Immortal Asura

Chapter 1300: Blockbuster

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The reason why everyone stunned their chins was not because of who the big man was, but because none of the many big men present knew him, and everyone had the same question. Who is this man?

The crowd looked at the young man with a puzzled look, but the elders of Ling Tiange and Yun Hai Ge who were still arguing there were dumb. They opened their mouths and looked very ugly, as if they had eaten dead flies. general.

This time, they hit their faces greatly. They argued here for so long, but the warrior who appeared at last was not any one of them, it was a nameless person, and he had never noticed and knew him. People.

Everyone was shocked, but they were really stunned. This time, everyone was severely beaten up, as if they were choked, but they did n’t know what to say. Already.

No one had ever imagined that such a person who turned against the sky turned out to be a young disciple who no one knew. Who was this person? From where? Is it the person who hasn't been shown in the Changsheng Temple? However, the people in the Changsheng Temple have also dealt with it. This person does not look like a disciple in the Changsheng Temple, but everyone wants to see who this person is, but finds the man who can't see through him.

At this moment, the state of the man gives a feeling of returning to the real world. Standing there seems to be fused with the power of the rules around him, which makes people a little unclear for a while, and is very shocked by the young man ’s practice. With this realm, it is no wonder that it will reach the 97th floor at once.

The first person who responded was the people of Xuanyuan's family. They first greeted Zhang Yan and they were always close to Zhang Yan. Therefore, they were relatively familiar with Zhang Yan and others. They only remembered this time. Isn't this person always standing with the crowd of Zhang Yan, and talking with Master Xuanyuanming about Daochen?

It ’s just that everyone did n’t respond before. It can be said that everyone in Xuanyuan ’s family did not expect Dao Chen to be so strong, so when they saw that Dao Chen was out of the crowd, everyone was also stunned. Only now they have reacted. He walked over, laughing as he walked, "It's really a mountain tiger hiding in the mountains, and the fields are buried with unicorns."

"You are the Daochen friend who is standing with my family Minger?" Xuanyuan Shan said with a smile.

Dao Chen bowed and saluted at the sight, and gently promised: "It is the junior."

Everyone saw Xuanyuan Mountain and Dao Chen met, and heard that the meaning of this person turned out to be Zhang Yan's people, and everyone frowned, especially the people in Yunhai Pavilion who were hostile to Zhang Yan. These people saw Xiang Daochen's eyes also became unhealthy, and the old man with a head murmured, "How can there be a kid like Zhang Yan, where is such a genius now even connected with Zhang Yan? If so It's not a good thing for a genius to oppose Yunhai Pavilion. "

Thinking of this, there was a hint of killing in the eyes of the old man, but it was covered up in an instant, just thinking about it in the heart, if this dust does not have a good relationship with Zhang Yan, then it is fine, if it is the same as Zhang Yan If you oppose them at Yunhai Pavilion, you can't keep him.

Xuanyuan Mountain re-examined Dao Chen with great satisfaction. The more he looked, the more he liked it. His mouth still made a snoring noise, and nodded his head and said with satisfaction, "I'm really a young hero, but I don't know where your teacher is?"

Xuanyuanshan asked, everyone looked at this with anticipation. Everyone stretched their necks and listened to the words of Dao Chen, for fear of missing a word. Everyone wanted to know such a peerless genius man. Who actually trained it?

Everyone is also very concerned about what power Daochen comes from. After all, such a genius boy, if he is not a disciple of Daejongmen, if they kill them, they will not believe it. Even if he is not a disciple of Daejongmen, he must be a disciple. A disciple of an exorcist.

Everyone looked at Dao Chen expectingly, and wanted to get Dao Chen's answer.

However, Dao Chen said with a smile: "There is no way and no faction, but it's just some self-taught three-legged cats. It's not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

When everyone heard the words, they were all sullen, thinking that this powerful talent with this dust, if these strengths were just three-legged cat work, wouldn't they be vain? Martial arts that have been studied for so many years are not as good as a self-taught kid?

The elders of Yunhai Pavilion on the side also snorted and said, "Three-footed cat kung fu? You are taunting the martial arts of the world for many years, but not as good as your three-footed cat?"

Dao Chen frowned and looked at the old man, but there was no anger, even too lazy to argue with them, but he said indifferently, "What do you think is your business?"

Xuanyuan Mountain also frowned, staring at the old man in Yunhai Pavilion, snorted and said, "Are you Yunhai Pavilion all that kind?"

The old man suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the word, but he was stopped by the law enforcement guardian when he wanted to get angry.

The guardian of law enforcement smiled and said, "This Daochen has such a bad practice, so it seems that Bi will be the future pillar of my people. Don't argue here because of this kind of thing. "

"It's just that people didn't think of it, it turned out that it wasn't one of your forces. It really made people think of it," the old man joked.

Everyone heard the words and felt their faces flushed. The controversy where they had blushed their necks before was a successor to each family, but now it is a warrior who has never heard of it. This time it really made this Daochen blockbuster.

The old man of Yunhai Pavilion said with a smile: "Of course there are many genius warriors in this world, but I didn't expect that we were actually encountered, but even so, our invisible sons may not lose, after all, they have not yet. Come out, and the trial of this fairy stone is still going on. "

Everyone heard the words and felt that the old man was right. Although this Daochen was amazing and amazing everyone, but it did not mean that his talent was stronger than those people, but he reached the 97th floor faster. The latter may not reach the 97th floor.

Everyone thought that they also looked at the test fairy stone here, and wanted to see what the rest of the people had reached, but what puzzled everyone a little bit was that the person who had been at the bottom layer had not Keep an eye out for the situation, one level up.

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