I'm the Sword Master in Konoha

I am in the wood leaves as the Judan Chapter 105

He couldn't help but remind him: "Be careful, the month, behind you."

Seeing a rock in the moon, a rocky hindle has tatched the bitterness in his hand, and the uncle's pupil is crystallized, but because the distance is too far, there is no way to help the month.

Just when he was anxious, he did not think about it. He suddenly rushed over a rush of rushing, so that the bitterness of the rocky naff only was barely wiped from the rib.

At the same time, the month quickly moved, the left hand clamped the arm of the person, and the right hand took the opposite direction of the person.

Just listening to the sound of the diaracic fracture, the arm of the rocky, and immediately screwed into a strange 90 degree.

The bitterness in the hands of the rocky, because the pain dropped, and the month was like ahead of the scene. She broke the right hand of the man in advance in half air, accurately grabbing the bitter handle. Department, turning around, cutting out the neck of the person.

A set of actions can only be described in four words in the clouds, and the uncle is very stupid.

He didn't think of the moon that had just been a crispy chicken.

His keen spotted is that there is a feeling of feelings on the month. He did not think more about the perspective of the personality, just when the month grew.

He laughed, returned to a tried to sneak his rocky hidden, while pulling out the rocky bodies of the rocky body on the ground, he turned to the month:

"Then, then you will do it!"

The talents whose monthly results were thrown, and a knife was precisely a rock around him than half. At the same time, his hand was in the intercostatic mutterer.

"This wound is given to you, how is it to be stupid, I have a bit basic vigilance. But today I have some small progress, hehe, if you can, you can have a few more games. "

After this, she clenched the knife in her hand, no longer staying in the same place before, but the initiative to rush to the front, like the water gate, actively picking up her own opponent.

When killing people, the clean and decisive technique is not weak in the water.

The distant star must also quietly in the action of the two disciples, he can't help but smile after seeing the actions of the month.

I have been insisting on so long, I will have a personality, I still killed a person, it is very good, it seems that it is expected to complete the personality in this battlefield.

Just as he thought of these, the front suddenly came from a loud loudness, and even saw the broken belt mess in the air.

In this way, the scene of the fried scene is surprised to surprise a lot of people, and the battlefield has even have a short silence.

The roaring of one person in silence:

"Moonlight star gave me out, I want you to pay for my 12th ethnic people!"

The fierce burst is not someone else, it is the captain of the burst force.

He is of course reason, one is that he is really angry, then it is according to lava, and it has used a secret to consume a lot of Chakra before the night. It is difficult to play the fighting power.

The river wants to take this opportunity to come to an excitement method, force the morale of the lower wooden leaves, if the star is really dare to fight, then let him really pay for his own people!

Chapter 226, Guild Wars

The real red is very mysterious on the battlefield. The illusion ninja is different from other types of ninja, and large illusion is uncontrollable, so no one will use a wide range of illusion on the battlefield.

The true role of the illusion ninja is to kill the enemy's endurance and elite in the battlefield.

After this level, a little bit of loss may lead to death, so it is terrible to be eye-catching by illusion ninja on the chaotic battlefield.

In this small section of the war, Zhenhong has been in conjunction with the starry night, and the stunned mids of several rocks.

These people have no exception to death, even if they can't do it, they die in illusion.

After the hard work in the hands, it was still in another way to endure, and the real red suddenly heard the provocation of the river. He wrinkled down the consciousness of the crowd.

What he means is to do this river together, his illusion cooperates with the assassination of the starry night, this guy is not open.

But the starry night shook his head, did not let the true red come to help, mainly in the sake of exciting, killing together, very relaxed, but lacking the kind of exciting.

If the night can solve the residuals of the burst force under the public, it will definitely encourage the morale of the leaves.

War is not just a person's thing, like morale, the starry night of the battlefield commander needs to consider it.

For the real red, I have made an eye, indicating that he doesn't worry, the starry night is coming around the horizontal part of the burst.

The residuals of the burst troops are still screaming like a patient with hyperthyroidism. In addition to the leader of the river, everyone did not pay attention to the stars.

The river obviously felt the places where you were in your own, and he gave him a family:

"Be careful, I feel that the moonlight star is nearby."

But his words are still late, his voice just fell behind him, suddenly flew up, the headless body is like a splash in the fountain, even splashed the river.

The rocky ninja, who was excited with the river and other people, was scared by this surprising situation in front of him.

The star of the starry night has a headless body, he looked straight into the river and laughed:

"Not let me come out, how can I come to you, this is this."

"You bastard!"

The eyes of the river are red, and he will take a punch to the starry night, but there is no panic appearance at the starry night. The moment is instantaneous launched and the river will open the distance. A knife sword.

After the river felt the broken wind behind, he exposed a disdainful smile. He turned on a punch.

The scene of surprise starry night happened, and the river did not flash, but the diameter of the fist with his own fist to the anti-starry night.

The fists and swords collidect actually produce a strong explosion. The impact of the explosion did even set off the hair of the stars in the distance.

Can you use your double boxing? interesting.

The other properties of the swords can, so the mine property?

Impressive Didara's explosion clay can be invalidated by thunder, but the river in front of you is not like Didara's type of clay, but it is directly attached to the fist like aunt. The type of attack.

The starry night does not know that the river that can felt his sword can fight the priest of the mines.

It is thought that the property conversion is launched here, and he originally used the wind attribute under the scope of the attribute conversion to the mine attribute.

The speed of the river is very fast, but the face of the stars can be far away, and the river is rushing to the front, the starry night raises hand is a sword with a lightow.

Seeing the thunder of the sword, I flash a tabular color in the eyes of the river, and he didn't have hard contact this time, but launched the instant surgery. Fast simultaneous simultaneous Rush to the starry night.

I saw this starry eyes are bright, and I am sincere, and the mines of the river can't deal with my thunderstorm.

Unfortunately, you will not have the thunder of Yunyin Village. If you can master the thunder armor, you can say that you can directly and the river.

He directly said to the river:

"Sure enough, there is no mistake, and thunder is your weakness."

In the eyes of the river, I flashed an angry color. He didn't think of the starry night. He tumored his mouth: "What is it, I still make you a piece of fragments."

So said on your mouth, in fact, he was surrounded by the people around himself, while the lava in the cold eye in the crowd was also quickly moving.

At night, I saw this in the eyes, he suddenly shouted:

"All people of the wooden leaves leave me around me."

I heard this, although the waves in the war is curious, but they have been obedient, but the various battle merits on the battlefields have made them unconditionally.

The voice of the starry night has just been quickly collected, and the people who are familiar with him know that at this time, the starry night is best at one of several knives.

Broken knife!

Seeing the movements of the starry night, the face of the lava is changed, he wants to make a quick print: the soil of the murder.

In the face of the fierce sword attack, in fact, the use of so heavy rock walls such as the soil flow of the city, but considering that there are still many rock ninja need to protect, the lava can only turn to this tobach.

Iron Supervisors will be wrapped in the starry night and the river, and left the other four bursts of removal. It is not the lava to deliberately sell the river.

But because he is clear, you can't use the usual soil river and others can't defend this sword.

Therefore, he can only choose the strong man to break the wrist, and will stay in the River of the Jihe's too close to the rescue of other burst members.

But unfortunately his wish is empty because he underestimates the strength of the starry night.

Leisure! The next side of the next side saw that the iron insiders lit up the glare lightning. After a while, a slight slight slightly tilted thunder ring directly allowed to fall into a short blind.

The ninja in both parties is not easy to slow down from the blindness, and he heard a loud noise in front of him.

This sound is not the explosion caused by the explosive force, but that huge iron insulation is turbcomed, and the huge roar is sent to the ground.

That foot has a half-meter ring rugged cage, which was directly opened by the starry night, and the ring-shaped cage was brought to both ends, as well as the corpse of the river and other four burst troops.

Explosive troops, all destroy!

Chapter 227 Wen Tai River Law

In the field, both rock ninja or the ninja of the wooden leaves. At this time, it had stopped attack, and everyone stared at the half iron supervisor stunned.

A knife, only one knife broke the huge annular iron supervision, and even killed all four burst of the army.

Is this the strength of the unscrupulous gibes of the starry night?

On the battlefield, the ninja in the battlefield formed an extremely distinct contrast, and the ninja of the leaves had an exciting face, brought himself into the role of near the starry night.

One of the ninjasings of rocky is like a funeral test, one is like a cream.

Only the lower half of the lower half of the iron prison suddenly flashed four knives, the next second, a quick-rectangular rock wall fell, and the starry night was coming out of the prison.

Seeing the starry night, the ninjas of the wooden leaves sent a cheer, and rushed to the rock ninja.

The crowd of all people reacts to the reaction, but when defense, I always feel that I can't get the strength. After a round of confrontation, I don't know how much famous rocky hidden in the ground.

Even some rocks that have completed the anti-killing have just wanted to say the words of the two talents, but they have been killed or done.

The morale of the rock of the rock has fallen to a freezing point. If you don't have this, although it doesn't have a fifting or surrender, a serious result is absolutely can't escape.

The lava of the crowd knows how he must make some actions, seeing that the rocky compatriots in front of them have been dead, and the lava has made a somewhat cruel decision.

He started the printing directly:

Melting rock river.

Melting Zhuhe Rocky.

With the printing of the lava, the two names are similar but the effect is different.

On the ground, I suddenly emerged a large amount of burning magma, and the horror high temperature even made the temperature of the entire battlefield a few degrees.

After the lava is taking a huge lava ball from the mouth, the lava ball is straight to the night of the night.

With the speed of starry night, it can be easily escaped to avoid this rock ball, but after all, there is a lot of wooden ninja after all. If this time avoids, the bracketing people will have to be .

So the next starry can only use attribute conversions to convert Chakra attributes into water properties, followed by continuous swinging of the lava ball.

The blue swordscent of the paste, smashing the lava ball while quickly letting it cool down, after five or six knives, the lava ball is completely condensed into a black gravel similar to the basalt rock to the ground.

But the starry night is also blocked by the chance to save people in a timely manner.

A large amount of magma is covered, and people can't avoid it. Some strength can use the instant to avoid, but those who have never endured.

They ran on this sudden horror magma. When the luck was talented, they left, and the luck of the luck is not two steps, and the terrible magma is swallowed. It is screaming into coke. .

Those who were originally injured, rock, and they didn't think of it. She was in the end of her boss for the village throwing blood.

The water gates and the month are also in front of the battlefield, but they have two intelligence, the water gates are a look at the movement of the lava and Chakra fluctuating, and they left directly.

The month has not mastered the moment, but she is quite intelligent, looking at the magma spread over, she simply discards the tackle in her hand, making a good tights in the ground become a borrowing point.

When the month, the first second of the magma was spread, and the knife handed the handle and the two front rolls were removed after landing, but not only did not injury, but also fled the magma's attack range.


A lava river is in the middle of the wooden and rocky troops, and the parties are completely separated.

True red, rushing on the other side:

"Shuji, accelerate cooling magma, others stand in place, waiting for magma cooling immediately to start chasing."

When the lava is not coming with the wooden ninja, it shouted:

"Everyone, the front team turned the team quickly retreat, I was to endure the second team to my sideset, if someone dare to chase, let them have no return."

Just as the two sides thought that this battle was the end of the tiger's head, the starry night did active.

The starry and night shouted:

"Late and spirituality."

It is also a glimpse, and then the eyes are bright. He raised his hand quickly and launched a spiritual surgery. Tongling out of .

Wen Tai looked at the current situation and curious: "Late, you call me what is going to do."

At this time, Shi Tai's foot appeared at this time:

"It is what I let you come out, Wen Too, can you use your tongue to throw me?"

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