I'm the Sword Master in Konoha

I am in the wood leaves as the Judan 251 chapter

"It's a self-introduction, my name is Kakasi, the wooden leaves, the things and the things that I like ... These are not important, you just need to know that I am your teacher."

The starry night is listening to the mouth, and I have to say that Cardi is quite talented in a speechless.

Next, the Naruto and others have made self-introduction, with the introduction of Naruto and Sakura, and Sasuke's self-introduction has changed a lot.

It is no longer the second thing to say what to kill the man, but a rare exposed expression:

"I have to go beyond my brother and become a more powerful ninja."

For the introduction of the three people, Kakasi did not have any expression on his face, only some of the open mouth:

"I am clear, I will first temporarily solve the next time ... I have to find a place to eat, tomorrow morning, and the eighth training ground will conduct a living exercise, let me know your strength."

Kakassea suddenly turned natural because the starry night was reminded, and the starry night was still looking forward to Kakasi to say that the original words about the survival exercises, but it is unfortunately, Kassea is not good at This operation is operated.

The next night's night can only let Kaka Xi Xian and Naruto have a dinner to contact me.

In the recommendation of the Naruto, Kakasi has come to a rose, and the starry night is waiting in the small alley. After preparing a film, the release will enter a pleasant land.


Naruto saw that Kakasi took them to a Le Role, and Kakasi had a common language. This world he still likes a happy lady.

"It can't see it. It turned out that Kakasi teacher also likes a lone to pull, and the uncle, I have to have a pupodone."

On the side of Kakasi, I feel somewhat inexplicably, but I will understand the pain of starry and night, and I will follow:

"Well, the ramen here is very good, I often eat."

I heard this, the three people in the Naruto quietly tone, it seems that some horrible Carti teachers will like to eat ramen, it feels like not imagined.

At least those who are murderers, should not like to eat this kind of thing ....

When the scene is just waiting for the ramen, the scene is once again awkward, and the starry night will appear in time.

The Naruto of the eyes found the starry night and hurriedly called:

"The Uncle, the night, this side is here."

The starry night also found that their appearance smiled and greeted:

"Naruto also has Sasher, you will also come to eat the raft, hey, Carti you are also."

Kakasi somewhat inexplicably smashed, but finally did not stupid poke in the starry night, just nodded to dry Baba:

"I am their team teacher, come with them to have a meal."

Naruto discovered that the night's night met Carti eyes suddenly looked up, he hurriedly asked:

"The uncle of the star, I also know Carti teacher."

Chapter 549 Survival Exercises

Starry night "free" point explained:

"Kakasi is a child of Shuo, saying that your father is still in front of him for a while."

This name is still a little distant for Naruto and others, but they all clear the old waves of the Naruto. After heard that Kakasi once is the disciple of the wave of Water gates, Naruto suddenly Woke up.

What is the disciple of your father, how is it fierce? It's not too much to make your child's child.

When the Naruto thought, Kakasi, the side of Kakasi, was cold.

"Even if the child's child's child is not good, I will not be polite."

I heard the smile of the Naruto, and I could only scream on my face:

"How can I, I will definitely, it will express it, hehe."

In the next dining time, the starry and night also thought about how to speak to Carti to speak, to dispense three people's fear of Kakasi, but after a while, the starry and night found that it is not necessary.

I don't know if I have a speech or three people have spent the first social terrorism stage. The three people found that the three people in the Naruto now look at the eyes of Kakasi, but the shrinkage is hidden. Full of exploration.

On the side of the Naruto, the snoring was eaten, while secretly observing Kakasi, when he found that Kakasi had noodles, there was no different, and Kakasi was equivalent to the same respect for the star and night. A smile.

Carti teacher seems to be so scary, and he looked at the uncle of the starry night, he was so good to have the uncle's relationship with the starry night. If he dared to hear himself, he said to the starry night. There will be some effects.

Once this is given to your own brain, the Naruto is not so scared.

The side of the Sasuke has not been afraid. After all, in his eyes, the teacher in Kahasi is unable to guide himself. If you have a brother to guide yourself, even if Kakasi does not teach himself, there is nothing.

After observing these two people, the starry night thought that the three should be the most nervous, but when he turned his head, he stunned when he turned his head.

Because he found Xiao Yaki to eat the small mouth of the small mouth, he looked at Kakasi to see Sasuke, looked at the inexplicable feelings of inexplicably.

The starry night didn't know, at this time, the little cherry is thinking is.

Carti teacher looked very badly, but this time it looks like to help anything, it is cold ice and handsome.

I haven't seen the face before it hasn't seen it. It turns out that Kassei teachers look so handsome.

Compare the fat man and lazy teammates and her talents called Asa.

Here, not only teammates are Sasuke and Naruto, even if the instructor is more handsome than the guiding teacher of Wellong, it is really a true heroine.

It can only be said that the thinking of youth girls can not be described in commonlike.

Looking at it, the starry night was also following the smile, I really underestimate these people's tolerance, it seems that there is no need to worry about so much, completely handed over to Naruto three people enough.

Think so, the starry night, the end of the bridge, the end of the road:

"I have a good time, there is something to take a step, and you should have a living exercise tomorrow. I will take a look at your performance."

After the date of their assessment, the starry night floated, and at the same time, he sat down and decided. After watching this life exercise, it will no longer intervene in the seventh class.


The next day, the slow star in the morning and night was rushed to the eighth training ground, and he saw that the three people who were thrown in the big tree in the big tree.

Sure enough, as you guess, Kasi did not appear in time.

It's a great perception that Kakasi is quietly taking the three people in the bushes that Kakasi is hiding in the bushes not far away.

Nowadays, although Kakasi is not like the original, there is also a teaching understanding.

For example, in this point of the pigeons, he still is still an excellent way to examine students' mentality.

The stars also quietly entered the bushes, and took the shoulders of Cardi asked:

"How is observing? What is the three do you seem to?"

Kakasi looked at the eyes of the star, frowning:

"The strength of the Naruto and Sasuke is good, but the mentality is not good at all, and the members of the dark part of my previously brought are different. This endurance is not, and there is no police psychology.

However, they did not leave this, they were some unexpected, and they were some of the most basic literacy. "

Satisfied at night, there is some helpless shaking head:

"Please, you don't look at the old age, these are just a child you just graduated, and what you said is available in later trial.

Today, the focus is that they have the consciousness of the team and become the quality of Ninja, I believe me, they will let you look at it. "

Kakasi heard that there was a little bit of a little bit of not understanding, and later looked at time:

"The observation is also almost the same, do you want to go out?"

St. night show a smile:

"Of course, it's right, I remember to take it out of my book to you, I will have an unexpected harvest."

I heard the face of the face of Kakasi, did not reply to the stars, only one person, a bush.

After the two, the bushes were raised from the road to the road to slowly sway.

I saw that the two were almost uncomfortable for so long, and the three thought that some gas did not hit one place.

Naruto first stood up and resentful opening:

"This is too slow. Carti teacher, clearly about 7 o'clock in the morning, this has been 9 o'clock. There is also the uncle of the starry night. Why, you are also late.

You will not say good. "

Carti heard that the Naruto did not speak, and only silently slammed the starry night heaven.

After listening to the star night last night, he quietly looked at the content of the book and had to say that this book is really something.

Not only have the scenes of the people who likes to love, but also many of the values ​​and guidelines that have been summed up for many years.

That kind of way to watch things in Kassi himself also makes Kakasi feel deeply inspired.

And the other half of the star flexed the head to help Kakasi said the classic quotes:

"This, because there is a black cat blocked me in the morning, so I lost my life."

Chapter 550 does not pay attention to the people who are not as good as the waste.

This extremely leaflet reason, Naruto is naturally not to buy.

But the starry night is not with their theory, but directly launched Kakasi Road:

"There is no need to use it, I don't want to clean my anger, think about how to play more Kakasi two punches in the underlying exercise, this is the best way to vent."

Kakasi looked at the star at night, and the heart was turned over with the nearly 50-year-old man who did not have the exercise, but his face did not show anything, but he took the intimate heaven and took out two bells from his arms. Sway:

"The next exercise content is this, you have to do every effort to get these two bells in my hands, otherwise, even if you fail, all recovery will be repaired by the Ninja School.

Don't blame you, don't remind you, if you want to get the bell to continue to make Ninja, you must have a determination to kill me. "

When I heard Kakasi said this, the face of the three people suddenly changed, and they just graduated, but did not go back to re-repair.

If the first second name of the previous endurance graduation, since it has not been returned to the end of the school ... then they still find a tofu to kill.

I saw that the Naruto three people had a war, and the starry night laughed and took a small alarm clock from the arms.

"Then, I will come to the referee, and time is one hour. After an hour, if you can't get the bell, even I can't help you.

By the way, there will be no food to eat without grabbing the bell. It is to be tied to the pillar to punish and see us to eat. "

As soon as I heard this, the three paired, and only felt that the breakfast eaten in the morning did not eat, I only thought that my stomach was ringing.

On the other hand, Kasi patted his hand:

"Well, the test begins."

After that, after I finished this, I went up the intimate paradise. He didn't think these three little ghosts can force themselves to the extent.

On the other hand, the three people died in each other and nodded, and then ...

Sasuke and Sakura are hidden into the bush, and the Naruto will blame the blame from the endurance package, no suddenly rush to Carti.

Sasuke and Sakura who hid into the bush and the small cherry, so I just didn't understand anything.

"Sasuke, what should we do, to save people?"

Looking at the Naruto a person who launched the wolf in Kakasi, Xiao Yaki said that the sleeve didn't worry.

Sasuke, a small cherry, his sleeve:

"Naruto didn't think so weak, let him go to test it up, I will find a chance on the side."

On the other hand, the Naruto was strange to rush to Kasi, and the completion of the end is changed, and the sound of the rope tightened, the Naruto was hanging in the air.

Looking at the nun man in the air clumsy tooth dance, Kakasi smashed the head:

"You think about it than I think, even this simple trap is hiding, since this kind, then you are still here for a while."

It is said that you will continue to look down on the intimate heaven.

On the other side, the small cherry in the bush is again close to Sayuo:

"Naruto is in the trap of Carti teacher, Saso help us to save him?"

Sasuke is impatient, the brow does not cool:

"Naruto didn't think so weak, let him go to test it up, I will find a chance on the side."

Sasuke is impatient, the brow does not cool:

"I also said that Naruto didn't think so simple, you don't know everything, you will have a good thing."

Sasuke sounded, just see the other side of the Naruto, and he was flashing in the eyes, he suddenly showed a strong body coordination ability at this time.

This person is striking, people use a rope under the air in the air, the whole person is like the cheetah, and the cheeta is generally swayed to Carti, and the hands of the cards are directly referred to the bell in the cards.

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