"and many more..."

Chen Mo's words became more and more strange, and he immediately said: "The people of Nanyang can't even afford to eat, and the money is almost being looted by the traitors. You are raising the price of rice, who can afford this?"

"Lord, listen to me." Instead, a smile appeared on Fubi's face, and he continued: "If this announcement is issued, it will allow the rice merchants from the surrounding counties to come to Nanyang. There will be more rice merchants by then, my lord. You are sending someone to guide you, so the price of rice will fall."

"What if the rice merchant doesn't sell it?" Chen Mo said.

"It's easy to come, it's not that easy to go."

"You mean robbing?" Chen Mo shook his head, then said, "I won't do anything that violates the law."

Fu Bi shook his head and said: "No, no, if these rice merchants are really attracted by the announcement, they will naturally bring a batch of food, and the adults can **** them, but if they don't sell and want to leave, the adults can not do it. Escort, Nanyang is so chaotic, if adults don't escort, they will sell it on the spot..."

Chen Mo understood what Fu Bi meant.

It's just playful.

still within the scope of the law.

"Where did the people get the money to buy food?" Chen Mo asked again.

"If the court doesn't want to rebel for the second time, it will naturally distribute disaster relief funds, or directly distribute food. At that time, the adults can order the city to be overhauled and provide employment opportunities for the people to obtain money..."

Later, Fu Bi also said a lot of ways.

For example, private tycoons are encouraged to help the poor and disaster relief by means of tax exemption, official donation or honor.

If the rich use their own private property for disaster relief, they can get the ultimatum, and with the ultimatum, the rich can get tax exemption.

Even how much stone grain donated can be erected to leave a name on the monument, and how much stone grain is donated can get a plaque written by Chen Mo and others personally.

Chen Mo looked at Fu Bi carefully, and immediately said, "According to your knowledge, you shouldn't be just a scholar!"

Chen Moguang Fubi's age should be almost forty.

Fu Bi touched his head a little embarrassedly, and said, "...Xiaomin doesn't know either, but...but he just didn't pass the exam."

"Okay." Chen Mo patted Fu Bi's shoulder and said immediately, "Then follow your method to try it out in the prefectures and counties around Tianhe City. If it works, I will play the general."

"Thank... Thank you, sir." Fu Bi recommended himself, didn't he just want such an opportunity.


"A little more strength..."

Chen Mo was lying on the bed, resting on Luo Zhen's thigh, enjoying Luo Zhen's massage, casually talking about the establishment of a chamber of commerce.

Now Chen Mo can be said to be rich and famous, or a military and political chief of several states and counties around Tianhe City. It is not simple to create a chamber of commerce.

And Luo Zhen also successfully entered the ninth-rank martial artist last night, and Chen Mo also gave Luo Zhen the Zhu Guo to eat, so as to raise her foundation better.

If a businessman is an official, it is very easy to do things, and the Luo family used to have a relatively large business territory and had a certain influence in Nanyang County.

Although Nanyang County has been destroyed like this, the Luo family's business network is still relatively strong.

It's not a problem to want to rebuild.

But most importantly, what to sell?


People in Nanyang can hardly afford to eat, so they also consider whether it is hot or not.

Glasses, perfumes, etc. that travelers must dry.

Maybe you can buy it in Jiangnan.

But in a year of calamity, is there any use for the hungry to ask for these things?

Chen Mo really didn't think of anything, so he asked Luo Zhen.

People who do business naturally know better than Chen Mo.

Luo Zhen pressed Chen Mo's forehead, thought about it, and said, "We can open a bank and a pawnshop to make money."

"They don't have any money. What's the use of opening a bank?"

"Lending." Luo Zhen said.

"How to say?"

"Lending loans to collect interest, we can let them use land deeds as collateral, gold and silver treasures can be stolen by traitors, but the fields are dead, and at this time, the fields are worthless, so when we lend out, they don't If we can’t take it back, when the situation improves, we can make a lot of money just from these fields.”

Luo Zhen said slowly, as a businessman, she is keenly aware that these abandoned fields are just pieces of gold thrown on the ground, and at this time, they can be bought at a low price.

And now is the famine years, Luo Zhen is not worried about whether they will sell or not.

After all, living first is the most important thing.

"Is this a bit of a chance to take advantage of others?" After hearing this, Chen Mo's eyes widened a bit. You must know that farmland is the lifeblood of farmers. Now taking their lifeline at a low price is a bit like taking advantage of the fire. .

This time it was Luo Zhen's turn to be stunned.

In her eyes, Chen Mo is not a person of noble character.

Otherwise, she would not have become his woman.

Moreover, as a qualified businessman, Luo Zhen thinks she can see people. In the past two days, she probably knows what kind of person Chen Mo is.

Not willing to live under people.

Luo Zhen smiled lightly: "Sir, do you know that owning a field means owning something?"

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, but then he understood, touched his nose and said, "Dad, am I like this?"

Luo Zhen smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, dare to laugh at me." Chen Mo touched Luo Zhen's thigh, then turned over, planning to do something during the day.

It's so boring, there's really nothing to do except make children.

And on this hot day, Chen Mo really didn't want to move.

Just here, a voice came from outside the house: "Sir, the last commander, Gao Zheng, asks to see you."

"The concubine should step back first." Luo Zhen knew that Gao Zheng was looking for Chen Mo, and there must be something important.

Chen Mo nodded.

When Luo Li retreated to the back, he said, "Come in."

Gao Zheng strode in: "Sir, the maids you asked me to find have already been found. Do you want to let them come in and show the adults."

After all, it was the person who served Luo Zhen and himself, Chen Mo nodded.

Gao Zheng smiled knowingly, then turned his head and shouted, "Come in!"

Following Gao Zheng's shouting, Chen Mo's eyes also looked outside the house~www.readwn.com~ and saw three women walking in.

One of the women stood out.

She was wearing a ruffled skirt and walked easily. When she came in, she was extremely uneasy, her hands were pinching the front of her clothes, and her teeth were forbidden to bite her lower lip, as if she had walked into a tiger's den.

His eyes seemed to be crying, and they were a little red and swollen.

But Rao is like this, and it can't hide her natural charm.

Especially that stalwart, who seems to be able to take away the soul of a man, and be able to fascinate some frivolous people.

Seeing Chen Mo staring straight at him, Gao Zheng, who was paying attention to his expression at the moment, knew that it was done.

However, he immediately heard Chen Mo shout: "Gao Zheng, you are so bold, who asked you to persecute others?"


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