Immortal Asura

Chapter 1286: I gamble with you

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"Chip?" Jian looked at Zhang Yan with a scornful look and snorted and asked, "It's up to you? What do you want to gamble with me? What chips do you have?"

Zhang Yan's tone was very flat, and he said lightly: "I bet on you, do you dare?"


As soon as Zhang Yan's words came out, everyone in the surrounding area was in an uproar. Everyone took a sip of air-conditioning and looked at Zhang Yan with an incredible look. No one thought that Zhang Yan used this gesture to say such things here. In the eyes of everyone, Zhang Yan's talent strength must be inferior to Sword Invisible.

Although Zhang Yan has some strength, it will not be comparable to Swordless, and some people even think that it is not necessarily that Zhang Yan can leave a name on the test fairy stone, and Jianwhen is the person who can compete for the first ranking of the test fairy stone, Zhang Yan Gambling with the sword like this is tantamount to death.

Even Ling Feng and Yun Feiyang did not expect Zhang Yan to dare to make such a bet. Although they did not look at the sword without marks, they felt that the sword without marks was a hypocrite, but they also had to admit that the sword was without marks. The strength is very strong, even if Ling Feng does not dare to guarantee that he can win the sword without trace.

In this case, Zhang Yan dare to gamble, is Zhang Yan trying to die? Or did Zhang Yan have absolute confidence in himself? Confident that you can be better than swordless?

Ling Feng also looked at Zhang Yan at this time. I didn't know what Zhang Yan thought about. She dared to take such a big risk, but when she saw Zhang Yan's confident look, Ling Feng didn't realize it. Zhang Yan seemed to be able to win, and if he persuaded him, he would accept it.

Although Yun Feiyang was also a bit worried, but he had seen Zhang Yan's sword. No one except him had seen Zhang Yan ’s sword when he was serious. Yun Feiyang believed that Zhang Yan ’s sword was stronger than Swordless. .

Everyone around them talked aloud there, saying, "Is this inflammation too arrogant? The insignificant son has already given his face for his life. This kid is provocative even if he doesn't know how to live or die." Just trying to die. "

"Yeah, guys who don't know how to live and die, dare to provoke the Markless Son like this, really looking for death!"


Qin Shiyan and others did not have any worries. The fat people had absolute confidence in Zhang Yan's strength. They did not believe that someone could be better than Zhang Yan in Wushen Realm. Zhang Yan, the first person in Wushen Realm, deserved it.

Even Dao Chen had to be convinced. He knew that he was not Zhang Yan's opponent. Especially after Zhang Yanxiu was promoted, Dao Chen felt that he had no chance of winning against Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan actually turned a deaf ear to the discussions of the people around him, but it was a group of wall grasses, and the clown jumping clowns stood to see who was influential.

Zhang Yan still stood there with confidence, looked at the sword in front of him very calmly, and asked again lightly: "Why? Don't you dare?"

The sword without a trace was only a little hesitant, and then laughed wildly. The laughter of the sword without a trace seemed to everyone to be a crazy and disdainful sneer. As an undisputed genius, the sword without a trace has all The trait of genius is absolute confidence and contempt.

Jian Wuzhen hasn't spoken yet. The disciples of Yunhaige stood up and said, "Gambling? It's up to you? Are you worth it?"

"That is, you are worthy of being compared with our brothers on the basis of your low life?" The disciples aside relentlessly taunted.

Zhang Yan didn't get angry because of their words, but instead looked at the sword without a trace, and asked with a sneer: "What? Are you afraid?"

"Afraid? I'm afraid of you?" Jian Wuhen snorted and said sarcastically, "I just laughed at you and couldn't control it, and Ling Feng spoke, so I spare you my life and let you live longer. Since you If you are so anxious to die, then I will fulfill you. "

"I'll gamble with you today. If you lose, I want you to make your own decision in front of me," Jian Wu looked at Zhang Yan coldly and said coldly.

Zhang Yan also said, "If you lose, I also want you to make your own judgment in front of the world."

"I will lose? It's ridiculous!" The sword smiled indiscriminately, then opened the sleeve, turned around and walked back, bothered to care about Zhang Yan.

The disciples of Yunhaige on the side also said sarcastically, "It's so ridiculous that you also try to defeat our brother? Don't daydream here, we'll wait and see how you decide."

Zhang Yan didn't bother to look at them, and said lightly, "We'll see you in the ranking of Xianshi."

After speaking, Zhang Yan turned around and returned to the fat man and others, and the fat man asked: "Boss, what's the trouble with them? Can't you just kill them all by yourself? Wait for the Fairy Stone Test?" Isn't it a waste of time? "

Qin Shiyan also spoke strangely at this time, saying very coldly: "Yeah, since it is Yunhaige people, it is better to kill them directly, anyway, they will kill them sooner or later."

Zhang Yan smiled and shook his head and said, "I want to convince him to lose the oral conviction. I want to decide on the first place of Xianshi. It's not too late to kill him, so let him live longer, after all. Brother Ling Feng has spoken, still give them some face. "

"Not to mention so many martial artists here, many of them are the minions of Yunhai Pavilion. They are all powerful. If we do this, it will be difficult to cope with the besieging. After all, this Yunhai Pavilion is not like others, their forces It's too big, and Sword No Trace is not a casual generation, and its strength is also very strong, "Zhang Yan said lightly." When he loses, I will kill him, and no one can say anything. "

Dao Chen also said with a smile: "It is true. There are so many warriors gathered here. There are too many people in Yunhai Pavilion. Besides, although those people are not Yunhai Pavilion people, if they really start, in order to please Yunhai Pavilion, it is inevitable that those martial arts will also deal with us. By then, a few of us will not be able to cope, and the people of Fei Liu Xian Gong and Ling Tian Ge will say that they can help us talk, and let them stand firmly on our side. It's unrealistic to help us deal with so many people. "

Zhang Yan nodded and said, "This is also my concern, and I can't be against the people of the world."

Zhang Yan and they were chatting here, and Yun Feiyang in the distance came to this side with a shocked fairy. Yun Feiyang didn't wait to come to this side, and began to laugh and said, "Brother Zhang Yan, you are so brave. Ah, it's really admirable to dare to fight against the invisible man directly. "

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "No way. Now that Liangzi has been formed, it can only be the case, but even if the sword has no trace, it is the same if he wants to bully me Zhang Yan."

Jinghong's son also came to shake the lotus step slightly. Although it was a veil covering, people could not see the looks, but this figure was enough to make the warriors around him crazy, many warriors were secretly there. Admired: "This shocked fairy is worthy of being praised as the first beauty in Zhongtianyu. This figure is really superb."

"Speak carefully, don't you see that Ling Feng is also there? Not to mention there are no traces, you do n’t know that these two people are both admirers of the fairy fairy. Do you dare to see the women they like? "Someone reminded aloud.

The warrior closed his mouth when he heard the words, and scared him to look around, and found that everyone's eyes and attention were attracted by Jing Hongxian and Zhang Yan's Qin Shiyan and Hu Meier, no one noticed He felt a sigh of relief.

Then he couldn't help but said, "What is the origin of the second girl next to Zhang Yan? Looking at the temperament and appearance, she is not inferior to Jinghong Fairy, especially the frosty woman, she is just a cold beauty. , I do n’t know if this is the legendary Ice Emperor?

"I like the woman in the red dress. That figure is so charming and charming," the man on the side looked at Hu Meier with a pair of eyes, his eyes were full of sensuality and looked very insignificant.

They did n’t know what was going on here, and they did n’t bother to care about these little children. Instead, Ling Feng came over to Jinghong Fairy and looked at Zhang Yan and asked, “I do n’t know Brother Zhang Yan, are you sure? Dare to make such a big bet. "

Zhang Yan smiled and said, "Naturally, you have full control. There is no trace of a sword."

At this time, the sword was not traced. Looking at Jinghong Fairy and Zhang Yan walking so close, they couldn't help but a flash of killing in their eyes. I thought Zhang Yan could not stay. No matter what, I would kill after trying out the fairy stone. he.

As for the obstructing Ling Feng, sooner or later one day he will take someone to set foot on their Ling Tiange, let him repeatedly against himself, and dare to rob a woman with himself.

Just after the storm, everyone gathered in groups, discussing the matter of trying Xianxian, and a group of people came from afar. The group was also full of momentum, and some of them looked young It was also very arrogant, didn't care about everyone's eyes, and flew straight towards this side, fell directly in front, and fell at the foot of the test fairy stone.

Everyone couldn't help frowning when they saw the situation, thinking who they were? How crazy? I flew over my head without saying, dare to land in the forefront, I don't know if you come first? How dare he stand at the front? It's so arrogant.

Zhang Yan and the others were closest to the test fairy stone, and there were people from Yunhai Pavilion on the side, and they all frowned and looked at the group, and Zhang Yan recognized them at a glance. Man? The old man who talked about himself.

Zhang Yan thought that although the identities of these people were not ordinary, they were so arrogant that Yunhai Pavilion and Ling Tiange were not taken into account. I am afraid they are going to be unlucky.

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