Then I'm close to Lotus View, I kept insignificant about the appeal.

However, these days, I have often seen where Lotus and Heroin go in together. Is this the power of comics too... and I sneak one sigh.

The look on Lotus's face when she was with Heroine was very soft, and dealing with other girls was clearly a different attitude.

If it's true, you can ask me if I'm Gatsun, but I don't have that kind of courage. 'Cause what the hell am I supposed to do if they say, "I want you to break up because I like her so much"?

I'm engaged, but I'm not married yet. It's not impossible to dissolve the engagement.

"You don't float face, Rinhua?

Misaki-san looks worried and peeks into my face.

I shouldn't, stretching my spine. Misaki-san and I are here for sweets now. What a face I have with Misaki-san because of this...! I'm sorry, and I apologize to Misaki.

"I don't need to apologize... but something troubling you?

"... Yep. That's not a big deal."

"I don't look like a very big deal... but I'd like you to talk to me if you'd like. I might be able to help..."

"... thanks"

Misaki's care is delightful and makes me smile naturally.

I got a little worried. Even, I decided to tell Misaki-san.


After listening to me, Misaki nodded like she was convinced she would do "Oh, that's the thing..."

"Though I don't think Rinhua has anything to worry about... right. Play favor, too. Rinhua properly... but then..."

Misaki-san smiled after squeaking something with bumps and whispers.

"Rinhua, will you leave it to me?


"I'll talk to Yasuyu well. So, huh?

Misaki-san softly slaps me in the ear.

I blushed in Misaki-san's words and said, "Yes!?" I shouted unexpectedly.

Misaki-san looked at me like that with a prank smile.

Su repeated his deep breath.

Then take out the mirror and check your familiarity.

Hair, makeup, outfit!

After making the confirmation, just take another deep breath and press the intercom.

Hearing Lotus View's voice "Come in because it's open" over the intercom, I walk slowly to Lotus View's room. And when I walked into the room, Lotus Mei welcomed me.

This sight, which I'm totally used to, only looks different today.

I'm probably going to be told about Heroin from Lotus View.

If they say goodbye.

I can't help but be horrible when I think about it that way. So I practice what Misaki-san tells me.

"... Rinhua?

Lotus glances at me as I sit through the room.

I sometimes say, "What is it? ♪ And make me laugh. ♪

Plus Lotus looks a little confused and says "... I knew it was nothing".

"I have something to tell you today."

"... Yes"

I'm talking about you, heroine. I don't like it, I don't want to be dumped.

Heroin, I'll go in with you. See how Lotus sees you, I get it. I'm sure Lotus is fond of heroines. I don't know what kind of thing that is, but I'm pretty sure I have a thing for her.

So I...

"Misaki just told me... duh?

Lotus View's voice broke off unnaturally. He opened his eyes wide and Lotus looked at me.

"... Rinhua?

"Continue the story, please?

"Please continue... with this attitude?

Lotus looked down at me with a bewildered face.

I was holding onto Lotus View.

Lotus View's face is right over my face. Sometimes I get to that, but I can't help it. If this raises the possibility of stopping Lotus Watch at all, I've decided to do it however embarrassing it may be.

What Misaki-san told me. That meant I'd stick with Lotus and try to seduce her.

I don't even know if it's tempting just to stick around. I doubt it, but I just thought I'd try.

"Please, don't worry about me, keep talking"

"I don't mind... I don't mind..."

What is this, torture? and Lotus sight squeals small.

Is it hard enough for me to stick around, to be tortured? Hey...... no, I'm pretty shocked.

"Rinhua, shall we go away for a moment? It's hard to talk so close..."

"... I'm nearby, don't you like it?

"I don't hate it... I'd rather be happy... but it's hard to talk to you when you're close, isn't it?

"I don't mind. And I feel like I want to be here today..."

I want to see for myself how you feel.

No, but there are times like that, right? Yeah, even if there is. No, there must be.

For a little while, Lotus Watch and "Let's Get Away" and "I Don't Like It" pushed questions, and finally something about Lotus Watch cut off with Butin. I did feel like I heard that sound.

"... Um, Yasuyu...?

Looking up at the dreaded lotus glance, the lotus glance eyes were shaking with all sorts of shakes.

It's like a flame… such emotions can be heard from your eyes.

"... I put up with a lot of things, but I stopped"


When I heard a disturbing dialogue from Lotus Watch and was confused, at some point I was lying on my back on the couch sleeping, and Lotus Watch grabbed my arm tightly and rode on top of me.

... Is that it? Is this... could it be that I am being pushed down...!?

How did this happen? I was in such a hurry, I thought.

... Does this mean my temptation has succeeded?

"... hey, you know how I feel right now?


I'm sorry, I don't know.

Lotus smiles so glossy as I mouth.

"Don't know? Well, shall I tell you something? Now I'm in the mood of being forced to eat a treat in front of me."

"Ha ha..."

"I've been patient, but I've decided to stop now. I tried to make your feelings a priority..."

"My... feelings?

I wonder what you're talking about, Lotus Seeing leaks a bitter laugh.

"You're really dull."


I'm shocked by the blunt word I'm told again without punishment.

How the hell can I return the stigma of being dull...

"You make me so obsessed... what do you want to do with me?

I was the only one in Lotus Eye who said that, and those eyes seemed to complain about wanting me, and my chest hurt so badly.

For the first time, I found Lotus View loving. Although I had a lot to think I liked it, it was the first time I had ever thought it was loving.

"I... want to fill Yasuyu-san with me... so much that no one else has room to get in"

Words zeroed out of my mouth on my own. But that was undoubtedly what I meant.

Lotus sight takes a breath.

"... say something that stirs you up... I don't care what happens."

"... that's fine"

I smile and answer.

Because I came here to seduce Lotus. So I'm ready.

Lotus Watch calls my name, and Lotus Watch's face approaches.

I closed my eyes with nature and waited for the moment...

Ping-Pawn, and the intercom accidentally rang.

As soon as I opened my eyes, there was a lotus-seeing face, one that looked abominable.

But Lotus has no sign of picking up the intercom.

"... Um, Soyu-san?

"... what"

"It's ringing..."

"It's not my fault"

"No, I'm sure it's not my fault..."

The sound of ping-pong and intercom also sounds while doing this.

It rings a little persistent. Who the hell is it?

Lotus Mitsu tongues at the unringing intercom and heads to pick up the intercom.

I get up slowly and gently tone my hair.

And just a little bit, I'm sorry I was so close...

Eventually Lotus came back with one person in his grumpy face.



What a brother Lotus brought in.

It was my brother who was ringing the intercom so persistently. What a surprise.

But it's weird. My brother couldn't have sounded the intercom so persistently...

"Excuse me, Mr. Lotus. Sorry to bother you."

"... on purpose"

"What are you talking about?

Giggles and Yudo are laughing.

But am I the only one who feels that smile like a black grin from my father?

"Um... why is Yudo here...?

"I called you. I thought you'd be more comfortable explaining the situation to Yudo."


"I'm sorry, sister. I'm the one who was creating the problem with your sister."

"... what do you mean?

When I leaned my neck and asked, my brother explained the situation.

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