Immortal Asura

Chapter 1216: Siege

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Everyone heard the words and felt the surroundings carefully, only to find that it was really not a Fengying Leopard. Previously, everyone thought that it was just because the Fengying Leopard was too fast, that gave them an illusion.

But now, after a careful inspection, I found that they were not a Fengying Leopard around them, at least three Fengying Leopards. No wonder this Fengying Leopard dared to attack them. It turned out that they were prepared in large numbers. .

Zhang Yan crowded around immediately, standing back to back, everyone took out their respective weapons, stood there and waited, calmly looked around, waiting for the appearance of Fengying Leopard. Once the crowd appeared, they would be fatal to them. Blow.

Zhang Yan said coldly, "I don't want to be your enemy. If you leave now, we will not commit river water. If you insist, then don't blame me."

Zhang Yan's words also revealed the cut moon sword in his own hand. The cut moon sword was glowing with a dazzling cold, and the sword air was swarmed around in an instant, and a sword air was formed within ten meters of everyone's circle. The shrouded area can also better protect everyone.

Zhang Yan's sword qi was all around, and everyone suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of security, as if they could be foolproof as long as Zhang Yan was here.

When Hu Meier saw this, she also took the molten heart in her hand, while sitting in the flame of the golden maggot beast looking at the front coldly, ready to shoot at any time, and even had a powerful flame surrounding Zhang Yan's sword spirit. Around it, a wall of fire was formed, protecting everyone.

This is also because the speed of Fengying Leopard is too fast. In this case, as long as Fengying Leopard appears within this range, Zhang Yan and Hu Meier will be aware of it instantly, and everyone will be able to react instantly.

Fengying Leopard also felt the powerful momentum here, especially Zhang Yan ’s strong sword spirit, which made them feel the threat of life. Suddenly Fengying Leopard stopped and looked around. Zhang Yan and their side, for a time no one dared to rush into the scope of Zhang Yan's sword, but could only watch from a distance.

Fengying Leopard looked at Zhang Yan's people. They also knew that Zhang Yan and theirs were not easy to mess with, but they were already brutal. At this time, they did not consider retreat at all. They just wanted to kill the people in front of them. Human warriors, not to mention that Zhang Yan ’s cultivation is generally not as high as their cultivation. Only one Zhang Yan has some threats. These Fengying Leopards are even more afraid of Zhang Yan and their people.

There are a total of four Fengying Leopards here, standing in four directions and staring at the crowd, and then another Fengying Leopard came over from a distance, and this Fengying Leopard was better than the others. The Fengying Leopard is all bigger, and the hair on his body is brighter and more powerful. His left eye has a scar that is one foot long and looks even more fierce.

And Zhang Yan also saw this Fengying Leopard. Zhang Yan knew that this should be the leader of Fengying Leopard. Zhang Yan stared at it without showing any weakness. At this time, Zhang Yan's patience was completely consumed. Now, since these guys are looking for death, there is no need for Zhang Yan to show mercy.

The leader of Fengying Leopard also felt Zhang Yan ’s killing gaze, and then his eyes stared fiercely at Zhang Yan, yelling in the sky, and then the Fengying Leopard on all sides directly faced Zhang Yan together. Here came the attack, and it instantly turned into a residual image and rushed into Zhang Yan's sword qi, and rushed towards the crowd from four directions.

One of them happened to attack Dao Chen. Dao Chen sneered when he saw it. He shook his head lightly and said, "Well, if you are looking for death, then you will die."

Dao Chen waved his hand, and then the power of the surrounding rules fluctuated. All of the wind rules suddenly lost their effect around Dao Chen. These wind rules were suddenly completely sealed by Dao Chen, all toward the Dao. Dust's body came together, while Daochen applied the rules of the wind to the past.

The wind law leopard's wind rule was directly suppressed in the past. At once, the wind law leopard could not use the power of the wind law. For a moment, the wind shadow leopard only felt his body sinking, and then the speed dropped a lot. , All of a sudden was exposed in front of Dao Chen.

Dao Chen struck the past with a single palm at this time, and this palm was full of the power of the very powerful fire law, and the power of this law turned to the power of the fire law released by Hu Meier around. A palm of flame was formed in the palm of the hand, and howling towards the Fengying Leopard devoured the past.

The Fengying Leopard was shocked when he saw it, but at this time it was too late to run away. The Fengying Leopard, which had lost the law of the wind, had no advantage in speed. It could only be seen in the palm of Dao Chen. Hit it, and immediately the powerful fire force swallowed it up.

Fengying Leopard suddenly made a scream of screaming, and then was directly swallowed by this powerful true fire of Samadhi. The whole body rolled on the ground, and it was all burned and burned out within a moment, leaving only ashes. Already.

When Dachen saw this, he couldn't help but startled and said, "The power of this samadhi is really powerful, and I can count it as a force."

Everyone was surprised when they saw this. This was also the first time that everyone saw Dao Chen in a real sense. Before, everyone just heard Zhang Yan said that Chen ’s power was strong, but they had n’t seen Dao Chen seriously, this time, Dao Chen was serious. After that, everyone was completely stunned. This guy's strength is really powerful. Even you can pack a Fengying Leopard so easily, they can't compare with such strength.

And Hu Meier was also dealing with a Fengying Leopard at this time. When this Fengying Leopard rushed over, she did n’t wait for Hu Meier to do it. The flame golden phoenix beside her was already unable to wait and jumped up. Pounced towards the Fengying Leopard, the flame Jin Yushou has not yet shown himself, this time it just shows its strength, it can be considered a worry for Hu Meier.

The flame jinhao beating with the wind shadow leopard immediately, the strength of the two monsters is relatively close, the speed of the leopard leopard is relatively fast, but the flame gold jin monster is more powerful, and the figures of the two monsters are there Moving fast, the flame golden scorpion spit out flames from time to time to attack the Fengying Leopard.

The Fengying Leopard is also using the wind blade to attack the flame golden beast. The two beasts are scorching hot, while the other side is Xuan Yuanming and Wang Zongheng attacking a Fengying Leopard together. Xuan Yuanming sees the wind. The shadow leopard attacked, and the whole person seemed extremely excited. He directly rushed up with the silver dragon gun, and Wang Zongzhuang attacked in the past.

Fengying Leopard couldn't get rid of Wang Zongzi in terms of speed, and was suppressed by Wang Zongheng. For a time, Fengying Leopard fell into the downwind, and was only able to entangle two people there with the speed.

The last Fengying Leopard attacked Qin Shiyan, and the fat man stood next to Qin Shiyan, blocking directly in front of Qin Shiyan, and said with a smile, "Grandma, leave it to me."

The fat man greeted him directly with a punch. After all, the fat man was also a sacred body, and his body was very strong. Besides, the wind blade fat man attacked by Fengying Leopard was not afraid, and was directly swallowed by the fat man.

Qin Shiyan ca n’t watch the fat man do it alone, after all, she is also a sacred body, and her strength is not weaker than that of the fat man. Attacked the past.

Fengying Leopard was fighting against the fat man, and he did not notice the frost attack at all, and was directly covered by a little bit of frost. When Fengying Leopard felt that it was wrong, it was too late to resist. I saw that the frost on his body became thicker and thicker. In the end, Fengying Leopard's body was almost stiff, his limbs would not move, and his speed became slower and slower.

In the end, it was frozen into an ice sculpture directly, and stood still in front of the fat man. The fat man was not polite when he saw this. He punched it directly and broke the ice sculpture in front of him. This wind shadow The leopard's body shattered in response, and he died directly.

At this time, Xuan Yuanming also shot the Fengying Leopard directly in front of him and pierced it directly. This Fengying Leopard died when he grabbed it.

At the same time, when the four Fengying Leopards attacked them, the leader moved and attacked Zhang Yan directly, but the leader was faster and more powerful, and passed through Zhang in an instant. Yan Jianqi went directly to Zhang Yan's body and grabbed a claw towards Zhang Yan's chest.

Zhang Yan turned the Yueyue Sword in his hand and gave up his defense directly. A sword chopped at the Fengying Leopard. Fengying Leopard didn't expect this guy to be so desperate that he didn't know how to dodge Relying on being a monster, the body is still relatively strong, so I want to resist the sword of Zhang Yan, and at the same time I can kill the kid with this claw.

Fengying Leopard thought that there was no dodge here, he grabbed directly to Zhang Yan's chest, but when he caught his claws on Zhang Yan's body, he knew he was thinking wrong. The kid's body was so hard in front of him However, his paw went down without grasping, and caught a Mars on Zhang Yan's body, and finally left a not deep scratch on Zhang Yan's chest.

But this scratch also made Zhang Yan bleed, but this blood was nothing to Zhang Yan at all, and the injury was just a blink of an eye.

And this Fengying Leopard is unlucky. Zhang Yan ’s hand to cut the moon is not vegetarian. This sword is cut up. The Fengying Leopard ’s defense is completely useless. He was cut off by Zhang Yan ’s sword.

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