I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 66 The first teaching session (please invest in monthly tickets)

"Today, the spell we are going to learn is the Crushing Curse." Louis returned to his original accent. He really couldn't stand Snape's tone.

It's greasy and sluggish, and it's too taxing on your throat.

"Everyone, read it with me." Louis was like the English teacher in his previous life: "Reducto."

"Reducto." The students repeated.

Louis suddenly had the feeling that he was in an elementary school English class - the students in front of him were of the same grade as the students who had just taken the English class, but their skin color was different.

However, he also noticed a hiccup.

"Mr. Finnigan." He called the name of the explosives genius: "Please repeat the spell."

The pronunciation of "Redu'o" is obviously problematic, with a thick cockney handlebar accent.

He swallowed one more k sound than the handlebar stylers.

"Perhaps your accent really needs to be corrected. You must know that in the early days of learning to cast spells, the accent can be said to be a thousand miles away." Louis said with some regret: "I seem to know why you always use magic spells. It’s because of the Explosive Curse——”

"Come on, read it with me again, reducto." Louis tried to guide the demolition genius on the right track.

"Reduc'o." This time the sound of k was present.

"Okay, not bad, very good progress, Mr. Finnigan." Louis took the trouble to correct: "You need to pay attention to the mouth shape and method of pronunciation. The two plosives must be pronounced, reducto."

"Reducto." Although it still sounded a bit awkward, Seamus had successfully spit out the unvoiced consonants he had eaten.

"Very good, very good, Mr. Finnigan." Louis clapped his hands and praised: "Just keep it like this, okay, you can practice a few more times in your seat - now, the most exciting part of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is about to come. "

At this time, the expectations of the students were raised by Louis, especially Harry and Ron, who leaned back so hard that they almost touched the people behind them.

What surprised him was that Draco, who had always been relatively calm, actually looked at him with eyes full of expectation.

Louis clapped his hands, and Tom and Jerry walked in carrying a strange and quaint floor-length mirror.

"Mirror of Erised! It's the Mirror of Erised!" Harry shouted when he saw it: "No wonder I can't find him, it turns out you took it away..."

Louis waved his magic wand as elegantly as a music conductor: "Okay, now, what you are going to face is the monster from the abyss——"

The students gasped.

As for the abyss, who has heard of such a thing?

"Professor, what is the abyss?" Hermione truly lived up to her Chinese name. She was smart and eager to learn.

"You can understand it as hell or purgatory." Louis shrugged: "I don't want to mention that kind of place too much... Well, since you were the first to ask the question, Miss Granger, then... Let you be the first to undergo the trial!"

It's somewhat of a personal grudge.

This is the price of talking too much.

"Everyone, come over and line up, with Miss Granger as the leader, yes, yes, yes." Under Louis' command, the students in the class formed a long queue.

Louis walked up to Hermione, raised his head and looked at the Mirror of Erised: "Have you remembered the spell, Miss Granger?"

"Remember...remember." Hermione swallowed. She felt a little guilty - after all, they hadn't been beaten by Lockhart yet. How could the students know what the teaching assistant would do?

"3...2...1..." Louis waved his wand and drew it towards the magic mirror.

Then, he stretched out his hands and elegantly blocked his ears under the puzzled eyes of his classmates.

A strange thing happened. Ripples like water appeared on the surface of the magic mirror. Gradually, a skinny arm stretched out and grabbed the frame. Then, the withered and ferocious head of the owner of the arm also peeked out of the Mirror of Erised. out.

"Ah——" Hermione let out a high-pitched scream, almost, almost as good as Vitas.

What emerged from the magic mirror was a living corpse from the high walls of Lothric.

Just from the name, you can tell that living zombies, how can they look good... They are completely ferocious humans transformed into zombies, but compared to zombies, their bodies are too skinny and skinny.

"Okay, okay, our Miss Granger, I think you may be more suitable to participate in the soprano selection competition. Maybe you should not be in Hogwarts, but should go to the Opera Academy for further study?" Louise is neither yin nor yang. He said: "If you can pay attention, this living corpse is already coming out."

Hermione's face turned red, and her subconscious reaction was to run. It's not her fault. For a thirteen-year-old little witch, this situation is indeed a bit scary.

Hermione's birthday is in September, so she is one year later than Harry and the others, that is, she enters school at the age of twelve, and she happens to be thirteen in the second semester of first grade. The same goes for Catherine. She is the same generation as Gemini, but she is 14 years old.

Think about it, how would you react when you encountered this kind of monster when you were in the first grade of junior high school?

"It's so urgent, it's about to come out." Louis continued to remind Hermione in a nonchalant manner.

Hermione raised her little hand holding the wand tremblingly, and asked stammeringly: "Professor, he, he, he..."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything." Louis reached out and patted Hermione's shoulder gently.

The encouraged Hermione felt inexplicably relieved as if she had taken a reassurance. She took a deep breath, waited for the living corpse to stand firm, raised her wand, and shouted in a deep voice: "Reducto!"

The magic spell burst out from the tip of the staff and hit the living corpse. The living corpse could not withstand the power of the spell and broke into pieces of ashes and flew into the magic mirror.

In order not to cause any psychological shadow to the little wizards, the Lothrik living corpse modified by Louis is also very environmentally friendly.

The little wizards of Gryffindor burst into cheers. Even though Hermione was a bit unpopular at ordinary times, now she had set a good example for everyone and made a good start.

"Professor, won't you give us extra points?" Ron asked stupidly: "Look at how outstanding our Hermione is, just give us one extra point."

Louis chuckled: "I don't have the power to add points, but I can deduct points for you. How about it, Mr. Weasley, do you want to have a taste of being deducted?"

"Uh, still not." Ron replied nonchalantly, causing a burst of good-natured laughter.

A paper crane floated past his eyes.

flew into Harry's hand.

Harry followed the direction the paper crane came from and saw Draco winking at him.

He opened the paper crane, and on it was a magic painting, in GIF format, with a little man wearing glasses, and it was him at first glance; there was also a Lothric living corpse, kissing the little man with a frightened face.

Harry choked up at that moment. He looked at Draco with an angry look on his face, still thinking about what to say and go back.

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