I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 35 If you can’t beat him, just shake him down

Time flies and Halloween is coming soon. Professor Snape finally showed his fangs - announcing the monthly exams in the sixth grade Potions class.

The seventh grade students were quite busy, so I didn’t take them to play. Besides, they are already set, so there is no need to mess with their mentality.

As soon as the news came out, the whole school except Slytherin House was in an uproar.

They did not expect that Snape, as a professor and dean, would come, lie, come, and suck these underage wizards.

Is this good? This is not good. The young wizards really wanted to persuade Professor Snape to get mouse tail juice and reflect on it. However, because they were too afraid of the venom spit by Professor Snape, no one raised any objections except Hufflepuff's Snape. Dean Lauter complained that even Professor McGonagall was very supportive of Professor Snape's monthly exam plan.

When he "accidentally" overheard Louis discussing Slytherin's self-study plan with Catherine in the corridor, Professor McGonagall pretended to look around at the scenery, but her ears were perked up. That night, she strongly promoted the plan with Gryffindor. Slytherin had the exact same plan.

Anyway, she was free and didn't want to go back to that sad little hut in Hogsmeade. She had plenty of time to torment the little lions of Gryffindor.

Ron was extremely troubled. He and Harry complained to Louis more than once, trying to make the instigator eat three pounds of slugs.

Lewis resisted the urge to deal with them both, and kept thinking silently in his heart: I will take you to fight.

With the help of Catherine, Louis' magic has also improved by leaps and bounds. Most of the spell levels have exceeded level five, and the armor protection has made the greatest progress, reaching level eight.

But he still couldn't defeat Catherine without risking his life.

But the senior sister was so kind to him, and there seemed to be no need to risk her life.

His relationship with Catherine is also growing day by day.

Flying lessons... In order to avoid exposing his weakness of knowing nothing about flying, he chose to skip the lessons.

As a result, Professor Dumbledore caught him red-handed and asked him to eat several small cockroaches piled up.

After a cordial exchange, Dumbledore finally agreed to Louis' request not to take flying lessons. Who knows that he is a good talker?

He sat in the principal's office, patted the 30 million pound check in his pocket, and lamented that it was too easy to get the food expenses for Hogwarts for decades.

As for Professor Quirrell, Voldemort seemed to be interested in training him and taught him a lot of dark magic. He even mysteriously taught him the Imperius Curse yesterday.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, he understood this truth. Voldemort seemed to be boiling a frog in warm water, trying to lure himself into the abyss of depravity bit by bit.

Should he say it or not, he also needed to be grateful to Voldemort - after all, many magics could not even be found in the Forbidden Zone, especially the Imperius Curse.

This is one of the three unforgivable curses along with the Cruciatus Curse and the Death Curse.

"So, is this the reason why you reported Professor Quirrell?" Principal Dumbledore shrugged.

Louis looked upright and nodded firmly: "Yes, professor, he actually taught students the Unforgivable Curse. This behavior is simply... simply..."

Dumbledore said nothing, just sat there, watching Louis' performance calmly.

I just watched you show off quietly and never bothered you.

"It's absolutely heartbreaking." He saw that Louis was looking at him expectantly, and the person who said what he said was worthy of being a principal.

"Yes, it's crazy." Louis agreed with the principal's statement: "I always feel that Professor Quirrell has evil intentions towards me, as if he wants to deliberately lure me astray."

"This is a very serious accusation, Louis." Dumbledore sat upright and gave Louis a glass of sugar-free lemonade: "I really don't understand that you have lost your happiness at such a young age. Oh, I really can't accept this in life. There’s no sugar present.”

"That's why people call you Old Bee in private." Louis rolled his eyes and complained.

"It's a cute title, isn't it?" Dumbledore smiled mischievously and took out a glass of lemonade: "Since you don't want sugar, I added your share to mine... Well, alas, It is too sweet."

His white beard trembled, and he dug out another pile of cockroaches from the drawer, pulled a cockroach from the pile and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Sometimes, I think you are more like a white-fronted tall spider." Louis tried not to make a disgusted expression: "In places with low latitudes, there is such a kind of spider, which is very big and very shy. But they like to eat cockroaches."

For a moment, Louis forgot how to say it in English. What he said was the Latin name of the white-fronted tall-footed spider.

"But the title of Old White-fronted Tall Spider... Well, it's a bit too convoluted." Dumbledore didn't mind that the students were giving him nicknames, but instead discussed it with him in a serious manner.

"Well, Professor, let's not change the subject - you actually know that Professor Quirrell is suspicious, right?" Louis tried to cut into Lao Deng's middle.

Dumbledore continued to eat the pile of cockroaches without comment.

Louis took out a card from his arms, and in order not to cause any bad influence - after all, there were so many portraits in the principal's office - he wrote on the card: "Then you let Voldemort enter Hogwarts. Aren't you afraid that he will really jump over the wall in a hurry?"

Dumbledore took the card and glanced at the contents. He raised his head and saw two rays of light flashing behind his half-moon glasses, as if he wanted to see through Louis's heart.

Soon, he returned to a kind and kind old naughty expression: "I have to admit that your sense of smell is very keen... When did you discover it?"

"At the sorting ceremony, Professor." Louis lied. In fact, he knew about it N years ago.

But that didn't stop him from continuing to lie without a red face and a heartbeat: "Harry said that when he stared at Professor Snape, the scar hurt...but the love-hate relationship between Professor Snape and the elders in his family...how could that be possible? Will you continue to get involved with Voldemort?"

"I thought carefully about it. The person sitting next to Professor Snape at that time was Professor Quirrell. His back was turned to Potter. Therefore, I suspected that Voldemort was not completely dead, and was probably parasitic on Quirrell. On the professor's body, otherwise Harry's scar wouldn't hurt."

As he spoke, he took Jerry, who had been struggling for a long time, out of his pocket and placed it on the table.

"Excellent judgment, Louis." Dumbledore took out a cockroach candy and handed it to Jerry.

Jerry sniffed it with a look of disgust on his face, but he smelled something sweet. He turned a blind eye and looked at the old man in front of him. After looking for a long time, he didn't find any evil intentions in him. So he opened his mouth as wide as possible, swallowed the struggling cockroach in his mouth, and chewed it. He burped a few times and swallowed it in his stomach.

The swallowed food went down his throat in an unscientific and magical way and landed in his stomach. It hit the table with his stomach and bounced back to its original shape.

"As for Voldemort..." Dumbledore thought for a while, and finally turned into a sigh: "Forget it, now you are considered one of ours, and there is no need to hide it from you... My original intention is to let him Give Harry some experience and hope he can grow up after experiencing this."

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