Immortality, Starting from the Side Sect

Chapter 163 Disciples from major sects, comparing their chess skills

Li Mansion, the inner residence, is a medium-sized courtyard.

It was already past early spring, and although the weather was still slightly cold, it was also past the season when charcoal fires were needed. However, there were four burning braziers placed in the four corners of the room, which heated the interior very warmly.

"Are you Mr. Xu?"

Chen Ci took a look at the woman in front of him. She was in her early thirties. Although she was not very beautiful, her figure and appearance could be said to be full of the legacy of Wei Wu. Even though she had a sickly appearance, she could not hide that charm. .

"I am in good condition, I have met the immortal."

The woman bowed to Chen Ci, her voice was gentle but weak, and there was a faint green air between her brows. Chen Ci took a look, and felt something in his heart, and was a little speechless.

This was obviously a monk's trick. He was just looking for someone, and he didn't expect to get into some trouble.

"Do you know what I am here for?"

Chen Ci thought for a moment and then asked, there is no way that everyone in the Li family knows Geng Laodao, otherwise there would be no need for him to risk his life for a so-called junior.

"I know."

Mrs. Xu hesitated for a moment and replied in a low voice: "That person once said that if anyone comes to seek Yuanqing in the name of Li Xuedao, they are here to recruit Yuanqing into the Heshan Gate."

Well, it seems that it is indeed the person involved.

Chen Ci didn't care about the hesitation in the woman's words and asked curiously: "If that's the case, what's going on with the Han family in Sifang Mountain?"

"I don't know where to start."

Mrs. Xu raised her chest slightly, with a rather sad look on her face. She took a breath and trembled slightly: "To be honest with you, when the Taoist priest came a few days ago, I thought it was Yuan Qing's fate that had arrived, but it didn't happen." I thought that although the Taoist priest was looking for Yuanqing, he did not mention the name of his concubine and husband at all. He only said that he wanted Yuanqing to play chess with others. After the game, he would accept him as a disciple. That Taoist priest also had the methods of the Xian family. The Li family It’s just that ordinary people don’t dare to refuse.”

Xu seemed to hesitate and glanced at Chen Ci, but still whispered: "Now that the immortal is here, I wonder if you can get my child back and take him to Heshan to practice?"

Playing chess?

What reason is this?

Chen Ci felt a little weird in her heart, and then she asked, "I heard that the Han family in Sifang Mountain is also one of the first-class families here. Their ancestors also sought Taoism in Quan Mountain, so they have some foundation. Listening to your tone, it doesn't sound right. Do you want your son to be a disciple of the Han family?"

"Although I am just a woman, I also know that I have to trust my own family and not others."

Mrs. Xu gave a wry smile: "Besides, my illness is strange. I suddenly caught a cold and coughed violently. No matter how much I took medicine, I couldn't feel better. Seeing that I was going to die, the Taoist came to my door and took a pill. Then I was fine. Many of them have not yet been cut off, and they have to wait until Yuanqing has finished playing chess before giving him the elixir. I actually feel that something is wrong in my heart about this, but I just don’t dare to say it out."

Seeing that Chen Ci was silent, Mrs. Xu gritted her teeth and suddenly fell to the ground: "I have saved some money over the years and have more than 30,000 taels of silver. I am willing to cultivate it as a source of pure wealth and present it to the immortal."

"You should get up first."

Chen Ci shook his head. It was originally a small matter, but now it has become troublesome. Moreover, this matter is a bit weird, and he is still a little unsure of what to do.

After thinking for a while, Chen Ci took out a soul-fixing charm from his sleeve and put it on Xu's chest. As a flash of spiritual light flashed, Xu felt a burning sensation flowing through her whole body, and her chest suddenly felt itchy. He coughed and spit out a mouthful of greenish-thick phlegm, which was even slightly cold.

"Senior Brother Geng has passed away, and your son's teacher is someone else. I just stopped by to take him to Xishan Mansion, not to accept him as a disciple."

Chen Ci said calmly. After hearing this, Xu's face regained some color. She froze at first, feeling a little confused and relieved. It was very complicated.

"Tell me everything you know. If I can handle it, it will be easier. If not, this matter may still need to be discussed."

Not long after, Chen Ci left Li Mansion, left the county town, and rode an old horse to Yizhuang in the west of the city. In any place, sect disciples, miscellaneous monks, and wanderers were all distinct and intertwined. If you wanted to inquire about something, , you are right to look for those low-level comrades.

After Mr. Chen brought some wine and meat, spent some money and some words, he finally figured out the matter.

It wasn't a big deal, and it didn't have much to do with the boy from the Li family, which made Chen Ci feel relieved.

It's really just a game of chess.

According to Mr. Naxu, the Li family is a farming and education family. Although they did some business, it was not very big. Li Xuedao had to send some money back from time to time to subsidize the family, so that the family could live well, so there was no There is a separate family, and Xu's status in the family is also very detached.

Although his son Li Yuanqing is young, he is quite famous among scholars in Dongshan Fucheng. Because of his excellent chess skills and nearly invincibility, he was evaluated by the chess hall teacher as having the qualifications to be a national player. If not for Xu, he would still be waiting. My son Xian Yuan might be sent to study in the capital of Liang Kingdom. Nowadays, the national chess player has a high status in the world. If he has the opportunity to play chess with the immortal, even the Liang royal family will give him three points as a gift.

As for playing chess, a disciple of a large sect came to Dongshan Mansion to travel recently. Although he did not have much contact with the local monks, he only loved traveling around and refining his mind in the world of mortals, but he especially loved chess. If he could play comfortably Not only did he give magical elixirs and give guidance on spiritual practice, there was even an old man who played chess on the street who was given a longevity pill, and he returned straight from his sixtieth year to no doubt. Bit into pieces.

There was also the Han family of Sifangshan. According to the old Taoist priest of Yizhuang, it seemed that several monks had encountered some difficulties and wanted to ask the disciples of the big sect for help, so they did what they wanted and recruited some good chess players from Dongshan Mansion.

This method is somewhat disgraceful.

As for the details of the Han family, it’s nothing. It’s not as good as the Wang family in Xishan Mansion. It’s just that their ancestors were once disciples of Jiuquan Temple, and later went down the mountain to spread their business, doing secular and monastic business, and they had some incestuous relationships with Jiuquan Temple. But it can only be regarded as a miscellaneous family inheritance.

"It means that there is some trouble in the territory of Dongshan Mansion. Otherwise, the name of Guanghe Mountain Sect should be able to control the situation."

Chen Ci touched his chin and thought about what to do. Should he come directly to ask for the person, or wait until the chess game was over before taking the person away. Presumably, the Han family would not embarrass him for a registered disciple.

In this life of practice, although the names of disciples of major sects are slightly different, they are roughly divided into four categories: "True Sect", "Inner Sect", "Waiden Sect" and "Recorded Name".

In fact, in the world of cultivation, only the 'True Sect' and 'Inner Sect' can call themselves disciples of a certain sect, while the 'Waiden' and 'Registered' disciples are actually just outsiders. When walking outside, they can still talk about it when they encounter casual cultivators. Tiger skin is fine, but if it is a formal occasion, you can only say that you are seeking enlightenment on a certain mountain, but you cannot claim to be a disciple of a certain sect.

For example, Chen Ci, if he wanted to be serious, he could not say that he was a disciple of Heshan, but that he had practiced in Heshan, and he was not qualified to accept disciples and teach the Dharma on behalf of Heshan.

To put it more bluntly, it is the difference between 'administrative editor', 'business editor', 'contract worker' and 'labor dispatch'. Mr. Chen has not yet been admitted to the Heshan establishment. Instead, Ahu went directly from contract worker to administrative editor. I can still make progress in the future, I envy Ah Ci.

"Hey, Old Geng, Old Geng, what do you think you are doing by hiding people in Dongshan Mansion? It's going to cause trouble."

If he hadn't fought side by side and eaten Lin Laohu's cake, Chen Ci would have been too lazy to intervene and went back to improve his cultivation and practice the soul-fixing talisman. Wouldn't he be happy?

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