Immortal Asura

Chapter 1235: Family of refiners

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The crowd frowned when they heard the words, looked at the sound, and saw a group of people suddenly appeared in front of them. The person who spoke was the young man headed. This person looked like a talent, and it looked like it was white. A little chic and personable.

It was just a hint of **** laughter from the corner of her mouth, and the lascivious look at Hu Meier and Qin Shiyan.

Qin Shiyan and Hu Meier also felt the hot eyes of this man, and could not help but frowned, looking very disgusted.

The fat man was so furious that he looked at the second daughter so arrogantly. Isn't this looking for death?

The fat man walked two steps forward, stood in front of him, looked at the man coldly and asked, "Who are you? Why stop us? We still look at my sister-in-law with such indecent eyes. I think you are I'm tired. "

"Beauty is of course used for appreciation. It is just two beautiful women who are so beautiful, but taking care of a waste here is really violent." The man glanced at Zhang Yan who was sleeping there and felt that Zhang Yan's breath was not Very powerful, taunting.

"You're looking for death!" The fat man was suddenly furious when he heard that, and he was about to start.

However, Xuanyuan Ming, on the other hand, reached out and held the fat man, saying, "It is better not to conflict with them. After all, Zhang Yan needs to rest now. We try not to disturb him. Anything better wait for Zhang Yan to wake up."

"And this group of people is not easy," Xuanyuan said pointedly.

"Oh? Where is this sacred again? What cow, ghost, and snake gods have come out this time," Wang Zongheng sneered.

Xuanyuan Ming said to the opposite man: "Look at your dress, presumably you are from Xuanyuan's family?"

"Don't know your first name?" Xuanyuan Ming asked.

"Oh, I didn't expect to recognize us? Just asking someone's name, shouldn't you report it yourself? You don't seem to be polite," said the man, looking proudly at Xuan Yuanming.

"Xuanyuan is a surname with a single name," Xuanyuan Ming snorted coldly.

"Xuan Yuanming!"

Everyone heard the words suddenly brightened, looking at Xuan Yuanming's eyes became different, no longer contempt and arrogance, but a touch of respect.

The man also put away the appearance of the uncle before, and saluted Xuanyuan Ming with a fist: "I did not expect to be the heir to the God of War family, it is a pleasure to meet, but why did you only send so few people to the God of War family?"

Xuan Yuanming smiled and said, "You don't seem to tell me your name?"

"Not to mention that my Xuanyuan family didn't just come to me alone, but I just separated from them. This time I was walking with my friends," Xuanyuan said lightly.

"Oh? So these people are not from your Xuanyuan family?" The man heard the words and looked at the crowd again, especially the eyes of Qin Shiyan and Hu Meier.

"Under Zhuge Qingfeng," the man said with a confident smile, his eyes glanced over everyone's faces, waiting to see their expressions, which was one of his most enjoyable things.

Zhuge Family!

The crowd was really surprised when they heard the words. I didn't expect to see the people of the Zhuge family here. This is one of the three great families of the Emperor Realm. The Zhuge family is as famous as the Xuanyuan family. This is a family of refiners. It is different from the defeat of the family. Zhuge Because the family has super high refining skills, the people who ask them to help the refining can step on the threshold, so the Zhuge family has always been prosperous.

I also enjoy the praise of the world. It is just that the Zhuge family lives in Zhongtianyu, so the people of the two families have gradually become unfamiliar. Before long, the three big families still had a good relationship, but now the Xuanyuan family has weakened and has withdrawn from the stage. .

Of course, everyone has heard of the Zhuge family, but they were really surprised to see it. After all, this is an ancient family that has been passed down for several eras. Its strength is comparable to that of the Imperial Palace of Xiantong. Although it has fallen, the background is still thin. A camel is bigger than a horse.

However, the expressions of the people did not change much. After all, the people of Xiantong of the Emperor Tong Dynasty have seen it. A Zhuge family is not a big deal. What is the relationship with them? Besides, do the descendants of the Xuanyuan Family still follow them?

Zhuge Qingfeng was very disappointed. He did not see extreme shock in the expressions of the people, did not get that kind of satisfaction, the performance of the people was too calm, as if the name of the Zhuge family could not calm the people at all.

Zhuge Qingfeng couldn't help but be very interested in these people, and it was not easy to make Xuanyuan's family be friends.

Zhuge Qingfeng looked at Hu Meier and Qin Shiyan with a smile and asked softly: "I don't know how to call two beautiful women? I can meet two beautiful women here today. It is really a blessing for three lives. I don't know if the two will cheer me up. Traveling all the way? It's so dangerous here. You guys are not safe. If you tell me, I will protect the two fairies. "

"Grass! Your boy's shameless face, right?" The fat man suddenly yelled, "What is the Zhuge family? Dare to tease my sister-in-law? I must disuse you today."

The fat man rushed to speak, but was stopped by Hu Meier. Hu Meier said lightly: "Don't disturb Zhang Yan and rest, we just ignore him, everything will wait until Zhang Yan wakes up."

The fat man snorted and did not speak, but looked at Zhuge Qingfeng with a poor look.

When Zhuge Qingfeng heard the words, he frowned, looked at the fat man coldly, and was furious, "What kind of thing are you to dare to talk to me like this? I think you are looking for death."

"No one has dared to insult our Zhuge family so much, boy, you don't give us a reasonable explanation today, you don't want to leave here alive," the old man behind Zhuge Qingfeng also stood up, looking at the fat man with an angry look.

Xuan Yuanming was afraid that the situation would escalate. After all, the strength of the Zhuge family is also very strong. It is not very good to offend them. Besides, Zhang Yan needs to rest now and cannot be disturbed.

Xuan Yuanming couldn't help but smile and said, "I don't know if I can look on the face below, this matter is okay, we don't violate river water in our wells, let's just stop there, what?"

"Don't do this? Insulting our family of Zhuge, we need to wash it with blood. You ca n’t make it out, let alone the current Xuanyuan family. Even the Xuanyuan family did not dare to interfere with our affairs." Angered.

Zhuge Qingfeng stared at Hu Meier and Qin Shiyan and said with a smile: "If you want to save this fat man, you can leave these two fairies."

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