You think this planet was targeted by the enemy?

Marie also received word that the Banff home planet was being targeted by Cleo's enemy.

Marie, who is still engaged with the noble fleet led by the Trides, has nothing to do with the fierce battles that continue to rage on the tier.

Some people are dissatisfied with situations where they can't handle it, but they continue to be patient to avoid moving worse than that.

The First Officer's Knight describes the number of hostile fleets, but his expression is painful.

"According to the latest information, it is a large army that reaches four million people." Where exactly did you get 2 million more from? "

Marie had her hands on her jaws against the First Officer, who was disgusted with the Empire's power.

(I'm worried about Master Rosetta and Master Edward, but more than that, we need reinforcements at this time. Did the Imperial Army build such a reliable supply base at the rear?)

If the enemy solves the resupply problem, they will be in a hurry to figure out if it is possible.

(I have heard that the legacy of an annihilated civilization has illusory tools to create gold from rubbish. It wouldn't be strange if the Empire possessed it. It's not strange, but... is it possible?)

Did the enemy cut the trump card?

Marie thought so, but she didn't fall into trouble.

(If so, I can use it from the beginning. You don't even have to go around the territory to collect treasure. And yet you're taking it out to the pirate fleet and roughing it up - just harassing it?)

Marie decides that she has little information, but now she switches her mind to focus on the enemy in front of her.

"Our enemy is the fleet in front of us." You're leading the Moss family, aren't you? ”

The First Officer went out of his way to display the information in front of Marie.

I checked it while looking at it.

"Just like Master Liam, you're the Viscount who was accumulating power on the periphery." The fleet he leads is also the fleet of the Empire's most powerful aristocrats. ”

Having heard that, Marie thinks about the future.

(Imperial aristocrats. If you've got all the talent, you can sink them here for the future. If the owner disappears, their parents won't be able to move for a while.)

Problems caused by struggles and the absence of the nobles prevented the nobles from moving to their homes.

Moreover, if the troops sent to the Banfields disappear, we will not be able to conduct military operations for a while.

The enemies in front of us will shape the war ahead.

Marie, who recognized it, began to laugh.

The Lieutenant looks at it with a dazed look, but ignores it and issues an order.

"Inform all armies under your command." When the battle begins, we will destroy the enemy relentlessly. Until then, I'll try to cultivate my spirit. - If you forget your training, you can't do it. "

Is it time to break in?

"He's coming."

Instantly asserting Marie, the First Officer shrugged his shoulders.

I will then circulate the order to the entire army under my command.

Marie's army and Stride were sitting back from the seat when they heard the news.

Without much news, you look like you've bitten off a bitter insect.

What is the Crown Prince thinking!

He waved his fist down on his armrest and became angry at Cleo's short-mindedness.

The men were looking at each other.

“Where did you get two million fleets?”

"I haven't heard of such a backup fleet."

But it's actually moving and gathering on this battlefield.

Tride holds onto his face with his right hand, imagining where the fleet came from.

There's only one thing I can think of.

"Yes, there is. We were going to send a fleet to pressure the Banfield faction." The more nobility and Imperial fleets you gather, the bigger it will be. ”

A fleet of aristocrats, originally belonging to Liam's faction, had come to Cleo for some reason.

When they hear that, Tride's men look unbelievable.

"Did you just ignore orders and then attack the Banfields?" Impossible!? "

"This is how we are actually gathered!" Check with the capital star immediately. With this, the lords of the region who will help Banfield will not shut up. "

If they don't, they'll send a fleet to help Liam.

I don't think I'll lose that much, but it doesn't change the way I get in the way.

Besides, the Yoshinaga, who hadn't even called in, were in the way of their own supplies.

If the Crown Prince can bring down the Banfields' stars quickly, we will be at a disadvantage.

At this rate, we will run out of supplies in enemy territory.

No sophisticated fleet can move without fuel.

It just becomes a tragedy.

One of your subordinates gives you good information to soothe the air in the field.

"However, the Banfields are a four million-star fleet." I'm not prepared to turn this down. If you don't, the Banffs could surrender. ”

It would be a statement that we would surrender ourselves.

However, Tride was unable to dispel his anxiety.

(If Klaus isn't the opponent, Liam is the one who disappeared from the battlefield.)

Liam's reports of him on the battlefield reached Tride as well.

What is the Commander-in-Chief doing? I've thought about it many times, but it's creepy when this happens.

Where and what does Liam's fleet of elite leaders do?

It was creepy and horrible for Tride.

“- Did you get any details on where and what Banfield's fleet is doing?”

When I asked my men, they all made their faces stronger.

"No, I haven't got any information."

That means Liam doesn't know what he's doing.

Tride makes a desirable observation.

"Did you return in a hurry knowing that the planet was attacked?" If so, the Crown Prince's fleet will not be left unharmed. "

Cleo, against Liam and Klaus, was pathetic to Tride.

At first, Tride was afraid of Klaus.

No matter how strong Liam is, he will be inferior to Klaus in leading the fleet.

However, Liam's fleet is spooked on the battlefield right now, and Tride changes his mind.

"--There is a measure to master the most powerful knights in the Empire."

With a roar of disrespect for Liam, he now focuses on nailing Marie's army to the spot.

The Banfield family's home star.

Klaus, the commander of the army, was inspired by his men's struggle.

"Everyone has a lot of patience."

Commanders in command of the fleet have wiped out the Imperial forces one after another on several battlefields mirrored by massive monitors.

They use their defenses and strongholds to capture and destroy depletion.

Klaus was doing his best to help those men fight.

Sir, we need reinforcements.

Turn it around right now.

“However, we have already dispatched the reserve fleet.”

Dispatch the fleet under my command.

We were sending reinforcements to our men, even if we cut our own defenses.

But after that, the planet's defenses will be thin.

Derive and select discretion from the experience of following through that you have cultivated so far.

The operator screams.

However, the scream included joy.

"Destroy the Mobile Knights, the flagship of the hostile fleet! The fleet that lost the flagship is retreating!”

Upon hearing that, Klaus' men give orders one after the other.

"Chase! Don't let me chase you deep."

What is the wear and tear rate of the Mobile Knights?

"What unit?" It's a big deal. "

With the fleet leading around 10,000 disabled, the surrounding staffs are pleased to confirm the Mobile Knight Squadron's presence.

Then, the operator reports it while pulling the cheek.

Colonel Chancey's Mobile Knights.

Confirming who was leading the unit made the faces of the generals who had been happy earlier painful.

The gathering of problem children has raised the bar.

One of the staff members looks at Klaus.

"-My Lord, this is a place to receive supplies and maintenance. However, we might want them to get more rampage. We want that, too.”

It was a gathering of knights who loved to brawl.

If I tell you to back off here, there's a chance you'll get into trouble.

But Klaus shook his head to the side.

"Let them get resupplied and serviced." The battle continues. Tell them there's still a chance, and force them down. "

Hah, hah!

On Klaus' orders, the staffs are on the move.

And Klaus himself.

(I might want to crush this, but I don't want to make a big mistake. Now I want you to focus on the enemy in front of you.)

Chancey's Mobile Knight Squad returned to the mother ship.

As the hangar begins to repair the ship, the Arm of Opportunity and the Mechanics will follow.

When Chancey emerged from the cockpit, the disgruntled men were waiting.

Captain, we're not outraged yet.

Chancey smiled and kicked the iconic knights to the men who said they could still fight.

She twisted her body in a gravity-free space and kicked in beautifully.

The person who was kicked was blown up and hit by a mobile knight in maintenance and bounced off.

Chancey stares around.

"The battle is still going on." "As Klaus ordered, you should shut up and rest your body." Besides, if you have to, I'll make you fight to the death. "

With a smile on Chancey's face, the men convinced themselves to go to the break room near the hangar to take a break.

At that time, the kicked pilot was also recovered.

When his men were gone, Chansy gave up her smile and became unhappy.

I heard that you're sending me an elite of the Empire, but I can't stand the people you're dealing with.

Facing Klaus' fleet, Cleo turned a blind eye to the fleet he had been entrusted with.

A lot of mouths are useless.

Klaus was attacked, and the Yoshimitsu army was put in first, with the intention of conducting a petty investigation.

The rumor was that Klaus was the opponent, but the plundering fleet was low on equipment and soldiers.

Klaus' army is shredding and destroying us.

Cleo's knight, who saw it, spoke to me from the side.

"Your Highness, the wear rate is not stupid." They should lower down and put in the main force. ”

Cleo gives an unstoppable smile.

"I want to avoid the wear and tear of the main unit." If you joined for me, you have to give me a chance to be useful, right? "

Saying it was pathetic, Cleo was showing a lowly smile.

The knight who thought of Cleo realized that any further opinions were pointless and retreated.

But I only added one last thing.

"Very well, but the enemy is gaining momentum." On the contrary, if you do any more damage, the Rock will shrink with the most powerful knight in the Empire. ”

Klaus, the most powerful knight in the Empire, destroyed his allies one after another.

He added that he was concerned that the morale of his allies who saw it would go down.

Cleo understood that, but she wanted to keep the main force down as much as possible.

"They're stone-throwers." Exhaust Klaus. The good part is, we'll take it all. "

Cleo thought she hadn't suffered yet, before her draining allies.

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