I'm the Sword Master in Konoha

I am in the wood leaves. Judan 270 chapter

"Quickly stop him!"

Ning Ji shouted with his face and screaming, but also who can stop this at this moment?

Sasuke on the side is shocked by the face, and he turned his head and shouted his head.

"Naruto, run!"

But everything is already too late, and the black ball has begun to expose white light.

Just as everyone in the scene was taken as a break, a bit of blue light was broken with the flesh eye, and it was on the black ball that started.


Ning of the place to the ground and Sasuke waited for a long time to slowly open his eyes.

Are you dead? Is everything in front of him? But why do you seem to have no difference?

The two looked at the eyes, and he looked at it. He was looking at Didala transparent system. He looked at the sky.

Could it be that?

The two people swallowed in the dynasty of the pharytex, I was looking at it, I watched the knife of Huamei to kill the murder. I smiled and laughed. Look at yourself:

"How? Is it stimulated?"

This person is not a starry?

Looking at the three-day moon, I watched my moonlight star night, two people couldn't help but open:

"Star night!"

The starry night is very giving a knife to the neat.

"Okay, dangerous contact, you will get up."

At this time, the Naruto and others didn't know where they came out, and some unclear is unclear:

"It's really, you are not yelling in two, I am shocked."

Sasuke and Ning Ji grabbed the star of the starry night to stand upside the opposition, two words did not say that the Naruto was a meal.

The adults of the starry night can not be , can you still do it?

The nose of the nose climbed from the ground and looked at the starry.

"Uncle, the uncle, they hit me?"

Chapter 588 I am willing to use a double eye to make a lighthouse

Ningxiao and Xiao Li also have Naruto and Sasuk to consume small in just fight, but they did not dare to rest, after all, there is a member of the tissue in the cave.

And compared to this rich battle, there is only Sakura, Millennium and Kaka West three.

Thinking of the serious situation there, everyone in the scene did not dare to take a break, and rushed to the mountain hole.

But let them not think that they returned to the cave but found that the battle here was already over.

When the Naruto called back to the cave, Kaka West three people were lying on the ground.

There is no difference in the development of the original development. It can defeat the two people in the original, and now there is more than a stronger Kakasi, which is more than the original Carti, and what is naturally not a problem.

This is also the case, in the face of the three people, Kasi's thunderous knife can be said that it is unfavorable, Sakura and Qian Dynasty can supplement the same.

In the end, Jin Song ten people confront the Baekji figures, Sakura and Qianyi occupied the wind, Kakasi was finally completed in the end with Thunder, and directly penetrated the heart.

The redness of the jade girl also came to an end.

This time, in the face of Didara and the battle, it is much easier than the original. There is no serious injury in the scene, and it is a victory.

After determining that everyone is not hurt, everyone will fall in the quiet lying there in the quiet lying there.

Naruto looked at my love of the body, and the feelings were quite sad:

"It's so powerful when I take the exam, how can I become now ... The group of damn guys."

But the most sad of everyone is not a nun, but a thousand generations of silence.

Unlike the original situation, I loved to build so deeply with the Naruto, so his temper did not improve after returning to the sand.

At that time, there was no one in the sand, no one can sit in the town, and the key moment can only be rely on the Qian Dynasty and the sea.

The old town of Hai has been ahead of the style, and the Qian Dynasty took the initiative to take over the last talent of the whole sand.

Because this reason, the passage of the Chi Day and my love does not want to be as shallow in the original, or say, I can get out of hatred without a nun, I can't do anything.

The Chi Day is the same for my love, but with the longer time, she is more discovered, this pavilum is so similar to the original grandson.

The same lack of the love of parents, and there is also a poem of almost horrible.

Such a personality suddenly hit a thousand generations, and the thousand generations be more and more started to pay attention to my love. At the beginning, it was only a replacement of it, but with time, my love is gradually melted. A thousand generations changed ideas.

She is really accepting my love, the real will look for her second grandson, I love Luo also faded in the eyes of the Qian Dynasty, starting more, starting more brother sister, try To love others, becoming this ripe and open shape.

But now she has missing my grandchildren killed my love, she looked at her grandson and died in front of her eyes.

The complex complexity of the Millennium This moment, no one can really feel deeply.

I heard the Sakura Zhangkou who has been checked for a long time said that "there is no way, even if the teacher does not make others resurrection", it has been moving.

Going up, there is a more rich green light in your hands.

The Qian Dynasty gently took the hand on my love of Iron, and I didn't send a green light in my hand.


After the Sakura had just a matter of war, the thousand generations was good, so she had a courage to open the mouth.

She didn't bear to make this old lady who have been attending her own Chakra, so it is softly to persuade:

"Mother-in-law, don't waste Chakra again, I loved him ..."

At this time, the starry night took her, and the silence was opened after the moment:

"This is not medical tolerance, this is the vitality of the thousand generations."

As soon as this, I am shocked, but I am sighing that this kind of incompetence of incoming vitality is shocked because of the actions of the Millennium.

She actually intends to use her own hit to change my love!

Naruto is both surprised and touched: "Thousands of generations of mother-in-law ..."

It seems that the transmission of vitality begins to stabilize, and the Qianyi finals can be separated from some spiritual opening.

She looked at the young young man surrounded by red, and smiled softly:

"A group of little guys cry, what is it? A little ninja does not look.

This is my own choice, I can use my bad wife's life to give the sand hidden in the future, this should be happy.

The predecessors took the powerful burning to the road to illuminate the way, this is probably the so-called fire of your wood. "

Seeing the atmosphere of the scene or so heavy, the militaries looked up to the star night:

"Moonlight star night, my wife, my life, I fight for a lifetime, and now I finally finished the surgery she can't do. After you go back, you must tell the girl, can be in that The woman is proud of, and it is worth it. "

Ping, the stars don't like the thousand generations, but look at the calm side faces of the thousand generations, but how can he say that he can't say ahead.

After a long time, the starry night did not flounce his hand and put it in my love, and the Yangchakra opened the source of the successful rumor to my love.

Seeing the movements of the starry night, the Naruto is suddenly a sleeve to come up:

"If you can, let me also have a power."

Some shocking people looked at the eyes and the stars, and the millennial sound laughed:

"Sandy, not losing."

At this time, the support squad leading the handcuffs and the Sirius also rushed, and saw the handcuffs and survey of Jilang, and the militaries laughed laugh:

"I have made a lot of wrong things in this life, and I still guard the old idea.

Now I want to think about it, I don't have so many wrong things if I have, maybe there will be so many wrong things, sandy and leaves will not produce so deep.

I have done so many wrong things, I am dead, I am not good at the future of the sand, I will give you these young people in the future. "

After that, after this, the Qian Dynasty heavily closed his eyes.

This seventy-year-old old man, with the last overcome of her life, illuminating the road that I loved.

Chapter 589, killing people

The thousands of generations have been successfully replaced by my love, when I left my eyes again, I was seeing the splendid smile:

"Too good, your guys finally woke up."

I loved a somewhat awkwardly surrounded by it, and I still don't wait for the circumstances, and the handcuffs and Siro will rush to hug him.

Although it is not good because of the reasons of Luo Sand. However, the blood of the relatives is constant, and now I saw the excitement of my love, handcuffs and Siro Niuran nature.

I loved the temperature of the handcuffs and surrounded by Jiiro, and looked at the familiar faces. His eyes gradually became red, but the face suddenly exposed a warm smile in an unneapired.

In the breeze of the country's slightly dry, a group of respectfully bowed deeply in the body of the thousand generations, and made the final saying with the flower of this once.

To this regard about my love rescue, it officially made a paragraph, the starry night and others also brought to the return to the wooden leaves in the enthusiasm of the sandy.

The five generations of style, I loved the sandy, but I still didn't break around the clouds over the endurance.


Dawning the woven base.

Tiandao Payne listened to the black report. The cold expression is more humiliated:

"Do you make sure that and Didla are all dead in the hands of the wooden ninja?"

Black is like laughing, looking at the low mouth of Penne sound:

"Thousands of true, we have returned to the sandy cave in the sand, and the bodies of Didara were found in two or three kilometers outside the cave."

I didn't come to the heart in the heart of Wen's head.

Among these members of the organization, the foggy triple team is black, and the brain is not good. After the shavings, he is the most appreciated to and Didala, but he didn't expect these two people. It turned out to be in the hands of the wooden ninja.

However, in front of this "spot", the long door naturally won't be launched, although it is very surprised, but he still controls the heavens Payne cold face:

"I know, I will die, I will die, first promote the two people from the organization, I will temporarily behave, so that other layouts will not change, first collect the rest of the rest of the beast."

The short-swing of the next half of the squat is still the expression of the non-laugh, and there is no more respect.

Xiaonan, who is next to Pay, stares at the background of the black leave, and it is only whispered:

"I always feel that it is not very right. The guy is clearly trying to make things that we can't make, but now Didara and Mi will die, but did not continue to persuade you to discourse, what is he not in the dark?"

Payne turned to see the small south opening:

"Let's go back."

The deepest place of the design of the group, Xiaonan looked at the long body of the bone skin, couldn't stand the red eyelid:

"Long door, your body really doesn't matter?"

I heard the greetings of Xiaonan concern, the thin long door looked up and showed a good smile:

"It doesn't matter, my body also supports."

Looking at the original bright red hair is like a dead grass, Xiao South can't stand:

"At least a period of rest, continue, manipulate such a huge magic image to absorb the tail of Chakra, I want to have a big burden on your body."

"Small South!"

The long door was once enlarged a bit. I saw that I was scared to the other side, and this was once again lowered:

"There is not much time to stay to Xiaomi, once our actions are beginning, it is necessary to break them all over before they jointly ..."

I said that the long door was frowned:

"In addition, as you said, I also think that the guy has a problem. He before, Ming Ming Paki, you can't plan to drag more, so I heard that Didara and Zhen are dead, but still an old god In the appearance, I doubt that behind him is not dead ... "

When I said that Xiaonan suddenly thought of a horrible possibility, she couldn't help but interface:

"You said that the boutique guys want to blame the nest, take this opportunity to understand?"

The long door is nodded.

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