In the dimly lit room, Uchiha Fugaku looked out the window in amazement.

Zhizi Mo Ruo’s father.

These days, the family’s information is leaked, and he knows it in his heart.

Those who can leak that key information must be people who have participated in secret meetings.

And the heart is to the Hokage, there are channels, and there is the ability to report.

No matter how you look at it, the suspicion of the ferret is the greatest.

But Fugaku has been paralyzing himself and not thinking deeply.

Even when it comes to the moment he has to face it, he is looking for various reasons.

– Maybe the ferret is threatened.

——Maybe this is just a necessary effort for Itachi to win the trust of Hokage.

– Maybe Itachi didn’t leak that much, but Hokage they deduced it.

But these words, he did not say to people.

Because these words even he himself could not deceive.


Uchiha Mikoto came in with the drink and knelt down at the table to set it up.

She always did these things silently, and then walked silently, not disturbing her husband’s thinking.

But today, after Mikoto put down her drink, she hugged her husband from behind.

Although nothing was said, both sides knew what was worried in their hearts.

The matter of family rebellion, tossed for so long, has long been mentally prepared.

Their concern is not what will happen after the success or failure of the rebellion, but they all see the struggle of the ferrets.

Husband and wife do not need many years, they are interdependent.

“Okay, rest.”

Fugaku patted his wife’s arm and thought for a moment, “Go and call Sasuke over.” ”

Fugaku hadn’t talked to Sasuke for a long time.

The struggle of the eldest son made Fugaku suddenly remember that his second son always seemed to have a different opinion.

Perhaps, can provide some different ideas?

Mikoto didn’t ask why, nodded and went out.

After a while, Sasuke came to the room.

He closed the door, and the room fell dark again.

“It’s hard for the family to ride a tiger now.”

Uchiha Fugaku was straight to the point and showed his worries that had never been revealed outside.

His preparations for the family rebellion are now clearly presented in Konoha’s high-level case because of the leak.

It is equivalent to saying that the cards are played.

And now, there is no chance to change again.

It’s not just Konoha’s high-level who won’t give them another chance to adjust.

Similarly, the internal radical mood is fully mobilized, and if they are a little calmer, they are afraid that even his patriarch will be in a nest.

Fugaku explained the situation of the family, and then looked at Sasuke: “Do you think the family, there is still a chance?” ”

Sasuke shook his head: “It’s not saved, wait for death.” ”

Fugaku’s stomach full of words choked, he didn’t expect Sasuke to be so direct.

But he quickly came back to his senses and found that Sasuke was more whining, so he continued to ask: “Sasuke, if there is anything you say directly, I will seriously consider it.” ”

Just seriously considering?

Sasuke was helpless, but knowing that he was still too young, he continued:

“Some people in the family are really helpless, and they can’t turn back without breaking their heads.”

“Their lifelong grievances are expected to be vented this time, and people are already paranoid.”

“But there are also many people in the family who are innocent, and they are the ones we want to fight to not be affected.”

Fugaku wrinkled his eyebrows, Sasuke said this, as if he expected Uchiha to lose.

That’s right, Sasuke didn’t know he had kaleidoscope chakra eyes.

Including other tribesmen, they don’t know.

Sasuke was just trying to make a living for non-radicals.

Fugaku continued to ask, “But in the eyes of Hokage, we Uchiha are one unit. Even if we want to protect these people, now that we are being targeted to death by the dark department, we basically have no chance to act secretly. ”

Sasuke said, “Why do you act secretly?” ”

“Since you can’t play yin, then play yang.”

“It’s enough to give Konoha a reason not to interfere.”

Playing Yang Mou?

Fugaku nodded in his heart, this is a train of thought.

But how exactly do you plan to keep Uchiha and the others?

Konoha couldn’t interfere… Suddenly, Fugaku’s eyes lit up.

He was shocked: “You mean, Minister of War? ”

The formalities for Uchiha Quan to go out were still passed by him.

The funds she is active in the capital are also allocated by Fuyue.

Therefore, Izumi knew about his recent cooperation with the Minister of Military Affairs of the Fire Nation.

The Minister of Military Affairs is in charge of armaments throughout the country.

Although this is covered by the aura because of the presence of Konoha.

But the garrison of a country depends not only on Konoha, but also on a large number of trained soldiers.

Konoha is only the nuclear weapon of the Fire Nation, and the Minister of War is the conventional means.

For the daimyo of the Fire Nation, the Minister of War is equally important.

If you can send out the ordinary people of Uchiha through the hand of the Minister of War…

The price is certainly heavy, but it does work.

Wait a minute!

“Sasuke, you thought of a way back from the beginning?”

Fugaku suddenly reacted and couldn’t help but stand up and look at Sasuke.

Sasuke said calmly, “It’s just a surprise.” ”

He has the idea, but will not admit it.

Otherwise, the performance is too against the sky.

Fugaku calmed down for a long time.

The existence of the back road made his pressure suddenly decrease.

However, he was still worried: “Is the Minister of Military Affairs willing, resisting Konoha’s pressure to help us do things…”

Sasuke said, “Ninja business, exchange of benefits.” ”

Feudal countries are passed down from generation to generation, and something is always easy to breed within them.

For example, the Minister of War.

Because of Konoha’s existence, there is no big ambition.

Rather than doing my job, I prefer to do some ninja business secretly, which is a huge profit.

And the psychic beast of the Uchiha contract has this channel.

As long as you put aside the shackles of Konoha, business is promising.

This is also the reason why Izumi and the Minister of Military Affairs are on the line.

Next, as long as Fugaku strengthens the exchange of interests in this regard, things will be easy to handle.

Although Fugaku is indecisive, he still understands this.

After clearing his mind, he knew that the safety of Yu Zhibo’s ordinary people was guaranteed at this time.

The rest is in what name.

Fugaku looked at Sasuke.

Sasuke really did not disappoint him and continued: “The reason on Konoha’s side, let the Minister of Military Affairs come to find it. As for the radicals in the clan, my father can be said to suspect that there are spies in the family recently, separating all unrelated people and so on, so as not to leak further information. ”

Fugaku nodded in satisfaction, it was the best of both worlds.

It can both give him a reason to leave the plan uninterrupted and allow him to temporarily salvage some of his reputation for internal laxity.

Fugaku is proud, I have the posture of a Hokage!

Moreover, you kid still said it was an accident?

Step by step, it is clear that he has already made up his mind.

It’s just that ordinary people, even some of the lower patience, are easy to give away.


“Sasuke, what about you?”

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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