I’m The King

Chapter 1085: :East becomes West (78)

Gu Li stuck to the ground and climbed a distance forward. Through the dense green gauze tent, she looked at the station of Zhao Jun less than ten meters in front of her. This is a Zhao Jun from Dafang County, Dai County. The army, with a number of about three thousand people, according to Zhang Ping's deployment, they marched extremely slowly during the day, and they carried a large number of heavy weapons against the cavalry, like a snail, slowly advancing along the line drawn by Zhang Ping. In fact, the garrisons in more than a dozen counties under Nanzhang are all adopting the same policy. They are like a big net, and each county is the knot of this big net, with Nanzhang as the center, a little bit inward. Tighten up, and Zhang Ping himself took four thousand cavalrymen, wandering around in this net, hoping to catch Guli's Huns cavalry.

This style of play really makes Gu Li a bit headache. Once these Zhao Jun encounters her cavalry, they will either form a prison, relying on a large number of long-range weapons to contend with the cavalry, or rely on the terrain to deal with Gu Li, let Gu Li Going back in vain. Gu Li is surrounded by enemy forces, so naturally he is not willing to entangle his opponent more. If he misses a hit, he will immediately follow far away from the gap in the big net opened by the opponent. Get out, and then look for a fighter, otherwise, after the opponent is accurately positioned, it will be a big trouble for her.

Gu Li is determined to eat the largest of them, and the most cunning of the guards. This general Zhao Jun never camps in the wild, but chooses larger villages. The villages are scattered and disorderly houses, high and low. The low courtyard wall and even the dogs in the house guarding the house in Zhuangzi can help him withstand the attack of the Gulistan cavalry. Gulistan has been watching him for several days, but he has not found any flaws.

The night was dark, and Zhuangzi seemed very quiet. There were dying lanterns hanging on the outer houses, and many bonfires were lit outside the village. At Guli's location, I saw three in less than half an hour. The patrol team passed by. And on the walls of houses, and on some courtyard walls, huge openings were opened, and the cold light of crossbow arrows of heavy weapons such as bed crossbows flashed from inside, and the village would often sound of dog barking. , That was because the patrol team passed by and alarmed them.

The defense can't be described as lax.

Guli's mouth slightly raised some contemptuous smiles. All these arrangements were aimed at her cavalry, but who said that the Huns can only fight on horseback? Can't fight anymore? No matter how concealed the attack of thousands of cavalry is, it is impossible to completely hide from the opponent, but what if it is the Huns who have dismounted?

Gulistan did not wear a mask at this time, which made her see from a different perspective, half a devil and half an angel. She patiently waited for the moment when the full moon in the sky disappeared.

Before dawn, Yue'er will disappear, and that period is also the darkest time, and it is also the time when a person is the most tired.There is nothing wrong in the night, and seeing the dawn, no matter who it is, there is a great possibility that it will relax.

As time passed bit by bit, the frequency of patrols became more and more sparse, and the secret posts that popped up on the roof from time to time disappeared from the sight of the Han army observation post. Gu Li knew that the opportunity had arrived.

Taking out the mask from her arms and putting it on her face, Gu Li backhand pulled out the scimitar inserted in her waist, and gently hooked her other hand.

The two generals touched them silently, half kneeling in front of Gulistan.

Guli sat cross-legged on the ground and looked at the two of them: "Mount Mori, you bring the selected archers, and immediately occupy the heights of the roof and other places for me, and suppress them with bows and arrows. Mori Creek, you bring elite swordsmen, Go straight to the best house in the center of the village. These Zhao Jun generals are usually pampered and accustomed to them. If they choose a place to live, their master will definitely live in the best house and be able to kill him most. Well, if he can't be killed, he will have no time to organize the troops to launch an effective counterattack."

"Understood!" The two nodded together.

"Action!" Gu Li got up, kicked her feet on the ground, like a leopard, leaping forward from the dense green gauze tent.

"Strike!" Mori Mountain and Mori Brook each led a team of men and horses and ran forward.

Guli was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, he had already crossed the distance of ten feet from the stone wall outside the village, leaped forward, stepped on the wall with deerskin boots, and jumped up a few steps behind him. The two guards caught up in time, and the two reached out and put on Gulistan's feet. Gulistan had already crossed the stone wall, and the two guards did not hesitate. One person crossed his hands while the other stepped on it. His hand also climbed up the stone wall.

When Gu Li leaped down the stone wall, she was shocked to find that behind the stone wall, there were a dozen soldiers lying horizontally, standing upright, leaning on a spear, and leaning on a crossbow.

The sound of Guli landing and the timely barking of the dogs in the village caused these dozen Zhao soldiers to be awakened. One of the Zhao soldiers who was facing Guli opened their eyes. The extremely devil's face, in a moment, the whole person froze, his mouth opened wide, and he wanted to shout, but he couldn't make any sound. Gu Li flashed her body, and the scimitar was lightly attached to her elbow. With a wave, the blood splashed, and Zhao Bing, whose throat was cut off, fell to the ground. The splash of blood also awakened the other Zhao Bings, pulled their souls back into their bodies, and uttered a shout. Flee on both sides.

Gu Li made a weird scream, her voice was stern, and the scimitar was swung again and again, and it was cutting several people.At this time, more and more Han troops came over the stone wall.

The screams sounded continuously, and some of the Zhao soldiers who were chased by Gu Li ran away while making miserable grotesque noises, "There are ghosts, there are ghosts!"

Morishan was half kneeling on the ridge of the roof with three arrows on the bow in his hand. Qin Jun killed, but after all, the lean camel was bigger than the horse. Zhao Jun, who was suddenly attacked in front, was panicked, but Zhao Jun at the back of the village reacted very keenly. Teams of Zhao Jun came out of the houses. , He didn't remove his armor. Obviously, this was the request of the general. To say that the chaos in front of the Zhao army, a large part of it is due to Guli's hideous mask. Who can suddenly be in the dark night Seeing such a face, it is true if it is not scared.

Mori Creek was obviously in trouble. Zhao Jun, who came from everywhere, was gathering at the location of their leader for the first time. In a very short period of time, the best house was already crowded with densely packed Zhao Jun. , And their main general was standing on the steps in front of the door, speaking loudly to those men.

The five hundred swordsmen led by Morixi were the most powerful soldiers among their cavalry, but it was clear that they had only scimitars in their hands and lacked long weapons, and the more they moved forward, the more difficult they were. Obviously he has seen this, and he is constantly deploying manpower. He is not beating the Mori Creek, which is approaching him step by step, but deploying troops outside the village. He wants to surround himself as a group. Suddenly I found the other party's intentions.

In this attack, they brought together only a thousand people, and other cavalry were used to attract other Zhao Jun.If Zhao Jun is completely trapped in the village, I am afraid that there will be big trouble.

This member Zhao Jiang is really a big trouble. If you don't get rid of him, I'm afraid that his group will be in danger. Mori Mountain looked at Gu Li, who was approaching the Mori Creek not far away. Obviously, Gu Li also found out. With this problem, he has given up his plan to attract the attention of other Zhao Jun from the periphery, and switched to a strong attack. This Zhao general's response is simply top-notch. He clearly judged that the attacking Han army was inevitable at the first time. Not too much.

He must be killed. Morishan made a few gestures to the archers behind him, asking them to assist Mori Creek, but he himself was hidden behind the roof, little by little, slowly towards the opponent's place. A piece of house crawled past.

The arrow rain from above the roof suddenly confuses Zhao Jun's team. Gu Li took advantage of the situation and rushed in and merged with Mori Creek. "Hurry up, go forward, go forward!" Gu Li yelled, Fire Light Next, her hideous mask caused Zhao Jun in front of him to stir again.

But soon, a team of Zhao Jun archers also climbed to the roof and shot against the Han archers on the roof.Although their quasi-heads were far inferior to each other, they were reduced a lot in a short while, but they fell a lot. A lot of people climbed up, and the two sides shot at each other, and the Han army's support for the following was greatly reduced.

Mount Mori no longer looked at the battle group below, concentrated all his attention, lay on the roof, twisting like a snake and crawling towards the roof. Fortunately, the fierce battle below and the roof arrows The shooting at each other like migratory locusts made him, a single soldier who had separated from the large army, completely ignored anyone's attention.

Morishan lay there, and visually inspected the distance between himself and the member Zhao General below. It was about 70 or 80 steps. This distance was not too far for him, but he knew that he only attacked once. Opportunity, once a blow fails, there will be no chance again. At that time, my group is afraid that they will run for their lives.

Obviously, Gu Li was also working on this idea. She missed a hit and immediately flees. It has always been her creed. Today, she underestimated the reaction ability of this member Zhao General. Since she can't succeed, of course she has to run away. Up.

Guli just started to retreat, the member Zhao Jiang immediately caught the other party's meaning, stood on the steps in front of the house, stared fiercely at the hideous mask in the distance, and shouted: "Who can catch Staying in this ghost-faced man, rewarding silver million liang, this ghost-faced man is a general of the Han army, and belongs to the Xiongnu cavalry division...Ah!" The screaming scream cut off his words, and an armor-piercing arrow penetrated through his chest , Covered his chest with his hands, his eyes looked at the opposite roof, where a figure was slowly standing up, and the sharp arrow with the cold light in his hand was constantly expanding in front of his eyes, with a squeak, this time, right. Shot directly on his face. (to be continued)

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