Thanks to "Xingben hina" for the reward of 10,000.asxs.coins, hereby add another chapter!

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After several tests, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng both sat tiredly in the chairs in the conference room.

After Zhang Enli poured tea for the two of them in person, he concluded very politely.

"After testing and summarizing, after the two of you have played the strange music, the performance of your body will exceed the theoretical limit in an all-round way."

"Defense power, dash speed, reaction ability, and armed attack power have been comprehensively improved."

"And when the music is playing, the body seems to be able to isolate the attack of ordinary conventional weapons."

"After the test just now, Gu Tie, who has always been known for its defensive power, will not be mentioned for the time being."

"The white knight with only one layer of shroud can actually resist the 120mm machine gun's strafing. It's mysterious and powerful. It's simply amazing."

"If it weren't for the fear that the White Knight would be destroyed and angered the sleeping existence inside. I would have wanted to test the limit of this mysterious defense capability with a heavy weapon."

Under Lei Mengmeng's dissatisfied eyes, Zhang Enli coughed and continued.

"Cough, but even so, we now fully understand how terrifying the performance of the body will be when the music is turned on."

"The Age of Rebirth"

"It can be said that as long as you don't have the same ability, even a real-type body can forcibly crush a super-type body."

"In this regard, Gurungast One and Zero of the Super Department have become good examples."

"Here, allow me to thank you on behalf of the nation for your contributions."

"It is foreseeable that your discovery this time will lead to an overall increase in my country's national defense forces."

"A new era is about to rise slowly."

Lin Youde rubbed his brows: "Don't be so optimistic, you also missed that when the BGM field is launched, it will consume a lot of the driver's spirit."

"And not everyone can communicate the will in the black box and get approval like us. Gain the ability to expand in the BGM field."

Lei Mengmeng also leaned on Lin Youde's shoulders with a sullen face, a look of exhaustion.

"And this ability is too mentally draining for the driver, and it cannot be used casually at all. It can only be used as a killer and a nirvana."

"Once or twice in a short period of time is fine, more, it's really tiring..."

Listening to the words of the two, Zhang Enli was a little stunned: "BGM field?"

Lin Youde nodded and replied.

"Yes, the BGM field, the name I just made."

"Don't you think that the music that sounds during the battle is very similar to the background BGM in the previous animations and games?"

"And after the BGM is played, the performance increase of the body and the music cover the range. It is very similar to the field of fighting spirit and magic that often appeared in fantasy novels before?"

"It's just that, unlike the grudges and magic in the novel, what we have here is the BGM background music."

"Since they are all fields, but we have BGM as a feature here, let's be more concise. Isn't it more appropriate to use the name BGM field?"

Zhang Enli thought about it for a while, then nodded: "Well, this is indeed very appropriate."

"It just so happens that you are also the discoverers of this new ability, and you also have the right to name it. Then this ability will be called the BGM field in the future."

"I will write the same report later."

In the nodding action of the two, Zhang Enli's expression gradually became serious.

"The matter about the BGM field will come to an end for now."

"I will report your achievements truthfully, you don't have to worry."

"But as the party involved in this HLD attack, I have to tell you. The above, especially some people in the capital, are very angry about the looting of the loot in the secret realm."

"Although you have made great achievements in the field of BGM with your discovery this time. Those people won't do anything to you."

"But the black boxes of Gurungast Type One and Type Zero recovered in this battle may be..."

Hearing this, Lin Youde's face darkened: "No, can we blame us?"

Lei Mengmeng frowned and asked, "Are the Liu family and the Ma family in charge of the "dragon" and "tiger" in charge of the Four Holy Beasts interfering with it? "

Zhang Enli nodded with a sullen face: "Yes, Researcher Lei, you are from the Lei family, you should also know."

"How many conflicts are there between those who are in charge of the Four Sacred Beasts in Kyoto and those of our frontier faction?"

"It was good that nothing happened before. Now that both the Dragon King and the Tiger King have an accident, they must find someone to top the tank."

"Although most of the responsibility for that incident was caused by their own arrogance. But some things are not so simple to explain clearly."

"So, there may be some disputes about the black box ownership of Type Zero and Type One. It is still unclear what the final attribution is, so I hope you can be prepared for it."

Lin Youde was very unhappy with this answer.

I worked hard to destroy the two super-system machines, and this time the black box became someone else's.

This kind of thing, whoever is put on it, will not feel comfortable.

Zhang Enli also saw that Lin Youde was very emotional and said helplessly.

"Researcher Lin, I know you are very dissatisfied. But some things are really so helpless."

"But you don't have to worry too The matter has not yet been finalized. What to say after that, it is up to the person at the top to decide what to do."

"So, in the end, it's not necessarily the case."

Lin Youde was a little surprised: "The one at the top made the decision in person?"

Zhang Enli nodded and replied: "Yes, this incident involves "dragon" and "tiger" among the four sacred beasts, as well as your newly discovered "BGM field", as well as the attack of the Silla Alliance, related to "T parts" matter. "

"With such extensive and intensive involvement, the person at the top will definitely ask the matter in person."

"Although the Liu family who is in charge of the "Dragon" and the Ma family who are in charge of the "Tiger" are both powerful. "

"But in front of the person at the top, it's still not enough to see. Therefore, things may not have turned around."

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "That's it, let's look at it later. But then again, what are the so-called "T parts"? I heard before that the pilot of the Gurungast I-type was asking Kennett for a "T-part" in public. "

"Is there such a thing in this base?"

Zhang Enli nodded immediately: "Yes, this is what I will ask Researcher Lin for your help next."

Lin Youde's face was full of question marks: "T part? What is that?"

Lei Mengmeng also had a puzzled expression: "I haven't heard of it either."

Zhang Enli chuckled: "You don't know, it's normal. Because the "T component" is one of the top secrets of our integration. "

"If it weren't for the researcher Lin, he is the strongest new human in our country, and this time, relying on the characteristics of the new human, he discovered the "BGM field". I won't ask you to help. "

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There are other bonus additions to follow.

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