I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 59 Secrets (Part 1) Qiuzhui Reading and Investment

"Okay." Professor McGonagall was still willing to believe the two students in front of her, mainly because they had no bad deeds.

If it were the Weasley twins, Professor McGonagall wouldn't believe them no matter what they said.

Just like when a good student makes a mistake occasionally in school, the teacher will gently expose it; if it is a dishonest student, then... nothing may happen.

For example, in high school in my previous life, it was clear that both Louis and his deskmate had made mistakes. When the teacher asked the two of them to go out, he just patted him lightly on the shoulder. When it was his turn, the teacher seemed to have opened the door. It was like a violent attack, with electric cannons, flying kicks and fists, and endless mouths.

It makes him look stupid.

What kind of Pandaren monk is he? He is extremely skilled in using Furious Thunder Breaker.

Of course, Professor McGonagall can at best hit people with the Invincible Cat Punch, and he probably won't be able to use Furious Thunder Break like Laoban.

"I hope this kind of thing will never happen again." Professor McGonagall warned sternly: "Hogwarts does not prohibit puppy love, but certain excessive behaviors are not allowed."

"Okay professor, I understand, professor." Louis lowered his head and had a very good attitude towards admitting his mistake. He also tugged on the corner of Catherine's clothes and asked her to admit her mistake with him.

In fact, the sorting of gifts could be left to Tom and Jerry, but Louis didn't want to miss the opportunity to be alone with his senior sister, so he sent the two of them to the auditorium to have some food.

By the way, Lewis didn't mind that Banban was being teased by them.

He also gave Tom a death order. It's okay to play around, but don't let Scabbers escape.

Tom's strength is worthy of reassurance. Countless facts have proved that as long as he wants to catch Jerry, Jerry will not be able to escape.

The reason why he kept Jerry was because he was afraid that after Jerry was gone, he would be kicked out by his owner because he was no longer useful.

Lao Li has become a couple.

Coupled with Jerry's assistance, it is strange that Scabbers can escape.

"Okay." After the misunderstanding was resolved, Professor McGonagall's anger also subsided. She looked at Louis with a smile on her face: "Mr. Mountbatten, I received your Christmas gift, and I have to say, I like it very much."

They have similar interests, one has countless interesting ideas, the other is known for being strict, and Professor McGonagall is very pleased with Louis.

Why did such a good kid go to Slytherin? Professor McGonagall became angrier as she thought about it.

Alas, Hogwarts is really falling further and further behind in international school rankings. Professor McGonagall is always worried about this, especially when it comes to the students' goofy attitude, which is simply infuriating.

How can we achieve good results by teaching these bugs?

Fortunately, fortunately, the owl made a owl sound and sent Mr. Mountbatten to Hogwarts.

"As long as you like it, it's actually just a very small contribution, not worth mentioning." Louis said humbly: "If you like it, Professor, I still have a lot of good ideas."

"Really?" Professor McGonagall's eyes lit up.

"Of course, but considering the current situation of the students in the school, I think it should be done step by step to avoid over-stressed students from suddenly developing a rebellious mentality." Louis suggested.

"Well, what you said makes sense." Professor McGonagall nodded and pondered for a long time: "Okay, Mr. Mountbatten, we will talk again when we have the opportunity. Now you should go to the principal's office. Principal Dumbledore should be waiting impatiently."

"Good professor."

"The password is 'cockroach pile', well, I really don't know why Professor Dumbledore likes this thing..." Professor McGonagall's face was full of disgust.

As soon as Louis entered the principal's office, he heard Phineas shouting excitedly: "Ha! The genius of Slytherin is here!"

"Hello, Principal Black." Louis bowed and greeted with a straight smile.

"Hello, young man, I would rather you call me Phineas..." Before Phineas could finish speaking, he was once again tied to the chair by Principal Delis and others.

And gagged his mouth with a rag.

Louis took a deep breath.

——You think you are Onyxia?

Women are not to be messed with... He stood there, lowered his head, and observed half a second of silence for Phineas.

"Louis." Principal Dumbledore pulled his head up from the desk, with the marks on his face still showing the wrinkles in his clothes: "Haha... the old man is a little sleepy. I hope you won't be angry."

"How could it be, Principal?"

"Sit down." Principal Dumbledore turned over his hands and pulled a chair for him.

"Thank you." Lewis was not polite and sat down on the chair.

"Lemon juice?"

"Low sugar, thank you."

"You are always so self-disciplined, just like your mother." Principal Dumbledore chuckled and made a glass of lemon juice for Louis.

"I like your gift very much." Regret and reminiscence flashed in his eyes: "I liked your mother very much when she was in Hogwarts. She was the most outstanding student in the history of Slytherin... "

"Shouldn't the most outstanding one be Voldemort?" Louis is now the subway, the old man, and the mobile phone.

Blow, just blow.

"No, no, no." Dumbledore shook his hand: "Voldemort is not as good as your mother..."

"Just brag." Louis obviously didn't believe it: "If my mother was really as powerful as you said, could she have died young? ... The murderer was also Voldemort, right?"

Why do you want to use it?

"No, the world was facing a greater threat at that time." Dumbledore saw that Lewis's lemon juice was empty and refilled him with another glass: "Didn't your grandfather tell you?"

"My grandpa..." Louis choked: "My grandpa never mentioned anything about the magical world to me."

"It seems that he doesn't want you to get hurt... You know, I also picked a time when he was not around and asked Professor McGonagall to sneak over." Dumbledore blinked: "If he was at home, I'm afraid he wouldn't do it at all. I will promise you to come to Hogwarts."

"Why?" Louis asked puzzled.

Dumbledore peeled off a piece of candy and put it in his mouth. After a while, he replied: "Your grandfather has already lost his son. Do you think he still wants to lose his only grandson?"

"But...since he sent that record to you, it means...he hopes you can leave his shelter now. A young bird is used to living under the protection of the wings of its elders and will never become an eagle."

"But I'm not Ravenclaw." Lewis choked Dumbledore with one sentence: "I am Slytherin. Logically speaking, I should be a snake."

Dumbledore looked at him, speechless for a moment.

This kid... is just as annoying as his mother...

He looked at Louis and couldn't help but think of the past.

I think back then, Emma was also sitting in Louis' seat, teasing herself every time, and often making fun of Gellert.

To be honest, when he heard that record, he was not as angry as Louis thought, but felt blocked in his heart.

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