I'm the Sword Master in Konoha

I am in the wood leaves as the Judan 201 chapter

However, there is an unexpected joy, that is, those rebellious Yisi Wai people, it is said that these rebel people are not a small number.

It is naturally not a waste of the waste of these resembling rebels, and it is concerned that he is concerned about his own rebellious rebels.

Not in a small number of Unecheo people, meant a lot of write-eyed eyes, these people have killed one by one or two, and there should be one or two awakening kaleidoscope.

You don't need a pair of brothers awakening kaleidoscope, just need someone to awakening the kaleidoscope is enough, the plumoconcell plus the jarkeers write the wheel eye, and then use the remaining three hooks as the magic of the beauty of the evil.

Kaleidoscope + Cylindrical cell + add a twice twenty two hook jade as a backup hidden energy, how can I pile up a piece of chess that is used after the door?

Plan this kind of thing, you should still have an insurance.

It is still unfair to lichen the bamboo stick, and the spot is quite satisfactory to the eye old:

"You are very good, very good, I appreciate you very much."

"Since there is so many Yusi Wai people in the woody prison, there is no possibility of naturally not let go, this way, you will notify A Fei back, let him control the one ... What is the hide? The way gave me those people.

Even if you can't get your eyes, you will have a seamlessness of your eyes. If you take it, you will leave the corresponding quantity, you have to die, you have to die.

Arrangeing the dead ghosts I also handed over to you, I can live a lot of days. In addition to the combination of Affei and Tuan, add one of you and black.

From now on, two or four are the ghosts in this world, my monthly eye plan can be achieved, except for the long-door, there must be you. "

When I said this, I made a trick, I was originally sitting on the black and consciously stood up, and I took the initiative in the white.

In this way, a yin and yang face is born.

Chapter 438, Hongda Group

In the morning, the morning sun penetrates the glass window in the bedroom, takes two very tempting body.

The reasons for the printed hand are in the middle of the pain, but there is a 36-year-old, but it seems that the little girl in the age of 20 has no difference, and the star is in a man's most peak time period, nature Also full of men's charm.

After a while, the two were waking up in the same time, and the apecically stretched a lazy waist and saw a good look.

When the moonlight star got up, I suddenly took a breath, and the left hand was gently helped to help this, I felt my sore's big waist.

Feeling the void pain, the starry night is long, and that sentence is to say, some things, especially after overmanal, it seems that the body is hollow.

The apeer saw the look of the starry night, can not help but smile, seeing her depicies and nights are not banned:

"You still laugh, not because of you."

The prime hand laughed couldn't help but show any shy expression. It is proud to be very chest. This is very trembled in front of the chest.

"It's what I did, I didn't accept it?"

Seeing her deputy expression, the starry night shrugged, and there was a weak way to cover the waist:

"Forget it, I have a high-low day today, and I will not be okay."

The card laughed in his chest painted a circle:

"Reassured, this is a small problem, I have time to go to the Woody Hospital today to help you with two prescriptions, drinking a week will be recovered."

I heard this night's inexplicable, I don't know why he is inexplicably thinks about a certain scene of the water in the past.

"Dalang ~ I will drink medicine."

, Once, this star, the consciousness of the star, I worshiped the hand:


The ahead heard this, smiling:

"This is not still Luojing and Yeang, I am actually in the office every day, I haven't doing something.

Besides, after another two months, can you go to the fifth generation? I haven't had a long time in this position, and I have no problem with my two days.

By the way, the priests of the Waffle Hospital have been recommended to me, saying that she wants her to have a senior medical tutor around me, I have tested it, it is really a talent.

A small age has already mastered the palm of the palm, it is indeed more good than the general medical ninja, it is said that the work of the secretary is also very good.

You said that I would like to let her come directly as a hot secretary, but the age is a bit too small, I feel that she is directly that she is not too good. "

The starry night heard this in the brain and thought of mute the quiet face:

"It's called mute. It seems that I have said that I will listen to it. Let's take a look at the disciple. If the personality is suitable for a long time, it will not be able to taste it.

It's more than a few, I can't live with the niece every day. I am afraid that others are afraid that he has any problems. "

When I said this, she had been interested, she faced a gossip of the stars:

"Right, say that this guy has recently running to the Huang Ying office to run more and more diligent. When he comes to report the task, it will go to the leaf wareger from time to time, I feel that he is a bit of ideas."

I heard this night, I also mentioned my spirit. Otherwise, how to say that gossip is the sixth big ability of human beings:

"Really, if this is really good, it seems to be very good, the Ye Cang is also 30 years old, and there is no companionship so far, they are also a man's handsome woman. It is still Quite. "

Seeing the starry is also interested, the agency doesn't help:

"It's just two days, you follow the discrace, I also find a chance to give the leaves, let him go to a meeting?"

Speaking of this starry night is also interested:

"Well, don't say, one is a match, two are also a match, since it is thinking about helping him Zhang Luo a girlfriend, then do we have to help it?"

The apeer was stunned down:

"You are sure? How can I always feel that the girl is also giving it a lot, is it to push people in the fire pit?"

Sorry night, he heard this is free.

"It's not right, don't look at the survings on weekdays, in fact, it is estimated that people are estimated.

Besides, I have been together for so many years, do you still know what you have? Although it is not reliable on weekdays, it's really serious, who is our five serious? "

"Is also ..."

The starry night is obvious to say the master, the master pinchs the eyebrows, and the brain screened the girl candidates for the stand-up girl. He hesitated a long time in front of his hand, she was a little excited to open:

"Yes, how do you feel that wild is?"

I heard the name of this name, I'm reacted in a few seconds, I have never been different from the original.

In World War II found that the wilderness of this enemy, the two jointly ended the World War II, and after the Second World War II was killed, and the witch who went to this walk in the second game became a true free body.

Originally, she could have a good reputation with a great reputation and a quite rich treatment with the battle, but the wild is rejected, and she lasted her in the interior of the sand and let her feel tired.

She didn't choose these things that others desire, refused to provide her with the secret of her mirror or intelligence minister, but she chose to fade all the aura, and I came to the sean of the orphanage of the orphanage of the orphanage in the original. .

It's rare to visit and visit the wild, I don't know how the wild is now, I don't know if she is with the original.

It seems that the wars of the three wars are coming. Now I have myself, and I am definitely very safe, so saying that I don't know if I don't know, I have changed a lot of plots.

In this way, thinking about how many owes of the wild, and in a certain extent, wild is like a type of warning of the routine.

Silent ladies and wadds of moisturizers,, this CP single is thinking that the thief is good.

Two people have reached an amazing agreement at this point, and the two immediately set the red lady plan, next, the wooden single Han off plan, start.

Chapter 439 About Writing Wheel

After ordering this red lady, the sun has also been on the day.

Almost a whole breakfast, starry nights and actions are improving their plans, combining these two pairs of emotions, and the two are more in the process of dealing with wood.

After breakfast, the two each went out, and the agency naturally went to the fire office, and the starry night was over, after the daily swordsmanship was over, I chose to rush to the Wood Leaf Research Institute to Dashan Pill.

It took a long time to give the kaleidoscope to the big snake pill. It should also go to see which extent to the Grand Snake Pill for the kaleidoscope.

After so many years of development and capital investment through so many years, the investment in the ground is not as good as the scientific research.

It is mainly some of the best research projects that can be announced, and some starry nights composed of research teams in conducting some relatively shallow experiments.

The focus of starry night is not here, just look at the crowd to the exclusive laboratory of the underground big snake pill.

Perhaps the character of the big snake pills, the underground exclusive laboratory is not as bright as the ground, how much is a bitter, is there a tools of the big snake pills crawling the equipment and equipment that transports heavy experiments.

Such a vsamen light is equipped with the snakes sent by the Snake, basically can already advise 80% of the curious people.

But the stars have been accustomed to this, and if he is going forward.

When I came to the most inside of the core laboratory, the starry and night was surprised to find that I didn't know when I installed the kind of metal door with a sense of technology.

Try to press the red button on the door. After a while, he suddenly talked a very endured style display, the display first was a snow glitter, and the big snake pill was revealed after a while.

After seeing the coming people, the big snake pill reveals a smile, some distortion came from the rear of the display:

"It turned out to be the star, see if I am scared here?"

Don't say that it is scared, look at the electrical appliances that at the beginning of the current endurance era, and the stars have almost left the tears.

This is over 40 years, and it is expected to have a modern life.

The big snake pill is also a science and technology ghost, and it has been independently developed an electronic device independently without the spiritual situation without starry night.

This is a speed of technology, and it's fast.

Although it seems to be very simple, it is achieved from zero to a breakthrough, and there is still a standing on the shoulders of the giant to provide him with a source of origin.

Seeing the big snake pill opened the laboratory, the starry night was three steps to rush, and the big snake pills portrayed himself to find this laboratory to improve the idea.

The eyes of the big snakes listened to the green light, especially when she heard the final situation of steel Garuu, even more exciting.

These although these comic mystery is different from his favorite tolerance, but it is also a very interesting thing, more importantly, these ideas are epochmakers.

If the big snake pills are inventive, then he will no longer be the old road to the second-generation rigs, but revisit a path that you have never gone through.

Such an idea makes the big snake pills feel the pleasure from the depths of the soul.

After the two people surrounded the problem of the science and technology tree, the big snake pill sighed a breath:

"Hey, the star, you said that these are quite worth looking forward, but things will be done in all things. Before Incending things, I still have to complete the previous research."

It is said that this star night suddenly responded to him today, he hurriedly asked:

"For the big snake pill, I last gave you the kaleidoscope to write the eyes and three hooks and jade, what extent you studyed."

I heard the kaleidoscope wrote the eyes, I was still in the sigh of the big snake pill, he revealed an extremely obsessed expression:

"The kaleidoscope writes the eyes are simply god for the gift of the Yishabo family. This thing is really like her name. It can be used to study the value.

I spent such a long time, but I stood a little about the knowledge he gotten on the shoulders of the second-generation rigid. "

I heard this idea asked this:

"What is your so-called broadening?"

Big snake pills show a pair or you understand my expression:

"I have two-wheel eye research topics mainly two directions, one is whether the write-wheel eye has universal, and the other is the advanced principle of writing."

"The general situation of writing the eyes seems to have some difficulties. I found that there is a special genome in the write-eyed eyes. This is the presence of this group of genome, which has formed the react that we know. It is necessary to overcome this phenomenon, and it is necessary to involve a lot of knowledge about genetic engineering. "

It is said that the big snake pill is clearly exposed, and if you want to complete these studies, you must need a lot of experiments, but the starry and night will not recognize the human experiment, which will affect his research progress.

But very fast, the eyes of the snake pills, I re-ignited the exciting fire:

"Although the general direction of writing is greatly observed, another research topic, I have a small breakthrough in the principle of writing my eyes."

It is said that the big snake pill is stunned to follow him, and the two in the laboratory have finally come to the position of the Big Snake Pills and kaleidoscale.

The big snake point pointed to the writing wheel in the container and talks:

"About writing the eyes, the second-generation rigid adults launched a study for a long time, I have seen the relevant records in his personal notes you gave me.

The second-generation rigs is worthy of the super genius for a hundred years. He studied the secrets of writing the eyes under the lack of scientific research environment. "

"In the second generation of adults, the eye-catching method of writing the eyes is that the Yuxi Woshist has stimulated its own emotions by getting love and losing love. Kra, and my breakthrough topic is here. "

Said that he had a heavy shot of the starry night:

"Thanks to the night, you, I found this, I didn't find a major secret that I didn't find this second-generation rigor."

The starry night is somewhat inexplicably by the big snake pill.

Seeing his reputation, the big snake pill, loudly:

"Because of the rope tree brought, I can find a major mystery of writing in the eyes so soon."

Chapter 440 Key

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