Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 219: Lei Hao hit residual (five more seeking subscription)

"Will you tell?"

Upon hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Lei Hao's expression changed, looking at Mo Qingyun with anticipation.

"you've said?"

Seeing Lei Hao's look of expectation, Mo Qingyun gave him a sneer glance, and said coldly: "I will tell you when I send you to see Lei Hong and others."

Upon hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Lei Hao immediately knew that Mo Qingyun was playing him, and then his face was gloomy and said, "Boy, you are looking for death!"

At this moment, Lei Hao no longer had any reservations, and summoned Wuhun directly.

Cloud Thunder Demon Wolf, now!

Under the call of Lei Hao, a huge silver figure appeared immediately over his body.

This is Lei Hao's martial spirit, tenth-ranked top-level martial spirit, Yunlei Demon Wolf.

After summoning the Wu Soul, Lei Hao did not hesitate to cast Wu Soul Supernatural Power directly.

Thunder wolf howling!

As soon as Lei Hao's martial arts magical power came out, everyone saw the shadows of silver wolf appearing in the air.

As soon as these silver wolf shadows formed, they shouted in the sky and made a howling sound.

This howling sound, once emitted from the mouth of the silver wolf shadow, turned into a sound wave, like a sea wave, sweeping towards the surrounding speed.

Under the sweep of these sound waves, the passing area immediately blasted away sand and stones, and there were traces of lightning strikes.

In this sonic martial arts supernatural power, there is actually a thunder attack.

Uh ...

At this moment, under Lei Hao's martial arts supernatural power, a person who had been repaired weakly and had no time to avoid was shocked to spit blood.

"Sonic Martial Art Supernatural Power?"

Seeing Lei Hao's martial arts supernatural power, Mo Qingyun's mouth angled up, a faint smile appeared, and said, "Did you not hear that sonic attack is not effective for me? When I killed Lei Hong, he also You, like me, performed the sonic martial arts supernatural power on me, and he died. "

As soon as Mo Qingyun's words fell, he took out a silver drum and raised his hand to take a picture of the silver drum.


As Mo Qingyun took a picture, the eardrum of the silver drum immediately shook, and a loud noise came out, turning into a sound wave.

boom! boom! boom……

As soon as this sonic wave formed, Mo Qingyun struck the silver drum one after another.

Then, sound waves and sound waves sent out from the silver drum one after another, just like the sea waves, one wave after another attacked the silver wolf's shadow.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Then, Sonic Qilang and Yinlang Xingying exploded together, making a low-pitched sound, as if the two clouds were rubbing against each other.

After a while, an amazing wave of strength fluctuated under their collision, quickly dissipating, sweeping around.

A moment later, as this horrible force fluctuated and gradually dissipated, Lei Hao's martial arts supernatural power was also resolved by Mo Qingyun.

"You ... you broke my martial arts magic!"

Upon seeing his strongest blow, Mo Qingyun was easily cracked, and Lei Hao suddenly looked terrified.

It was hard for him to believe that all this turned out to be true.

A man who cultivated in the middle of the true Yuan Dynasty in the middle and the middle of his life easily resolved his martial arts supernatural powers without the summoning of martial arts spirits.

This was the first time he had encountered such a situation, which made him difficult to accept for a while.

As for Lei Hao's shock, Mo Qingyun ignored it, and after resolving Lei Hao's blow, he immediately shot at him.

At this moment, when Mo Qingyun shot again, he was not ready to keep his hand.

Chiyan Tianlong, now!

Then, Mo Qingyun summoned Wu Wu, and a huge red figure appeared over his body.

When Chiyan Tianlong appeared, he released a soul power and blessed him.

Seeing this, Mo Qingyun did not hesitate at all, and directly displayed Wuhun Shentong.

Fierce Rage!

As soon as the Wuhun magical power came out, the momentum on Mo Qingyun's body immediately increased quickly.

After a while, Mo Qingyun's momentum reached the sixth level of Zhenyuan.

"This ... what kind of martial arts magic!"

Feeling the momentum of Mo Qingyun, Lei Hao's expression suddenly flickered, and the terror in his heart immediately strengthened a bit.

When he looked at Mo Qingyun again, a strong sense of fear had emerged in his eyes.

At present Mo Qingyun's means of expression are beyond his acceptance.

At this moment, not only Lei Hao's face was horrified, but Ying Feng and others on the side were shocked as well.

"Tianlong Wuhun, this kid has such talent!"

Looking at the Chiyan Tianlong above Mo Qingyun's body, Yingfeng's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and a strong sense of shock was raised in his heart, secretly saying, "Where is this kid sacred? With his talent, it should not be a silent person That's right, but why haven't I heard this person in the top ten kingdoms? "

"You can upgrade the three martial arts supernatural powers. This kid's supernatural martial arts power is so good!"

When Yingfeng was shocked, the same expression on the white side shook, and Mo Qingyun's eyes looked cold and cold, with a hint of jealousy.

It was hard for him to accept that a little-known boy could possess such talent.

If he had such a talent, his status in the Kingdom of Swords would be promoted immediately, and he might even be promoted to the prince, just like the three princes.

At this moment, when Yingfeng and others showed shock.

People in other kingdoms around, seeing Mo Qingyun's martial spirit, stayed on the spot, rubbing their eyes desperately.

"I ... am I right? The kid's Wuhun turned out to be Tianlong Wuhun? Super Wuhun?"

"Also, his martial arts supernatural powers are so powerful that he can even improve the cultivation of three small realms, which is too abnormal."

"Who is this guy sacred in the end, even with such talent, I am afraid that the super genius of the top ten kingdoms is nothing more than that."

"If this kid doesn't die today, it will be a terrible existence in the future."


At this moment, people in the surrounding kingdoms didn't come together after seeing Mo Qingyun's martial spirit.

When the people around him were shocked, Mo Qingyun looked indifferent, and looked at Lei Hao, and said coldly, "It's my turn to make you so prestigious just now."

Raptor Break

"Jin Yu Zhen Shen"

As soon as Mo Qingyun's words fell, his body moved, which directly turned into a streamer, and struck Lei Hao strongly.

At this moment, under the action of Mo Qingyun, a mysterious power emanated from his body, which was the power of mystery.

At this moment, Mo Qingyun showed the mystery of the wind unreservedly, making his speed to the extreme.

"Oh ... the power of mystery!"

Feeling the power of Mo Qingyun's body, Nai Hao immediately twitched his face, his face showing horror.

He didn't expect that Mo Qingyun realized the power of uprightness. In this case, his situation would not be good.

The power difference between a person who has the power of uprightness and a person who does not have the power of uprightness is huge.

Just waiting for Lei Hao to calm down, Mo Qingyun was approaching, and hit him directly with his body.


When Mo Qingyun bumped into himself with his body, Lei Hao immediately twitched his expression and immediately thought of escape.

He is not as abnormal as Mo Qingyun's body. If he were hit by Mo Qingyun, his small body would almost fall apart.

Immediately, Lei Hao no longer hesitated, and immediately turned to escape.

"Want to escape?"

Seeing Lei Hao's move, Mo Qingyun's mouth turned up, revealing a trace of drama, sneer: "You can't escape!"

Gravity suppression!

Sending out a word of ridicule, Mo Qingyun released the mystery of the earth, affecting Lei Hao's action.

Affected by the uprising of the earth, Lei Hao's speed was greatly reduced immediately, and after a while, he was chased by Mo Qingyun.


Then, Lei Hao was strongly hit by Mo Qingyun, and the whole person was directly knocked out like a billiard ball.

Click ...

Only when Lei Hao was hit and flew out, his body immediately issued a sound of fried beans.

In this collision with Mo Qingyun, the general bones on Lei Hao's body were directly broken by him.


When Lei Hao landed, he immediately vomited blood and turned pale.

Due to the loss of the skeleton's support, Lei Hao lying on the ground at this moment was just like a pile of mud, unable to move.

"Lei Hao, that kid was knocked out by this kid, this kid is too overbearing!"

"I depend, I'm so big, I haven't seen such a brutal attack. Is this kid a primitive man?"

"It's too perverted, it's perverted, this kid's body is just a human flair!"

"Wow, so strong man, that must be very powerful!"


At this moment, after seeing Mo Qingyun's bravery, the people in the surrounding kingdoms were all shocked.

"The mystery of the wind and the mystery of the earth, this boy has realized two kinds of mystery!"

At this moment, when the hearts of the people in the surrounding kingdoms were shocked, the expressions of Yingfeng and Bai Xiang immediately changed, and a shock of waves broke out in their hearts.

Judging from Mo Qingyun's performance at present, they have brought them a great threat.

Mo Qingyun, however, is a triple repair of Zhenyuan Realm, but he has realized the power of two mysteries, which is too scary.

More importantly, Mo Qingyun also owns the Tianlong Wuhun. In this case, his talent is a bit scary.

"This kid can't stay!"

At this moment, Ying Feng and Bai Xiang's eyes flickered, their thoughts were rising in their hearts.

They are very clear that with Mo Qingyun's talent, once such a person has offended, he will be destroyed directly.

Otherwise, it will be the return of the tiger to the mountain and the endless troubles. Such things as Yingfeng and others are unwilling to see.

"Boy, take it!"

As soon as this idea appeared, Bai Xiang had a cold look and raised his hand to chop Mo Qingyun with a sword.

"Sneak attack?"

At the first sight of Baixiang's move, a few people on the side of Long Yutian all changed their expressions, showing contempt, and said coldly: "I knew that your boy was restless and wanted to sneak attack on Brother Mo, and asked us first.

"Fight, kill!"

As soon as the words of Long Yutian's four fell, they immediately formed a gang and slid towards the white phase.

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