I'm the Sword Master in Konoha

I am in the wood leaves as the Judi Chapter 248

I heard this unfamiliar voice, the fire under the fire, looking at the head, I saw the boy with the ring tone, and the shoulders of the ring tone apologized to himself.

To be honest, see the moment of the boy look, the fire is retired for a second.

Because everyone is a girl, there is no attacibility of the appearance and character of the ringtone, and the fire is naturally resistant to the long phase of the ring tone.

Although she had to admit that the ringtone is very beautiful, she has a lot of spectators in her heart, and her appearance does not fall down.

But when this pair is placed on the face of a boy, it is very different.

It is obviously an extremely similar look, but the feeling of flowing heart is very different from the ring tone.

That kind of lazy is vividly in the temperament of a sense of exclusive, with a slightly apologetic tone, and there will be some inexplicable inherent feelings.

In addition, the current has not been speaking, but suddenly, this sudden impact appear to be exceptionally obvious.

In that second, the fire fire in the heart of the fire and the boy in her class were compared, and even the Ning's brothers did not let go.

The result of this contrast is that the Banli is still unparalletic comparable to the disturbance of the little boy who has a snot, the only thing that can be hit.

However, at this time, I seem to seem to be a little bit a little bit of my brother and opposite.

"Amount, are you okay?"

Looking at the fire that is inexplicable in front of it, the heart is silent in my heart:

Is it a common specialty for your day, anytime, anywhere?

Or I thought that this silly sister gave people a trouble. Now it seems that it is not very smart.

This seems to make them two friends don't seem to look good, saying that the sister seems to have no good friends who can make people.

In the ninja school, because of the rest of your ass, although it is still good with the girls, it is far from the extent that you can do.

At this time, this spark is to fit the sister in terms of personality, and the talent is not a difference.

Although I feel that I have time to practice more swords at home, but now I seem to find a good girlfriend to find a good girlfriend.

One thought and this, the heart can't help but show a shallow smile.

On the other hand, I heard the heart of the heart, I went back to God's fire, I saw this smile, I couldn't help but stay.

Is he laughed in me?

Can be evil, don't just expose a very good smile.

But really ... I look well.

When the look of the fire is changed, the young fields do not know when they appear after the fire:

"What is this thinking?"

I heard the voice of my sister, the fire under the fire, and the top of the words:

"Ah, there is nothing, how can you come back so fast? Dad is what you?"

The speed of the transfer topic is very fast, that is, there is no exhaustion of Hongxia, which has not been exhausted, has exposed its own inner uns.

However, the other side of the young fields are still surprised. At this time, they did not pay attention to the changes of their own sisters.

It is the next side of the time to see it deeply, and it is still the heart of the slap in the eyes and shakes the head:

The invisible Raiders are the most deadly.


After the horma and Naruto are set, the young fields left the room.

There are only four adults in the room.

Throughout the field, the four people silently drink the tea in the cup.

The supens is thinking in the future how the relationship between the nursing and Naruto will be drawn and the high-level distance.

Operators and Starns think about not to raise the things and flowers, how to say that this year is 11 years old, their couple will mention the daughter who just six years old, will not be a bit like a stymed Taking a long time? When the three were silent, he was sitting on a planner and starry night. He was responsible for greeting and surging legs.

He suddenly came out, and suddenly attracted the attention of the three people. As a brother's daily foot, I knew that he was thinking about what he was thinking, he just thought that the opening stopped but found that it is already too late.

Because I still don't wait for him, the difference below is quite quite straight to the direction of the starry night and the program:

"Star Night, the master, the next time, I hope that the two will give me a little more."

There is a bit ugly that the supreme scenes, he has also wanted to drink the bad breath, but then, he wanted a mouthful of air and closed his mouth.

And let's go, today, this is ugly, no matter what you want.

Silence of this younger brother didn't sound for so many years, there should be an outbreak. If you really let this your heart, you can't say it.

How many deficiars yourself have lost their father.

Chapter 543 Cage Bird

When I saw it suddenly, I had already clear what I wanted to say in the end of the night. Sure enough, I listened to the shortest opening of the day difference.

"I don't know if the two adults have heard of the birds, and our day, the family of family members must be unified after the new housekeeper.

This is the tradition of our family, should not go to two more words, but I really don't want my child to be bound by the birds in the cage, so I want to ask the two adults to come to talk, persuade my father to help Caged bird.

If the two adults can do this, they will wishes the two people in the past. "

The apeer heard this slightly wrinkled frown. If this is what she hits alone, she is eight-handedly choosing to refuse.

Although I have been helping myself, I have just been here, but I am busy, but I am not good for her, and I have a bad time. Because I have a person to challenge the whole day. Authority is obviously unreasonable.

Another point is because this precedent is not good. Today, I opened a cage today. Who knows that God will not be a second king of the king, ask himself to help their children in the door to relieve the cage?

It is still the sentence, it is not affordable. If you don't live without breathing, you can't do it in your own talents, you will not help him.

Even thus makes the leaves and the day to produce a separation, so that the day is more confusing inside.

But now she is not alone, and her man is on the side, regardless of the star at night or refused, the apeer will choose unconditional support.

At this time, the program turned his head to see the starry night and planned to seek him.

The starry night next to the program has seen some understanding of his urgent mood in the ground. This is a good time to come out if you have a good time.

When the day is not active, I will say that I will be very optimistic about Ning, I want to collect the disciples, and I will have a slight expression of the birds that are not conducive to Ning Ji.

With the current situation in the day, it will definitely choose to help Ningjun in the cage in order to please yourself.

There is a special case that is in this special case, or it can easily suppress the dissatisfaction between the other people.

At this time, you will pick up this matter, this property can change.

With this time, I have to help Ning Dynasty to cancel the nature of the birds in the cage, and I want a perfect solution to the problem.

Looking at the eyes of the eyes, the whole person is almost given to him, and the starry night is long.

The matter has never changed the previous decision because of the actions of the daily difference, but it is necessary to be wronged Ning, and then to endure the pain in the cage in the cage. If you want to blame him, you can't calm down.

After ordering the idea, the starry night is slightly dissatisfied with a slightly dissatisfied opening:

"Do you think I need you to go to the fire? Even if you sell for me, can I help me reach anything I can't do?"

When I heard this, the face of the bad night became paleble, and the words of the starry night were quite real.

People are looking through the whole wooden leaves or even the top of the whole endurance, and the whole day is not necessarily to withstand his anger throughout the day.

What qualifications you have easy to use to ask someone to help?

When the daily difference is sorry, when I am in my heart, my brother is in my heart, and the brothers are like a hand, if I still have my Laozi, the grandfather and the long-term pressure on the head. If the supens is really trying to help Ning order to relieve the cage.

This is also the reason why he did not drink the bad time in time, in his heart, he also hoped that starry night can help Ningxue to relieve the cage.

It can be seen in the current situation. The abutment of the amount is not only empty, but also a sigh of coming night, in which case it can only help him with himself.

The sunshine is strong, and the smile starts to have a gift in the stars. I want to open my brother to cover up, but I see the gods that look dissatisfied with it again:

"Your day is a big thing to a family, I also have a little heard. To tell the truth, I don't agree with this system in my heart, but this is the tradition of your day, I am not good.

But now you see my head, I have to say two sentences, I am not talking about the good and bad and disadvantage of this cage, but your father's confusion! "

Seeing the pale rate of pale, I want to open an explanation, and the starry night stopped his explanation continued:

"I know you want to ask me to help the neighborhood to lift the cage because you love this son, but have you ever thought about your day, what kind of results will you bring today?

Even if I really agreed to you, with my face to force my father to go to the cage of Ning, and how?

Look at you this day, who will support? Who will feel that the bird will be released in the cage of Ning?

They will only feel that Ning will relieve the birds in the cage is that you will be in the face of your father. They will only shame the birds will not be unclear in the cage of Ning.

Shir, he has a despicable father. Do you think you use this way to help the lifting cage, the birds are really lifted, is it true?

He will only bury his head, because he has a uncomfortable father.

He will not lift his life because of this discrete behavior, you helped him relieve the birds on the cage, but let him become another meaning in the cage. "

The arrival of the night's night, a face fierce is born red, and he first realized the true meaning of the four words of the universal self 40.

In particular, he thought that if he had just helped Ning times after the renovation of the birds, Ning Ji may face the encounter, he is even more tremble, almost put down like this.

Seeing that the arrival of this unfamiliar appearance, some can't bear to continue to see, her heart is clear when she appeared.

She gently pulled the sleeve of Radixing and played a round field:

"Husband, you don't have to be angry, you don't think that your own mistake is, he is also loved, you will haven't happened today."

I saw my own wife understood the deep meaning in my move. The stars couldn't help but sorry. Just as he intended to borrow a step by a step by a step, it suddenly had a young voice:

"Father, the big night of the star said, even if you helped me release the birds today, I will not be happy in the future, you don't have to worry about the birds in my cage, look at it, I will use my own strength to break through the cage of!"

Chapter 544 Ning

"I will use my own strength to break through the boy!"

This slightly tender voice is like the mine is generally fried in the original quiet room.

I heard this sound. The whole body is a tremble. He didn't dare to confuse the head. I saw Ning. I didn't know when I appeared at the door. It was very stealing that I was very firm.

At this time, I will appear at the door at the room at this time. Of course, the starry night is ghost, he released his own momentum and spread, let the people outside the house feel the anger in the house.

Plus yourself to enlarge a lot of sounds, naturally let your words have passed the words that you will hurt, and you will feel the momentum of the momentum coming.

Seeing your son's firm look and stretched a helping arm, and I can't hold the tears, and the decisions are generally rolled down:

"Ning, is Dad's confusion, I am confused, I almost harm you, if I just ... you are finished in this life."

After helping his father, Ning's eyes were slightly red, but he had helped did not fall to tears, but turned to look at the bail on the forehead, showing full Bandage forehead.

In a unpryble gaze, Ning will tend down the knotted knots of the bandage of the brain, with the slowdings of the bandage, Ning Ji has been doing you to make another cage of the birds in the cage of others. None reserved exposure is in front of everyone.

The momentum of the stars deliberately released, Ning Ji didn't look at the eyes of the starry night, and I got a bow in the morning night, and then only one sentence is firmly said:

"Thank you for your guidance, I have fully understood that the birds in the cage are the prisoners of the people gave to the furniture, but it is to be closed, and we don't dare to look straight to the heart of the boy, that is really true Spiritual prisoner.

From today, I will not use anything to cover the birds, how is the bird in the cage? Five years, I will use my strength to break through it! "

I heard the Declaration of Ning Ji, there was no side of the people, and even the contest was full of appreciation and admiration look. It was originally because of the behavior of the daily difference. Evaluation.

But at this time, Ning will re-win the respect of the agency with his own behavior.

This exposes the shortcomings of the defects, and more degraded to break through the Warring States since the Warring States, and you can break the birds in the cage. How much courage is this?

But with this, Ning Ji is worthy of her job.

I heard that this is more died, but I feel more than my own son, I don't agree with my father.

At night, I looked at Ning. I was full of gratification. This is a well-deserved genius in the fire in his impression.

He was originally planned to go to the steps to the steps, saying that he should be a disciple to be a disciple, and then slowly consider the things of the cage, but at this time, he heard that he didn't change his mind directly.

Looking at the firm Ning, the starry night is not forbidden, and he is satisfied with the shoulders of Ning Ji:

"Very good, can have such ambitions, only to break the birds in the cage, since you say five years, then I will give you five years, five years later, if you really can become the best in the new generation. Several people.

That don't have to say more, you will relieve the things of the birds, I will bear.

But I want to see it, or five years later, you can use your own strength to combine the people who don't let you relieve the birds, tell them that you will not be brought to birds in the cage!

Ok, take your father to take a rest, I hope you will not let me down. "

When I heard the starry, I will leave the room with my father once again, and I have left the house with my father. No one knows how much a lot of grandmother is quiet.

After Ningxing and the amount of arrival, the sufficiency is full of joy, and the star is riding a gift:

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