Shen Yu Chen gently caressed Lin Jingwei's abdomen and said softly, "You can't do this, your mother has to take some nourishment, so that you won't absorb everything. It's not right for you to do this."

The baby seemed to sense something, and the ball in his palm jumped a few times. Shen Yuchen's face lit up, but carefully reached out his hand to feel the throbbing. He waited for a long time, but the baby did not respond.

Shen Yu Chen could only give up, turning out the lights, while protecting his wife tightly in his embrace, he slowly fell asleep.

— —

Madam Feng felt that there was something amiss with the atmosphere this morning. Of course, this was not wrong. The person she was referring to was her son.

Xiao Jiu was a bit anxious. As a mother, she could very sensitively feel that even after she went out for morning training, she still wasn't able to regain her composure. Her mahjong face was like a white board, with no expression at all.

Madam Feng was somewhat puzzled in her heart. She did not understand why he was still in this state even though they had already reached an agreement.

Could it be because they were young and full of vigor, interacting with each other from day to night? It was not impossible, but it couldn't be done that way. After all, she was still a girl. Although she had been married before, if she really did that and ruined her reputation, then Xiao Jiu wouldn't be so good.

Thinking this way, the mother decided to persuade her son not to do anything wrong.

She didn't expect that her son would interrupt her just as Madam Feng was about to speak.

"Mother, what is your attitude towards Yu Ji?" Madam Feng could not help but suspect that if she were to say something wrong, her son might get angry.

"About that, she did get married before …"

This again and again. Feng Jiu was filled with impatience as he said, "So you're saying that you don't agree?"

Madam Feng did not dare to immediately nod her head. Her son's appearance was clearly not the manner of someone who would not marry if you did not agree to it. Rather, it was a bit overbearing.

"About that, I …"

"Fine, you don't agree, right?" As for your opinions, I do not care about them at all. Originally, I wanted to let you have some contact with Yujing to change your views, but now, it seems that it is all useless. Everything is just a work in vain. "

"Um, you …" He was indeed young. In fact, it was so boring. He really couldn't wait any longer. He was still a young man after all.

"You agree to two choices. Our family will live a happy life together. I am your good son, and you will have another good daughter-in-law. I disagree. "Your son is still your son. However, the fire of the Feng family cannot be inherited, so you can't blame me for this." At most, he would not marry her for the rest of his life.

Madam Feng immediately stood up and knocked her son's head with her chopsticks. "Bullsh * t! What nonsense are you spouting? You can't even keep burning incense after all. I'm telling you, I want my son, I want my wife, I want my grandson, and I want my grandson as well. I won't recognize you in the future, so don't think about entering the Feng family in the future either!"

His mother didn't have a dog, and she wasn't much of a dog either. Feng Jiu Zhe looked at his mother with a profound gaze.

However, Madam Feng calmed down. "Tell me, why are you in such a hurry to propose? Weren't you planning to do so during the new year? There's still more than a month before the new year. Why are you still so excited?"

If it was really the matter of blood and energy, she would have to advise him. This kind of thing could not be rushed, it had to be done step by step.

Feng Jiu opened his mouth, but unexpectedly, he said, "If I don't bring up the marriage proposal, Yulian will have to marry someone else."

Madam Feng had yet to wake up from her stupor. She immediately asked, "What's going on?"

"Luan Pei went to Shen Jia to propose marriage, he wants to marry Yu Ji." The matter was very simple, but Ninth Master Feng couldn't help being a little impatient. Even though he was determined to get Yu Li, he couldn't resist the irritation in his heart. Someone wanted to snatch the jade story, how could he give it up to someone else?

"You mean, someone wants to fight with you for that Shen family's girl?"

Feng Jiu resolutely replied: "He won't be able to snatch it away, but I can't allow others to covet Yulian. She's my woman."

This was the main point. Madam Feng was a bit annoyed, and when she saw that Feng Jiutan was still picking up the dishes, she immediately knocked her son's claw. "You still have the mood to eat? Shouldn't you make arrangements at this time and then go to Luocheng to propose marriage? Don't tell me you want someone to take that girl away."

Feng Jiutan's mahjong was facing her.

Madam Feng declared arrogantly, "Although I don't like that girl, no one has ever dared to take anything away from the Feng family. That is the case …" "My wife is also like this …"

Feng Jiutan raised his eyebrows, speechless. "I'll go prepare."

He stood up and was about to leave when he turned back and reminded his mother, who was eating, "I haven't washed my face in the morning. Don't you want to wash your chopsticks?"

Madam Feng looked at him coldly. "You motherf * cker! If it weren't for my son, I would strangle you to death right now to save you from angering me."

"Father did not learn much from you, but you did learn quite a lot from him," Ninth Master Feng said disapprovingly. Including the use of vulgarities.

Madam Feng similarly mocked him. "Same here. The Shen family's little girl has been made more and more shameless by you. This is inevitable. "

Looking at her son, Madam Feng kindly reminded him, "Since you're in the mood to argue with your mother, why don't you hurry up and arrange your lousy little affair. I would like to ask, can you please take that fake one?"

Feng Jiutan shrugged. "You've underestimated your son."

At this point, he really did not want to waste anymore time. He immediately put on his coat and left the room. He didn't go to work, but to the Shen family.

Unexpectedly, the atmosphere in the Shen family was very normal. The Shen siblings were also eating breakfast, but they did not say anything and were as quiet as usual. Seeing him enter, Shen Yujing had already ordered some servants to fetch the utensils, but Shen Yu had already rolled her eyes at him, she was still brooding over the fact that he had hit her little sister, but she had already forgiven him, so he could not say anything. However, he was still somewhat unwilling.

Feng Jiu Tan carefully observed the expressions of Yu Li and Shen Yu Ya. He wasn't sure if they knew about the matter of Luan Fu going to propose marriage, but he didn't dare arrogantly bring it up. He didn't want Yu Ji to be distracted by other men.

Thinking about it also know, to a man who came to propose marriage, Yu Li's heart couldn't possibly not have the slightest fluctuation.

Ninth Master Feng made his decision very quickly. He immediately sat beside Yu Ji and ate his breakfast as if nothing had happened.

Everything would be decided after breakfast.

After Xiao Jiu left, he quickly put down his chopsticks and sat on the sofa. He picked up the phone and called his husband.

The two of them had never stopped contacting each other. Even though Marshal Feng was in the southwest and wasn't here, he truly knew everything about the two children. After listening to his wife's narration, he only said one sentence, "I will personally head north and bring the betrothal gift with me."

It didn't matter what opinion he had with his wife. What was important was that after so many years, no one dared to compete with his son. So what if it was Luan Yi, he still had to see if he had the ability to compete with his son.

The two of them were very fond of each other, what was he trying to do?

"What will you do when you head north to the southwest?"

Marshal Feng pondered for a moment. He was not a reckless person. If he really did leave, then it was only natural that he would leave behind reliable people. I'll arrange it, don't worry. "

He had managed this business for so many years, so he naturally had many loyal subordinates. Marshal Feng felt that this was not a problem, and furthermore, there were eight other young masters.

Compared to that, of course, Xiao Jiu's business was the most important.

The two of them quickly reached an agreement. Madam Feng put down the phone. Right now, she only needed to wait for Xiao Jiu to finish his arrangements before going to Luocheng to propose marriage.

If he didn't agree, then he wouldn't agree. Now that he agreed, he had to give the woman the greatest respect. This was what she and her husband thought in the same way.

Still, she couldn't help but sigh. Okay, the Shen family's little girl looked like a painting, and was indeed not bad. Moreover, she looked good, and was a lucky person.

After breakfast, Ninth Master Feng wanted to bring Yu Li to school, but was stopped by Shen Yu.

Second Master Shen tersely replied, "I'll send her to school, there's no need for you."

Master Feng looked at him, then looked at Yu Ji, and saw that Yu Ji actually nodded his head. In his heart, he was a bit unhappy, and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Shen Yu Duan: "Don't get in the way, I'm going to the school to take Yu Ji's vacation. She needs to go home for the next two days."

Feng Jiu immediately understood that even though he was also going to Luocheng, he felt a lot of unhappiness whenever he thought about how it was because of that Luan Pei who was going to leave. He couldn't help but complain bitterly, "Why are you in such a hurry to go back and meet her?"

Shen Yu Duan frowned, she did not agree with Shen Yu Jing's words: "My mother is sick, of course I have to go back quickly. Or do we have to dawdle and not go back? "

Ninth Master Feng's eyebrows were raised as he asked, "Is your mother sick?"

Oh, that's right, the Shen family must be afraid of Yujing not wanting to go back, which is why they said so. Lord Feng Jiu's heart, ah, is always up and down.

Shen Yu returned a "you're crazy" look, which was ignored by Ninth Master Feng. Shen Yu smirked, wanting to give him a smile, but could only give up.

Feng Jiu calculated in his heart. If he didn't tell her now, he would give her a surprise on the train. At that time, she would definitely be even more happy.

It was decided.

Now that Ninth Master Feng had a plan in mind, his footsteps became a lot lighter as he walked. However, as soon as he got into the car, he realized that something was wrong. If the Shen family didn't think well of this marriage, they wouldn't have made up such an excuse to send Shen Yu back.

Thinking back to what Shen Yuchen had said yesterday, Feng Jiu Zhe's heart sank. How could he just be optimistic? Indeed, he was optimistic.

It seemed that he really couldn't drag it out any longer. Otherwise, if someone else beat him to it, he would have to pay a huge price.

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