Game venue, 9:00pm.

    Annun looked at the time in the upper right corner, and then stared at the blurry mountain top with the golden crown in the picture. The rumbling grew louder, each time accompanied by a small ejection of magma.

    The players all know that the volcano is about to erupt, and they can't wait to step on the gear and let the spaceship go quickly.

    The spaceship is already turning, but not fast, but painfully slow.

    The first large volcano in history affected people within a range of 320 kilometers. Even if this is a compressed version, it has an influence range of dozens of kilometers.

    They were really worried that their spaceship would encounter rocks ejected by the volcano and be affected by the ultra-high temperature caused by the volcanic eruption.

    "Quick, quick, quick, what kind of lunatic is the game designer?" Dina walked around.

    The outbreak of all mechanisms and the start of the spaceship are within the calculation of the game designer, so their current state is also within the calculation of the game designer. Is this person watching a good show across the screen now?

    An Yinong continued to stare at the crater. It was the first time he had seen a volcanic eruption up close.

    What is Qin doing at this time? He's cracking the program.

    The game designer may just be a tossing player with bad taste, or he may want to eliminate some of the 'unqualified'. But he couldn't bear any possibility that An Yinong was in danger.

    The spacecraft slowly lifted off, left the place where it was before, and ran towards Jianghong City in the south venue.

    The volcano with golden lava flowed farther and farther on the screen, but no one felt relieved.

    Time is ticking, and for every second that beats, the hearts of the contestants beat for a second, sweat slips from their wrinkled foreheads, and the spaceship is so quiet that you can hear the heartbeat.

    "Boom!" The huge sound, accompanied by a sharp whistle, seemed to have affected the spacecraft.

    But this is actually an illusion of the players, the balance system of the spaceship is very good, and the volcanic eruption is not a nuclear bomb falling to the ground, so there will not be such a strong air wave.

    The contestant watched as the mountain was instantly smashed by a huge golden-red magma, the mountain seemed to be cracked, and the strong beam turned the world white.

    "Ah ah ah ah-" The audience in the live broadcast room was so frightened that they covered their eyes and ears.


    The volcano also brought out a lot of meteor-like debris, shooting towards the surrounding, the dream city seen during the day became a **** on earth in an instant, the magma was about to pour into the city, and the 'meteor' Destruction everywhere.

    At this time, the Rainbow City seemed to be crying. Their eyes seemed to travel through time and space, seeing the entire process of the destruction of the dazzling gems before the Zerg came out of the mother planet thousands of years ago.

    It is said that the magma flowed out of the volcanic eruption and the high temperature caused by the eruption killed people in a city instantly, and the high temperature ash covered the dead people, turning them into mummified corpses.

    Thick volcanic clouds covered a continent for two full years, and the world entered a 'year without summer' - the average temperature plummeted ten degrees.

    As for the sudden change of weather that caused the failure of food harvests and the great famine, it was a later event, and it could only be regarded as one of the factors that were not worth mentioning during the period of the great disaster.

    I heard that on the day the volcano erupted, the bell in a bell tower rang by itself because the ground shook and there was no wind. Later, they said, it was the whining of civilization.

    Fortunately, this is all in the past, the volcano is not as large as it was in history, and the spacecraft was unscathed - just before the eruption, Jean cracked the previous program and re-planned route, and activated several backup accelerators, directly pushing the spacecraft out of the shooting range of the 'Meteor'.

    "Qin you are really a hero, you are the protagonist in the movie! You can turn the tide in a crisis!" An Yinong hugged Qin's neck and gave him a hard kiss.

    The audience was fortunate to witness the whole process of the white-skinned iceberg turning into a pink-skinned iceberg.

    "Tsk." At this time, I will be stuffed with dog food.

    "Wuwuwu, I feel like I have no hope of taking the queen away from Qin."

    "...Upstairs, let's drink some hangover soup." It is still possible to sneak in the guards and try to steal the queen? Just wash and sleep.

    Because they were out of danger, both the players and the audience in the live broadcast room finally had the mood to appreciate the magnificent scene of the volcano eruption.

    The dark night, the gray mushroom cloud, the golden red lava, the black earth fissure and the gray rising mist... A dream city was destroyed right in front of them, and they were all across the screen. Can feel the shock there.

    "This is a volcanic eruption."

    "Actually, the volcanic eruption in the virtual world is very real, but I will not be like this, my limbs are cold and my heart is beating wildly."

    The contestants were fascinated by the mushroom cloud, but An Yinong had already looked down at the small book: "The chain reaction after the volcanic eruption."

    In history, the eruption of this active volcano affected the 'Titan' volcano with thirty times the energy of this active volcano on the same continent, and that volcano also had a tendency to erupt.

    At the same time, the volcanic eruption caused a big earthquake, and the big earthquake caused a tsunami, and the continents across the sea were affected. Coastal cities were severely affected, and several island countries with low altitudes directly 'checked out this country'.

    On the second and third day after that, it rained suddenly in areas not covered by volcanic clouds. I don't know if it was because the sulfur content of the gas from this active volcano was too high, the rain turned into acid rain, and the surrounding area was also in dire straits.

    Seeing that there is no way to live, the 'Reaper' system is activated, and hundreds of nuclear bombs are launched.

    One continent became a dead place, several other continents were affected, and the 'Age of Extreme Cold' and 'The Age of Great Famine' began, and local wars occurred frequently.

    This is the first year.

    The second year has not yet passed this extraordinarily cold spring, yet another catastrophe and they met unexpectedly - a huge meteorite fell.

    Although the Zerg predicted this huge meteorite half a year ago and launched a nuclear bomb to try to change its course, a huge meteorite fragment still fell on the Zerg mother star.

    The falling meteorite directly impacted to form a kilometer crater, and the air waves caused by the fall caused huge damage to the surrounding buildings, plants and creatures.

    It also triggered strong earthquakes and nearby volcanic eruptions.

    The originally fragmented continent can no longer withstand such an impact, and the Zerg civilization has entered the countdown.

    Dina has a heart: "The game party won't give us a meteorite gift bag, right?"

    The main control room suddenly became quiet, and honestly, they thought it was quite possible.

    "It's useless to think so much, it's still the twenty-ninth day, and there's still a battle to be fought tomorrow." An Yinong yawned, "Let's rest first, and call me if I have something. ."

    "No," Dina refused, "I just recently learned about the impact of ancient natural disasters on civilization—whether natural disasters have affected the direction of civilization. Now I happen to be witnessing a volcanic eruption, so I spend the night Gotta keep an eye on the monitoring data.”

    Her teacher will be moved to tears, and will sacrifice her life to engage in research, where can you find such a student?

    An Yinong remembered that he had to study hard for college after he went out. It was a nightmare.

    The next day, early, seven o'clock.

     Qin, who stayed up all night, sat there watching the screen without showing any signs of tiredness. An Yinong, who was wrapped in a blanket and slept on a flat chair, woke up with a blank expression, as if he did not know himself. Where.

    "Ow." Feng Chi came up and stuck out his tongue to lick him, but was pushed away.

    Oh, he remembered, they were on the ship now.



    Dina came over and said, "If we follow history, we should have experienced extremely cold weather and corrosive acid rain last night, but for some reason, there was no movement at all."

    "That's a good thing." He looked at the screen

      becomes gray-black.

    "Is it really daytime?"

    Dina with dark eyes nodded: "After the volcano erupted, black clouds covered this continent, so it was pitch black outside. Fortunately, we have other ways to know where we are. "

    “Not at the game venue yet?”

    "Well, the original speed of the spaceship is slow, and it is not particularly fast after acceleration. We should be in the mountains and forests by this time." Dina brought the food on the table. Made by the chef with ingredients from the pantry, would you like some?"

    "Have you eaten the piano?"


    An Yinong was relieved, it was not good to stay up late, and not eating breakfast was really against your health.

    "I'll go wash my face first."

    An Yinong came back from the wash, feeling better. He spread jam on the bread while staring at the screen. The black mist on the screen seemed to lighten a little. They should be out of volcanic ash soon. Scope of influence?

    "Something is coming." Qin's voice lifted the spirits of all those who had begun to slack off, and what made him speak was definitely not a trivial matter. Anon ran over with bread in his mouth.


    "Probably the legendary meteorite."

    "Cough cough cough—" An Yinong choked on the bread in his mouth, and drank a glass of juice before swallowing the bread, "Meteorite?"

    "Don't worry, we're out of the impact range of the meteorite. The meteorite's impact is in the desert area."

    If they follow a fixed route, they are still in the desert area at the moment, and they will definitely have a huge impact, but now that they are separated by the big river and the area where the poison gas was released before, it will have an impact, but not much.

    Before eight o'clock, the spaceship had already left the black fog area, but they did not continue to move forward. After voting, the contestants wanted to stay and watch the majestic sight of the meteorite hitting the planet.

    "...Are they really traveling?" The audience in the live broadcast room complained and eagerly wanted to follow along to enjoy the sights that they would never see in the usual time.

    But it was not the meteorite that came first, but the sky that cracked like a bursting soap bubble.

    From the position of the spacecraft, I could see a thick black cloud covering the sky, and above the cloud was the same sky. But now that layer of white sky has broken away little by little, revealing a night sky full of stars.

    The slightly gray day and the dark night suddenly appeared in the same sky, and the night ate away the day, they seemed to go from day to night in a few minutes.

    "The veil that enveloped the sky is gone."

    The contestants and the audience in the live broadcast room enjoy the most realistic night view of the planet through the screen.

    "It turns out that this continent of this planet is in darkness?" How convenient is high technology, if you want day, there will be day, and if you want night, there will be night.

    "Ah! Here it comes!"


    The intense golden light almost burned everyone's eyes.

    "Hey, where did you say this meteorite came from? A launch station in outer space?"

    "You don't care where it is, just watch it. It's the first time I have seen meteors at such a high-definition close range. It's a pity that the camera is not by my side."

    Because they are out of the danger zone, the players are very relaxed at the moment, and there is still time to gossip.

     With a 'boom' sound, gold plunged into the black volcanic black cloud.

    "Come on!" The contestants held their breaths and clenched their fists, staring at the black clouds without blinking.

    In the blink of an eye, the meteorite with its own tail penetrated the black cloud, and rushed into the desert area at a speed of one in one and one in one - Boom!

    Red light illuminates the sky, and the golden sand melts into a liquid splash instantly.

    "Ah!" The deafening loud voice almost shattered the screen, and also shocked the audience in the live broadcast room. Immediately afterwards, without giving them any time to react, the annular air wave slashed towards the surroundings.

    The thick volcanic cloud was shaken out of a big hole, and the players felt their ears buzzing, and all the sounds were separated by a layer.

    Even the mountains and forests below the spacecraft were affected, and the ground that had been shaken once again began to sway. Trees fell down and fell into cracks in the ground.

    They also saw that the ground where the poisonous smoke was released cracked, red magma overflowed from the cracks in the ground, and billowing yellow smoke came out, which was poisonous at first sight.

    "This is the curtain call gift from the game designer?" If they are still in the desert area, then shock waves and poisonous gas are what they have to face.

    Enough to see, and enough to sigh, the spaceship set off again, and what was waiting in front of them was a smooth journey—a group of several spaceships appeared in the sky, and the game party logo on their side was in the night sky flashes in the middle.

    Behind these spaceships, there is a neat and tidy military fleet.

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