Immortal Asura

Chapter 1297: Easy sixty floor

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The first ten layers of the fairy stone were tested, and those warriors who were repaired by the emperor were directly brushed off. Only a few talented rising stars among these warriors were able to withstand the spiritual impact of the tenth layer of the fairy stone, and insisted to the tenth. Layer, but two people did not persist for half a minute on the tenth floor, and even one of them did not persist for a few seconds, and was directly repelled by the strong spiritual impact here.

There are three people who can reach the tenth floor or even pass through the tenth floor in the realm of Emperor Wuhuang, and one of these three people is still known to Zhang Yan, but this person came later, so I have never seen Zhang Yan, this person is not someone else, it is Zhang Yan's former elder brother Tian Hai.

Tianhai is not willing to always be just the Emperor Wu Xiu, but his talent is limited. Although inherited, he still cannot break through to the realm of Wu Shen. In desperation, Tian Hai can only choose to try the fairy stone. If he can break through to Wu Shen No matter how good the state is, if it can't break through, Tian Hai can only be regarded as no complaint, after all, he can be considered as an effort, and the result can only be left to fate.

By virtue of his unyielding will and his pure cultivation, Tianhai insisted on clenching his teeth and watching the impact of the spiritual force pass through the tenth floor. At this time, Tianhai was exhausted and directly Falling on the stone steps, fortunately, there is no spiritual impact at the stone steps, allowing Tianhai to slow down.

Zhang Yan went through the tenth floor very easily. Even these spiritual shocks were nothing to Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan didn't even feel anything. So he went straight through the tenth floor and went straight to the eleventh. Floor, followed by the twelfth floor, thirteenth floor ...

Zhang Yan went straight to the forty floor in one breath, and after arriving here, the spiritual impact of each floor during this period has been strengthened a little bit, but not suddenly strengthened, but strengthened a little bit, subtly. In the meantime, Zhang Yan discovered that when the fortieth floor was reached, the power of the spiritual shock inside was already powerful enough to reach the state of the Seventh Reconstruction of Wu Shen.

However, the seven-strength spiritual impact of Valkyrie has no threat to Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan's current strength is still rampant here. The seven-strength spiritual impact of Valkyrie cannot shake Zhang Yan's body at all. Zhang Yan Just walked straight to the stone steps as if nothing had happened.

Immediately after that, Zhang Yan was still effortless, one layer after another, and went straight to the 50th floor. At this time, the spiritual impact around him had reached the power of Valkyrie. The power of Zhang Yan made Zhang Yan feel some pressure, but this pressure was minimal to Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan ignored it and walked straight towards the stone steps.

After all, this pressure is not fatal and there is no danger. Compared with the dangers encountered by Zhang Yan in several battles, it is nothing at all, even only a means to help Zhang Yan practice. Zhang Yan found here The extraordinary strength of the spiritual power, but the power of the law is not felt, or even beyond control.

But even so, Zhang Yan is practicing spiritual power here, and his spiritual power is improving rapidly. Zhang Yan has even reached the seventh peak of Wu Shen, Zhang Yan did n’t think much, just here Under the impact of spiritual power, continue to move forward while practicing.

And if let other warriors know that Zhang Yan dared to absorb the spiritual power used in the test fairy stone to practice here, then these people may be shocked to drop their chins, and even think that Zhang Yan is crazy. After all, at this time, even if it is difficult to survive the trial successfully, you can still walk and practice as if it were all right. How strong is that?

However, Zhang Yan has not only practiced here, but has also improved. He is about to make a breakthrough. If it is not Zhang Yan who feels that this time is not suitable for a breakthrough, he is afraid that the movement caused by the breakthrough will be too great, and it will attract attention If so, I'm afraid Zhang Yan will sit here cross-legged and start practicing. After all, the environment here is still very good. There is not only strong and strong spiritual power around him to maintain his practice, but also spiritual impact. Putting pressure on Zhang Yan can help Zhang Yan refine his body.

And when Zhang Yan went on like this step by step, Zhang Yan's strength has reached the peak of Valkyrie Seventh, and then he can break through to Wushen Yae, but Zhang Yan always feels worse. At first, Zhang Yan didn't know what was wrong, but later Zhang Yan wanted to understand. The difference is the understanding of the power of the law, but the power of the law here Zhang Yan can't communicate at all. There is no power of the law at all. Zhang Yan was very helpless.

In desperation, Zhang Yan could only pass through the barriers quickly, walking through layers and layers, and reaching the 60th floor. At this time, the spiritual impact here already has the power of Wu Shen, even if it is Zhang Yan also felt a very strong pressure. After all, this was the spiritual impact of Wu Shen's ninefold, and Zhang Yan couldn't completely ignore it.

Zhang Yan ’s whole body ’s spiritual power turned, removing some of the first power of this spiritual impact, and then letting the remaining spiritual impact power attack his own body. In this way, relying on his own physical strength, Zhang Yan can easily deal with these spiritual impacts.

However, Zhang Yan still said with some emotion: "It is no wonder that only after passing the 60th floor will the name be left on this test fairy stone. The power of the 60th floor ’s spiritual impact is already so powerful, I am afraid that only the strength is in Valkyrie Nine It must be the relatively strong warrior in Wushen Jiuzhong to pass here, otherwise it will not pass here at all. "

Now that I have experienced it personally, Zhang Yan knows how difficult it is to leave a name on the test stone. After all, there are not many warriors who can reach the nine levels of martial arts, and there are even fewer warriors who can pass here, and Zhang Yan is even more confused. Then, how do you go to the forty floors after that? Here is already the strength of Valkyrie's late stage of strength to pass, then are not those tests that require greater strength?

Zhang Yan was very puzzled, but the thought of many seniors who had passed before, even reached more than ninety, and his father almost reached the top, so he could n’t lose, even if he climbed , I have to crawl over.

Zhang Yan made up his mind and walked towards the front, but when Zhang Yan just stepped into the next floor, Zhang Yan suddenly lighted up.

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