I’m the Pay Thief at the Winery

Chapter 331: How can there be such a coincidence in the world, they clearly have an affair

Before Nan Ling could go to Heiyu Kuaidou to settle the account, Qin Jiu came to the door.

Find the door · Physics.

"It's a rare visitor." Nan Ling still maintained the "seven" dress, looking at Jin Jiu with a half-smile, "How did you find this?"

"Go in and talk."

"Okay okay, please."

Nan Ling stretched his voice and entered the room, took out the same thing as when Amuro Toru was entertained, "Do you like drinking boiled water to soak wolfberry?"

"If someone dares to drink your stuff, he's probably an idiot." Gin didn't even look at the glass of water, and his calm tone abruptly turned a question into a statement, "Bo Ben came to you."

Nan Ling thought that it was a coincidence that An Shitou drank it. Will he be an idiot?

"Is it strange that Bourbon is looking for me?" His tone was still smooth, "We are all members of the organization after all, what's the matter with our feelings?"

"He didn't come to Chat." Gin said firmly, "He came to find your other identity."

Nan Ling shrugged, "Whether it's Qi or Chat, they're all alone."

"Does Bourbon really know this?" Gin's eyes were fixed on him. "I doubt it."

After he asked this sentence, the room suddenly fell silent.

"...Well, he really doesn't know." Nan Ling raised his chin with a playful expression, "Don't you think it's funny?"

"I'm not interested in your personal interests," Gin said coldly. "Why did Bourbon come to you?"

"Why did he come to see a doctor?" Nan Ling said skillfully. "Of course it's because he has some old diseases."

Gin looked in disbelief.

"Really." Nan Ling said righteously, "It's this... the patient's information, I'm not very good at revealing it."

Gin didn't care about that either. "Did he say anything worth noting?"

Nan Ling pondered the meaning of Jinjiu's words, and tapped the handrail with his fingers subconsciously.

"Are you...doubting him?"

"Cimberley." Gin was very happy that Chat was able to follow his train of thought so quickly, and said succinctly, "His appearance is too coincidental."

"I think this is normal." Nan Ling said calmly, "Bourbon has always disliked the FBI, and it is not surprising to pay attention to the FBI. He was able to find out their offensive intentions immediately, and came to support them decisively... ...I don't see anything suspicious."

"Then you'd better explain to me how he knew the location of that base." Gin said coldly, "He didn't come with the FBI."

"You don't think I told him, do you." Nan Ling's smile became a little colder. "Otherwise, please pay attention to your words. I am not your interrogation target."

"I was the only one who knew where Campari was at that time, you, vodka, Kirsch and maraschino." Gin looked at Nan Ling, "What do you think?"

"Have you forgotten someone?" Nan Ling didn't panic at all, "Maraschino is from Rum, and Toru Amuro is from Rum, how can there be such a coincidence in the world, they are clearly having an affair... ...Ah no, Rum sure knows."

"Rum..." Gin fell into contemplation.

"Of course, Rum is the second-in-command of the organization. Who knows what he is thinking." Nan Ling said casually, "The gentleman didn't say anything after that. I think we should not pursue this matter."

After all, Amuro was suspected of helping him. If something happened to him, he probably wouldn't be able to run away. If he could, help him.

...Speaking of which, I really stood by him.

"I see." Gin stood up, his dark green pupils like a pool of stagnant water, "I won't bother about Rum's plans."

Nan Ling almost laughed out loud.

But you obviously don't like him, Qin Jiang.

However, fortunately, he had diverted Gin's attention away from the wave itself.

"How is Kingfisher?" Nan Ling asked, holding his chin, "Is he dead?"

Gin frowned, "He was transferred to the secret department of the public security, where we don't have our eyesight. The execution task for him has been put on hold indefinitely - it was the gentleman's order."

"Sure enough... Mr. doesn't want the organization to expose too much power." Otherwise, you can directly order yourself to carry out the assassination mission.

"Don't speculate on that gentleman's will." Gin gave him a warning look, "We are just executors."

"Of course, of course." Nan Ling waved his hand, "It's good to leave."


Akai Shuichi looked through the two photos taken by his subordinates.

Qi's clinic has been quite lively recently...

In the picture, Toru Amuro's blonde hair and Gin's silver hair are both prominently photographed.

Forget Bourbon and Chart, and now even gin has found Seven. Does he still want to say that he has nothing to do with the organization?

Akai Shuichi has not been in a good mood recently.

First, the kingfisher was gone, and his FBI subordinate was used by the police, and then the news of Campari's death immediately came. It's really a loss for the lady and the soldiers.

Although there is very little known information, Akai Hidey always feels that someone is calculating them.

The first object of his suspicion was the man who sold him the information - White Crow. But with the FBI's little influence in the Japanese underground world, he couldn't find any trace of a low-key organization like the White Crow.

He still doesn't even know what information Campari wants to pass on to them, but he only knows that it is probably related to human experiments and the M7 laboratory building... It's miserable to ask.

It's too bad to ask again.

Seven, he has always been paying attention - after all, this person knows Chart and Bourbon, and now it seems that there is gin.

Bourbon's identity will not be mentioned for the time being. Chat's ambiguous position saves Mingmei. Only gin is completely black. Seven's position also became blurred.

Qi doesn't seem to like seeing the FBI very much either...

- No, in fact, I just don't want to see him alone.


Akai Hideichi thought of the information sent by another undercover agent in the organization some time ago—Chart once appeared in the M7 laboratory building.

This should have been a breakthrough~www.readwn.com~ but Chart's whereabouts are not as easy to find as Gin. Even if Shuichi Akai wanted to get in touch with him, he couldn't find anyone.

——Yes, mainly because Nan Ling is too salty.

The only breakthrough is seven.

But now it seems that the relationship between Seven and Gin is also very close. This made him not dare to rush to find Seven.

In case one's intentions are exposed to gin...

That's not a good opponent.

Akai Hidey knows quite a lot about gin, and therefore knows how dangerous gin will be on the basis of having an intelligence advantage.

After knowing that Qihe Baiya had mastered his whereabouts, he decisively transferred everyone. The only advantage he has now is hiding in the dark.

Originally, I wanted to contact Qi and test his attitude, but...

Definitely put it on hold.

Be cautious.

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