Immortal Asura

Chapter 1284: Refuse to fight me

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The old man ’s momentum was instantly released, and the mighty Valkyrie ’s eighth-repaired momentum suddenly stunned the surrounding warriors a few steps back. Although everyone wanted to see the lively, no one wanted to blame him, all at once Just leave the space out, only Zhang Yan's group, and the old man who burst into fury.

In the angry eyes of the old man, it seemed as if he was about to spit out flames, and said coldly and with a hint of murderousness, "Our master of the Yunhai Pavilion, not the yellow-mouthed child you can criticize, you dare to be in front of so many people Face, insulting the owner of our Yunhai Pavilion, you are looking for death! "

"Oh? So you are from Yunhai Pavilion?" Zhang Yan heard that the old man was from Yunhai Pavilion. Suddenly, his murderous intentions rose sharply. The powerful murderous spirit was released in an instant, shocking everyone around him. , Could not help but take a few steps back, looking at Zhang Yan with a look of shock.

These people didn't expect that the boy didn't look very strong and didn't have much power, but the murderous energy released at this moment made everyone look at Zhang Yan, they knew that the boy was not a casual person.

The old man also looked at Zhang Yan with a shock, and he was shocked by the murderous spirit that Zhang Yan showed. He did not expect that the momentum of the boy was not weaker than himself, and he looked a little dignified in Zhang Yan's eyes. Obviously he also started to avoid Zhang Yan.

The old man snorted coldly and said, "No matter what your strength is, as long as it is someone who dares to insult our Yunhai Pavilion, you are no exception."

"Really? Coincidentally, I want to kill you too," Zhang Yan coldly snorted.

"Boss, do you still need your hands on this kind of merchandise? Just let me fix him," said the fat man.

Zhang Yan shook his head and said, "No, I'll kill him this time."

The fat man saw the killing in Zhang Yan's eyes, and Zhang Yan's unquestionable tone, couldn't help but say nothing, but as Qin Shiyan and others retreated behind Zhang Yan and stood there watching they.

The old man looked at everyone in Zhang Yan and snorted coldly, "If you are not convinced, go together, so that others don't say that I am bullying your juniors."

"Kill you, do you still need us to join you? You are too deserving of you. Any of us can easily kill you in one second, but we are too lazy to do it. After all, killing you will dirty our hands, this kind of dirty I can only do the work, "Zhang Yan said with a disdainful look at the old man, ironically.

The old man was furious, and no one dared to say that. The old man flushed and said, "Dare to underestimate the old man, today I will let you see how powerful our Yunhai Pavilion is."

The old man spoke with a three-foot sword in his hands, and he couldn't care about the dignity and demeanor of his strong man. Besides, he went straight to Zhang Yan and cut off with a sword. I saw the sword on the old man's sword. Vertical and horizontal, shot as fast as lightning, Zhang Yan immediately approached.

Everyone around him also secretly praised him when he saw the situation. He thought that he was worthy of Yunhaige. This shot shows that he has good strength.

However, Zhang Yan stood still without moving, and even did not take out the cut moon sword. In Zhang Yan's view, if this old guy used a sword, he would be insulting himself, and the old man ’s sword strength and momentum For Zhang Yan, it had no effect. Zhang Yan stood there without moving.

I saw Zhang Yan clenching his fists, and a flash of killing in his eyes flashed, and then a fist greeted him directly.

Seeing this, the old man couldn't help but a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, thinking that he was just an ignorant kid who did not dare to take his own sword. He was just trying to die. Since you are trying to die, then you should die for me.

The old man thought of this, the cruel sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, the spiritual power on the sword had been exerted to the extreme, a sword went straight to Zhang Yan and cut it off.

On the other hand, Zhang Yan's blood-red Shura spiritual power fluctuated, and he fully exhausted his strength. He punched directly with a punch. Zhang Yan's punch was hitting the old man's sword, while the old man imagined Zhang Yan. The scene of being beheaded by himself did not appear.

Instead, Zhang Yan punched out the old man's sword directly, causing the old man's arms to numb, and the blood in his body was shocked. He couldn't mobilize his spiritual power at once, the old man was also surprised at this time. , Looking at Zhang Yan with a look of horror, only then did he know that the ordinary boy in front of him looked so powerful that he could not fight back.

At this time, the old man's eyes were full of panic, and he wanted to turn and run away, but Zhang Yan was too late. Zhang Yan would not give him the opportunity at all. Zhang Yan's figure was like a ghost. It appeared in front of the old man, Zhang Yan took the sword with his backhand, and a sword was cut directly towards the old man's neck.


A loud drink came from a distance, the voice seemed very urgent, with endless anger.

Zhang Yan didn't care so much at all. Today, he wants to kill this old man.

I saw a flash of Jianguang. The old man's head rolled down on the ground instantly, and the blood rushed out of the wound. The old man stared at his eyes and died, but he didn't expect to die. He had been in the sky for so many years, and now he died in such a place. The little-known boy was killed in seconds, and he was unable to fight back.

And Zhang Yan just killed the old man, and suddenly felt that a few powerful killing intentions instantly locked himself, and at the same time several powerful spiritual forces blasted towards his standing position.

Zhang Yan immediately cast the sky, and the figure flickered back to Dao Chen and others, avoiding the attacks of these people, while Zhang Yan was standing in the place where several powerful spiritual forces exploded. On the ground, the ground was blasted out of the bottomless pit.

Everyone around them saw the dust flying, the violent impact of the spiritual force shocked everyone, and suddenly they moved back a dozen feet in the back, fearing that they might hit themselves, and they all looked up at the group of people rushing in the air.

Zhang Yan also squinted, and the killing intention on his body didn't diminish at all. He looked coldly at those people who attacked himself. When he saw these people, Zhang Yan's killing intention increased and became stronger. As a result, the people in the surrounding area frightened back a few feet again, and looked at Zhang Yan with a shocked look.

And these figures also fell beside the old man's body, looking at the old man's body with a sad look, one of the men shouted in pain and sadness: "Elder Wang! Elder Wang!"

The young man headed seemed to be personable. Even so, it didn't make him look very angry, but his eyes were full of killing. He gritted his teeth and looked at Zhang Yan and said, "I didn't expect it to be you again, Zhang Yan."

Zhang Yan sneered and said, "I didn't expect that I could meet your Yunhai Pavilion people everywhere."

"It's Yunhaige. This is headed by the invisible son," the people on the side recognized the invisible sword, and shouted loudly.

Everyone around was surprised when they heard what they said. After all, they looked at the sword without a mark. After all, the name of the sword without a mark is very loud, and many people have never seen it. Now, finally, they can see the real person, so it is inevitable to see more.

"This invisible boy is indeed a talented man, and his strength is also outstanding. It is really amazing that Yunhai Pavilion can produce such a genius," some people said with **** there.

Everyone looked at the sword without a trace, and it was all in front of them. This sword without a trace is really outstanding. Whether it is physical strength or temperament, it looks perfect in all aspects, and even some female warriors look at it with an idiot. Sword without trace, murmured to himself: "If you can have a repair with Invisible Son, there is no regret even if you die."


Jian Wuhen enjoyed the feeling of the stars holding the moon, after all, from his debut to the present, no matter where he went, it was the focus. No one could steal his eye-catching halo, but when he saw the Zhang Yan in front of him, he He wouldn't fight for a while, this is the first person that Jian Wumen encountered who dared to oppose himself, and also confronted himself three or five times. If he didn't kill him, it would be difficult to resolve his hatred.

"Zhang Yan, you dare to kill my elder of Yunhaige. I think you are tired and you can't stay with you today," Jian said with no trace of teeth, full of killing.

Zhang Yan snorted dismissively, and said with a smirk: "Joke, can you only let people in Yunhaige kill me, and I can't fight back? How can this be true in the world?"

"You!" The person at Yunhaige on the side stretched out his fingers and pointed at Zhang Yan, and wanted to continue to say something.

But was interrupted by Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan was too lazy to talk to the people in Yunhaige, but said lightly: "Tell me more words that are useless and unconvinced! Kill me!"

"Of course, if you have this ability," Zhang Yan followed with a mockery.

As soon as Zhang Yan's words came out, the people in Yunhaige haven't said anything yet, but the crowd around them took a breath and looked at Zhang Yan with disbelief, wondering if this kid was crazy? How dare you say that when you meet Yunhaige?

What kind of power is Yunhai Pavilion? That's the power of the hegemonic level of Zhongtianyu. Who would dare to provoke Yunhaige, such as Japan and China? Not to mention the strength of Invisible Son, how many people in the realm of Wu Shen dare to stand against him? I'm afraid none of them, right? Is this Zhang Yan brave? Are you looking for death?

And some people who have heard of Zhang Yan and even saw Zhang Yan and Jian Wu's diplomatic hands on Xianlu are excited, saying, "Are you finally going to do this? Since Zhang Yan dares to make such a fuss, presumably Its strength must not be simple. "

And there are some fans of Zhang Yan who said aloud there, "This is Zhang Yan, haven't you heard?"

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