Chapter 135


Xiaoxin drank all the soda.

"Xiaoxin, what are you doing this time?"

Nanako looked at Xiaoxin and pursed her lips and smiled.

"Well, let's find an interest class! My interest is kendo!"

"Kendo, that's amazing!"

Xiaoxin blushed and nodded.

If he hadn't recognized Nanazi as his aunt a long time ago, he would probably be a prisoner of love again.

And Kanda Tori Shinobu looked at Hideno with an interested look.

Of course, it's not because of Hideno's handsome appearance.

Kanda likes handsome guys, but he doesn't feel good about Hideno's appearance.

This made Hideno even praise God.

If you are entangled by her.... Ahem.

Last time, that skateboarding shemale was too.,Fortunately, I didn't have a peach blossom robbery... Well, it's a chrysanthemum robbery.

"Your kung fu is so good, I can't even get close, you know, I'm a judo master!"

Ren asked curiously.

"I've also learned sanda, and if I do fight, I won't necessarily be your opponent. "

"Then why are you following Nanazi? I misunderstood, I know you, Nanazi always mentions you to me!"

Hearing this, Nanako's face turned red.

"Ninin, when do I always mention Hideno?"

"Then you really didn't mention it?"

Hideno finally found an opportunity and pulled back the first army.

"And what about you, why are you stalking me?"

Not to be outdone, Nanako fought back.

"Oh, don't you want to see if you have a boyfriend? Xiuye is really, obviously like a child, but he's embarrassed to admit it, it's really naïve!"

Xiaoxin smirked.

Nanako blushed and lowered her head, her eyes not even daring to look directly at Hideno.

What is a beautiful meal?

Nanako's appearance is really high, and when she was in the two-dimensional world, she even had some resemblance to Matsusaka, but when she was alive in front of you, you could feel her amazing charm.

"Isn't it okay to just ask? Not only does Nanako not have a boyfriend, but I haven't had a boyfriend since I met her in junior high school!"

Ah Ren has 0 EQ in this regard, and he directly exposed Nanazi's old bottom.

"Hmph, what's that, our family Xiuye is a peach blossom face that attracts girls, and there are countless fans there, but he hasn't had a girlfriend either!"

What kind of arrogance is this little guy?

The corners of Ah Ren's mouth moved, instinctively wanting to refute, they were like parents on both sides in the past, desperately praising their children.

However, Ah Ren did not refute Xiaoxin's words.

After all, Xiuye's appearance is indeed nothing to refute.

"Okay, okay, why are you two like matchmakers!

Nanako said helplessly.

"Then are you going to really give Xiaoxin a kendo class? I heard that kendo is very hard, but if you can really practice it, you can increase your perseverance!"

Four people make it in a cold drink shop.

"Does Nanako like kendo too?"

After hearing Nanako's words, Xiaoxin came to the spirit.

"When it comes to sports, I like sumo wrestling, but I like people who are down-to-earth and have perseverance, and people who practice kendo day in and day out are serious and handsome!"

Nanako took a sip of her drink, and her appearance was very elegant and full of beauty.

And Ah Ren, who was gobbling up ice cream on the side, was much more embarrassed.

"Okay, then I'll learn kendo!"

Xiaoxin's face was serious, and his little belly was round.

"By the way, when I'm done with this time, can I invite you to go to a relative's villa by the sea for a vacation?"

Nanako suddenly remembered this.

Or rather, I've wanted to ask for a long time.

When a family went on an adventure in the kingdom of Bribri, Nanako went to look for it, but it was empty.

"The kindergarten may be about to be renovated, Xiaoxin has time to go, but I want to go to the kindergarten to see. "

"That's it...."

Nanako's loss can even be seen.

"But it doesn't matter, if I have time, I will definitely go. "

I didn't play much with the sea at all last time, and there was no development there, so there was no playability at all, and the seafood was pretty good.

"Great, Nanako will be happy if you can go. "


Nanako has always been elegant and gentle, but today she blushed many times.

"By the way, Sister Nanako, what are you going to do?"

Xiaoxin suddenly asked.

"Oh, Nanako, I'm going to see a friend today, and he said he'd always wanted to know you—ahem, but I don't think there's any need for that. "

Ninja coughed a few times.

"What kind of friend? handsome guy?"

Xiaoxin continued to be curious.

"Ninja, why are you here? It's still quite hard for me to find it!"

A magnetic voice came.

"Wow, this big brother is here in a sports car!"

Xiaoxin pointed to the luxury sports car outside.

Then I saw a thin little white face.

He wears an expensive shirt, and the rest of his clothes are also famous brands.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot about you!"

Ren scratched his head a little embarrassed.

Hideno looked at the person who spoke.

Suge Koma Shiro!

For this name, Hideno still has an impression!

PS: The family may have to be three more at night, this is the last one, there is something at home temporarily, I did the train in a hurry, I arrived at the place, I'm very sorry, thank you for the big guys' reward flowers and recommended tickets, rest assured, this is not the beginning of the third watch of this book, today is really something.

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