Inside the bridge of the Archangel.

Mariu lowered her head and looked at Natal below.

"Natal, won't you say something?"

Natal looked back at Mariu and replied.

"What? Didn't Kira make it clear before?"

"If the Zaft Army comes to pursue the troops, in order to protect the safety of the diplomats on the advance team, send Lux ​​Klein back in exchange for the suspension of the battle."

"If the Zaft Army doesn't come after him, he will send Lacus Klein back and come back."

"He's already said it so clearly, I don't think I need to talk more."

Dole sat in the CIC position that Mirialia was in charge of before, and asked cautiously.

"Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, aren't you afraid that Kira will never return? I thought you would accuse Kira of acting without authorization and violating military discipline." (Note 1)

Natal glared at Dole sternly, and Dole was shocked.

"What kind of person Kira is, I can understand it now."

"With his character, if he doesn't return, he has already left with the driver of the Aegis Gundam. Why wait until now."

"Also, I also feel that it is inappropriate to continue to keep that Lux Klein."

Maliu's expression softened: "Natal, do you think so too?"

Natal nodded: "Even I understand what would happen if a girl like that was brought back to Earth. Being able to survive is probably the greatest hope."

"Instead of letting her suffer misfortune, it's better to send back that ignorant young lady."

"It's good for her, and it's good for us."

"Otherwise, I'm really worried that kid Kira will go crazy."

Maliu was stunned: "Eh? Will it? Shouldn't it be?"

Natal shook his head: "There's no need to gamble on this, it's not worth it. Join the advance team now, and getting safety is the top priority."

"As for the next thing, let's talk about it later..."

Drop drop!

Mariu and Natal were both shocked, and Mariu asked quickly, "What's the situation?"

Dole replied in a hurry: "There is an enemy shadow on the radar, look at the code name, it is the Zaft Army."

Speaking, Dole's eyes widened: "A lot. In addition to all 4 Gundams, 12 Gene and 1 Higu also appeared."

Natal stood up in shock: "There are so many?"

Mariu patted her chest: "Fortunately, Kira has foresight. Sending Lux Klein back at this time to avoid fighting is the best result. Otherwise, I'm afraid the advance team will..."

Natal nodded, pressed a button, and asked.

"How about the assault, can you attack?"

In Gnaku, the uncles in the preparation class pressed the communication button and replied.

"It should be fine."

Natal: "Let Kira attack as soon as possible, the enemy is coming."

Meanwhile, the alarm inside the Archangel was pulled towards.

Kira looked at Lux, who was wearing a spacesuit and had a bulging belly, which looked like a pregnant woman at 7 or 8 months, and her eyelids jumped.

Mirialia: "No way, her skirt is too big, there is no place to put it, so she can only fold it up and put it on her stomach. What happens, it can still be used as a buffer. Kira, the enemy is coming, I will see you later yes."

Lin Youde pulled Lux ​​closer to the cockpit of the Strike Gundam, and let Lux lean on the temporarily installed fixing frame.

Fastening two simple seat belts for Lux, Lin Youde closed the cockpit.

"Lux, you may feel a little uncomfortable afterwards, so I can only ask you to be patient."

"It's okay, I'll try my best."

Lin Youde controlled the body to walk to the ejection port and picked up the fixed armament of the air combat backpack. The Air Combat Strike Gundam was ejected from the ejection port of the Archangel and flew towards the side of the Archangel.

There, there were more than a dozen blips of the Zaft Army.

Without hesitation, open the public channel.

Lin Youde shouted in the common frequency while controlling the air combat type Strike Gundam to sprint.

"Aslan, do you hear me? Answer when you hear me. I'm Kira, and I have something important to ask you."

Aslan, who was leading the attack and flew at the forefront, was a little surprised when he heard the words in the common frequency.

"team leader?"

"Just listen to what he has to say."

With Cruze's approval, Aslan opened the Aegis Gundam public channel.

"This is Aslan, Kira, what are you looking for?"

Lin Youde calmed down: "Sure enough, you are here, Aslan. It will be easier if you are here."

Turning her head to show Lux, Lux bowed slightly.

"Aslan, are you okay?"

Aslan was shocked: "This voice... Lux?"

Lin Youde asked Lux ​​to lean back again and replied.

"That's right, it's Lux. We saved Lux's rescue capsule before because of some coincidences."

"I don't want her involved in this pointless war, so send her back to you now."

"But I don't trust anyone other than you, so please get everyone else back. Then come one-on-one."

Cruzer was startled, and he clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction. Hearing the exclamations of a group of people in the friendly channel, Cruzer reluctantly said to Aslan.

"Do as he says."

Aslan responded quickly: "Yes."

Conpin Aslan: "Okay, I'll be right here."

The Divine Shield Gundam charged forward, and all the other ZAFT units began to retreat.

Soon, the Air Combat Strike Gundam and the Divine Shield Gundam came into contact.

The two Gundams held shields in one hand and beam rifles in the other to aim at each other.

Lin Youde: "Open the cockpit and let me confirm it's you, Aslan."

Aslan did as he did, opening the cockpit and returning.

"It's the same with you."

Press the switch of the cockpit, and the doors of the two Gundam cockpits slowly open.

As the body kept approaching, Lin Youde and Aslan walked out of the cockpit and glanced at each other. They nodded to each other.

Lin Youde: "Aslan, wait a minute."

Back in the cockpit, unbuckle the seat belt for Lux. Help Lux out of the hatch.

Lin Youde said to Lux: "Say hello to Aslan again and let him confirm."

Lux nodded, standing in front of the cockpit of the Air Combat Strike Gundam with Pink Haro, and waved to Aslan.

"Aslan, long time no see."


Before he finished speaking, Aslan saw Lin Youde gently push Lux on his back, pushing Lux over.

Seeing this, Aslan caught Lux floating over in a hurry.

Holding Lux to stand in front of the cockpit of the Aegis Aslan just wanted to say something, his eyes fixed on Lux's stomach, and his eyes suddenly bulged.

Fortunately, Aslan quickly reacted and understood that it might be Lux's clothes, so he quickly supported Lux ​​and shouted to Lin Youde.

"Kira, come with you too. If you stay on that ship, there will be no good results."

"You should also know what the Earth Army does. Adjusters like us, once they go to Earth, fall into the hands of the Earth Army. What will happen, haven't you thought about it at all?"


Note 1 · PS: Some readers reported that the surname of Baki Lulu is better (?), the author thinks it makes sense, and decides to change Natal's surname back to Baki Lulu in the following text. above.


PS2: Although I haven’t said it yet, most of the things the protagonist does in the dungeon have a clear purpose, which will be explained later.

Ask some people to shut up and say that the protagonist of this book, Lin Youde, is a Virgin or something. It's almost enough.

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