Then, his thoughts exploded in an instant, and his hands loosened in a panic.

What was that just now?

More than one memory flooded into my mind, all of them were negative thoughts that ordinary people could not bear, hatred of the world, desire for power, obsession with drunken lantern riddles, and masculine and feminine...

The body of the evil spirits can be destroyed, and the thoughts of the evil spirits can be defeated, but the filth that demonized them is immortal.

This magic spear is a concentration camp for filth!

It is constantly looking for a host, perhaps a human being, or a fairy... and then degenerates into a demon.

The demon will be destroyed, and this magic spear will look for the next target with its new desire and hatred.

In such reincarnation, the resentment it carries grows day by day.

Xia Xia understands, is the "karma" that those yaksa who eradicate demons endure these filth?

More than one, more than once, more than one reincarnation.

After the negative memories carried by the filth flood into the body, who can tell which part is the original me... Who am I? Who am I?

The blessing of immortal power brings higher and faster thinking.

In an instant, Xia Xia summed up everything... The magic gun in front of him would trigger all kinds of desires and then devour him.

But... looking back at the worried eyes under the shade of the tree, they are as flawless as the bright stars, that is an emotion that I have never had before.

What Gan Yu gave him was not only immortal power, but also fearless courage.

With trembling hands, he grabbed the magic spear again, never letting go this time.

Pulling hard, he tore off Scarface's arm, completely grasping the magic spear in his own hands.

"Ah, do you desire power?"

This is that moment, a question from the soul.

The evil spirit is exploring his mind, the evil evil is trying to arouse his desire, and the evil evil is trying to invade his body.

So, what is the desire for summer?

Does he long for more power? Of course, it cannot be denied.

But power is just a tool, and the goal you want to achieve after having power is desire.

The desire for summer... It hasn't changed since the moment I stepped into Tivat.

The pure purpose is not mixed with any selfish desire, lust, or power desire.

Just want to protect them and the world they love, that's all.

How does the mere demon understand this emotion!

How can the mere demons hinder the will born in the summer for this emotion!

Since it cannot be understood, since it cannot be hindered, and since it cannot penetrate change.

Then, create memories and pictures that do not belong to this body, then use other thoughts to forcibly seize this body.

So all kinds of pictures and memories, pictures and memories that obviously do not belong to summer, are quickly played in my mind.


The demon gods who were once killed, the ambitions that the demon gods have never achieved...

Why did the former friends, born together at the beginning of the chaos, and friends who have been friends for thousands of years, kill each other for the sake of the gods... Why is the benevolent **** pierced through the chest by the human beings she loves... Why does the sky drop disasters , destroy the happy home...why didn't you protect me my beloved...

These memories are so vivid that they seem to be experienced in person, and they pass by in a flash and cannot be recalled again.

Only those regrets, anger, pain, and compassion are left behind.

These are the memories of the demon gods who failed to become the seven rulers of the world.

It is a tampered memory.

The mercy of God is removed, the selflessness of God is removed, the cause and effect are removed, and only the moment of despair remains.

"This bad corrupt, and it should be ruled by the outer sea..."

"Compared to that stupid thing, this body is much stronger!"

Xia Xia couldn't help feeling flustered, and said words that did not belong to his own consciousness at all.

These two sentences are on the side of my ears, with different tones and different souls.

Obviously, the filth was taking control of the body, and he was trapped in those memories and could do nothing.

Are you trapped like this, handing over your body to the demon?


The memory is still flickering, the past picture... is the only memory of the seven rulers of the world.

The story of the water **** of Fontaine who died under this magic spear.

It's enough to shatter Xia Xia's worldview, enough to shatter all his thoughts, and even deny his own existence.

This memory does not belong to him, but it is so clear that it seems to have been reborn and experienced again.

This long spear, which is called killing the gods, was the water **** it killed?


There seems to be some activity recently, please ask for some blades...

Chapter 236 Kiss

The **** I met once in the clean water of the clear water source, the **** who was so kind and loving as a mother.

Once in Mond, the **** who met the guardian of heaven and gave help, the **** who told himself that as long as he stood on the earth and had courage, he could do anything.

Did he die at the hand of this spear?

Is the memory just now her memory? Then the last scene... At the end of her life, the inhuman being condensed by divine power...

Am I... from Tivat?

I am not going through... but returning?

This kind of chaotic memory cannot be taken seriously.

He understood that this was tampered with by the monster, and it was a way to make him experience those tragic experiences to increase the darkness in his heart.'s so clear, so clear that even if you know it's fake, it's sad.

When he is trapped in these overflowing emotions, it is the best chance for the evil spirits.

The filth poured into the body, driving the immortal power away, trying to occupy every inch of the body's territory.


Immortal power, black mist, and element, in the gap between the three powers, a new power was born, which came from the long spear that had become a filthy home.

It's a bit like a mantis catching a cicada, with the oriole behind.

After attacking the filth of Xia Xia's body, he lost his original position, and the pure blue power took over the spear.

"You... actually have consciousness!"

The demon communicated in that blue consciousness, Xia Xia couldn't hear the words clearly, and couldn't tell who it was.

The pure power of blue was so powerful that the filth could not compete, but the filth did not flee and waited quietly, as if knowing that this power could not last.

Sure enough... it was the familiar warmth, the invisible arms embraced the summer with the warmth of a mother.

The deceased water **** met again.

She loves the world selflessly, and there is not a trace of hatred left in the magic spear when she dies.

The spiritual sense she had left in the magic spear seemed to meet Xia Xia for this very moment.

"This is the third time we've met..." Xia Xia looked at the blurred figure in his consciousness, but he didn't know what to say.

Those memories overlapped with him, as if he was the son of the water god...

Tears seemed to fall, and in the end she asked stupidly, "You must be in pain, right?"

The spear pierced his chest, and the blood flowed into the river of Fontaine. The scene seemed to be right in front of him, and he felt the pain.

It's still blurry to the point of not being able to see his face, as if he is caring for a treasure, holding Summer in his arms: "Don't feel sad, death is not painful."

"But the one who killed you..." Xia Xia wanted to recall, but that memory never came back, leaving only overflowing sadness.

She kissed Xia Xia's forehead, but she was more devoted than anyone else: "No one killed me, just needed, so I left."

The voice is ethereal, as if on the side of the ear: "I'm sorry, I can't talk to you any more, I can't accompany you longer... But there will be more and better people around you, I believe that the love they bring to you will be more than mine. many…"

"Can we meet again?" I asked the same silly question last time.

"Well, we will definitely meet again."

The sound disappeared, and the radiance that finally bloomed dispelled all the filth on Xia's body.

In the end, the filth chose to return to the magic spear, which seemed to have entered a period of backlash and weakened a lot.

Xia Tian regained control of his body, leaving only dark ashes on his Scar face as the host.

The magic spear was thrown aside, and it looked like an ordinary old spear with mottled rust.

In front of Xia Xia's eyes, the illusory shadow of the water **** dissipated, replaced by another clearly palpable face.

Gan Yu.

With a worried mood and moist eyes, he stood in front of Xia Xia.

Just after the black fog dissipated, Xia Xia held a long spear and stood in pain.

I don't understand what happened, but the pain made Gan Yu tortured.

Ignoring the strangeness of her body, she stepped over the collapsing mine and ran to where he was.

The body is more impulsive than the mind, there is no reason, I don't know the reason, Gan Yu hugged Xia Xia in her arms distressedly.

She uses the ice element, and her skin is always cold. Only then did she know that she can be so warm.

Mr. Summer...

Even after three thousand years, she didn't want to let go.

It's a terrible thought, like those criminals who are tracked down on weekdays.

Physically and mentally exhausted, but healed by this gentleness.

Xia Xia's face was buried in the soft chest, hugging the fleshy waist, feeling the emotion from Gan Yu.

"Ah, as you said, there are people around me who I love and love me, so please don't worry about me."

"Their love, their kindness, keeps me from being lost."

"I want to protect them, so I will become stronger, I will bear all the pain, and I will dispel all the disasters."

It's just that I'm too tired.

Flirty wanting to enjoy it for a while longer, his hands deliberately hugged tighter.

"Hmm." Gan Yu noticed something, from her hugging someone to being hugged by someone forcefully.

With a reddish face, he whispered in a weak voice, "Mr. Xia Tian."

Seeing that there was no response, he shouted again: "Mr. Xia, are you awake?"

Being exposed, he could only give up pretending to sleep.

The cheeky one didn't let go, and continued to hold.

Putting his head on the plump chest, Xia Tian raised his head and smiled as brightly as possible: "I'm sorry, I made you worry."

The red glow on her face extended to her neck. It turned out that Gan Yu was a girl who blushed so easily.

"Mr. Xia is fine, it's more important than anything." She lowered her eyes and looked at Xia in her arms.

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