He almost crawled over with both hands and feet, knelt half-knelt in the snow, and used both hands to shovel away the snow.

His hands and feet were frozen. He held Walnut in his arms, trying to keep her warm with his body.

Put your hand to your forehead and your nose to the tip of your nose, to feel the presence of breath...

It's almost late at night, and in two hours at most, it will be the coldest time, and the icy storm will be even more ruthless. It is a **** where no one can survive.

You must go to the destination quickly, you must go to a place with temperature quickly.

Xia Tian carried a walnut on his back, ignoring the frostbitten skin, and kept giving orders to his limbs that were completely exposed to the wind and snow.

Move, move, can't stop, can't stop...

This is a journey that would have taken only an hour, but in summer it seems like a century has passed.

When he reached the foothold, the torch ignited automatically, and his feet could no longer support the weight of the two of them, and he fell like a fracture.

The walnut was thrown to the side, and the shaking hands did not respond.

In the summer, he crawled to the emergency supplies storage boxes at every destination, and directly overturned the boxes to let the contents come out faster.

A few ropes, a quilt, a coat, a pair of trousers and some cookies.

Xia Xia grabbed the biscuits and stuffed them into his mouth. He couldn't fall down, he needed enough energy to maintain his strength.

Walnut's clothes were still in good condition, but in the summer she still put on the coat from the material box, and then put on the pants herself.

He hid under the quilt with a walnut in his arms.

After this evening, you can go down the mountain tomorrow and go to Mond, there must be a doctor who can cure the walnut.

Tomorrow... Can the walnut last until tomorrow?

He used to be an atheist, and for the first time begged to the gods. No matter which **** it is, if you can listen to your wishes, please wake up the walnut.

The warm bonfire and the body temperature in summer seem to have played a little role.

Walnut's originally pale lips gradually recovered a little blood color, which at least meant that her body temperature did not continue to drop, allowing Xia Xia's hanging heart to relax for a while.

Because he didn't have enough hands to hold it, he wanted to bring his face closer, trying to feel the warmth of Walnut with his cheeks.


"...Are you going to steal a kiss from me?" The weak voice made people want to cry with joy.

Xia Xian even stopped talking: "You, are you awake?"

"...Disappointed? Is it better for me to pretend to be asleep, cough, cough, and pretend to be asleep?" Hu Tao licked her dry lips, her eyes were not as bright as before, but she tried very hard to squeeze out a smile.

She wanted to say more joking words, but in the end there was only one left: "It makes you worry."

Xia Xia had no intention of stealing a kiss at all, but instead of refuting, he put his doting on her forehead, jokingly said, "It's good to know... If I had known you could wake you up by stealing a kiss, then I would have woken up early in the morning. Just did it."

Ah, it's really good for you to wake up. Do you stinky girl know how worried I am?

Forget it, judging from your miserable appearance, I will bear those scolding words in my heart for now!

There is nothing better than waking up with a walnut.

"How could you wake up because you stole your kiss! As for me, this is called "Return to the Light". ' Walnut said lightly.

She wanted to pinch Xia Xia's nose with her hands, but her hands didn't obey, as if they had disappeared.

If I hadn't lowered my head and could see my arm, I would have been a little scared.

Xia Xia was unhappy, and fiercely refuted: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"No nonsense!" There was a tear in Hu Tao's eyes, and she looked so lonely again: "Big brother, Hu Tao, it really seems to be dying... So, before the soul leaves, I want to come and be with you. Goodbye."

The scene in the dream.

At that moment, the soul seemed to really follow those fire gorge butterflies to the sky.

If it wasn't for her seeing the summer carrying her in the snow... she saw the frozen red limbs and a large blackened blood stain on her left arm.

Wouldn't it be very rude to leave like this? Although I'm not usually a polite child, at least this time...let me say goodbye politely.

She worked very hard to wake up from the dream of parting... Then, she heard his voice again.

It will remind people of the happiness of the past, the stone lion at the door of the General Affairs Department, the little ghost crying in Wuwangpo, and the way he was fooled when we first met... reluctant.

Hu Tao bit her lip and cried: "don't make me close my eyes, I don't want to close my eyes... so, please don't make me close my eyes."

But Xia Xia covered her ears and acted like a spoiled brat: "If you talk nonsense again, I won't listen!"

"Haha." Hu Tao broke into a smile and said, "Like a child... Well, I won't talk nonsense."

Her voice was always low, her eyes were always sleepy, she had to close and then open them several times...

Compared with the limbs, although the body part is also so cold, there is still a little sense.

Hu Tao wanted to shake off the sleepiness, and wanted to find a topic to chat: "It's so cold, why is it still so cold after I wear so much, did you get me a piece of ice in my clothes? It's not good to play a prank at this time. !"

"I didn't play any pranks. Can't you just touch it and see for yourself?"

In the summer, he pressed the belly of the walnut through the clothes. He even used the flame to warm the black coat before putting it on the walnut. How could there be ice cubes?

"If I could move my hands, I would definitely hit your head with a fist..."

Hu Tao pouted and thought for a while: "Come and touch me to see if there is a big ice cube on my stomach."

"Okay, okay." Xia Xia didn't shy away from being intimidated by men and women, and he stretched out his hand to get in through the gap.

It's cold and hard, like ice cubes, but it's the belly of a walnut.

Distress flashed in his eyes, replaced by a normal smile: "Look, no?"

He also scratched deliberately, but Hu Tao didn't feel anything.

Did his hand touch my stomach? Or has it been moved?

Originally, he had prepared a sentence, "Indecent assault! The lecherous big brother finally shot at the walnut!", but I didn't expect that my body didn't even have the slightest sense of this.

"Yeah." Hu Tao nodded, pretending to feel it.

She laughed at herself: "It's strange, it is the eye of the fire element, but the body is so cold, haha."

This reminds Xia of when Mona was sick, the water-type Mona's body temperature was terrifyingly high.

Maybe the walnut has been in a place with a high concentration of ice elements for a long time, so the fire element in the body is unbalanced, causing the body temperature to drop, right?

If so, it might be simple.

"Maybe you're sick? Don't worry, you're the third sick eye holder I've ever seen, and I've healed the first two!"

Xia Tian was holding the walnut and wanted to pat his chest with his hands to make sure, but he directly hit the walnut.

She quickly apologized: "I'm sorry."

"What's wrong? Why are you apologizing?" Hu Tao looked puzzled.

"No." Xia Tian smiled, very bitter.

It turned out that her body had lost consciousness.

Chapter 514 Finally, the walnut is still dead...

Skip weird dialogue.

Hu Tao's dull eyes revealed suspicion, and asked curiously, "Are you lying? Who are the two unlucky people you cured? How did you cure them?"

Her spirits improved as she brought up topics of interest.

Xia Tian saw it in his eyes, and was very happy to tell her: "Hum, the first one is Mona, who is known as the greatest astrologer in the future, be strong! As the driver of the water element, she had a fever one day! Yes! Isn't it the opposite of your current situation? I'll soak her in the bathtub and it'll be fine overnight."

He shamelessly took all the credit on himself to highlight the medical skills that he did not have at all.

"Eh? Wouldn't it be better to just throw me in the fire and burn it overnight?" Walnut is so smart that he will draw inferences from other facts.

"Are you frozen in your head?" Xia Xia knocked on her forehead: "Can water and fire be the same? Throwing you in will only turn you into ashes."

"Hehe." Hu Tao smiled foolishly and urged, "What about the second one? Who is the second one?"

"Second place..." Xia Xia deliberately lengthened his tone, as if announcing the ownership of a certain champion: "It's Yuheng Xingqing of Liyue Qixing!"

Unexpected candidate, Hu Tao was surprised: "Huh? Will she get sick too? I thought she was a robot that doesn't need to eat or go to the toilet!"

"Ke Qing is also a human being, of course she will get sick, but it's caused by poor rest and overwork... Be careful that she knows you speak ill of her, and then stabs you with a sword!" Walnut's armpit, if it was normal, would definitely be itchy and twisted... But now, there is no reaction.

Walnut's eyes turned around, thinking of some interesting development, he asked with a smirk, "How did Ke Qing heal?"

Xia Xia didn't take the merit this time, and answered truthfully, "I went to Bubulu to find a prescription."

"That's boring..." Hu Tao was suddenly disappointed: "I thought it was bombed with "Thunder"! "

The brain circuit is surprisingly the same, I remember thinking the same way in the beginning of summer.



The two of you talked a lot, and I talked a lot.

After speaking, Hu Tao became more and more sleepy and tired, but she still urged: "Let's say something more!"

"What else do you want to hear?" Xia Xia had already explained everything he saw and heard in Tivat, and even told a part of the things on the earth before he crossed over.

Of course, some adults only know things without explaining them in detail.

"Anything is fine, as long as it's what you say, I want to hear it..." Hu Tao really hoped that he could always be like this and listen to his story all the time.

Xia Xia shook his head: "It's Hu Tao's turn to talk... I also want to know the story of Hu Tao."

"Alright, then let me tell you a joke!" Hu Tao blinked and nodded.

As the night wore on, her body temperature became lower and lower, so low that her neck froze and she couldn't move.

"Walnut's hu is a hu that eats and drinks, but I don't like it, but walnut's peaches are not naughty and naughty... Do you think it's strange?"

After Hu Tao finished speaking, she didn't see a smile on Xia Tian's face: "Isn't it funny?"

Ah? Was it just a joke? Isn't it just an ordinary self-introduction?

Embarrassed for a moment, Xia Xia immediately replied: "I think it's very impolite to laugh at other people's names, and the name "Hutao" is very cute, why should you explain it separately? A walnut of a walnut is a walnut of a walnut, isn't that an explanation? "

"Well... what you said makes sense!" Hu Tao didn't refute, Xia Xia's compliments made her very useful.

Then, the tone was suddenly raised.

"Ask a question!"

It should be a normal voice in normal times, but now the weak Walnut should be considered a very loud voice.

She asked, "You said that Yula's figure has eight points, how much does mine have?"

Why is it such a boring question? Girls really care about their body shape.

"You can't evaluate something that doesn't exist at all." Xia Xia pretended to be serious, as if giving a very professional answer.

Hu Tao was unhappy: "You are holding me like this, can't you feel your existence? Isn't it so miserable?"

"After wrapping up so much, am I hugging you or hugging the cotton coat?" Xia Xia deliberately tried harder to hug her tightly. The comfortable touch was because the cotton coat was soft enough.

Hu Tao pouted and complained uncompromisingly: "You obviously put your hand in, and you are still groping there, don't think I can't feel it!"

Xia Xia was so frightened that she raised her two hands and said, "No, I already took it out!"

"It turned out to have been taken out! Because there is no feeling in the stomach, haha..." Hu Tao smiled and said the fact that his body was unconscious in such an understatement.

Even jokingly joked: "Did you touch strange places while I lost touch?"

Xia Xia admired her open-mindedness, and replied as usual: "I don't have it. Wearing so much, it's not pleasant to touch, right?"

He raised his eyebrows frivolously: "Maybe another day we can pick a warm place and let me give you a comprehensive rating? The kind from the inside out?"

"Is this some kind of harassment?" Hu Tao lowered his eyelids in contempt.

Xia Xia admitted frankly: "Well, it is."

"Haha." The two laughed together.

When I can chat like this, I'm really happy... Because I'm so happy, I'm afraid I won't have it in the future.

Walnut opened his mouth and bit the quilt, his voice blurred: "You say, what does it feel like to die?"

Summer is on the side, can hear clearly, but has no words.

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