I’m the Pay Thief at the Winery

Vol 2 Chapter 530: Why was Chat calculated again?

D9 area, canteen.

It was noon, and there were many researchers and security guards who came to eat in the cafeteria. Even though no one of them was making a loud noise, the cafeteria was still full of people. Some people can't even find a seat.

However, even if they could only walk around with their dinner plates, they avoided a corner in unison—there were two code-named members sitting there, and no one dared to approach.

"...Who did you just say was coming?"

"Well... Bourbon." Antoine didn't realize that he was being rhetorical, and replied while eating, "It's the Bourbon from the intelligence team."

Ander Burger pushed his glasses, "Whose order is this?"

"How do I know that." Antoine replied rightly, and concentrated on cooking, "Probably just take a look."

Anderberg lowered his eyes and fell into contemplation.

Toru Amuro doesn't feel very well.

Obviously he was careful enough, but how could he be tricked by Chater again?

Ten minutes passed quickly, and when the surrounding environment returned to light again, Amuro Toru was not surprised to find that only himself and 173, who had been subdued by him, were left in the room.

Oh, and the group of experimental subjects who were held in place and shivered.

He stood up expressionlessly, watching the door of the room opened, and a group of people in security uniforms rushed in immediately, and began to deal with the mess on the scene in an orderly manner.

It was said to be handled, but whether it was the man who was still tied to the bed, or the bottles and jars lying around near the research station, they were all avoided by them.

Amuro Toru stood there, the security guards seemed to ignore his existence directly, and after taking the experimental body away quickly, they filed out from his side one after another.

One of the thin young men cast a pleading look at him, but soon, his vision was blocked by a person.


A female researcher who was slightly shorter than him stood in front of him. Although her clothes were a little messy, she greeted her with a calm expression.

Amuro regained his senses, "Who are you?"

She seems to be one of those researchers who just ran the experiment, except if she remembers correctly, she's just doing some data logging on the fringes.

"Researcher S193." S193 pointed to the nameplate on his chest, "Mr. Chat asked me to take you to his office."

Chat's office doesn't seem to be in this area—yes, according to Chat, this is an area specially built for human experiments. It's very small, but it's at the core of the M7 experimental building.

They replaced two elevators. Obviously, this female researcher knows a lot about the internal structure of the experimental building, at least she can move freely between different areas.

Amuro followed her silently. The complex structure of the M7 laboratory building made it impossible for him to form a specific orientation in his mind, but he was sure of one thing—

Charter's office appears to be on the lowest floor of the entire building.

Tuk Tuk.

"Come in." Chat's voice came from inside, S193 opened the door for Amuro, but stopped outside the door.

"...Have you got it done?" Nan Ling was sitting on the desk without any form, and didn't open his mouth until the door was completely closed.

"It depends on what you're referring to." Toru Amuro sat down on the chair opposite him politely, glanced at the cup on the coffee table, "Did you have a guest just now?"

"It's very difficult for me to complete this farce alone." Nan Ling said slowly, "Of course I have a helper."

"Am I also one of the helpers?" Amuro asked coldly, "Or is it more like your pawn?"

Nan Ling shrugged, "If you want to be my pawn, or my helper... It depends on your attitude."

"I would rather continue to be an 'accomplice' with you."

"The accomplice is still a helper, it's just a name."

"I don't think so." Toru Amuro turned his gaze to the glass cup on the coffee table, his deformed face reflected on the distorted surface.

He paused, then suddenly changed the subject, "What are you going to do with 173?"

"Isn't this to ask what you said to him?" Nan Ling looked at him with a smile.

"Me?" An Shitou raised his eyebrows and pointed at himself, and said rather yin and yang, "173 is under your control, Chat, yours. Whether he can survive or not depends on you of course."

"Since that's the case, why are you asking me?" Nan Ling obviously wasn't ready to answer this question directly, and said with a smile, "I just don't know, if Rum knew that the nail you planted was just an experiment, what would happen to him? reaction."

"He has no choice." Amuro replied calmly, "As the second-in-command of the organization, his every move is too conspicuous, and he can only inquire about M7's information through me. And I..."

He looked up at Nan Ling, who was looking at him with a contented expression.

Toru Amuro smiled bitterly in his heart.

"I obviously don't have a choice either."

The information Chat told him along the way was important, and he didn't doubt the veracity of those words. But I'm afraid the ultimate goal is to let myself contact 173.

This person may be random, or it may have been chosen long ago - but it doesn't matter. Chat had obviously already guessed the purpose of Rum asking himself to inquire about the M7, and he might even know more about it.

It's not enough to turn against him, Chat even chose his target in advance for him.

It's obviously normal to be calm along the way, how could such a place have an accident on the day he came.

Whether it was this attack or the sudden power outage, it was to prevent him from having enough time to think, so he could only choose this target.

"It's really embarrassing, UU reading www.uukanshu.com chart."

"It's because I believe in Bourbon." Nan Ling said happily, "It's not easy to gain the trust of others in ten minutes."


Amuro Toru suddenly sighed.

"I told him I was a police officer—of course, I just lied to him and used it to gain trust." He described his experience just now in a disinterested tone, "I also told him that there are people from me here, and I will put him Keep it. In exchange, he will give me information."

"Very good." Nan Ling clapped his hands, "Since you promised, I won't let him die, and I will find a way to let him reveal information to you later. As for how to deal with Rum..."

"You don't have to worry about it." Although Amuro Toru was smiling, there was no smile in his eyes. "Satisfied?"


"Then..." Amuro Toru stood up and stretched out his hand to Nan Ling, "A happy cooperation?"

At the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although seemingly in a disadvantageous position, Charter only knew Rum. I didn't know I was actually a police officer.

The process was a bit frustrating, but the result was achieved.

"Happy cooperation." Nan Ling held An Shitou's hand and blinked, "My assistant, Mr. [accomplice]."


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