among them, the rarest and most valuable are the first-level professors. Even Longke University has only a few dozen.

Tang Zhenli, who was previously elected as a professor, was naturally still a fourth-level professor.

These first-level professors obviously have a higher perspective in selecting students, which means that the academic level of the students below is higher.

Just like the Qilu five at the time, Professor Liu is also a first-class professor. After doing this, Fu Zhiyuan relaxed.

Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the Person in Charge,

Looking at Li Wei who came in without knocking, a trace of unnaturalness flashed across Ji Chengtian’s face.

“Lao Ji…you pit me miserable…”

Li Wei looked sad. He never expected that Ji Chengtian would cheat him and let him bear the rumors of the’God of Wealth’ alone. Look, is this a human thing?

Island I W


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