Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and ninety-five greater 1

As soon as they were celebrating with their crowns, one plane after another flew in the sky. Because of the height, the tails of these planes are barely visible, and they look like crosses next to each other.

"My God... With so many planes, is our Imperial Marshal going to destroy a city?" William Herman sighed when he saw the plane overhead.

"Maybe these planes weren't for bombing," said William's companion, shrugging his shoulders.

Indeed, in front of them, there are many, many, large areas of occupation. Field airfields have also been established in these places, where all kinds of aircraft can be stationed.

Therefore, these bombers may be bombing the enemy, or they may just fly around.

But even if it's just a transition flight, the momentum is already very scary. There are almost hundreds of bombers in the sky, and they look like a swarm of bees.

"It's great to be able to fly..." Like many soldiers, William Herman would exclaim with admiration when he looked up at the sky.

Just like the armored soldiers in tanks, when they see the plane flying over their heads, everyone is envious of the pilots who come and go like the wind.

"Yeah, it's very good. If you were shot down and fell from a height of 6,000 meters, your mother would feel good when she saw your fragmented body." Directly poured a bowl of cold water.

"Well, what you said is terrifying, I'd better be my railway soldier!" William Herman said quickly.

To be honest, he has also seen parachuting pilots, but most pilots in this era prefer to choose the escape method of forced landing.

Unless your own aircraft disintegrates and smashes in the air, otherwise, the fighter jets of the World War II era still have a higher survival rate for forced landing.

This has something to do with the speed of the aircraft itself, because aircraft in this era are slower and easier to control.

Even if it was hit by a bullet, the plane weighing only a few tons slowly slipped to the ground. As long as the pilot could still control the plane, find an open space, and put down the landing gear, it was no different from an airport.

If the aircraft loses power and the landing gear cannot be lowered, you can also lower the landing gear in manual mode, which is very convenient.

As for skydiving, because there is no such magical invention as the ejection seat, fighter pilots have to choose their own angle and speed to jump out of the cockpit.

Before opening the parachute, the vertical tail and horizontal tail at the back of the aircraft, as well as the sharp radio antenna, will become sharp knives that parachuting pilots must avoid.

The famous German fighter pilot Marceau fell to the ground because he was knocked unconscious by the tail and did not open his parachute.

"Don't envy those planes. We have big guys, but they don't!" After frightening William Herman, the colleague opened his mouth to show off his knowledge.

When he was a railroad soldier, he was much longer than William Herman, and he had been on duty for a few days before, and he had seen some good things that William Herman had not seen.

"Remember the fork in the road yesterday?" Looking at his colleague William, the old railroad soldier mysteriously opened the topic.

"Remember, what's wrong?" William answered with interest when he heard his colleague gossip.

"Yesterday, a K5 railroad gun passed by there. My God, there are more than a dozen carriages, and the barrel is as long as a chimney!" Hearing William's question, the old railroad soldier made an exaggerated long note while gesturing.

Hearing his companion lift the railroad gun, William immediately came to his senses. He has seen railway cannons, but only the railway cannons he has seen. It is a new type of mortar developed by Germany in order to attack fortifications.

That kind of artillery wasn't big, kind of like a giant mortar. The caliber is not small, more than 300 mm, but the visual impact is not too shocking.

Unlike the K5 railway gun, it is a behemoth. And when this thing bombarded Dover, England, on the other side of the English Channel, it showed its terrifying range.

The barrel length of this gun is more than 25 meters, which is longer than 5 current private cars.

In addition to the troops escorting the artillery, the carriages for the cannonballs, and the locomotive, such a force looks mighty and the scale is quite shocking.

"Have you seen K5? Tell me! I heard that the cannon is very big, really big." William Herman was quite excited when he mentioned the super weapon about the railway.

Because railroad soldiers had few weapons and equipment for combat, they were protected by surrounding armies and had little time to touch weapons.

Although they also have their own rifles, they can only be used when training shooting.

And those higher-end railway weapons and equipment are not often used by railway engineers. For example, German armored trains, such as German railway guns.

Now there are almost 20 K5 railway guns in Germany. Because the Führer does not like other types of weapons of the same level, the K5 has become the standard for German railway guns.

This does have certain advantages, that is, it is very convenient to train artillerymen. As long as people are drawn from the original K5 railway artillery unit, new recruits can be mixed in to form a new team.

Moreover, the logistical maintenance is also more convenient. The storage and transportation of shells are also very convenient. In short, there are many benefits.

"You don't know, I also saw a bigger one... I just don't know why, that one has never been used." The old railway soldier continued to show off his knowledge.

You must know that soldiers are not afraid of leaking secrets, and sometimes gossip is more accurate than actual intelligence.

The bigger one he was talking about was the legendary Gustav railway gun.

Moreover, the logistical maintenance is also more convenient. The storage and transportation of shells are also very convenient. In short, there are many benefits.

"You don't know, I also saw a bigger one... I just don't know why, that one has never been used." The old railway soldier continued to show off his knowledge.

You must know that soldiers are not afraid of leaking secrets, and sometimes gossip can be more accurate than actual intelligence.

The bigger one he was talking about was the legendary Gustav railway gun.

The bigger one he was talking about was the legendary Gustav railway gun.

The bigger one he was talking about was the legendary Gustav railway gun.

The bigger one he was talking about was the legendary Gustav railway gun.

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