I'm the Sword Master in Konoha

I am in the wood leaves as the Judan Chapter 153

"This is not wrong, but this kind of garbage is not good. I still hope that I can give me some challenges after the resurrection. If this world is too boring, I can only use the column. The resurrection can find some fun. "

Dark this time, taking the railway:

"In this case, the big people should also launch the next plan."

I nodded. He called a thoughts and called a picture with a map, and it took a long time to open the road:

"How is the column cells prepared for the long door? My eyes can not appear unexpected."

A Fei Gong said:

"I have made the despicable call, I gave him three years, it should be successful. If there is an increase in the inter-column cell, he should be able to withstand the time."

"Yes, since this, the next step is scheduled to be held three years later."

After a long time to the reliance map, the spotted the direction of the hand fell in the direction of sandy village and fog hidden village:

"These two rivotations are direct breakthroughs. The rainy village wants to have changed must have some external pressure, and there is nothing more than a war.

From the current endurance pattern, sandy and fog are absolutely breakthrough, and rock is almost the same as the recovery of these years.

The strength of Yun Yin is not bad. These two villages are ambitious. As long as the fog hidden, it will only need a plumbing.

Several figures were closely concerned about sand and fog in the next three years. Once the wind blows me, tell me.

We have to provoke the third battle after three years!

At that time, the external pressure plus the ......................... ... .

Waiting for the long-door, there is no hope, and we plan can also be fully available. "

Looking at the A F flight that is frequent, looks at the dark ceiling:

"The next thing I should also have a few years, the next thing may not be able to take over, then I will rely on A Fei you and Due.

There should be no mistakes in my resurrection plan. "

Due to the shadow in the shadow, smile: "Reassured, as your will, we will definitely follow your plan, I believe us, you will not be far from the day of Renaixin."

The discs sitting in the darkness of the black and smiles don't understand the uncomfortable meaning of the smile, he will never be imagined, "you" in the Dedicated Word actually there is another person.

Chapter 332's Plan for Future

The outer space of the wet bone forest seems to be more beautiful, some stars are hung in the air, so that the original quiet atmosphere is more harmonious.

On the grassland of the wet bone, the starry night and a hand have just completed the most primitive mysterious ceremony.

The average hand puts his clothes, and tie the hem of the upper clothes into a small bow, showing a flat smooth belly.

She raised his hand on the grass to take the star night without a good hand, obliquely starry:

"You are now in wet bone forests for more than three years, and the practice of immortal model is not over?"

The starry night laughs from the new will be put on the peak of the round of the mountain:

"It will be over, up to two months, how? How? I am eager to pass?"

Without a good breath, the championship did not take the star of the stars again, but some helpless sits:

"I don't have anything ahead, that is, my mother-in-law and my mother have been reminding, you don't know your mother-in-law, and I want to hold a grandson in the morning, let you live in the scene.

And she is not wrong with my mother, although we are all ninja, but also the kind of advanced, but the child is really not very good.

I am 34 this year, and then drag it, it is really not very good to the baby. "

At night, there is some headache to scratch the head. The truth is indeed this. It can be concerned with the heart of the starry night. It is not like the kind of mentality like it.

Mainly, he will clearly come to a war, plus the board at this time as the four generations of fire. If she is pregnant, if she is pregnant, things are superimposed together, then it is a more good for the baby.

I thought that there was a lighter who was in the same night.

"Waiting for my perfect immortal model, we will get married, but what you want to go, or drag it a few years, it is not what I have not prepared.

Just this enduring situation, you also know that the miserable loss of sand hidden rock in the second endurance battle is certainly thinking about how to retaliate after recuperating.

In addition, Yun Yin's active bodily is not a secret. The next momentum will have a war. I don't want our children to see my mom and dad all the year.

Anyway, I will wait until the end of this war. How should I be a long time after this war is over, when you get back from the position of the fire, let the water gate picking the class.

You are not saying that his flying thunder has been practiced, and is it even on me for the accomplishment of space forces? After this third battle, the water door should probably go to break through the film level.

After the war, let him go to the fifth generation, you are responsible for working with me every day, and let our children have a happiness and peaceful childhood? "

When the ahead, I was in my heart when I started to say this topic. She began to know from the age of six and night. From the encounter, I have been in love, I have passed for 30 years.

In these six people, they live in love with the longest, but what? The children of Shuimao and the real red are six or seven years old, but they have not been married.

Although there is war and the reason for the four generations of eyes. How many somewhere is still in the hearts of the sundial.

But at this time, I heard the life environment of her and future baby, even considering the future tolerance situation, which made her heart in the heart of the heart and smoking.

The apeer is not the kind of "big and well-staple" woman, but at this time, I heard the starry and future children, but I can't help touch the abnormality, revealing and the past and complete different little daughter attitude .

Looking at your own arms and the past, I didn't help but gave birth to a "wife so, husband".

The starry night is also determined in the heart, and he must get absolute power before the start of the four battles. It is powerful enough to defeat the six spot, which is enough to protect people who want to protect.

Whether it is a six-spotted or Hui Ni, or Golden Tao, he will step on the foot with absolute power.


After that night and the plan, perhaps it is a more advanced power, the starry night is more serious about the cultivation of the immortal model.

At this time, it was already 40 years. The starry night has been in the wet bone forest. It has been more than three years. In these three years, as the fairy said that the situation of the natural energy is in the power of natural energy. Constantly become stronger.

Attribute conversion natural activation progress is also constantly improving, it was originally integrated in 41 years to completely convert natural.

This activation time is also greatly shortened because the Constitations of the Star's Day is constantly improving.

At this time, the degree of activation of the natural conversion has been from 93%, and the wake-up attribute conversion is naturally only the final foot.

The starry and night estimate probably requires the last month of his perfect immortal model will be completely commented.

Although the starry is now in a few cactors, those immortal patterns are still not true, and there is not long.

Thinking of the true perfect immortal model, the starry night can not help but feel hot.

That is to surpass the cylindrical and Naruto's cactus mode, how much power can be strong?

The expectation of the perfect immortal model is the inexhaustible motive force of the starry night. He has almost reached the sleepless.

Attribute conversion natural activation progress: ninety three, ninety five, ninety-seven, ninety-nine ...

This day, in the morning, I looked at the words of ninety-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-hearted system. The perfect immortal model was today!

The starry night disk is sitting down, close your eyes carefully, and the natural energy surrounded by the eyes. In the three-year exercise, he has been in the state of the natural energy, which has been reaching a state that is almost as you want.

Nowadays, there is no need to fill the natural energy from the spiritual effort, in the long-term energy absorption and accumulation, there is a few natural energy chose to stay in the body of the starry night.

These natural energy are like a vortex, and the source is constantly helping the starry night to enter the starry night.

Starry and night should only let them obey and their own spiritual power, and Chakra makes a fusion that is enough than one than one.

Finally, the accumulation of natural energy has reached a certain amount, and Chakra, the starry night, and a large number of natural energy completed.

Attribute conversion natural activation progress: 100%!

Chapter 333 Perfect Mode

When the stars see the attribute conversion natural activation: When the word is like, his breathing has been very urgent.

There is no hesitation, and the star has chosen to activate!

This time did not have any text description as before, the starry night was as passive, or said, he was kicked by the sword heart system?

Just as the starry night, he suddenly found that his body was launched a certain change in terror, which changed even some missed hands.

The starry night did not even react what happened. I only felt that the natural energy between the world is like the pilgrimage of the pilgrimage, so that the huge natural energy, even more than his total Total Chakra.

Even the starry night puts your entire Chakra into it, it is afraid that it is not enough for these natural energy.

But the starry night did not feel anything, because he can affirm that natural energy will not hurt him.

In his perception, you can clearly recognize that these natural energy help you complete some amazing transformation.

The immortal was originally sleeping in lazy, but was awakened by the "riots" of natural energy. Feel the natural energy in the wet bone forest in a direction like the tide, and the immortal is in the direction. Hope.

This looks that she only is not good, because she has discovered that natural energy rushes, the direction of the starry night.

In the perception of the fairy, the natural energy source of almost naked eye is constantly moving toward the starry night, and the position of the starry night forms a natural energy storm.

And the star at night is in the center of the natural energy storm!

How is this possible, how can the starry night can be mobilized to have such a large-scale natural energy, even if it is cultivated for thousands of years, it is impossible to do this.

No, no, you should now consider this problem.

Such a rich in the body of Chakra, which is the horrible Chakra, and the starry night Chakra is absolutely not enough. Natural energy is unbalanced, no one knows more about the fairy.

The starry night will become a stone!

I think that the immortal does not dare to slow down her fastest speed toward the position of the natural energy storm, the more you go, the more you go.

Because she found that even the natural energy in her body is no longer listening to her control, and the meaning of faintness is to be separated from the fairy.

Natural energy is excluding her, or natural energy is excluding anything, they are like the most loyal knights, as if they don't want anyone to bother their ritual.

After the fairy walked away, he had to retreat back, because it would have been sucking with her natural energy again, and things have come to survive, she can't intervene.

She now can do only have silently prayers.

The storm of this natural energy lasted for half an hour, and even the clouds in the sky were formed a vortex shape because of the riots of natural energy.

After half an hour, the natural energy is finally a bit of recovery, as usual, is generally slow to reveal it ... a ""?

The immortal looked at the "" somewhat speechless. She really didn't think about what I did in the stars would be a look like this, but she is more peaceful than she can clearly feel strong. Powerful heartbeat.

Such a heartbeat does not change the starry night.

Just as the fairy intended to help the starry night, he saw the "" fierce trembled, and the cracks were like a spider web.


As the cracks continue to expand, this is finally completely broken, revealing the starry night of the appearance.

When I saw the starry night, I couldn't help but suck a cold, she didn't even confirm that the star at night is still the original starry night.

At this time, there seems to be floating on a layer of blue silver, and the blue silver light of the stars does not form a special item, just like the Galaxy, the star is spindled around the starry night, and the movement of the starry night .

There is no special complicated large-scale cactus face on the face of the starry night, and only shallow eye shadows and a forehead imprint.

That imprint is also a blur blue silver, which looks more complicated but can be identified, which is quilted to add a pair of wings.

There is no change in the five senses, but it will make people feel more intimate, and the temperament on the body also makes people feel extremely comfortable.

Although it looks like a spring breeze, the fairy can feel the more horrible power behind the amazing affinity.

The strength of the starry night seems to have great improvements with the opening of the perfect immortal model.

On the other hand, the starry also turns back God, his first reaction is , he doesn't know what he has experienced.

I only know that the natural energy is used by myself, and then I lost my consciousness. After that happened, it's like a long dream.

I haven't experienced those who have experienced that they have experienced.

However, he now, his only knows, he is very comfortable now!

Yes, comfortable, all the body is exuding a pleasant feeling, each cell is active.

It seems that you seem to feel your strength in your body.

However, the next stop is from ,,. ,. , ,,,,,,,,,,,,

Just like he first integrates successful Xianke Chakra, your body should have a big leap, whether it is Chakra, strength, or a perceived ability, speed, seems to have a huge improvement with the perfect immortal model.

The next conscious look at the sword heart system, and the first star has seen his status bar, and I have an icon on the status bar of the throne dance:

That is the same icon as the marker at the starry night, which is recorded, attribute conversion natural remaining time: 29 minutes.

Looking at this 29 minutes, the consciousness of the starry last night is close to the three-day, when he smashed the knife, the blue silver spot in the body was also smoked as he had a little bit of magnesium powder, so the starry night couldn't help but praise.

Others don't say, my own cactoscale is absolutely full.

It's worthwhile to see this effect.

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