Beijing, headquarters of the Mutant Animal Management Association.

    “Look, this is the graph of the growth of the number of mutant animals in the past six months, and the comparison graph below is the growth curve of the higher-order mutant animals.”

    This is a curve that goes all the way to the peak, and is the favorite curve for people who play funds and stocks.

    "Animals will determine their position in the food chain through battles, so there are frequent incidents of mutant animal fights in various places. We have dealt with more serious mutant animal fighting incidents this month alone. Up to a hundred."

    The president manipulates the remote control and clicks on a map. There are dense yellow and orange dots on the map.

    "Yellow is the identified high-order mutant animal, orange is the marked aggressive and dangerous mutant animal. And red is the high-risk mutant animal, which needs to be dealt with in time."

    An Yinong understood: "Where do you want me to go?"

    "Look here." He circled a piece of land, and in this small circle, there were actually three orange dots and one red dot.

    "This is the tiger and leopard park we specially reserved, but recently, several animals here have undergone secondary mutation and upgraded to high-level mutant animals, which challenge the original order. This red dot is the winner this time, it's a Siberian tiger."

    A photo of this high-level mutant tiger appeared on it. It was several times larger than its counterparts, with orange-red eyes and a murderous aura.

    What a dangerous and beautiful animal.

    "Now there is a more troublesome thing. With the improvement of strength, the territory that this high-level mutant tiger wants to occupy has expanded, which has threatened the nearby villagers."

    "I don't think there are many villages nearby. Have you considered that human beings take a step back and vacate some habitats?" An Yinong put forward another opinion.

    The president was not surprised, he seemed to expect An Yinong's thoughts: "In fact, the seven nearby villages have been relocated. We hope that you will come forward to control this tiger. Unlimited expansion, and it is relatively peaceful. Now all countries are fighting for powerful mutant beasts, we still hope that it can live in the country with peace of mind. "

    The high-level mutant tiger on the huge screen stared at the camera and seemed to have sensed the existence of humans through it. Its orange-red eyes become dangerous, like when Jingzhe finds its prey. An Yinong felt cordial, and even loved Wu Jiwu a little: I don't know what happened to Jing Zhe and Dragon Boat Festival at Han Yu's place.

    "I can try it. What other special abilities does it have?"

    "It has..."

    In an hour.

    An Yinong rode an off-road vehicle to Hubao Park. On the way, he saw the village where the demolition work was started. They are all red brick houses, with large yards and barns. There are cornfields and sorghum fields near these villages.

    “These cornfields are the isolation belts set up before, and they are also buffer zones for humans and tigers. There are occasional wild boars.”

    The driver, named Reynolds, was a guide sent by the association. He was about thirty years old. He seemed to be a mixed race, with a shaggy chin and a pair of light brown eyes with animal-like wildness. Light.

    He is a child of a forest ranger family and an animal expert, so he is also a little dissatisfied with An Yinong.

    Humans should use enough patience to understand, touch animals, and live with them, instead of using so-called powers. This was his idea, so he didn't understand why the president wanted to invite An Yinong, an urban boy, to come over.

    But he is a professional person, even if he is a little unconvinced, he will do what he should say and do.

    The car stopped on the side of a damaged road, Renault got out of the car, and he walked to the side of the damaged road: "See this? It's the mutant tiger left behind Footprints. It was here three days ago and it destroyed our camera installation."

    He then showed the tree hole where the camera was once installed. At that time, the camera was disguised as a tree trunk, which was very camouflaged, and was covered with a layer of bark, but it was still found and destroyed.

    This mutant tiger has a high IQ and is hostile to humans.

    High IQ and violent temperament, it is easy to produce highly destructive high-level mutant animals. That's why they hurriedly found An Yinong who was on vacation.

    There are many people who can subdue this tiger, but there are not many people who can solve this matter peacefully and make the mutant tiger willing to accept humans.

    An Yinong also got out of the car to see, he is now wearing a camouflage uniform and high boots on his feet, this is to facilitate entering the woodland.

    "What a big plum blossom print." There were deep footprints left on the loess by the roadside, An Yinong spread his fingers, not half the size of the footprints. Looking at the distance between the two footprints, you can see what kind of behemoth this is.

    The last one who came down was a woman with short hair, her facial features were as clean and neat as her expression, and there was a kind of weapon-like beauty. She was filming them with a camera on her face, her expression so serious and she hardly spoke.

    They are a team of three, with An Yinong at the core, but the other two are also very important.

    "Can the body of the mutant tiger be reduced or enlarged?" An Yinong took a picture of the footprints, "If the body is too large, the movement will be very large, but it will not be conducive to its hunting. It is possible to obtain more powerful strength, but in terms of survival, being too large is a step backward."

    Reynolds was a little surprised: "When he hunts, he does adjust his size."

    An Yinong nodded: "It's the same as Jingzhe."


    An Yinong took out his mobile phone and showed him his cat: "This is my cat, its mutation direction is hunting, and its size has become larger, you see. But once you enter hunting state, it shrinks itself because it's easier to catch the mouse."

    "This cat is very handsome." It's wild.

    "Really?" Hearing him praise his cat, An Yinong felt that he was praising himself.

    They walked as they talked, following the footprints into the jungle.


    If An Yinong is alone, and he cannot use perception, he can only judge the direction through the canopy and watch, but it is impossible to find a tiger.

     But Reynolds is a man who studies wild animals very well. He can find traces of animals through feces and footprints on the ground, as well as the strong smell on some tree trunks.

    "This tiger is very territorial, so it will definitely leave urine on the border it can reach, or rub its body odor against trees. And to ensure that other tigers retreat voluntarily, it will leave The smell must be very strong."

    "...Smell, the smell is very strong." An Yinong said, and he also found the paw prints left by tigers on the tree trunks, which were very large and deep.

    In fact, he has already felt the orientation of the high-level mutant tiger. Without even 'perceiving', this forest is telling him what is happening here, including tigers, including other plants.

    His control over the forest seems to have improved from the previous world.

    "You know the mutated tigers, do you know the mutated plants here?" An Yinong suddenly asked Renault.

    "Variant plants?"

    "Yes, a plant that is asking for help. It happens to be on the route we are looking for the mutant tiger. I will take you there." An Yinong broke a branch as a walking stick and went directly to the goal. walk.

    Reynolds couldn't stop him and watched him enter the woods quickly.

    "This is not a place for vacation. He has no reverence for nature, a guy who does whatever he wants with his supernatural powers." Reno frowned, even he did not dare to walk casually in the woods , After entering the era of mutation, the forest became more mysterious and dangerous.

    "You should trust our president's judgment. And it's not that the president didn't refer to your opinion, it just failed. That mutant tiger can't be easily influenced." Miss Beauty reminded him.

    "You're right." Reynolds was a little frustrated. He grew up with animals and believed that all animals could be friends. But the moment he saw the tiger, he doubted himself, those beautiful orange-red eyes only had cold killing intent.

    "Since our attempt failed, let this young man try. I heard he is the most anticipated newcomer at Mutant HQ. Since he is so focused, he must have some special skills. .

    "An excellent high-level mutant animal will drive the animals around it to mutate. I sincerely hope he can keep this high-level mutant tiger."

    After speaking, the photographer also left. Her legs are like two chopsticks swiping, the steps are very short, but the speed is extremely fast, and any height difference is not the same for her. With one wrong eye, she disappeared into the jungle.

    "Wait a minute." Reynolds finally reacted and quickly chased after him.

    An Yinong's footsteps were slow and slow. Occasionally he would encounter snakes hanging from branches, occasionally stepping on sleeping hedgehogs in the ground, and even roe deer passing by.

    All animals are instinctively close to him, even plants. The sound of the wind blowing through the quiet forest is what they tell An Yinong about their hearts.

    Miss photographer recorded it all into her camera.

    Renault was also surprised, his expression was a little awkward, an expression of admitting defeat, but not completely admitting defeat: "Follow him, we should be able to find the mutant tiger soon, right?"

    However, the first thing they encountered was a very special yew forest.

    This yew forest is not big, with a dozen or so smaller yew trees surrounded by a particularly tall yew tree that stands out from the crowd.

    They thought it was special, not because of the shape of these yew trees, but because the soil near the yew trees had traces of turning over, dead leaves were buried under the mulch, and other surrounding soil Not quite the same.

    "Papa." An Yinong clapped his hands. Looking at the ordinary trees, they opened their eyes.

    Some trees have only one eye, and some trees have several. They all stared at them so helplessly, the dry eyes that seemed to be carved out flexibly.

    Reynolds is stupid: "The tree man?"

    "In fact, they are all a tree, and the yew in the middle was propagated by cuttings. The reason why the soil on the ground has turning marks is because they will pull out the roots to breathe fresh air. "

    Annon's explanation made Miss Photographer laugh: "They look so cute."

    "This tree asked me for help just now." An Yinong walked in, and the small yew trees on both sides scattered to make way.

    Seeing these trees pull their roots and walk like people, both Reynolds were surprised. And when the largest yew tree appeared in front of them, they were even more surprised - because this tree was actually broken.


    Reynolds complexion changed slightly, someone had discovered the mutant plant early and wanted to kill it.

    This often happens because the mutated plants are more powerful, and the yew is a famous anti-cancer tree.

    "Can I still survive like this?" The photographer looked at the fracture of the yew tree. It was basically broken, and the branches and leaves above were withered a lot because there was no energy supply.

    Even a mutant plant with tenacious vitality can't do anything about this situation, right?

    An Yinong put his hand on the broken waist of the yew tree, and a wind blew from somewhere, and the grass bent in one direction. The power of life is transmitted through the land.

    "The breath has changed." Renault turned his head sharply.

    "What?" The photographer was puzzled.

    "The smell of the forest has changed."

    The wind blows in circles to the center, and the swaying of the branches also brings rhythm, the birds are suddenly quiet, and even the insects stop moving. What are they waiting for.

    Something came from the ground, and the sound of rustling plants growing became very clear, as if they had shrunk countless times, and their ears were pressed against the sprouting seeds.


    [Failures often make people painful, and immortality creates strength. 】

    "Woo-" The small yew trees around them gathered and spread out, their branches and leaves connected together.

      Appeared, integrated into the ballad.

    This song seems not to be sung by humans, but an ancient memory condensed by time and hidden in the forest.

    If they close their eyes, they can even imagine the picture of all things staring at the sky under the moonlight, and life singing.

      , are full of life.

    "This is the...Druid?"

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