I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 33 Are you worthy of being called the Dark Lord? (Please follow up on investment votes)

While the other three houses were busy celebrating the weekend, only Slytherin was sighing.

For no other reason than that, Snape even requested that study time should be normal from 3 to 4 pm and 7 to 9 pm.

Louis smacked his lips, thinking that this is unbearable? I think back then I started tutoring all day every weekend...

The weekend passed quite leisurely, and it was not boring to have Catherine with him. He could discuss any doubts about potions with her.

Tom and Jerry were very knowledgeable and did not make light bulbs to displease Catherine. Instead, they would play wizard chess with a cat and a mouse, and play tricks on Ron when he was not prepared. Well, I will definitely be angry.

He was always curious about why Banban often looked very tired and weak.

Every time Draco wanted to get closer, he was scared away by the dangerous look in his senior sister's eyes. Poor Draco, he's almost suffering from the sequelae.

Happy times are always short-lived. On Sunday night, Louis carried Jerry in his pocket and headed to Professor Quirrell's office with some trepidation.

At the door, I happened to see Patrick who had just walked out of Quirrell's office. Patrick also saw Lewis, and his expression panicked involuntarily.

"Hey, isn't this Senior Black?" Lewis said with some disdain, "We haven't seen each other for a few days, why are you acting like this?"

"This...this is Professor Quirrell's office, you...don't mess around!" Patrick stammered, as if he was infected by Professor Quirrell's stammer.

Is it possible that this stutter can be passed from person to person like the royal flounder?

"I seem to have reminded you, dear senior." Louis took out his wand and said gently: "I hope you won't run into me when you walk in the future, otherwise you will have to trouble Madam Pomfrey to pick up your legs."

"Well, since there are no outsiders here, I might be able to give you a choice. Do you do it yourself? Or do you let me do it?"

"A friendly reminder, if I were asked to come, I might not be so... friendly."

Patrick gritted his teeth and took out his wand: "Expelliarmus!"

He also wanted to make a sneak attack.

Being weakened by the magic curse, he was no match for Louis. The magic curse was picked up by Louis with a backhand, followed closely by a shot that shattered his body and hit him on the knee.

Patrick let out a scream, which attracted several onlookers. Louis saw a Slytherin among them and waved: "Senior over there, yes, that's you, the senior of Slytherin. Please send this senior Black to the hospital wing. Well, he is really careless. Well, even walking can break your legs."

How can a senior dare to say no? Ask a friend to lift Patrick up and run with his legs like a windmill.

Sighing regretfully, Louis knocked on the door of Professor Quirrell's office.

"Come in." Professor Quirrell heard Louis knocking on the door.

Louis walked into Professor Quirrell's office. Just as he imagined, the whole office was gloomy and dark. There were two giant lizards crawling on the green walls. Those who didn't know it thought he was teaching dark magic.

I really don’t know why Professor Quirrell, a Ravenclaw, is in love with green. Could it be because his love has gone wrong before?

It could also be Voldemort's hobby.

The moment he entered the office, he felt that he was stared at by a cold breath. It felt as if an invisible cold giant hand was holding his heart, suffocating.

"No... I have to admit, Mr. Mountbatten, you are really... special." Professor Quirrell stammered: "I heard about Boo... Black. I never expected that a pure-blooded person would ...He would actually become like this despite his background.”

"Isn't he a mixed race?" Louis asked doubtfully.

"Oh, yes... yes, I remembered it wrong." Professor Quirrell said with a slight smile: "I always thought that the Black family would be loyal supporters of pure blood, but I didn't expect that they would actually let a mixed-blood adoptee into the family."

He stopped stuttering again.

"In this regard, pure-blood families always have a flexible moral bottom line." Louis chuckled.

Quirrell smiled, very happily: "You are right, Mr. Mountbatten, pure-blood families are indeed like this."

Louis always found it strange that Professor Quirrell, or Voldemort, seemed to deliberately act like he didn't know Patrick.

"Professor, are you familiar with Patrick? I see he came out of your office just now." Louis planned to test Quirrell's reaction.

"Ah, it's not... we're familiar with each other." Professor Quirrell paused, and a trace of uneasiness flashed in his eyes: "Classmate Black just came to ask me about sucking... vampires."

You're crazy...why are you stuttering again...

"That's right." Louis said suddenly: "I asked why he came to the professor... Then professor, did you ask me to come here just to complain about the pure-blood family?"

Having said this, he took the opportunity to use the Eye of Discrimination on Quirrell's turban.

Tom Riddle (golden dragon logo)

grade? ? ? wizard

Talents: Charms (13), Potions (8), Transfiguration (11), Dark Arts (15), Defense Against the Dark Arts (11), Flying (10), Herbology (3).

Already learned spells: Avada Kedavra (level 10), Cruel Crusher (level 10), Out of Body (level 10), Expelliarmus (level 9),? ? ? ,? ? ?

Sure enough, he was an extraordinary talent. When Louis looked at his black magic talent, a strange thought came to his mind.

[Are you, with your talent for black magic, worthy of calling yourself the Dark Lord in front of me? 】

Voldemort just didn't know, otherwise he would have roared angrily: "I, Voldemort, can't hold the knife anymore, or you are too lazy."

However, this time, there is also a line of small words explaining it under the Eye of Discernment.

"Talent 10 is the upper limit for ordinary people. If your talent in a certain area cannot exceed 10, you are destined to not achieve outstanding achievements in this area."

Hermione: No cue.

"Of course." Quirrell...or Professor Voldemort didn't know about Louis' psychological activities: "I have to say, Mr. Mountbatten, most young wizards at your age have difficulty even completing a complete spell. Release, let alone advanced magic spells such as silent spellcasting and armor protection. What surprises me is that you, with such talent and strength, are also working hard to practice magic spells every day. This is what impresses me the most."

"Throughout the past and present, and across the UK and abroad, people who have been able to achieve great things from ancient times to the present not only have talents that surpass ordinary people, but also must have perseverance. This sentence has always been my motto .”

Louis' Chicken Soup for the Soul is as easy to drink as drinking water.

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