Having conquered an important stronghold of the Overlord Kingdom, Tier watched as his allies gathered from space.

The gigantic fortress, which connected the three finished asteroids, ranged from the development and production of weapons to most of the settlements and military installations.

A massive fortress capable of operating tens of thousands of fleets.

The fortress, which is the core of the Perimeter Zone, was probably one of the most important strongholds for the Royal Conqueror Army.

It was the Tier that brought down that important base.

Such a tier was watching our fleet from the aisle that connected the asteroids to each other.

The cylindrical passageway is an auto-walk, so you can travel without having to walk.

At such a place, Tia sends a cold gaze to her friend's ship and mutters to her spit.

"The Banfields are dirty."

Many fleets gathered one after the other in the stronghold they had captured.If this is a struggle but a victory, Tier will be graciously welcomed in honor of the struggle.

But many of them have been defeated.

I don't think it's a word against a defeated ally, but the Banfields had enough for the army.

Enough environment and equipment to match the regular army of the Empire.

Rather, they are treated better than many regular armies.

If you are defeated in a real battle in such a situation, you will want to say what you are doing, whether you are an ally or not.

The First Officer on Tier's side is likewise looking down at the defeated army with a contemptuous attitude.

"Most of them have fought against escaping pirates."There is a fragility in the opponents who are equal or compete with each other. ”

The Banfields have no mercy on pirates.

Many of the surge fleets have taken on pirates who fled for fear of the Banfields.

There is also that harm, and it shows weakness to an equal opponent.

Many soldiers are puzzled by the real combat that training can't make up for.

As the First Officer turns to Tier, he sees what's coming next.

"We have been tasked with restructuring the Third Army, but how do you intend to handle it?Our fleet is being replenished by Liam's SS, so we don't have to forcibly absorb it. ”

The number of vessels has declined more than expected in order to capture a critical hub.

Liam, who rated the 3rd Army, was the elite to restock.

Liam's SS are many of the best.

Those who supported the Banfields from the earliest days of Liam's reign have been through many fierce battles.

That's more than good news for Tier.

At any rate, Liam cut his own elite.

It is only evidence that they recognize their worth.

"There's nothing wrong with Liam's SS."But it's too gentle to give the defeated a chance. "

If it was a tier, it would change instantly.

In some cases, they are called to a military law conference.

The First Officer shrugged his shoulders.

“When it's the last chance, they'll be serious.”


What will happen to those who are more active than those who have lost?

The tempered glass in front of them shows the data of the active generals and knights.

Guaranteed results in an elite, brittle army.

Tia had a star on them.

"Make an offer to those who have been active."Don't let Klaus or Marie pull you out. "

The Banfields have an army, but the Tiers have men to lead them.

I wanted to pull out the talented and build a stronger fleet.

Especially--Klaus couldn't beat.

The First Officer's eyes sharpened.

"Of course, I lost to Lord Klaus this time around due to martial arts."We can't afford to make a difference any longer. ”

Tier's expression disappeared.

"It's the only time I can keep Master Liam's love to myself."I will definitely return to my leading position! "

There was also fierce competition within the Banff family.

At that time, Marie, who led the 4th Army Ranger Fleet, was rough.

Kicking over and destroying the commander's seat on the flagship bridge blinds the commanders and staffs of the fleet that rescued it.

"Thank you for rescuing me. Bye!"Liam took custody of 15,000 fleets and defeated 10,000 hostiles?Are your heads decorated! "

Unlikely ladies' tone disappeared, and they were scattered by those who rescued them.

Our men around the rampaging Marie turned their cold eyes to other fleet commanders and staffs.

The Commander apologizes in a hurry as Marie puts her hand on the handle of the sword that was lifted from her waist.

"Forget the scolding!" However, military regulations prohibit lynching. "

When the blade emerges from Marie's grip, it hits the Commander's neck.

The blade was shaken with anger.

There's always an excuse on the battlefield!

The First Officer approaches and beats the Commander to stop Marie, who is about to kill her allies.

And give orders to the staffs.

"Take him with you."

Yes, yes.

The rest of the fleet leaving the bridge.

Lieutenant turns his attention to Marie, whose breathing is disturbed by anger, and mourns the incompetence of her allies.

"I still don't have enough actual combat experience."Too many people don't know the real war.Nevertheless, the fleet absorbed from other homes is particularly fragile. ”


― ― Marie-sama, your tone is still rough.

"It's the limit of patience!" He's always pulling my legs! "

Many of the people who fought with Liam are leading the way.

The same applies to the fleet led by Marie.

An elite fleet of high-performing ships and mobile knights, centered around the fleet that Liam created while traveling around the world.

There is no doubt that Liam is better than the rest of the fleet, and the fact that we can count on this budgeted fleet is a testament to Liam's trust.

But it wasn't enough for Marie.

"Even though the leading Klaus and Cristiana Minch women are taking over the base one after another, Atsushi is an incompetent ally following?"Without them, we could have produced visible results. "

I grabbed some of the destroyed chairs and crushed them.

Originally, Marie wanted to take the base and hunt the enemy fleet.

And yet, too many of our allies are asking for help, and we can't help them.

The First Officer relays the report from the message to Marie in a hurry.

Liam says he appreciates us.

"That's what you're aiming for."I want more than Klaus and the Mince woman.I'll kick them all down.It's all right to stand by Liam's side--just Atsushi. "

At the bridge of the Second Army, the colonel who sent the message comes back and reports with his chest open.

Liam was very happy with Lord Klaus's work!


Klaus is puzzled to hear that he was recognized for military service at the debriefing.

I do have some credit, but from Klaus's point of view, I'm just following up with my men.

Besides, there's a reason I can't be honest with you.

(Oh, no. If you're too active, they'll make a fuss again.)

Those two, of course, Tia and Marie.

I was constantly aiming for the position of Klaus, the leading knight.

Klaus thought that if he was too active, he wouldn't know what they would do.

Klaus was terrified of the assassination, as they actually had something to sneak up on.

I'll take care of those two! Klaus was convinced.

If so, I was going to give priority to following the rest of the fleet this time.

Yet Chanceys are being pulled deeper into enemy territory.

The Colonel praised Klaus for his work.

"The head knight of the Banfields will be ashamed to work.No, I showed the Reigning Kingdom that two of the Empire's greatest knights were not Date. "

Is the Empire the strongest?

Whatever you're talking about, everyone around you lifts Klaus.

It's Liam's right-hand man. He's two of the most active people in the world.

"Two names!?"

(Even though there were a lot of strange things such as divine calculation and conspiracy before, it has increased again!?)

The rest of your men talk about Klaus' rumors.

“There are rumors that the Chancellor of the Empire invited you, but you didn't shake your head vertically.It's also called the best knight with unparalleled strength and high loyalty. ”

I've never heard of it?

(No, I can't. I refused because I couldn't do what the Chancellor of the Empire wanted me to do!Why does everyone overestimate me?)

The bridge is enveloped in a bright atmosphere.

"I'm proud of our 2nd Army."

Lord Christiana and Lord Marie are amazing, but Lord Klaus is the Banfield.

“Not long ago, many of the children born to the Banff family were named Klaus.Your Lordship is very popular. "

Inversely proportional to the bright ambiance of the surroundings, cold sweats spurt out.

Klaus didn't enjoy himself at all.

"I'm overrated. I'm not that kind of person."

"Liam was appreciated for his humility."Lord Klaus is such a wonderful knight! "

Klaus holds his head in a situation that doesn't tell him anything.

(Why ahhh!!)

Then, Liam gets a transmission to the bridge.

Ignoring the possibility of being intercepted in enemy territory was a sign of urgency.

Sir, we have an urgent call from Liam!

The First Army rendezvoused with a second fleet from the Banff family.

Three hundred thousand ships.

The fleet regrouped on the planet Augur is joining forces, but we still don't have enough time.

In the Flagship Argos meeting room, second-ranking commanders and staffs blamed First Army officials.

Why did you invade?

Liam, you ordered me to do it.

"It would be the job of the Commander and the Chief of Staff to stop it!"

"I've stopped you!" That's right, but... "

Commanders and staffs of the First Army are turning their gaze to me.

I turn around and sit in a chair, smiling at the second group of people.

I prefer to invade than defend.

“Is it a statement that you understand that we are in a very dangerous situation?”

My men are disgruntled, but I can't defy the top man.

Of course. Millions behind you, 300,000 enemies before you, right?

The Banfields are about 700,000 now?

"We will destroy 300,000 enemies first and intercept the fleet that invaded the Empire."I've already contacted Klaus, so we'll meet soon. ”

The second team reported on the Commander-in-Chief of the Overlord Kingdom.

"It seems that the fleet that invaded was led by His Highness Aleuna, who held the position of Crown Prince."


It reminds me of a truce party with the Reigning Empire.

And he said to me, "Give me the gene!It reminds me of the lady. "

"That's him. I hate that."

It meant that he wasn't good at it.

And yet, my men make a mistake of their own accord.

I thought I was on the lookout for Aleuna.

"If you become the King Prince of the Reigning Kingdom, you are certain of your strength."Liam had taken down His Highness before, but it was an event that was lucky to happen again.I don't think we'll do the same next time. ”

Izel- - He's the idiot who challenged me, but he was definitely strong.

Personally, I won, but in the end the Empire was defeated.

He was a pain in the ass when he died.

For a dominant kingdom that valued strength, the strength of the prince was proven.

I can't help feeling anxious about my men.

"If I can't get through this much, can I fight ahead?"Besides, I want to get back to my territory.You guys, stay with me. "

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