Immortal Asura

Chapter 1252: Mysterious boy

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Everybody in the Zen Buddhism saw that the child had shot, and immediately stepped back to the two gangs. The eyes of this young man were also full of awe, as if he had a very great identity, which made everyone in Zhang Yan feel very sympathetic. strange.

Especially the words this boy said to Zhang Yan made Zhang Yan feel a little strange, because Zhang Yan also felt a little familiar with the young man ’s body. It seems that he has seen it somewhere, or what The things are similar, but Zhang Yan still can't remember it for a while.

Zhang Yan has been observing this boy carefully. Since he came out, the people of Zen Buddhism have retreated in an orderly manner. All of them are watching the boy there. I glanced here, but he didn't dare to be too careless, but still had to concentrate on dealing with the demon monk.

The strengths of the two men are also comparable, and they have not played out for so long, but they still have a slight advantage.

Zhang Yan looked at the boy, frowning and asked, "What? You are also a man of Zen Buddhism?"

"Exactly," said the boy, tilting his head and thinking lightly.

Zhang Yan snorted and asked coldly, "So, are you going to be a buddha for Wan Buddha?"

The teenager said with a smile and said, "In the first place? Well, after all, I am here. After all, you can't hurt the people of Wanfo Zen. If you want to hurt them, you must pass me."

"A little shit, you dare to arrogant in front of us? I think you're tired?" The fat man snorted loudly when he heard it.

Wang Zhengzong also sarcastically said there, "Yeah, I think you haven't weaned yet? Or go back and find your mother to drink milk. The gigantic million Buddha Zen makes you such an unweaned child. What a joke. "

"Presumptuous!" The monks of Ten Thousand Buddhas suddenly exclaimed, "Dare to talk to our adults like this? You are too presumptuous."

"It is so rude to be unforgivable," the crowd looked very angry.

"Oh, what about an adult? Is this an adult?" The fat man snorted disgustedly, while talking, he also used his hand to be taller than the boy, and signaled to reach his chest.

The boy's face suddenly sank when he heard that, and he said coldly, "You look down on me? Then I will let you know how powerful I am."

As soon as the young man waved his hands, the spiritual power around him frantically gathered in the young man's hands. At the same time, the power of the rules also converged in the young man's hands. Passed.

Zhang Yan was surprised when everyone saw this. He didn't expect that the young man didn't seem to have much strength. He could gather such a powerful spiritual attack between his hands. Moreover, the power of this rule was so mastered by him. It looks like Daochen.

However, the fat man did not have any fear, stood directly there, waiting for the attack to bomben himself, and then all these spiritual attacks submerged into the fat man's body, and all were absorbed by the fat man.

This scene surprised everyone in the Zen Buddhism of Wanfo, and everyone screamed. Some people recognized the fat body's body cultivation, and exclaimed there: "Spirit Eater, I didn't expect it to be Spirit Eater."

The fat man patted his belly and snorted coldly, "Your attack is back to you."

As soon as the fat man's voice fell, the powerful spiritual power directly gathered into the hands of the fat man. The young man's spiritual power was directly returned and attacked the young man. The crowd of people on the side of the million Buddha Zen was surprised and shouted. Be careful, they can't hurt the little ancestor, and if something happens to him, they can't explain it.

However, the young man did not take this attack in his eyes at all. He waved his hand, and the power of the laws around him gathered, and at the same time, the spiritual power also gathered in front of him, and he directly resisted the fat attack, without any effort.

The fat man looked at the teenager with a look of surprise, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to have two brushes."

After the fat man had spoken, everyone in Zhang Yan set his eyes on Dao Chen aside, and the intention was obvious. They all asked, "Why, how does this boy look like you?" He is also incompetent? "

Dao Chen shook his head firmly and said with a smile, "This is impossible. No one other than me can have this constitution."

Dao Chen spoke two steps forward, stood in front of the boy, confronted the young man, and said to Zhang Yan with confidence: "Leave it to me next time."

Zhang Yan nodded when he heard the words, backed away, and handed the boy to Dao Chen. At the same time, Zhang Yan stood aside and looked at the crowds of Wanfo Zen. This time, Zhang Yan was ready. If someone dared to come in and intervene, Zhang Yan would kill him in the first place.

Dao Chen looked at the teenager in front of him thoughtfully and asked, "What's going on? You're not physical, why can you control the power of so many rules?"

"The power of the rules? I was born to be able to control the power of these rules," said the boy with a meaningful smile.

Dao Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "Is that right? Then I have to see if the power of your rules is strong or the power of my rules is strong."

The young man snorted coldly and said, "As long as we are the enemies of the Ten Thousand Buddhas, you must all die."

The young man waved his hand, a powerful golden rule gathered in front of him, and then the powerful golden rule mixed the surrounding spiritual powers and attacked Daochen in the past.

Dao Chen was not to be outdone. Standing there, he smiled lazily, and then the whole person's eyes were frozen, and he became serious in an instant. I saw Dao Chen's hand waving, which was also a powerful rule of gold. Gathering in the hands, and then forming a golden dragon attacked the past directly to the young golden rule.

The Golden Dragon formed by the Golden Rule snarled and rushed forward, and the two Golden Rules slammed together, and a strong rule shock suddenly broke out. The surrounding Golden Rules seemed to have been impacted, and both of them were directed towards the two people. Converging in the rules.

It ’s like a piece of cake. Now Dao Chen and this boy are dividing up there, but Dao Chen ’s rules are obviously stronger than this boy. Dao ’s Golden Rule is getting bigger and bigger, and he is growling and roaring. The young man's golden rule was devoured, and howling attacked the young man in the past.

The people around the Zen Buddha of Ten Thousand Buddhas were shocked when they saw the situation, and they wanted to rush forward when they exclaimed, and Zhang Yan on the side was ready to go there. If these people dared to rush over, Zhang Yan would destroy them immediately.

However, just at the moment of the moment, the young man's figure flickered, and the speed was dodging to the side. The law of the wind was running under his feet, and the speed was very fast. At the same time, a powerful flame sprayed out of his mouth, forming a line. The fire dragon, roaring and rushing towards the golden dragon formed by the golden rule.

The dragons formed by the power of the two rules collided together in the air and twisted together. In the end, no one got help. The dragons gathered by the power of the two rules disappeared, leaving only Daochen and Juvenile. The individual stood there facing each other.

The young man looked at Dao Chen's eyes full of dread, and said in shock: "You are a heavenly body!"


Everybody in the Zen Buddhism heard a sigh of coldness when they heard the words, and they were all shocked at the spot, as if they were petrified. They opened their mouths and looked at Dao Chen with a look of astonishment. This is the legendary fairy body. How many people dream of fairy body? I did not expect to have appeared in front of them.

Dao Chen heard a cold snorting and said lightly, "It doesn't look like you are human. I can't feel the slightest human breath in you. What are you?"

The teenager said with a smile, "I'm just a lucky lotus. Fortunately, I was helped by the Buddha, so that I can shape my body and grow into what I am today."

As soon as the words of the young man came out, everyone, including Zhang Yan, was taken aback. Everyone did not think that this young man was not a man, but a lotus flower.

Zhang Yan heard the words suddenly realized, thinking that it was no wonder that he felt a familiar breath on his body. It turned out that he was also one of the twelve golden lotuses. The breath on his body was similar to Jingxinlian.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "It has been rumored that there are seven treasure pools in front of the Leiyin Temple of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Zen Temple, and there is a magical golden lotus in the pond that is one of the twelve golden lotuses left by Emperor Shaka Xian. It ’s amazing that Jinlian, the magical figure, has transformed into an adult. "

At the same time, Zhang Yan asked Jing Xinlian in the sea of ​​knowledge: "Why can't you imitate an adult? Isn't it better for you than this magical method?"

Jing Xinlian snorted with disdain and said, "Would I be worse than him? It's just that he has been enjoying the worship of all the Buddhas and Zens in the Seven Treasure Ponds, and I have been wandering before, let alone I am different from him, he Being able to control certain rules, it is relatively simple to imitate an adult, and with the help of Shakyamundi, its strength is also greatly diminished. If you can catch him, you will be obediently obedient. "

Zhang Yan heard the words immediately, thinking that if she could catch this magical golden lotus, it would be a great help to the power of the law. Thinking of Zhang Yan's eyes watching the magical golden lotus changed, she was full of greed. It was as if the wolf saw the flesh.

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