Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 714: Long Hanyan left

"Senior, can I see Han Yan and them?"

Mo Qingyun showed solemnity and uttered a word of request, but he could not refuse in his tone.

Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Qian Qiuqiao hesitated a little and raised his hand to Mo Qingyun: "Prince Qingyun, please here!"

Afterwards, Qian Qiuqiao turned around and led the way, taking Mo Qingyun to meet the two daughters of Long Hanyan.

After a while, Mo Qingyun saw Long Hanyan and Wang Zishu in a room in the courtyard.

"Qing Yun!"


When the two women saw Mo Qingyun's arrival, they all showed excited expressions, and walked quickly to Mo Qingyun.

Looking at the two women in front of her face, Mo Qingyun showed concern and asked them: "Are you all right?"


After hearing the words, the second girl nodded and smiled at Mo Qingyun, saying, "Qing Yun, you don't need to worry. Although the senior detained us, she didn't hurt us."

Hearing Long Hanyan's words, Mo Qingyun's expression eased a little, and her complexion improved a little.

After telling Mo Qingyun, after the current situation of the two of them, Long Hanyan frowned and said, "Qing Yun, senior Qian Qian said to me, she will take me to the barren continent to see a person, that person has with me Great relationship ... "

Next, Long Hanyan told Qian Qiuqiao what she had said to Mo Qingyun.

"It seems that Han Yan's hidden identity is really not simple."

After listening to Long Hanyan's narration, Mo Qingyun immediately calmed her expression, and her surprise was a little stronger.

After a brief surprise, Mo Qingyun glanced at the three of Qiuqiao and said to Long Hanyan, "Han Yan, don't worry, as long as you don't want to go, no one can force you."

In Mo Qingyun's view, although this matter was related to Long Hanyan's hidden identity, he did not want to see Long Hanyan be forced.

"Qing Yun, thank you!"

Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Long Hanyan showed a touch of emotion, and a struggle struck in her eyes; "However, I want to know my true identity, so I plan to go to the barren continent with Qian Qian, I hope you do not blame me."

"Is this your own idea, or ...?"

Hearing Long Hanyan's words, Mo Qingyun immediately sank, and hurriedly asked Long Hanyan.

In Mo Qingyun's view, if this is not Long Hanyan's original intention, even if the other party is Qian Qiuqiao and others, he will not retreat in the slightest.

"Qing Yun, don't you hate senior Qian, this is my decision!"

After seeing Mo Qingyun's expression, Long Hanyan showed nervousness and quickly explained to Mo Qingyun.

At this moment, when Long Hanyan's words fell, Qian Qiuqiao showed a solemn look to Mo Qingyun; "Prince Qingyun, now your cultivation has reached the high level of Danfu, but the girl Hanyan's cultivation is not Only Yuandan is high-level. If you have good predictions, you will only have a larger gap in the future. "

After speaking of this, Qian Qiuqiao took a glance at Long Hanyan and said, "At that time, as the gap between your two cultivations widens, you are bound to gather less and more in the future, so the old man thinks that you still let Han Girl Yan followed me to the barren continent, where she was able to improve quickly. "

After Qian Qiuqiao said such a thing, Long Hanyan was looking forward to her face and persuaded Mo Qingyun: "Qing Yun, Qian Qian said well. Only our cultivation has improved, and by then no one can Stop us. "

After seeing Long Hanyan say so, Mo Qingyun stopped saying more. After all, Long Hanyan's words also made some sense.

If Mo Qingyun forcibly left Long Hanyan beside him, it would seem that he was too selfish to take care of Long Hanyan's thoughts.

Seeing Mo Qingyun's silence, Long Hanyan took out the Jiugong array and smiled at Mo Qingyun: "Qingyun, there is Jiugong beside me. When you come to the barren continent, you can find me through Jiugong . "

Only before Mo Qingyun had a soul exchange with the Jiugong, naturally did not conceal Long Hanyan, so Long Hanyan would have the move at this moment.

Seeing Long Hanyan say so, Mo Qingyun's face improved a little and agreed with Long Hanyan's plan.

At this moment when Mo Qingyun was talking with Long Hanyan, his expression suddenly changed, and something suddenly came to his mind.

Subsequently, Mo Qingyun no longer hesitated, and will get the picture scroll at the auction.

After taking out the picture scroll, Mo Qingyun handed it to Long Hanyan and said, "Han Yan, take this picture with you, maybe it will be of some use to you in the future."

"This ... this picture is on you?"

Seeing Mo Qingyun take out the scroll, the three of Qian Qiuqiao were all shocked and surprised at the scene in front of them.

They really did not expect that this picture would be on Mo Qingyun's body.

"You know the origin of this picture?"

Seeing the performance of Qian Qiuqiao, Mo Qingyun immediately guessed that the three of them may know the origin of the scroll.

"Nice! The three of us are here to find this picture."

Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, all three of Qian Qiuqiao nodded, and their expressions were dignified. "However, about the origin of this picture, Prince Qingyun, you better not to ask questions now."

For this picture!

Upon hearing the words of the three Qianqiu Qiao, Mo Qingyun was shocked immediately, surprised by the words of the three Qiu Qiaoqiao.

As a result, Mo Qingyun believed in the words of Qian Qiuqiao three more.

The people on this scroll are exactly the same as Long Hanyan, but the three of them came to find this scroll.

In this way, what Qian Qiu Qiaosan said, the person who has a great connection with Long Hanyan should not have been fabricated.

"Prince Qingyun, now that we have found the picture, we intend to return to the barren continent immediately."

Seeing that the scroll had been found, the three of them were reluctant to stay, and said a farewell to Mo Qingyun, and then said to Long Hanyan: "Girl Hanyan, a banquet all over the world, we still have to say goodbye to Prince Qingyun Come on. "

After hearing Qian Qiuqiao's words, Long Hanyan immediately expressed her reluctance, and said to Mo Qingyun: "Qing Yun, if you dare not come to the barren continent to find me, after I have successfully cultivated, I will come to the heaven soul continent severely Repair you. "

"Rest assured, I will definitely go to the barren continent to find you."

In response to Long Hanyan's words, Mo Qingyun responded with a solemn expression on his face, and then said to Jiugong: "Jiugong, Han Yan will leave it to you, and protect her for me."

"Young Master, you can rest assured that the old slave will guard the Master well."

Upon hearing the voice of Mo Qingyun, Jiugong immediately responded to Mo Qingyun in a serious tone.

Then, the figures of Long Hanyan and Qian Qiuqiao slowly disappeared in front of Mo Qingyun.

"Let's go!"

Seeing Long Hanyan and others walking away, Mo Qingyun stopped staying and explained to the red chia and Wang Zishu beside him.

Subsequently, the three of them left the Yanyan Restaurant and got up to return to Tianyan House.

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