I'm the Sword Master in Konoha

I am in the wood leaves as the Judi Chapter 243

This is exported, and the old face of a family is very ugly, and the side of the Ni Zhishui is ugly.

Although the heart is in the heart of this foreigner, "there is no one snoring when this is the bird.

After the scene was stalemating, it was still a full-heartedness and shy and shy. He said hello to surrounded:

"What is still doing, still thinking about it?"

Said that I took the initiative to take a look:

"Water, today's things are uncle, I neglect, you have to blame me."

When I saw a few familiar people, I went back to my father in the middle. When I stopped the water, I didn't answer Fu Yue, but turned around and bowed in the night.

The starry night patted his shoulder:

"Don't be too sad, the future days are still long, always use this pair of eyes, don't hinder everything in front of you."

Previously, because of his father's death and suddenly awakened kaleidoscope, the words of a mess, the words of the stars, the whole person was a shock, so that the sound of the mess in the mind was suddenly disappeared, the mood also calmly calmed a lot.

After grateful, I wiped the eye and wiped the eye and wiped the eye.

"In the future, I will inherit my grandfather and my father's legacy. Use this pair of eyes to sweep all obstacles!"

I heard this, the old man did so like he heard his heartbeat.

Chapter 532 Yuxi Bo change

The group of Unechyo heard the water, and several consciousness held the chest, and almost went with the father of the water.

They would rather be seen in the mouth of the stopper in the mouth of the water, I would like to be heard from the mouth of the water, I just surely, I just surely, I saw that I was awakened to awakening the kaleidoscope one by one.

One of the old arms, the old legs are directly rushed to the scene, I hope that the opportunity to pull the water to them, seize the key force that is enough to compete with the wood.

I was shocked when I saw the starry, but I still reported the final hope, but I stopped this, but I pulled it in my heart.

A short sentence is already enough to explain everything, he wants to sweep all the hinders, not Yishibo ...

The old man did not completely live to the dog's belly, and the most basic trial time is clear.

Seeing that the water is no longer struggling, the moonlight star night is still over, they have completely lost the opportunity of turning over.

One thought, the old west, such as death, but she has to leave.

But they clearly not represent their descendants, and seeing this thing is to end, but there is a drink in the crowd:

"What is your guy, why do you dare to do your hand-to-hand?"

I heard that everyone in the field turned to the opening of the opening, the opening is a young man in the periphery.

Yischi's people are not strange to this person. This person named Yuxiang, is a family old grandson in the field.

Because it is the old grace of the family and the talented, the name is quite famous in Yuxi. Of course, it is more than his talent, and his stinky.

This goods are not going to beat the people of Yischi, and the woods are more eye-catching, but because he is the enemy and the old grace of the family, it has not been punished.

This is a big slap in the temper. I saw someone in the inside of Yuxi Bo, and I didn't respect my grandfather. I couldn't help but I couldn't help but burst out.

Seeing that people have seen it, he still has some proud, and the head looks at the starry night.

He didn't think that the starry dared to do his hand in the Yizhi Bo field. In his opinion, this family did so arrogant, but the five-generation eyepiece is indicated.

But there is a rigor and shadow, and he is okay, it is a person, and this is a person, this guy dares to work, it is dead.

If the kid dares to do his own hands, he will make him a semi-dead, and he will not believe that the windshield door dares because of the next belonging to the entire Unecho.

Come to Yishabo's leadership of the leaves, they are biased.

The beauty of the mind is still thinking about how it will be thinking about it. It is only a flower in front of him, but I have already appeared in front of him.

Yuxi Boxiang only came and made a defensive posture. The whole person flew out with a very fast speed, and smashed a huge pit on the wall.

Everyone was in the event that the foreign people were angry and angry, but they were shocked, and the foreign people didn't care about the face here, but the man who shot is ... Yisi Wave water!

This will make everyone aesthetically surprised. The grandfather of the Sui Zhi Boxiang is still full of confidence. He rushed to the grandson and touched his own grandson. I didn't know how many ribs did not dare to confirm:

"Yuxi wave stops, how do you dare! This is your symposium, I really want to be a brother, when your father and son are unmanned, I also sent him to your home. , How do you dare to make him this!

Your father just left, at this time, I still watch you in the sky. You make such a thing, you let your father have a sense of Zhiwei! "

The old, I want to break my head, I don't want to know. I have a gentle water to stop the water. I just want to show my grandchildren in the feet.

Even if you want to think that the wooden row is tall, it will not be such an extent.

They are really similar!

Speaking of these families, they still don't really put the water in their eyes. They only in the water-saving kaleidoscope, but they don't feel the father, and the feelings of the water.

They still think that they can use their old identity, persuading even controlling this pair.

After listening to the old chattering, the old chatter, just a note of the eyes, but the Yisi Woshi, who had a long time, was scared to his mouth.

Seeing the old mouth of the mouth, so the water is slowly open:

"I said, I will inherit the will of my father and grandfather, help the leaves from all obstacles with this pair of eyes."

"you you!"

When I heard this, the old people didn't hold any, and the old blood spurted out. What does this mean, this is not to say that he is the old and his grandson's obstacle, it is to be What is the existence of sweep?

He knows, don't know what you are talking about now? Is this a devil who is not eating a fine wine? He really thought that the kaleidoscope was invincible.

Just as he intended to speak again, a female voice rings:

"It is good to stop the water, some obstacles are now in a place where they have not been visible."

Said that the month is step forward, don't need any excessive movements, just the momentum of the body of the shadow, the momentum of the moving, and the old people have sitting on the ground.

The Yue Yue is gone to see the old road:

"I respect you is the old family of Yuxi, and finally give you a very big, so the sin of today will make your grandson to take you."

During the speech, the month lifted the feet, and I kicked it at the chest of Na Zhi Boxiang. I have already broken a lot of ribs, and the whole chest is collapsed after this feet. Even The rescue coming over the future, it has become a waste.

The old look of his own grandson, if the swing of the silk is, and it is also completely broken, and he likes a crazy.

"You are all crazy, your surname is Zhiso, the well of Yuxi Bo is not going to be a dog's dog? Did you kill my grandson? Do you have any of our ethnic groups?

Fu Yue, how is your family? "

It was originally stopped in the face of the face, and the Yue Yue heard this paratriot change. He looked at the star night, and looked at the two pairs of macroplines:

"Every family is old and unspeakable, no words, come, people, send people to take a rest!"

Chapter 533

After the ethnic group was "please", the crowd of Unexpello naturally followed it, and when they left, I got on the heart, and I tried to set off the sky.

Eye knows that Yu Zhibo after today ... It is going to change.

The owner of the two-double tube has a sketched name, which has announced the absolute loyalty to the wooden leaves. There is no doubt that the next Yisi Bo will usher in a wave of shuffling.

Compared to the future of Unechebra, the mysterious foreign people who appear in the field today are not enough.

If you want to break your head, you can't think of your head. If you have a brain, you can't get it. After the status of the starry night, the St. night has not exposed his identity today, it has explained everything, if you still don't know how you, that is really Even if it is dead.

The water is awakened to the kaleidoscope, and the starry night has not yet chooses to have a sound. After all, there is still a black, and the existence of the kaleidoscope is a blessing.

The kaleidoscope capability and past life will have changed.

The right eye of the water is in the same way that the piraesis used in the group is generally no two, and it can still be unknovable to change the will of others, but this effect requires the opponent to work in the sight of the water.

Perhaps because this life water is not so strong for changing the reality, the ability to stop the left eye is no longer the left eye that is bug, but a magical attack, a similar month. The water himself said that this pupil is ray.

I learned that the water did not awaken the gods. The night didn't act. He himself was not afraid of illusion because he had the heart of Sword Hao. He is really afraid to see the way to grab the water. Use another God, it's really troublesome.

Although it is very optimistic about the water, I believe that the water will always be loyal to the wooden leaves, but the stars still have no help to stop the water into the eternal kaleidoscope.

This kind of technique is at the moment, I have to use it. If this time I will help the water to upgrade into an eternal kaleidoscope. When I am really black, I'm not attacked, I don't move my feet.

............ Time flies, and the blink of an eye is over.

These Saturdays have been taught in the woods, and there is also a scene of singing and dancing in the woods.

"Liu Zhi Dance!"

In the spacious courtyard of the moon, the figure is tallful, Jun Ma Lu Guan Festival extends sharp bones, and the whole person rushes to high-speed rotated hedgehog.

In his opposite, the gods looked at Jun Ma Lu who told the rush, and the three hooks in the eyes were free to rotate.

After observing the movement trajectory of Jun Ma Lu, the tip of the tip is on the ground, and the whole person is jumped backwards, while raising the self-robe sleeve, and there is countless endurance.

Jun Ma Lu looked at the ejection of the endurance and did not smell, and the body of the body was easily and relaxed.

The idleness of the air revealed a smile, ten fingers in the air smart, those who were originally raised by Jun Ma Lu, were once again mentioned.

It turns out that each endage of the end of the endage is wrapped in a fine Chakra wire.

Jun Ma Lu saw that the handsome changed, but the hands of his hands were so flying in the hands of those who fly, they changed their own collisions, they changed the flight trajectory, there is no touch. Go to Jun Ma Lu's body.

On the side of the Naruto saw a smile on the spot, he heard his movements. He said that he was gently swept with light:


Naruto heard that the anger did not declap the situation and the theory of Sasuke.

After those who have been in the body of the Jun Ma Lu, the hands of the change again, with his movements, the tail of the end of the end of the end is sharply tightened, and those who are around Jun Ma Lu's body will turn around. Go, it is completely surrounded by Jun Ma Lu.

Jun Ma Lu's bone sprint rapidly changed the bone blade attempt to cut the Chakra wire on the body, but it has not been too late.

I saw the speed of the figurus that was difficult to distinguish. In less than a second, I spit out a big mouth flame in Chakra wire in the hand:

"The fire of the fire."

After the voice of the, the bear's flame flame is like a bone, and it has formed a fire sea in an instant.

The Naruto saw that the smile suddenly was stignted on his face, and the Sasuke on the side was a full face.

"The uncle, the uncle, Jun Ma Lu will be killed, you will save him."

I am lying lying on the star night opening of the rocking chair, and the distinct of a face is open, and there is no intensity.

"Naruto brother, you are too underestimated Jun Ma Lu's big brother, this dragon fire can be easily responded, let alone Jun Ma Lu's big brother."

Naruto heard this call:

"Dwell you can don't brag, you have just got up the second grade of the Ninja School in a few years, you can cope with the horrible fire, if you are afraid, you will be burned with your ass."

Dynamic heard this, turned over white, silently turning his head to prevent his IQ from being assimilated by Naruto.

The little tone next to the heart is smashed.

"The dragon fire is very powerful? Can you crack it with water launches?"

Naruto heard this words, some speechless, he didn't see the heart, but he read the ringtone used tolerance, but the seven-year-old ringtone can already be skilled in using five properties. The C-class sterilization, even if B-class stemming can use several.

By comparing yourself, I still shut up, I still shut up, there is no harm.

When this is the lively, the dragon fire in the field is also dissipated.

A sound in the smoke sound suddenly:

"Finger bones."

When you hear this sound, I don't want to take the short knife behind it. After the short knife in the hand, I only listen to the "" three sounds, and they slammed the bones of Jun Ma Lu.

When the Naruto on the side, when the smoke made a bone whip composed of vertebrae, he screamed.

I am entangled in the waist of the melong, with the whip whip clocking, the skeleton of the ... .......

Even if it is not seriously injured, it is necessary to be worn out by death.

The Sasuke of the scene was nervous, and he died in the scene of the scene, and he was afraid that he saw the order in the next second.

With the tightening of the kerhest, the upper half of the is really pulled down, Saso helps the appearance, almost calling.

However, when I saw it in the next second, I became a crow disabled.

Chapter 534 Each Growth

Seeing the body of the body, the expression is shocked, it turns into a crow, and the scholar is a long breath, and it is the brother's crow.

Really, I always use this frightened move to scare myself.

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