Chapter 39 I will stay here

  Because the fruit plate was sold out, Xia Zhengting and Xu Liheng came to the villa together.

  Xu Liheng wanted to see the medicinal materials in the villa yesterday, but it was too late and it was not good to go to the mountain, so he gave up.

   Today, he couldn't wait to come over. If it hadn't been for a visitor, he might have come in the morning.

  After coming over in the afternoon, Xu Liheng felt that there were some changes around Xiao Yijing's villa.

   Then he found that there were more chickens and ducks, some sheep and a cow, oh, and some pigs.

   In less than a day, how did this place become a zoo?

  Xu Liheng was a little confused, but this place is so big, it's normal to keep some animals. And these can be eaten when they grow up!

   Let them exercise more, it will definitely taste better!

   It's just that Xu Liheng didn't expect that he would see a scene that made him vomit blood!

   After he managed to climb halfway up the mountain, he saw a sow and a few piglets also climbed up the mountain, eating!

   After seeing clearly what they were eating, Xu Liheng almost had a heart attack!

  —They're eating herbs!

   Originally, Xu Liheng was very happy to see the excellent herbs growing here, but when he saw these pigs pushing these herbs, he almost couldn't breathe!

  He yelled, rushed up and drove the pigs away!

   Then he discovered that they had spoiled a lot of herbs!

  Looking at the medicinal materials such as Smilax cocos and Niu Dali that were pulled out by them, Xu Liheng was very glad that he didn't have a heart attack, otherwise, he would have fainted now!

  He checked and found that these medicinal materials are growing very well! Much better than when I came to see it half a year ago!

   These are wild qualities, which cannot be produced by ordinary planting!

   This is a wild medicinal material that has absorbed the essence of heaven and earth!

  Such a good thing, it was overwhelmed by these pigs!

   Had Xia Zhengting not persuaded him, he might have rushed down to settle accounts with these pigs!

  Too reckless!

  Xia Zhengting comforted him, picked these medicinal materials first, and then said slowly after going down. Otherwise, these pigs will come up again, it will be bad!

   These words made Xu Liheng immediately react.

  Yes, pick them quickly, or they will be ruined!

  Xu Liheng was also worried that those animals would ruin other medicinal materials too!

  This is not okay!

  Xu Liheng immediately took out his tools and started digging with Xia Zhengting.

   After digging for a while, Xu Liheng discovered near a small stream that there were still a lot of Aesculus aesculus here!

  Aescin can clear away heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve pain. It is also one of the raw materials of Yunnan Baiyao, and it can prolong life and improve symptoms for tumor patients.

   This seven-leaf flower was not planted by Xu Liheng before, that is to say, it is completely wild!

   Just by looking at the growth of the Aescin flower, you can tell that its effect must be very good!

  Xu Liheng was extremely thankful, fortunately, these pigs didn't ruin these things!

  Xu Liheng speeded up, dug up all the ripe medicinal materials, and put the unripe ones away, and came back when they were ripe.

   Of course, the most important thing is that these medicinal materials cannot be ruined by them!

   After the baskets were full, the two had to go down.

  Then, they saw those pigs again, oh no, how many sheep are there this time!

   They mix together, eat and eat everywhere, and shoot and shoot!

  Xu Liheng looked over and almost jumped.

   "Violence! Violence!" Xu Liheng blushed.

   These pigs and sheep may not necessarily eat these medicinal materials, but they may be released for the first time, and they are curious about everything here, so they destroy everywhere.

   They don't know how many things they pulled out!

  If things go on like this, how many good things they will waste!

  Xu Liheng was so heartbroken that he went down the mountain much faster.

   Then, he found Xiao Yijing, told her about the matter, with a serious expression, " can't let these pigs and sheep run around anymore! They will spoil a lot of good things!"

  Thinking of the good things they ruined, Xu Liheng's heart ached even more!

   Facing his accusation, Xiao Yijing was very calm, "Doctor Xu, don't get excited, let's talk about something."

   "It's easy to solve the problem, just don't let them run around!" Xu Liheng still felt extremely sad for those damaged medicinal materials.

  The medicinal effects of these medicinal materials must be particularly good!

  Nowadays, many medicinal materials are cultivated artificially, and many of them are still spawned, and the effect is not very good.

  Some of the concocted medicinal materials have added weird things, not to mention curing diseases, it would be nice not to kill people!

   It is precisely because of these ineffective medicinal materials that the development of traditional Chinese medicine is so difficult!

  The effect of the current medicinal materials is not half of what it used to be. It is not in vain to use the previous prescription to prescribe the current medicine!

  It is strange that it can cure the disease!

   There are fewer and fewer old traditional Chinese doctors like Xu Liheng, and there are not many wild medicinal materials.

   So, how could he tolerate the destruction of these animals? !

  Xu Liheng's attitude was very firm, and his face was very stern, but Xiao Yijing was not angry, she understood the other party's thoughts.

   "I'll try to take care of them..."

   "Then lock them up!"

   "That can't be done!" Xiao Yijing directly refused, "If you lock it up, the quality of the meat will be different!"

  Can a pig locked in a pigsty taste the same as a pig that exercises regularly?

  Seeing that Xu Liheng blushed with anger at her rejection, Xiao Yijing hurriedly said: "But don't worry, I will educate them well so that they don't eat medicinal materials!"

   Such a good thing, if it is eaten by pigs, it can be regarded as nourishing. But if it is arched out, it will be a waste!

  She didn't think about the medicinal materials on the mountain before, so she let them run around.

   But it doesn't matter, she will educate them well, otherwise they will destroy it.

  These animals are not spirit beasts, they don't have much wisdom, and they don't understand many instructions.

  However, as long as Xiao Yijing gives the order, they can still understand "what not to do".

  Of course, how long they can abide by depends on their brain capacity.

   If the medicinal materials are eaten up, Xiao Yijing can replant them.

  However, no one else knew what Xiao Yijing was thinking. Everyone only knew that she was unwilling to lock up these animals.

   That is to say, such destruction will continue in the future!

  Thinking of this, Xu Liheng's heart ached.

  Finally, he directly made a decision, "Forget it, I'll stay!"

  Everyone froze for a moment, "Huh?"

  Even Xia Zhengting was dumbfounded, "What did you say?"

  Xu Liheng looked serious, "I will stay here! I will guard these medicinal materials!"

  Since Xiao Yijing can't change her mind, he will stay and guard these medicinal materials, so as not to let these animals spoil them!

  As soon as his decision was made, the others were dumbfounded, and they all opposed it.

  Xiao Yijing also refused, "No need! I will take good care of them, you don't have to stay!"

   "Yes. You don't have to stay here yourself. If you don't want these animals to cause damage, just ask someone to watch it?" Xia Zhengting also persuaded.

  Xu Liheng was very determined, "The medicinal materials on this mountain are so precious, others can't control them, it's better for me to keep them!"

  (end of this chapter)

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