Immortal Asura

Chapter 1259: Make a comeback

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Everyone in Zhang Yan was startled, and immediately looked over to this side, watching the situation closely.

Suddenly Zhang Yan felt a familiar atmosphere moving quickly through the space. He came over here and shouted, "The big event is not good. You must be prepared for battle, and the Buddha of Zen Buddhism has made a comeback. "

As Zhang Yan spoke, the figure disappeared instantly, and everyone was shocked when they heard the words. Then they immediately stood together, looked at the direction of the distant space fluctuations, and set the fighting posture.

At this time, Zhang Yan has already reached the fruit of the space law at the fastest speed. He said that he directly reached out and picked the fruit of the space law. This time, it ’s a race against time. Zen people are about to get it.

The moment Zhang Yan stretched out his hand, the spatial fluctuations became more intense. The people of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Buddhism had already landed beside the fruit of the law of space, but the speed was slightly slower, just behind Zhang Yan.

"Boy, where are you going? Still want the fruit of the rules? Dreaming," Jianglong Luohan sang, and then punched directly at Zhang Yan, the speed was very fast. With all his strength, he hated Zhang Yan, but he hated his teeth so much that he couldn't wait to get rid of it.

Zhang Yan can't control so much when he sees this. It can only be clenched his teeth and put on the palm of the dragon and Luohan. After all, this time of race against time, if you avoid it yourself, the fruit of this space will be million Buddhas The Zen people were taken away, and Zhang Yan could only forcibly take the fruits of the laws of space, risking his life with a slap.

When the fat man in the distance saw this, he shouted together, "Be careful!"


Hu Meier and Qin Shiyan even exclaimed in fear, their faces changed, and they even scared them to cover their faces immediately, afraid to see Zhang Yan's beating.

And Zhang Yan was also cut out at this time. He took a punch and took a punch. He really didn't believe how the dragon and Luohan could take him. After all, his body was Shura's indestructible, even if he was injured. It's nothing.

Zhang Yan stretched out his hand and grabbed at the fruit of the law of space, while the dragon Luohan shouted when he saw it, "At this time, thinking about the fruit of the law? I think you are looking for death! You give me death."


Luolong Luohan punched directly on Zhang Yan's back, and both of them were physical martial artists, both of whom were very strong, and Dragon Luohan only felt that his punch seemed to be on a hard metal. In general, his fists trembled a bit, but the strength of his fists still caused Zhang Yan's body to lean forward, and the blood was violent. Although the bones had not yet broken, Zhang Yan couldn't help vomiting. A mouthful of blood.

The power of Luolong Luohan's punch is still too great, and Zhang Yan was injured at once, but Zhang Yan has already concentrated his spiritual strength to defend the punch of Luolong Luohan, plus Zhang Yan's Strong body strength, so this punch did not cause a particularly serious injury, but even so Zhang Yan also suffered minor injuries.

However, Zhang Yan still held back the injury and directly reached out to pick the fruits of the space law. Then the figure flickered and flashed twice on the ground. Zhang Yan had already returned to the crowd.

Qin Shiyan and Hu Meier immediately came to Zhang Yan's side, one arm holding Zhang Yan's arm, looked at Zhang Yan with concern, and asked, "How is it? Are you all right, the injuries are not serious."

Zhang Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said indifferently with a smile: "It's okay, it's like being bitten by a mosquito. It doesn't hurt at all. This hurts me nothing."

The opposite Luolong Luohan heard a sigh of anger, and the whole person's face was very ugly. He did not expect that Zhang Yan was so strong now, and he could still be so relaxed with his own punch, and It didn't look like he was really bracing, but he didn't really get too badly injured.

The runner King on the side is also shocked in his heart, but he knows how powerful the punch of Jianglong Luohan is, but it is a punch that even the dragon can hold. Under the **** of martial arts, few people can hardly pick the dragon. Luo Han punched without serious injuries. Is this Zhang Yan really so strong?

The magic method Jin Lian also looked at Zhang Yan with a curious look, thinking with a crooked head, and then frowned, and said, "I finally know why you have a familiar breath. It turned out to be the breath of Jing Xin Lian. , I didn't expect Jingxinlian to be on you. "

As soon as the magical Jinlian words came out, everyone around them suddenly focused their eyes on Zhang Yan's body. Everyone's face showed a shocked expression, and his face was incredible. No one thought of this kind of world. There are even 12 strains of the twelve golden lotuses that have been transformed. This is a great opportunity.

The most important thing is Jingxinlian, which was originally owned by the Emperor. It did not end up in Emperor Emperor's Sect. It actually appeared on Zhang Yan. This was something that everyone didn't expect.

Even fat people and others didn't know about it, they all looked at Zhang Yan with curiosity, and wanted to see the answer from Zhang Yan's face.

And Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Yes, Jing Xinlian is indeed on me, so what?"

Luolong Luohan looked at Zhang Yan's eyes more and more greedy, thinking, I didn't expect that this boy had so many treasures, and they were all things of immortal. Nowadays, there is Jingxin lotus, what to say today You can't let him leave here alive, you must get these treasures.

Luolong Luohan was afraid of rebirth this time, instead of wasting time with Zhang Yan, he waved his hands and instructed: "Do n’t talk nonsense with them here, quickly decide, kill them, all the treasures are ours Now. "

The eyes of the 10,000 buddha Zen people were also full of greed, but when they heard the command, they were hesitant. Standing there and not acting, they were all shocked by Zhang Yan's powerful strength.

When Luo Longhan saw this, he could not help but snorted, and scolded, "What are you doing there? You have to hurry up and kill them together."

The runner Saint King took the lead, and his injuries were almost healed, and he started directly to the people of Zhang Yan. The powerful French body Jin Jin cast out, a pair of large hands, pressed directly to the people of Zhang Yan. .

Zhang Yan immediately took out his own Yueyue Sword, and looked at the crowd with a murderous look in his eyes, saying coldly: "This time, don't keep your hands. Let's go together, fight with them, and put them all together. Kill me. "

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